Feb 27, 2022


Who do you think you are? a king? son of a Sultan? why will you rest if you haven't done anything for today? stop acting like a zillionaire that has the luxury to become lazy all day, stop acting like you have a lifetime pension and you can do anything you want, you need to be working hard now and do something. Because it will bite you the ass in the end, you will have a miserable and broke life if you keep on wasting your time and resting all day even though you didn't even brush your teeth. 


You already slept for more than 12 hours and still you're not yet satisfied, you're day dreaming  even if you're half awake, you're wasting a lot of time sleeping, you're letting the opportunities go away. Sleeping feels good but just for temporary, you will feel worse later. You don't have the right to act like that or sleep like that if you haven't earn any millions for the last few months, you're treating yourself too much even if you don't deserve it. Sleeping a lot will make you lazy and slow, the more you sleep the more you throw away opportunities off the window. 


A turtle that is walking without stopping is better than a sleeping cheetah. You can be skilled or fast, you can be super talented but if you're not moving then you will never make any progress. Be ok with a slow progress, appreciate it. Life is not a race, it's a marathon. It's who can endure the most, it's who can stay consistent that will win. Don't think too much and just take actions, whatever you can do to make yourself active and positive... do it. Do something that is related to your goal even if you're not sure if it will help. The idea here is to become a moving man, develop a habit of just doing something positive no matter what. 


You're too tired because you're doing a lot of things that are useless. You're too tired because a lot of things are occupying your mind and you're allowing it to happen, you're not doing anything to extinguish it. Watching TV, gossiping, focusing on the negatives, focusing on other people's lives... these drains a lot of your energy.


What dominates you should be eliminated from your system. Laziness, procrastination, overthinking, worrying about the future, giving attention to different things that doesn't really matter... these are the things that dominates you but you're not doing something about it. 


Emotions will really go up and go down, that is a normal thing. But what you need to develop is the ability to power through and do something despite of feeling bad, learn to fight, learn to tame your laziness and stop putting off until tomorrow what you can do today. Regardless of how you feel... move, it is possible to overpower your emotions and focus on the main thing, remember that emotions will change all the time, embrace what you feel now and just go with it. Don't worry about how you feel because it's just temporary. If you will force yourself to take actions then you will find a way and reverse the course. 


You will feel it, you will feel weak, you will feel sick, you will feel slow and unmotivated for no reason, it's normal because you're just a human being, you can't be strong all the time. 


If you feel so heavy, lazy, scared, sick or always thinking about excuses then there is a resistance. The only way to beat it is by just starting and forgetting about the time. Forget the future, forget what will happen next, forget if you're already late, forget if you need to work longer just to finish it... just take actions, just start and forget about perfection. Forget about feeling good, forget about looking good, forget about being great... just take actions and be in the moment. Forget about what's going to happen next, stop worrying about the future and just focus on the now. If you're stuck you're stuck so be it but don't ever stop moving. It's your ability to start fast and embrace the suck that will make you successful, it's your ability to force yourself to move that will put you on top. Train your mind to just do it without any attachment from anything. Detach from judgement, detach from the outcome, detach from anything that worries you, just do it, take actions and you will feel much much better instantly. Don't worry about what's going to happen next because it's not in your control, the only thing you can control is your thoughts and actions. Resistance is just an imagination, it's your thoughts that's making any task difficult, the reality is you can start any task and you can finish it, nothing can stop you if you will stop thinking too much and just do something. Feel free to take the first step, feel free all the time, you can do anything you want, you can always force yourself to move and create a momentum that will carry on. 


This technique may change your bum life completely. Make yourself a project, observe yourself and do whatever it takes to become sharper, better and wiser than Yesterday. Study yourself, what are you doing? what dominates your mind? what makes you tick, what slows you down? you have to be mindful of everything that's happening in your life, be aware of your actions and eliminate everything that is making you worse. Focus on getting better, focus on being productive and stop wasting your time for things that's pulling you down.

Feb 24, 2022


All the time you're not aware of what you're doing, you're doing something because it's already programmed to your system and you don't have to think about it anymore. Because you've been doing it for a long time and you're already operating in an auto pilot mode. It happens naturally without resistance. What are you doing now? is it helping you to become better or pulling you down and make your life worse? the call is always yours, you're creating your future with mini actions that you're doing every now and then. You are the creator of your life, you are also the destroyer of it. Stop blaming everyone if you're losing in life, it's your fault and will always be your fault, stop acting like you're not the one responsible for your shortcomings. The next move is critical, where will you be headed to was based on your next move. Every movement is critical, every decision can affect your future, there is a domino effect for every small action that you execute so be aware of what you're doing now because it can either push you to the top or pull you down, the choice is always yours. Every second is critical, every decision will either make you or break you. 


Don't waste your time thinking how are you going to do it, don't waste your energy worrying about what's going to happen in your future. Always bring your A game, never exert a mediocre effort, give your very best and you will attract success. Give your 110 percent, nothing lesser than that, your greatest mistake is you can give more, you can work more but you're only giving less of what you really have. It's ok if you are slow but don't ever stop, don't ever waste your time, always push yourself to get to the next level. If you can give your very best every single day then you will be rewarded, better opportunities will be attracted to your life. 


There are some things that you just need to stop in order to win. Stop hesitating, stop wasting your time, stop doubting yourself, stop scrolling the social media feeds, stop looking for gossips, stop minding other people's business. You just need to stop your nonsense activities and you will win in life, all you have to do is change your mindset, change your attitude, change your habits and you will attract success. You just need to replace your bad habits with good ones and your life will change dramatically. The general rule here is to stop getting interested with other people's lives and focus on your own life, focus on your own journey, focus on trying to improve yourself each and everyday. You have to stay dedicated with your own life if you want to get better, it's all about focusing on your own life, it's all about giving your all no matter what. The time for wasting time is over, you need to treasure your time and treat it like the most important thing in the world, never waste a single second, always make yourself productive and useful. 


If you're struggling badly, if you think you're lost, if you're too overwhelmed and mind is going crazy... just keep going, it will only get better if you keep going, you will get worse if you stop. You will become officially mentally broken when you stop so just keep going and never stop just for a second. Just do something even if you're not making a progress, believe that your actions will show you the way, believe that it's only just a matter of time before you finally make a break through. Moving is so much better than thinking and worrying, moving will make you feel good and confident, it will give you hope and positive energy. Be aware all the time if you're procrastinating and thinking about useless thoughts that will only demotivate you. Be selective of your thoughts, don't run your brain in an auto pilot mode, you have to be careful of what you're thinking all the time. Just don't stop, just focus on what will give you something, just focus on taking actions, never worry about the future, never think about what may happen next. Focus on what is infront of you, focus on what you can do now to make your life better. 


It's not about the talent, it's not about the skill, it's not about how special you are... it's about the discipline. Life is simple, success can be achieved faster if you will learn how to discipline yourself to do only the things that are useful and helpful. Why will you always check your cellphone if you know it's making you slow and unproductive? why will you check your neighbors if i's not making you feel good? why will you check the profile of your enemy if it's only ruining your day? Why will you do this and that if it's not giving you anything? Why will you eat that junk food if it's not making you feel good and always making you fat? why will you open the TV if you need to study your lessons first? why will you procrastinate and spend your time in social media if you're damn broke and running out of resources? see, it's not about how blessed or stupid you are... it's about doing what is needed, it's about focusing on things that will make you better. The next move is important, the next decision is always critical. I know it's hard to control yourself and focus on the activities that propels you to get closer to your dreams but that's why success is hard, it's because it's hard to control yourself. Success alone is not really that hard if you will learn how to tame yourself and just do the things that matters the most. 

