Jul 9, 2022


Keep pushing, keep trying, know what you want and think only about what you want. Discipline your mind and train your RAS to focus only on the things that you want to see, hear and think. Filter the negative thoughts, reject the ideas and information that doesn't help you to go further and closer to your dreams. You have to have a very strong mind if you want to survive and thrive. It's all in the mind, it's all in what you're thinking, it's all about what you're doing. If you really wanted to win then you need to protect your mind from worries, anxieties and fears, you have to plant seeds in your mind that will make you more motivated and focused. Don't mess up your mentality, stop watching porn, stop gossiping, stop engaging with toxic people and activities, stop noticing what you don't want, stop worrying about everything that doesn't help you at all. You have the power to protect your mind, you have the keys to unlock and lock it, it's up to you if you want to negative thoughts to penetrate it or block them right away the moment you find yourself thinking about them. Block these unwanted thoughts that are trying to make you feel bad or simply think about different subjects that makes you feel better. It's your thoughts that are controlling your emotions and reactions, it's your thoughts that will run your day. If you can be easily disturbed by the outside noises then you will have a hard time focusing on what you're trying to accomplish. You have to be aware every single second of what you're thinking. 


Thinking about how they feel, feeling sorry if you offended them, trying to please them, trying to force what is good for them will only mess up your mentality. It's their fault if they feel a certain way. It's not in your control to make them feel good, you need to focus only on how you think and feel so that you will have a better and stronger life. Once you stop caring about what other people are doing... you will become powerful, you will have more control of your life. You will be able to make better decisions, you will become faster more free. Protect your mentality and stop caring about other people's business, never mind if they feel bad about you, never care if they hate you, just be yourself and focus on what you're trying to achieve. 


Set your sensitivity level to -0, you need to be a stoic, you need to feel nothing about anything, you need to learn how to accept discomfort and stop being sensitive with different situations or interactions. If you're really focused on what you're trying to accomplish then you will never feel disturbed by anything no matter how disrespectful, noisy or disturbing it was. Being too sensitive will drain a lot of your energy, it will make you suffer, it will make you slow and weak, it will break you. You have to make your mind tough, stop reacting to everything, stop thinking about something that is not worthy at all. 


Stop being lazy, stop being a simp, stop wasting your time because it will mess up your mentality. You are the one who is poisoning your mind by watching different images or entertaining thoughts that will never help you to become better. Just stop being a bum and you will become successful, as simple as that. You have to focus your attention on things that will give you more energy. Simping, gossiping and mindless scrolling on social media will make you every unproductive. If your time was being eaten by different images on the internet then you are wasting your life, you're passing on the opportunity to get better. You're not giving yourself a chance to become successful. Admit that you're the one who is putting your life down, the more time you wasted for different garbage that doesn't help you to grow the more you're giving up your freedom and opportunity to become successful. 


Stay stoic, stay monky, feel zero towards anything that is noisy or disrespectful. It's not that you are coward, it's just that a zero reaction means the best reaction. Stop reacting to everything that doesn't deserve any of your attention. Learn how to endure every pain through silencing your mind and killing your emotions. Stop being too emotional and remember that everything will pass, everything will change, your situation is not your permanent situation, it will change in just a matter of time. All the noises, problems, difficult situations will go away, just wait for it. Entertain yourself with positivity, focus on the more rewarding subjects and never let your mind be weaken by the things that you don't want. It's your mentality that matters, not the people around you, not the situations that you don't like, remember to protect your mind and the only way to do it is stop resisting the noise... hear it and feel it, watch it come and go, stop hiding away from what you don't want, look at it but don't react. 


Give away what's destructing you, let it go and forget about it. Totally give nothing to it, feel nothing, never give it some time. Don't mess up your mentality for petty things, let it go, give it no attention and it will become powerless. Treat it as a garbage that has no power over you. It's time to let go of everything that us trying to poison your mind, drop the unimportant and carry the important. Always check and make a list of what is helping you, if something doesn't help you... ignore it and let it go. You have to focus on what's making your life better, even if something is entertaining and fun... drop it if it's useless. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...