Jul 15, 2022


The real motivation is if you feel bad, that's the sign, once you feel lazy and bad... do it, take actions and never think. Real motivation is simply doing it no matter what you feel. You can force yourself to run, wash the dishes, study your lessons, make sales, work hard, apply for a job, do the hardest work. It's simply about knowing that you must take actions or else you're going to have a miserable life. It is really that easy... once you feel lazy do the task that is needed to be done without trying to perfect it. Don't look for perfection and just focus on the execution. Don't look for results, don't look for what is working... just do it your way. There is no right or wrong if you're giving your best. Push yourself a little bit, give your full maximum effort even if you're not feeling well, it's all about the push... that is what real motivation is. It's ok if you feel tired, it's ok if you have nothing left in your tank... just keep going, keep moving forward because you have a job to do. 


Feeling tired, headache, bad weather, already late, politics, break up with your girlfriend, it's too dark, you have no skills, no money, no support, ankle is hurting, bad break, unfair coaching, bad luck, emotions are hurting, traffic... destroy all of these stupid excuses because it's only making you weak. Once you made an excuse you already lost. Success doesn't care about your excuses, opportunities will go away if you're making excuses, you have to go for it no matter what. Go for it even if you're doubting yourself, show up and do the work needed. Regrets is the most painful feeling, if you don't want to have any regrets then never make an excuse, force yourself to move even if you're lazy because that is the real dream, that is the real journey... fighting your lazy version and turning into a different monster. 


It means you love the process more than anything else, It means you love working more than you love the results. If you can have this kind of mindset then you will become unstoppable. You have to get addicted to the process and never look for results, that's how to become a real hard worker and motivated. A man who loves the journey will get more results than a man who is only focused on the results. It is because the results will fall into his hands automatically, it will serve as a bonus for his labor. Look at a man who is always complaining and always looking for results... he feel so stuck, he has a victim mindset, he is always complaining, he feels he deserve more but he is getting less, he feels so entitled of abundance and greatness but all he does is check for results, work for a few hours and then complain to the world how bad he is being treated. Become a machine process everything that needs processing, just work and show up. 


When you push despite of discomfort, when you choose to move despite of feeling so heavy, when your mind is convincing you to just do it tomorrow but you still did it today... that's motivation, that is real willpower there. If you're feeling comfortable then it means you're not progressing, you're not doing anything. Move every time you feel uncomfortable, choose taking actions, choose taking one more step over resting. You don't need to rest because you haven't win yet, slow down your pace if you need to take get a little breathing room but never stop. Don't you every quit, don't you ever follow your excuses. 


Sometimes if you've been doing something for so long you will feel that you're not growing anymore with it, but that's just a perspective, the truth is you keep growing and growing. You are getting better in anything that you've been doing everyday, you just can't feel it because you don't believe in your work, you're hating your work, you're looking for something tangible before you believe that you're getting better, you wanted to see results and if you can't see it then you will never believe that something is working. Every time you work hard and force yourself you are getting better already, your mental toughness is going to another level, in other words you're already growing. Even if you can't see some money, appreciation from other people or a simple change in your life... you already grow because you face discomfort and pain. 

Never feel stuck because you get better everyday. Whenever you are pushing you are growing, the results doesn't matter, what matters is your ability to show up and grind all day long. Don't ever feel that you're not getting anywhere, you have to think that you're improving because you are. Every time you feel so weak but you push yourself you get better, it's all in the mind. 


You have to love the process, you have to keep believing and keep working harder each day. Believing is free, working hard is free, it's so easy to do these things. All you have to do is believe that you can win and work hard, as simple as that. Develop an unbeatable mentality, always go for the kill, always go for what you want. Get addicted to the next step and the next one and the next one, the next step will reveal another step, the next step will give you a momentum. Just focus on the process and never look at the finish line. Just believe and work hard, always see to it that you're pushing for the next level. This is is too simple, be fast, don't be lazy and appreciate that you were able to give your all. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...