Feb 23, 2022


Most people were bragging about their strength or greatness, they're mocking other people whom they labeled as "weak", they were arrogant thinking that they were the strongest, but what they do not know is that weakness doesn't exist, people created it, weakness is never a weakness until it is applied. Weakness is a choice, weakness happens when you choose to become weak. You're not moving, you're not forcing your fate, you're not doing something to just make your situation a little bit better. Being weak means you're waiting, complaining and acting like a victim. It doesn't have anything to do about winning or becoming rich or famous, being weak simply means you give up and you're not giving yourself a chance to win a little bit. Weakness simply means taking your life for granted, you can move but you choose not to, you can do something positive but you choose to become a cry baby. You have something, you have resources, you have an idea, you know it's possible but you choose to act weak and accept what was given to you, in other words... you already quit on yourself and you let other people or other circumstances control your life. 

Weak people are the ones who always loo for drama, they always look for validation, they always ask for help even though they were still strong. The weak ones focuses on what they can't control instead of focusing on their own lives. 


Don't aim for a strength because it's just an illusion, all you have to do is live your life, try, give yourself a chance to experience defeat or success. Just live your life and never give up, don't look for dominance, don't look for being the number one, don't copy what other people are doing, don't look for comfort and security... just be yourself and do what you need to do. You don't need to look really strong here, just keep fighting and do whatever it takes to go further. Don't look for sympathy, don't have self pity, don't make dramas, just live one day at a time and try to get better everyday. Stop getting jealous with other people that you're seeing in social media, they look strong and powerful but you do not know if that was really their lives. You don't know what's going on behind the curtain. Focus on your own strength, stop focusing on your weaknesses, give strength your own definition and always feel strong even if there is something wrong in your life. 


If you.re fat but you're really trying hard everyday to shred your weight then you're not weak. If you're broke but you're giving your all every single day then you're not weak. If you're sick but you're doing whatever it takes to survive then you're not weak. If you're getting bullied but you're fighting and surviving everyday then you're not weak. If you're losing and struggling but you're not giving up then you're not weak. Being weak means you already gave up on yourself, you already accepted your fate and you're not doing something to become better. If you decide to move forward even if you are slow, if you're decided that you're going to survive and improve a little bit then you're not weak. You don't need to look invincible here, you don't need to look like a savage. Just keep fighting and you're already strong. You can try as much as you want, you can try now, you can try tomorrow again, there's no harm in trying, you have unlimited tries... don't ever forget that. Just try, you have nothing to lose here, give yourself a chance to win in life. 


You can fight, you can keep going, you can go further as much as you want. You can improve your situation a little bit, the power is in your hands. Everyone can fight but some people choose not to, there is nothing wrong with that but don't ever complain if you want something but you're not doing anything. The best option is to fight and face discomfort, face uncertainty, test yourself and believe that you can overcome or conquer anything. Embrace pain, fight for what you want, fight for your life, fight for your dreams. Choose to believe, choose to do something instead of letting life pass by, don't act like a useless clown, it all starts now, you just need to feel courageous a little bit, and even if you're too scared... just fake your courage and fight, stand up, make a stand for yourself, make a stand for what you believe, any belief is worth fighting for. 

Don't be afraid to lose, it's better to lose and giving your best than hoping to win but playing it safe and choosing the comfortable path. It's easier to just take your life for granted and make dramas, it's easier to become negative and blame a lot of things but it will never help you at all, it will make you stuck, it will make you feel negative. You have to fight even if you're feeling weak, eventually you will get stronger as you keep persevering and pushing for what you want. Just weather any storm, take it one day at a time and never give up. The choice and power is always yours, you will feel powerful if you take matters into your own hands. 


A little money, a little success, a little improvement, small circle of people or even not companions at all... be happy with what you've got and try to make it bigger if you will. The weak people focus on what they don't have and ignores what they have, that's why they get weaker and weaker everyday. They have too much complain, they're not using their resources and faculties, they can't appreciate what they have, they always look for more but will not even dare to try to get it. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

Feb 21, 2022


Every work is easy if you have the right mindset towards it, any difficulty can become easy peasy if you will not rush and not look to finish fast. The key here is enjoyment, if you can enjoy anything you do then it will be 10x easier for you, the reality is you can enjoy any kind of work even the worst ones. You can become a garbage collector and still enjoy your work, you can become a slave and still enjoy being a slave, you can become a street sweeper and still enjoy the hot sunlight, you can become a janitor and still enjoy cleaning toilet bowls, you can become a prostitute and still enjoy being use by different people, it's all in the mind, nothing is hard if you can enjoy every moment. There is no abuse, torture, slavery, unfair treatment, problems, challenges, delays if you can learn how to break all the resistance. How to break it? enjoy every second of your life, don't look for results, don't look at the time, forget how you feel, forget the discomfort and simply enjoy moving forward. Never think that you're losing, forget about winning and just enjoy every action, this kind of mentality will make you finish everything that you started. It will make you faster and better, it will make you productive, it will make you take massive actions. 


Any situation, work, task, problem becomes more difficult because you keep on delaying your actions, it becomes difficult because you wanted to solve it right away instead of taking it one step at a time. If you're looking for the finish product all the time then you will have a hard time dealing with any difficulty. You have to accept that it is hard, it will take time, it will take a lot of your energy but you can finish it, you can solve it, you can overcome any adversity. It's all in the mind, what's running inside of your mind will create emotions. If you think that you're being treated unfairly then you will feel bad, you will feel like you're being abused, you will think that you deserve better,  you will complain a lot and start being negative. Complaining is for the loser, it's for the victims, you should accept what was given to you may it be small or big, you should appreciate every little things in life. A small thing is still a blessing, anything that was given to you was a blessing, may it be a problem or a reward.

You will feel more resistance if you think that you're stuck, you should feel that your life is progressing even if you're struggling so bad. Remember, it's all about how you feel, it's not about what's really happening... it's all about your perspective. It's all in your head if you can't take actions, you hesitate too much, you're acting like a bum, you're playing the sick game, stop overthinking and start executing... that's how to get the job done. 


Do it on the spot, if you need to do something do it on the spot. Never care who is there, never care what's in there, just do it. Never care about how you feel, never care about the time, resistance is just an imagination, you created an illusion that you have to do it later because it's not the right time now, the truth is the right time is now, stop waiting because if you delay something you will never do it anymore, you have to do it now. Train yourself to embrace discomfort and enjoy every single step even if it is hard. Keep in mind that you will feel much better if you take actions, you will become more confident if you will allow yourself to just do it, resistance will go away once you pull the trigger, you will create a rhythm, everything will be a lot easier. When you don't know what to do, when you feel anxious, when you're doubting yourself, when there are lots of distractions... that's the time you must do it. If you want to become successful then you need to become fast, you need to ignore all the resistance and focus on taking actions. Always remember that there is something you can do, there is a way, all you have to do is execute and keep moving forward, follow through, never stop, never rest. Always remember that the best time to do it is when you don't want to do it, ask yourself was it really that scary? was it really that hard? 


Everything you need.. you have it, and even if you don't have it you can still take action that will give you a momentum to finish something. The truth is... all you need is the mindset to move, execution is all you need and nothing else. Do it when you feel the laziest, do it when you feel the scariest. Stop looking for excuses why you can't do it now, do it now, regardless of what's going on... do it. Never hold yourself back, never look for reasons why you need to delay it... just do it, go all the way, push yourself, drag yourself into taking actions. Because if you will not do it now then you will never do it forever. 


All you have to do is take the first step and you will figure out the next steps. Focus on taking it one step at a time, there's no need to rush, there's no need to become perfect. Life and success is a journey, it's not a race. The secret to becoming successful is focus on what you're trying to become and never stop until you get there. Just take the first step and never stop, follow through no matter what, give everything you've got. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

Feb 20, 2022


Don't be afraid to struggle because it's teaching you something, it's making you a better person, it's making you tougher and smarter. A skilled sailor is not scared of any storm, a skilled sailor become skilled because of scary weather and big waves. If you want to become great then don't be afraid to struggle, don't be afraid to face the challenges of life. It's ok, just keep going and never stop. Just keep going no matter what, the pace maybe sloe, you may feel uncomfortable all the time but you will get use to it. Greatness requires a lot of work and determination, if you want to have a better life then just don't stop pushing, force fate and never give up, as simple as that. It's all about moving forward even if you're not making any result, the result will come later you just need to be patient, you just need to believe more and work harder. Your time will come, you will reap the fruits of your labor. It's ok if you are slow, it's ok if you're last on the race... just don't stop. You have to keep going no matter what, you have to keep pushing and pushing until you finally win. Don't ever waste time complaining and acting like a victim, don't make dramas and just do something. 


You have to get use to it, life is really just like that, it's full of ups and downs and twists and turns, you have to keep moving forward no matter what, you have to try and try again until you succeed. Don't ever think that you are stuck, there is a way, you will make a break through if you don't give up. Focus on yourself, focus on your own journey and try to take it one step at a time. Focus on just doing it, never worry about the future, never worry about what's going to happen next... just power through and look for something you can do. You are getting better every time you move, you're making your situation better, always stay positive and never lose your motivation to win, motivate yourself with beautiful affirmations that will give you good feelings, and even if you can't motivate yourself... just don't stop, your feelings will change in a moment. It's just an emotion, you feel bad, you feel struggling because you want to see the results right away, you wanted to feel comfortable, you wanted to win, but life doesn't work like that, sometimes you really have to face those frightening obstacles before you become successful, obstacle is the way, don't try to stay way from it... face it like you mean real business. 

Struggling, failing, feeling overwhelmed, feeling too uncomfortable... these are normal things, it happens everyday, it happens even to the most successful person in the world. It's not even a new thing, why will you become scared of it? Treat it like nothing, condition your mind to become relentless, always do something that will place you on a better position to succeed, stay positive and committed. It's ok if you are slow, it's ok if you're not making a big impact but don't ever stop, don't ever waste your time for nothing. All you have to do is don't give up and you will win in life, it doesn't matter when are you going to get it, it may take years and years to finally get it but just don't stop pushing, don't stop grinding because it's the only way to get on top.


If you are feeling pressured everyday, if you feel overwhelmed and feel like throwing up... be happy, it's because you're almost there, you are getting better as a person, embrace the pressure and always think that you have nothing to lose, you have everything to gain. Pressure creates diamonds, pressure will make you stronger and wiser, get use to it, don't resist it, don't shy away from it, feel every moment, welcome everything that may happen and simply give your very best. Always remember that it's just a feeling, it can never kill you, it's just a test to your character, it's just checking you if you really deserve what you want. Take small baby steps, follow through every second, show the universe how bad do you want it, show them that you are willing to do whatever it takes just to win in life. If you really want to see greatness then you need to be willing to sacrifice everything. Develop a habit of just doing it, keep grinding and pushing even if you feel lazy and scared, if you can have this kind of mentality then you will be able to thrive and solve the complex situations of life. It's not about how skilled or talented you are it's about the willingness to push even if you feel so bad. 


No matter how bad or ugly your situation is... it will never change if you're constantly making dramas, it will only change if you move and do something. This game of life is too simple, the winners always move, they never stop, they hustle 24 hours a day, they keep going even if they can't find a reason to still do it. They made a commitment to change their lives and get better, they never care about anything else other than winning and thriving in life. Take actions now, time is fast so you need to become faster, don't ever waste a single second doing something that is not connected with your goals. Stop wasting your energy for something that will not make you better. You have to be smart in using your time, you have to be selfish with your time and use it only for yourself.  Go all in, do whatever it takes to win in life, just don't stop and you will win. Success is guaranteed if you don't give up so just enjoy the process and never slack off, never take days off, be aggressive all the time, always have a sense of urgency. Feel disgusted and ashamed of yourself if you're not moving, that's how your mindset should be. There is no other way, there is no shortcuts in life, you really have to grind like hell and take massive actions. 

Stop making excuses, stop acting like a weak person, you're better than that, you can force fate by being the hardest worker in the world, all you have to do is focus and show up, all you have to do is give your very best and that's it. 


Having an abundant mindset is really good but sometimes it can backfire at you if you're abusing it too much. Sometimes you are using it to showoff or impress people, you are using it to feed your ego and look rich to other people. You're spending a lot for many things that are not important, you're giving a lot, you're trying to look cool and generous but deep inside you're already worrying and feeling terrible because the bank is already calling you because you haven't paid your credit card yet. The electric bills, water bills, etc were not paid yet and you're still acting like you have a lot, you better wake up and stop your stupidity before it's too late. It's time to stop your bad spending habits and get serious about life. Discipline is the key here, stop spending your money if you don't have extras, stop trying to look good in social media, stop trying to look cool even if you're not. The reality will bite your ass in the end, if you're really broke then you will be exposed anytime soon. 


Your business is going down, no money is coming yet you're still posting a lot of arrogant stuffs in social media about you thriving. You can't accept that sometimes life will test you, you're earning a lot before but no money is coming now yet you're still acting like a millionaire. You can't accept that you are losing, you can't earn money but the bad spending habits are still there. Sometimes all you need to do is stay humble and you will become successful, you don't need to show off, you don't need to brag, if you're really that rich then you don't need to tell it to everyone. Sometimes you have to admit to yourself that you made a lot of bad decisions and change the course of your actions, sometimes you need a slap in your face so that you will wake up. 


If you're just earning 2000 dollars a month then why the hell will you spend 2500? are you crazy, the money that's coming in should be bigger than the money that's coming out, you should know when to stop spending. Discipline is much better than luck and pleasures, stop thinking that more money will come in so you have the right to spend all you have and never worry about tomorrow. Abundance is real but it's only real if you're using it right. 


Read the situation, just because you get use to buying Nike shoes before doesn't mean you should still buy it now, what if you're broke already? are you not open to using fake shoes? what if you don't have the money to afford it anymore? are you still going to but it? you need to take a step back and be practical. Abundance is not all about trying to look good and flashy, it's also about being smart and putting yourself on a better position even if you have to make some changes. Learn how to adjust, learn how to adapt and never feel sorry for yourself because you don't have the money to buy the things that you use to buy before. Read the situation and stop acting like a fool, don't be stupid spending all you have for the things that you don't even need just to impress the people that you don't even like. 


Don't give a lot to people even if they need some help, you have to help your self first, stop being too generous because it will never help you at all. Sometimes you have to become selfish to put yourself on the best position, be generous later when you already have a lot. You don't need to avoid disappointing your friends and relatives, remember that you work hard for your money so they don't have the right to force you to give them anything, you can say no whenever you want to. Saying no is power, saying no means you're doing the right thing. Being generous has limitations, don't be afraid to be called as selfish, people can say whatever they want to, just be yourself and never be afraid to look bad. It's ok, just do what you need to do and always prioritize yourself. Because most of the time you're spending money because of what people think, your decisions in handling your money was based on what they're thinking. You don't need to convince them that you are rich and generous because at the end of the day some people will still judge you regardless if you're good or not. 


Learn to wear fake brands, learn to eat not so delicious food, learn to cut your subscriptions to different products, learn to sell things if needed, sell your collection, sell what you can sell just to improve your situation a little bit. Learn how to swallow your pride, learn how to look poor, what people say doesn't matter at all. There's nothing wrong in buying the cheap things, so what if you look poor? so what if you look not classy? it's all about how you feel, if you can feel abundant with that style then there's no need to worry about what people say. Just focus on being you, focus on doing the best thing for your life. 


You don't need to have a lot of food, clothes, money, friends to feel abundant. The real state of abundance is having the ability to appreciate what you have, what you have is enough, you don't need to have more, you don't need to feel needy of anything, just feel more by having less. 


Remembering the past and trying to change it means you're not in a state of abundance. It means you're still needy of something that you can't change anymore, it's being hopeless and weak, there is no strength on that kind of mindset. 

Feb 19, 2022


Don't stop when you're frustrated... keep going, trust me just keep going coz the Gods of Labor are watching you. It doesn't matter if the work is hard, what matters is you're doing it. It's not about the wins and the losses, it's not about success... it's about the push. Are you pushing? are you moving because if yes then plenty of things will come to your life without asking for it. The wealth will be attracted, opportunities will be magnetized. The money will come towards you, success will be rooting for you. Again, it's not about success... it's about the process. Little by little you will evolve everyday, feel happy if you're still alive and taking actions. Don't feel stuck because you're not, you just feel that way but the reality is the Gods of labor are watching you, the prize for you is being prepared and you will only be able to get it if you don't stop. BE THE HARDEST worker and you will conquer. No need to worry about things, no need to be scared of different challenges, don't be scared to struggle, keep pushing and you will thrive in the end. 


Hard work will never disappoint you, be the hardest working person in your field and you will get what you want for sure. You have to be serious about this subject called hard work and not giving up. Most people will just work hard for a few hours or days and will immediately as for the prize, this kind of mentality will never work, you will fail if you have this kind of perspective. Hard work is forever it will never end, it's your attitude, it's your character. You really have to have fun working hard so that you can sustain it, it should be embedded into your system and you should feel weak if you're not working hard. Ask the most successful people in this world and they will all answer the same formula... it's hard work and nothing else. You can work smarter but you will never know how to work smart if you haven't experience working hard yet. 

You may not get your desired results for now because you still need some time that's why you have to be patient. Keep exerting a relentless effort and never stop... ever. The Gods of Labor are watching you, you will get what you deserve on the right time so never get tired giving your all because that's what it takes to become successful. 


There is no such thing as overworking, you feel so fatigued because you're not enjoying what you're doing. The truth about work is... you can enjoy any work of you will just feel it and take it one step at a time, always be in the moment while moving and never rush, never look to finish fast. Feel every movement of your body, be aware of your thoughts and emotions all the time. Make sure you run out of gas everyday because of working too hard, don't get jealous with other people who are not working hard but makings tons of money, let them be, be happy for them, you have your own path, if you are destined to work really hard so be it. Overworking means you're paying your dues to deserve something, it means you want it so bad and you're going all in. 


It's a matter of choice if you will work hard, it's a matter of choice of you will choose the right choices, it's a matter of choice if you will feel good or bad after working so hard, it's a matter of choice if you will go the right way. Your life depends on your choices, it's your choice if you will do it now or tomorrow but always remember that the Gods of Labor are watching you, you will only have a breakthrough if you are true to the grind and dedicated to the hustle. 

Always choose to do the right thing because that's the only thing that will make you happy. Don't be afraid to get tired, don't be afraid to lose, it's on you if you're going to get better everyday, the power is in your hands so always choose the right thing. 


Always choose work, I'm sure there's a time when you feel lazy the whole day and you're having trouble in starting, still do it even if it's already 3am, whatever you need to do whether it's taking a bath, exercising, studying or simply answering to your client... do it even if you're too late. Say I love you even if it's already late, say sorry even if it's already late, chase your dream even if you're already too old. Never stop yourself from doing the right thing, always choose trying, don't be afraid to fail, don't be afraid to get nothing. You will feel much better if you do it now instead of promising that you're going to do it tomorrow. The reality is... you're not going to do it tomorrow, how many tomorrows were wasted? how many days are you still going to waste? you better do it now, start now and forget how you feel... just start, never care if you feel scared or anxious... just start, take the first step, draw the first blood. 

Because the the truth is time doesn't matter at all. You will do it if you really want it, forgive yourself for wasting a lot of time in the past and just move on. Execute the next step, it's all about the next step, it's not about the past nor the future. It's not about how much time you wasted, it's about what will you do next. Be confident with your next move and just do it, keep pushing, follow through every single day, this is not a race but be fast in starting, this is a journey but don't ever think that you have an eternity to do it. Push yourself to start now, execute and conquer. 

Feb 18, 2022


They've said a lot of complicated things about greatness. They've said a lot of scary thing about it but the truth is it's too simple to get it. Greatness is simply pushing forward no matter what, you don't stop, you keep going even if it's too hard, you face the pressure, you eat the pressure, you never crumble, you never break down, you may feel unmotivated sometimes but you keep going. Greatness is to easy to achieved if you have a focused mind. Just keep grinding everyday towards your goal and that's it, never rest, never relax, just keep pushing till you get what you want, you want greatness right? you wanted to win right? so stop acting like a punk, stop having a crappy attitude and work. 


If you think you already paid your dues but haven't got anything yet... just keep persevering, believe in the power of perseverance, keep moving forward no matter what, you will get there. This is too simple and easy, just do something positive with your life and never give up, you don't even need to think about it anymore. Greatness is simply taking actions every now and then, it's simply improving your life, doing the process and improving yourself a little bit every single day. Nothing is hard if you will persevere and believe in yourself, anything is achievable, anything can be done. Just work like hell and never stop, it's doable right? you can become unstoppable if you will allow yourself to become unstoppable, the choice is always yours, it's nobody's call... it's your call. So decide to just do something whenever you're struggling, decide to just give everything a try, never stop, never quit, never create a stupid excuse in your mind, always think that you can do it. The time is now, you have to push yourself to the limits and give everything you've got, you have to go all the way and never look back. You are powerful more than you thought, you have the willpower to climb to the top. 


When you're already afraid to try again because of failing a lot... keep trying, you never know maybe the next try will work. Fear is the compass, if you're afraid to do something then that's the time that you must do it. To become fearless is to face your fears, just take actions, embrace what you are feeling right now and just do it. Never make excuses, never hold yourself back, you have to keep pressing on and just do what is needed. Fear is just an illusion, it's just a trick, nothing can stop you if you will make yourself unstoppable. Be happy when you're scared because it means you're growing. It's ok to become scared, it's ok to feel uncomfortable, it's ok to feel frustrated, just don't stop, don't overthink and never let fear take control of your life. You have to feel comfortable being uncomfortable, your mindset should be you need to win at any cost. 


If you want to become really good on something... practice patience, don't rush the process, never leave any stone unturned. The power of taking small actions every now and then is real, it will give you progress, it will make yourself and your situation better. Even if you're not getting any positive result, still take actions and do whatever it takes to become a winner. Don't be afraid to wait yet still working hard and looking for a small improvement. Just work on yourself, try to discipline yourself as much as you can and never stop pushing, never stop grinding, you have what it takes to win, all you need to do is look for something positive to do that has a chance to make your life better and that's it, don't stop, hone your skills everyday, trust and enjoy the process. Time is really fast, if you're focused on what you're trying to achieve then you will get it in just a matter of time, all it takes is willpower and commitment. You will never know if you can make it or not unless you try and give everything you've got. Stay disciplined, stay busy and never procrastinate for a second. Destroy all of your excuses because the great ones never made an excuse just for once. Accept that it's your full responsibility to take care of your life, it's on you if you will fail or not, it's on you if you will become great, it all depends on how you use your time. 


Your emotions is tricking you, it's making you stuck, it's avoiding you from doing something. You have to be fast, you have to overpower your emotions. Because at the end of the day the reality is you can move even if you're feeling bad but you always choose not to that's why you always feel worse, you will become lazy and unproductive every time you make dramas and pamper your emotions. It's nothing but a feeling, it will come and go, you have to prioritize your mindset and just do what is needed. Be fast, don't think, don't let your feelings get in the way of doing something. Learn to power through, learn to force yourself and drag yourself to take actions. Stop feeling special because the world is not waiting for you and will never wait for you. Be early be fast, be unstoppable... that's how to become great. You don't need to become something special, you don't need to become a genius to succeed, you just need to learn how to control your emotions and still take actions even if you're feeling something. Never let a heartbreak, a bad day, an injury, a drama, an ugly yesterday, a hangover, a bad stomach stop you from doing what you're doing. Learn how to take over, learn how to control yourself by ignoring your emotions and prioritizing what is necessary. Force yourself to move and you will become great. 

Feb 16, 2022


The only way to become productive, the only way to change is to focus on what you can't do and don't do it meaning you have to be aware if you're about to do something that is not important. Be mindful of the things that you must not be focusing on and completely ignore it once you're thinking about it. 24/7 you must guard your actions, you must guard your thoughts. You must define the activities that you must not engage with and limit yourself from doing it. If you don't know what to do then do nothing, just don't do the things that eats a lot of your time, just don't do something that will make you addicted to it. Because most of the time you're so addicted to TV, news, gossips, mindless conversations, stupid activities, Netflix. Yeah they are all fun but how can they help you to improve? how can they make you better? The only thin that can make you better is discipline, set strict rules and follow it. If you told yourself you're not going to smoke for the rest of your life then do it, stop lighting the last cigarette, stop fooling yourself, stop having a cheat day, just don't smoke. If you said you're not going to procrastinate anymore then do it, take actions all the time, be relentless as you can be, do whatever it takes and never stop until you get on top. Set strict rules and follow it, no exemption, no cheat days, no vacation... follow it. That's the only way to become a winner, that's the only way to grow and change. Yeah, it's going to get boring and difficult but it's much better than wasting your time. 


Prepare to feel uncomfortable, prepare to feel the stress because change only happens during the most uncomfortable moment, you will never level up if you keep feeling comfortable everyday. Progress only happens during the most stressful situations, you can never change if you're always doing the same thing again and again. That's why you need to make sacrifices, you need to embrace a new life, you need to become faster and bolder, you need to become more aggressive. Your will to win is the barometer of your success, if you really want it then you will die for it, you will treat your goal as the only air that you can breathe, you must want success like your life depends on it. So stop being soft, stop being slow, stop being a bum, you need to man up, you need to go hard all the time, you need to stop wasting time, stop doing what is fun and easy and start doing what is hard but rewarding. Because change will never change if you're always soft and acting like a weak clown, stop playing the sick game, you need to push harder than yesterday, shut down the part of your mind telling you to just stop and go back to sleep, you have to stay awake all the time, you have to be in a sense if urgency if you wanted to get ahead in life. 

Successful people never feel comfortable all the time, they always feel stressed but were able to manage it. You must be good in dealing with stress, you must eat it like a healthy vitamin, consume it like your body needs it, have fun with it and always think that it's putting you on a better position. Because you are changing every time you feel stressed, change is taking place, it's making you better so stop resisting it... enjoy it and always remind yourself that you can still move forward despite of feeling it. Just don't stop and that's it, never give up, never make excuses, you have to go forward whenever you feel overwhelmed... that's the only way to beat it. You can't be making dramas, you can't be complaining that you are too tired, you can't look for sympathy here, you're asking for a new life right? then you better man up and work as hard as you can. 


If you can't limit yourself of something, if you don't want to embrace the pain then change will never take place. Discipline is painful and boring, it is hard but it's the only way to progress, you can never improve if you're always pampering yourself, you have to go harder whenever you feel tired, you have to push yourself to the limits even if you're running out of energy. In order to win in life all you have to do is do what you hate to do, do what is boring but is making an impact in your life. Be courageous to accept that your life is different now, you're a new person now. You're not interested with stupid nonsense things anymore, you're not interested with useless topics anymore, all you want is to improve and become a different person. A new personality will create a new reality, if you're so sick and tired of living a weak life then you better create a new version of you, you better define a new self image. Raise your standards and never live your old life again, you better change your perspective and habits. Make your belief bigger, make your work ethic stronger. Keep pushing forward no matter what, follow your desires, stay disciplined all the time. Stay committed and dedicated, time is fast, if you can just use your daily life the right way then you will attract better things in life. Discipline is the key and nothing else, always remember that it's better to be doing something hard than doing nothing at all, it's better to do nothing than to do some addictive thing that will be very hard to stop. It's on you if you wanted to win in life, just try not stopping, just try moving all the time towards your goal no matter how slow you are, just put yourself on a better position to succeed even if it's so evident that you're going to lose, keep trying... never stop, never quit. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com


You're just a human, at the end of the day no matter how many motivational videos you memorize or no matter how expensive your life coach is... you will still worry, you will still be scared. You will still feel the pressure, there will be mental struggles, there will be challenges that will mentally stifle you, there will be obstacles that will try to overwhelmed you and that's just part of the game. But the one thing you should stop from doing is worry the wrong way, you should not worry about the things that are outside of your control, you should not worry about the small things that are not really important. You should worry about how to become successful, how to grow or how to control your mind and body. 


You're worried about the parking lot and where are you going to park instead of just living in the moment and focus on abundance, you're worried about the traffic instead of finding a way how to avoid it, you're worried about where are you going to find the next client instead of doubling your effort and trying to become disciplined so you will have more time for searching. You're worried about what's going to happen to your future instead of just embracing the moment and giving your best to become more stabled. Your noisy neighbor, scarcity of parking, disrespectful people, small distraction, small problems etc.... these are things that you shouldn't be worrying about, you should worry on how to make yourself mentally tougher and physically stronger, worry on how to grow financially and spiritually. Never worry about the things that doesn't really matter at all. 

It all goes down to where are you putting all of your energy? what are you focusing on? your focus is your reality. Sometimes you attract different problems because of the way you think. You create your own problems, the only thing you should be worrying about is how are you going to grow and evolve, how are you going to improve... that's the most important thing you should be focusing on. Not on other people's business, not on other people's problems... focus on your own problem and never mind what other people are doing. 


That's the only thing you should be worried about... if you're bumming around doing nothing to improve. You should be scared if you're not making sacrifices because if you're always clowning around and being lazy then your life will go down. It doesn't matter if you're not winning, it doesn't matter if you're struggling... for as long as you're working hard... you will be alright. Hard work will save you, you don't need to worry anymore about money, friends, success, assistance, food, necessities etc. if you're really working hard, hard work alone can make you happy, it will solve all of your problems. All you have to do to become successful is work insanely hard and never give up.. that's it. The problem why you're not becoming successful is because you're too focused on other problems that are only making you unproductive and lazy, you have to focus on what matters the most and that is improving yourself and getting better each day. If you want to improve your life then work insanely hard, as simple as that. Don't look for something else, don't look for shortcuts and just work hard. 


Stop on focusing about the stupid things that doesn't even matter, start focusing on trying to win. Focus on making money, focus on your goals. It's better to be focusing on something that will give you something instead of focusing on the things that will only make your mind stressed. Stop on focusing what can't teach you how to live a better life. Focus on your own journey, focus on trying to become better than yesterday. Focus on your health, business, skills, family and friends. Never focus on nonsense arguments or subjects. It's up to you if you want to have a better life or not, it's up to you where are you going to place your attention. Because what you are seeing is what's happening in your life, if you always see the problems of your country, the problems of the government or other people then that is your life. But if you're seeing your growth, potential, own business, own money, own economy then you're in the right place... you will become successful all the time. Mind your own business, chase something, make something grow in your life, never mind other people's business because it's only making you weak and unproductive, focus on you and make yourself bigger and better. 

You are getting better every time you take actions, it's better to be moving than not moving at all. It's better to be doing something positive than just overthinking and wasting your time. You're better than that, you can become something big if you will just push yourself to the limits and see what is possible for your life, you can become anything you want, you just need to believe and work harder everyday. It doesn't matter if your progress is slow, what matters is you are progressing and doing something right. You're on the right track, you just need to stay consistent and faster. Work hard, start fast and never wait for the right time, the right time is now, you just need to get better and better each day, you just need to focus and enjoy the process. You need to enjoy your own life, stop getting interested with other people's lives and enjoy your own life... that's how to become a winner. Just forget everything that's not contributing to your growth, never do a lot of stupid things that will derail your progress, stop procrastinating, stop worrying about the things that doesn't matter and just keep growing everyday. It's up to you, what are you going to do with your life? 

Feb 15, 2022


That's what happened, you've lost, you've been defeated, you did a lot of mistakes, it is what it is, what are you going to do about it? You can whine, make excuses and act like a bitch all day but how can that mentality help you? it will never help you at all, it will never put you on a better position. The best thing you can do is try again, dust yourself off and try again for one more time. Enjoy the process, keep failing as much as you can and never give up, it's only just a matte of time before you win, you will have your break, you will be able to open a door. If something bad happened to you... accept it and let it go, don't seek for a revenge, don't seek for sympathy, don't dwell on it too much, don't make dramas and just let it go, forget it because too much thinking about it will never make you progress. 


I juts recently found out that looking for a perfect life, perfect time, perfect partner, perfect job, perfect look, perfect feeling will only lead you to feeling miserable. If you're always looking for a perfect world then maybe you're still dreaming, it's time to wake up, your life is not perfect and will never be perfect. You will only feel much better if you will learn how to appreciate what you have. Embrace your life, embrace the difficulty and discomfort, just give your very best every single day and try to become happy as much as you can, never complain, never dislike your life, never think that life  is unfair. Life is what you make it, you will get what you are focusing on. If you're focused on the ugly side of life then you will get it, as simple as that. 


At the end of the day you still wanted to become a winner in life, you still wanted to thrive. All you need to do is stop wasting time and you will be fine, stop wasting opportunities to get better. Everyday is an opportunity to do something great, everyday you can get better. Discipline and sacrifices are perfect combination to succeed and change your life. You can leave your bum life and transform it into a millionaire or something, all it takes is commitment and focus plus the insane belief in yourself. You can have a better life, you can win, you can thrive, you can be anything you want to be if you will just focus and dedicate your time for improving yourself. Stop acting like a bum, stop acting like a clown and just do what is needed. You have to cancel out everything that's slowing you down, you have to stop doing the things that are not helping you or stopping you from taking actions. Because at the end of the day you will only be able to fix your life if you're doing the right thing, you will only become successful if you're taking super heavy actions, you can never win if you're just hoping and praying, it's time to execute, start now and finish with a flair. If you can discipline yourself then you will become unstoppable, discipline means freedom, you don't need to become a slave of your own mind and bad habits anymore if you have a disciplined life. Decide what do you want to become and do whatever it takes to become it. Even if it means sacrificing your happiness and rest... do it. Because sometimes you feel so tired but the truth is you haven't done anything at all, you feel tired because you're too lazy and slow. 


If you're a fast starter then your mind will never be able to worry anymore, it can never control you anymore. You can start anytime you want but you always choose to start late and that's why you're having a hard time making your life better, you can't upgrade your life because you always believe in the word later. Start whenever it's uncomfortable, take the first step and never stop. Start fast so that your fears won't control your mind, it's all about jumping in and doing what is needed. Move fast, never let your emotions dictate the tempo, go against your emotions, it's just a feeling, it has no power over you. Never let the feeling of laziness, doubts and fears take over, you have to control your life, you have to drive the steering wheel. Over power your emotions and never let it run your day, you have to power through and force yourself to move and just do something positive to be in control of your life. Drop all the things that stops you from taking actions, discipline your mind to think only about the things that will motivate you. Just do it, stop thinking or worrying and just do it, always think that you're in control here, always think that you have the power to take actions and persevere for as long as you want. Start without thinking about what's going to happen next. Be in the moment and give everything you've got. 


You still have a lot of time but this time you must not squander any of it, you must go all in for your dream and never give any attention or energy to something that will never help you to have a better life. Your time is so important but you're wasting a lot of it in stupid entertainment like social media, news, gossips, problems of other people etc. What they're doing and thinking is none of your business, you have to focus on yourself, focus on what you're trying to achieve if you want to win in life. Today is a brand new day, focus on getting better, focus on pushing yourself to the limits. Just give everything you've got and never give up and you will win. Drop all the bad things that happened in the past and start living your life now, you have to stat consistent with your actions and always move forward even if it's so difficult. You can become a winner if you want to, it all depends on how are you going to live your life, discipline will get the job done, focus on taming your inner demons and always practice delayed gratification. Today is the best day to become better, stop thinking about yesterday and tomorrow. Just focus on the present moment and be one with it. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

Feb 14, 2022


Don't worry about the money, don't worry about the fame, don't worry about not getting the rewards yet, don't worry about recognition or fast success, all you have to do is find something that is going up and focus on it, make it big as it can be, make it fast, make it stronger, make it powerful. If something is going up then ride on it forever, it doesn't matter if it's not giving you anything yet because for sure in the future it will give you everything. Just work, keep working on it, you're getting better and better even if you're not seeing any results, hard work pays off... nobody can break nor manipulate this rule, you will get something if you work hard, it's impossible to get zero, it's impossible to fail if you're working your ass off and doing whatever it takes to win. Force your fate, don't accept what was given to you, there is more and all you have to do is either look for it or get it by your own brute force. 


Push yourself to work to make your numbers improve, don't stop, don't settle and always stay hungry. You can add something to what you are building. If you're trying to build your muscles you can add 50 push ups to your program everyday, it's going up, it's the right thing. If you're trying to build a you tube channel you can add 2 videos per day, it's going up, it's the right thing. If you're trying to become a millionaire you can add another working hour per day, your work ethic is getting stronger, it's going up, you're on the right direction. If you can write 50 articles a day, write one more, it's going up, you should not stop. You have the power to take actions and it's something that you must not forget, you can move now, you can do something now, it's really up to you, are you going to just sit there and wait for the right time? or are you going to decide to take actions now and persevere no matter what? 


You're full of stupid things in your life and that's why you're not ascending, that's why you're always at the bottom, you have to stay focused on what you're trying to achieve and never do something that will only derail your progress. Keep working harder everyday, feel that you're improving, make yourself closer and closer to your goals. Never stop, never rest when you're tired... keep pushing and keep doing something that will improve your situation. Greatness is yours if you believe in yourself. The more you believe in yourself the harder you will work and the harder you work the more confident you will be. Feel happy with the little success that you've been getting. 


What can you give, how much hard work can you give, how much value can you give? can you give your all? are you giving all of your A+ effort? you can never complain, you don't have the right to complain if you're too lazy and not giving your very best every single day. You have to push yourself to the limits and give everything you've got. 


Create your own entertainment, you should learn how to entertain yourself even if the task was so boring. Choose an entertainment that was connected to your goal, choose an entertainment that will make you 100x better. Put yourself on a better position to succeed and never give up no matter what. Keep pushing, keep grinding, hustle your way to the top. It is what it is, it's going to get harder each day but the chase was worth it, it will transform you into a different animal, it will make you super extra ordinary. 


You have to trust that you're making a progress even if it is slow. Believe that what you're doing is going up, do whatever it takes to level up. Being stuck is just a perspective, if you feel like you're evolving then you are. Always remember that for as long as you're working hard for it then you're doing the right thing. Be patient and never compare yourself to others, even if you're doing better than others... still don't compare, this is not a race, this is a marathon. 


It's ok if you are slow, it's ok if your progress is so cute because it's too small. Just don't stop, just don't waste time. Don't overthink, don't waste your time for stupid entertainment and instant gratification. Become a man on a mission, it's ok to get bored, it's ok to feel so sad because you're chasing your goal seriously, the glory days will come sooner or later, you can party everyday once you become successful. 


Stop daydreaming, stop wishing, stop fantasizing about stupid things. You need to turn yourself from being a bum to a creator. Take your journey seriously and work as hard as you can. Doing something positive is 100x better than planning and procrastinating, you should make sure all of your time goes to the process of chasing your goals. Stop day dreaming and immerse yourself to the present moment, stay lock in to the process and never give up. Choose to be a creator not someone who's just wishing to have a better life but is not willing to sacrifice a lot of things. Make constant sacrifices everyday, watch yourself are you really getting rid of the things that are not helping you? or are you easily tempted with the things and entertainment that doesn't serve you in the long run? You know yourself, you know if you're being a bum or serious about your life. Stop wasting time and never mind if your pace is too slow or looks like not progressing at all... just keep moving forward and never stop. 

Feb 12, 2022


Are you having a hard time being productive? do you find yourself stuck all the time and for whatever reason you can't move? is it really hard to do the first step? do you feel so heavy and uncomfortable just think about what should be done? It's because you're overthinking things, you're making everything complicated by thinking how to make it fast, perfect and exceptional. You don't want to take the the little steps that will give you some momentum, you just wanted to finish right away and do some amazing things. You're comparing yourself too much, you're always thinking about the perfect way to make things happen and become successful. 


This is the best technique that you can use to become productive... stick with the basics. You know some basic thing, do it over and over again until your skill finally become advance. Don't look for advance methods, don't get fancy with the process, stick with the basics and repeat it over and over again. Always think that what you're doing is right, never think about going to the next level that fast, stick with the basics and just keep pushing forward no matter what. Just the smallest and simplest step will give you a momentum, it will give you progress, stick with the basics and just keep repeating, it's ok if you are slow, it's ok if you're not making a huge impact... just don't stop moving forward because every action will accumulate in the end, believe in the power of compound effect. All of your efforts will sum up in the end and you will be surprised with the results that you've been getting. 


Success loves speed, if you want to attract success then you need to upgrade your speed. Do it right away, turn on your PC fast and work, upload in your you tube vide fast, clean your car fast, forgive yourself fast, forget your mistakes fast, start fast, feel happy fast, decide fast. If you can upgrade your speed then you will be surprised at how productive you become. Be fast and never think, if you need to do something... execute the first step right away and follow through, keep pushing forward, be relentless, be an animal that never stop. It's all about speed and consistency, if you need to do something... do it now and then follow through until it's done. Sometimes you will start something and you will leave it hanging in the air, you have to follow through and keep pushing until it's finished. Never mind if you're struggling so badly, never mind if you can't move fast, just move slowly and never stop. If you're in pain, if you're struggling, if you're really tired then that's the best time to keep pushing because that is where growth will happen. 


There's too much going on in your life, you're consuming too much information and entertainment and it is killing you but you hate to admit it. Close everything that you don't need, close your email, close your cellphone, close your games, close your door to people, close your mind, close your self to news and gossips, close your self to mindless activities, you should have fun doing your task, you should learn how to enjoy being productive, find the joy in your work no matter how hard or boring it is. Make a story out of  your work, think that you're getting better and better from it, think that it's a stepping stone to become big time. Don't fall into the tarp of these celebrity stories, don't get interested with other people's lives, never mind what the world is doing and just focus on your work. Act like a professional, always be on a sense of urgency, never exchange your precious time for stupidity that makes your life worse, you need to think smarter than that. Time is money, time is opportunity, time is gold, never waste any single second doing something that won't make you better. 


You have to change your perspective that results is the only thing that fuels you. You have to feel that every time you take an action you become more motivated. It doesn't matter if you're winning or losing, just do something, do something right, love your work and believe that one day it's going to pay off, keep going even if it's not giving you anything for now, forget about the results, it will come one day, just keep grinding now and move forward as much as you can. Thinking about the results all the time will make you cautious, it will make you slow 


Dream big, expect more, do more, your dreams will drag you to the top, it will make you work hard and very productive. Give your best, never waste this day without giving your best, just make every second productive. Be faster and aggressive in your work, don't slack off, don't rest when not needed... go all in, anybody can do this but not everyone will do it because they're too afraid of getting tired. If you will give your best every single day then success will come to you naturally. Give your all and never feel sorry if you're not getting a lot, this must be your culture... to focus on something and simply give everything you've got no matter what, don't stop, don't doubt yourself, don't feel sorry if you're not making any result. 


If you chase a goal and you are about to lose... lose with dignity, meaning still give your very best every single day, still do what you can do and never slack off. Work hard and push yourself to the limits, you can never always win, you can never always reach your goal but at least be very close from it. Stop wasting time, stop doing things that will never put you closer to your goal... stay focused and committed to the grind, hustle everyday and always break your boundaries. Never lose giving your 50 percent only, always give your all, give your 100 percent or even 110percent if you will. Never lose like a bum that already lost on the half of the challenge. 

Feb 11, 2022


Are you always panicking for no reason? do you feel threaten when there is a large crowd looking at you? do you feel uncomfortable when you suddenly find out that the man behind you is already making disturbing sounds because you're too long to order the food on the counter? do you always blush or sweat when your crush is around? do you feel so nervous during the interview? do you feel shy when asking a favor from someone? 


This is the secret to confidence... slow everything in your system. If you're panicking just slow down, breathe and you will find that confidence again. Feel everything, embrace fear, embrace what is going on. You will become scared even more if you're rushing and wishing for the discomfort to go away. The more you wish to become comfortable the more you will become uncomfortable. What you resist will persist, you just need to feel it. Feel it even if it's too uncomfortable and irritating. Learn to enjoy what's going on with your life, learn to slow down and look around, hear everything, feel everything. You will find out that it's really not that bad, don't judge the situation according to its appearance, always feel abundant and positive. 


Accept that there life is not about perfection. It is about embracing all the imperfections and moving forward. You can only change the flow of what's happening if you will embrace your negative emotions and still do the right thing. 


Your goal should be being true to yourself no matter what. Execute what needs to be done even if most people doesn't like it. Still speak even if nobody wants to listen. If you want to look perfect all the time then you will always feel insecure, you will always see something wrong in the way you look and behave, you will never have a peace of mind. You don't need to look cool, you don't need to become popular or get a lot of attention, just be yourself, do what you want to do and never do the things that you don't want to do. 


Whatever, welcome everything may it be good or bad, don't feel bad if you got embarrassed, it's ok, you're still alive, for as long as you're working hard and doing it your way... you will be happy along the way. It doesn't matter if you suck, maybe you suck for now but life is all about possibilities, you can change everything if you believe in yourself enough and try again next time. You will look more confident and feel confident if you will open your heart to everything and understand that everything that's happening is all part of your life whether it's good or bad. 


Don't ever think that you have a lot to lose, you are nothing in the beginning, when you're just a baby you have zero properties. Stop thinking that you can lose something, you don't have anything to lose, you can get anything you want if you will let go all of the imaginary worries inside of your head that you have a lot to lose. 


What's happening now is nothing, it's just a small figment of your life, it's just a part of your life, you can erase it in your mind. So don't ever think that what's going on is the only opportunity of a lifetime, don't think that way. Treat it as an ordinary occasion and the pressure will go away. 


Everything is a game, it's just a matter of executing your will to get what you want. The question is do you have the right energy to do what is needed? is your body language portraying confidence? can you command respect? Relax this is just a game, you will never lose if you always try. Don't put too much pressure on yourself because it is not needed. Try winning everyday and if you lose... try again, this is just a game, you will never lose anything, you have everything to gain, keep trying again and again until you become successful. 


Every time you procrastinate and not do anything your confidence is going down. Be a creator, always try to build something. Build a business, build your own blog, build your you tube channel, stop being a procrastinator, stop watching them and just watch your own life, watch your own growth, see yourself evolving. You will become more confident if you're focused being you. Never mind who is popular, never mind who is the richest and most successful in your circle, just be you, make yourself evolve, learn how to love your work and try to grow as much as possible. Stop wasting your life watching other people's lives because you are throwing away your opportunity off the window every time you do that, you have to start building something from scratch, believe that it will grow, believe that it can become something. 


What make you lose your confidence is you get jealous with other people all the time. You're not focusing on your own life. You want to win like them too, want to go where they go, you want to earn how much they earn, you want to live where they live, you want to eat what they eat, you want to have what they have. It doesn't matter if you can't experience their lifestyle, yours is different than theirs. You always think that you need to do what they are doing, you don't set a bar for yourself. You need to focus on your own life and appreciate what's going on with your life even if it's not that exciting. To become more confident you need to stop getting jealous with other people and never compare yourself to anyone. 


You're always lost because you don't have a game plan, you don't have a mindset. When you feel uncomfortable and stressed you don't know what to you, you get mad, you get frustrated, you panic all the time and that's why you keep failing. Always remember that life is not all about comfort, there will always be a disturbance or a problem and if your mind is not ready for it then you will crumble and stop, you will just react the wrong way, you will never be able to adapt and improvise. 


What's your plan? What's your goal? what will you do if an unexpected event happen? all people will crumble and panic if an unexpected event like corona virus happened. If you have a philosophy that you can count on every time there is an unexpected even then you will be alright, you can survive anything, you can even thrive. 


It's all in the mind, if you can control the images in your head then you will control your life. Always check your mind, check the thoughts that come and go... that's the reason of your victory or defeat, that's the reason of your misery and happiness. All you have to do is never give up and that's it... you will win in life, stop acting like a fool, stop acting like a coward and just stick with it, embrace your situation with all your heart, embrace everything and just focus on making your thoughts better. Just think about the things that you want to attract in your life and fully focus on these things, never think about anything else. Don't think about the past, don't think about the future, don't think about failures just focus on what you want and never focus on what you don't want because it's a complete waste of time and energy, if you want to get better then you should focus on your mindset. What are you trying to achieve? what are you trying to become? it's a mind work, fill your mind with positive thoughts and your life will become great. Keep working on your mind, keep working on your game, don't give up on yourself, you have a lot of potential, you have a lot to give, you just need to entertain the right thoughts to stay motivated and busy. Stay busy working on yourself, never try to mind other people's business, that's their business and not yours. Don't get affected with what other people are doing and just simply focus on your own life. 


Look at your situation, was it worse? good, embrace it. Don't hope for a better situation and you will have power. The reason why you're so weak is because you hate your life, if you really love your life then you will never get jealous with other people's success, you will never hope for a better life, you will never look for a comfortable situation... you will embrace what you have and just make it a little bit better, you will make your life grow, you will try to evolve and improve. Embrace the suck, embrace everything and never hope for a better situation, don't hope and just do. If you want your life to get better then move, as simple as that, focus on your own grind and hustle, focus on trying to win on your own way. 


You're having a hard time in your life because you feel you need more, you only need less, make your cravings simple, make your life simple, appreciate what you have and feel satisfied. It's ok to look for more but don't ever feel bad if you can't get it, it's ok, stop being too hard on yourself because you're doing fine, you just need to keep improving, stop doing the same crap over and over again and look for something you can do that will make your life a little bit better. Create a mindset that will save you, a simple mindset, a simple thought that you will believe and will keep you going. Keep building yourself up and don't ever make dramas that will bring you down even more. 


Pressure is just in your head, you don't need to feel the pressure if you're constantly working hard and improving everyday, you don't need to worry about life, you don't need to worry about winning or losing, just live your life and never worry about the things that are outside of your control, focus on what you can control only and you will have power. Stick with the basics, focus on moving forward, for as long as you're doing something positive... you will be alright, there's nothing else to worry about, you just need to make your mindset stronger, you just need to live your life one day at a time and keep pushing for greatness without feeling the pressure, winning or losing doesn't really matter anymore, the most important thing is you're enjoying the process and you're giving your all every single day. This life is just a game, there's now inner or loser here, you just need to enjoy the process, enjoy the journey no matter how bad it was. 


The power of believing in yourself is real, if you believe that you can overcome anything and thrive off the pressure then you will become unstoppable. Any negative emotion that you're feeling right now will soon go away, you don't need to worry about what's happening inside of you, you just need to relax, everything will be fine, everything will flow, just relax and simple do what is needed. Follow your game plan, follow your goals and never stop, the more you focus on being you the more you become powerful. If you believe in something it will happen no matter what, it will cut through obstacles, it will survive anything, it will thrive under pressure, it will shine in the dark, you just need to believe and keep moving forward and that's it, it's too simple, just focus on yourself and never think about anything else. 

Feb 10, 2022


The reason why you're lost, the reason why your life is falling apart is because there's too much going on with your life, you're too busy for nothing, you're too consumed with things, information and food that is not healthy for your body and brain. You only need one technique or philosophy to succeed... it can be hard work, dirty work (which is not advisable), sacrifice, smart work, discipline, passion, consistency, focus... whatever works for you use it, you have to embody the process that you will choose. But if you're too overwhelmed with a lot of things then this technique is so effective and will work for you... choose deprivation to succeed. 


Don't use social media for three months and focus on working, let's see how far can you go, you will be able to create a lot of improvements in your life, you will become more productive, you will become faster and creative. Social media is poisoning your mind and eating a lot of your time, it's stopping you from becoming creative, it's a waste, it's a toxic place to put your energy, you have to deprive yourself of it before it's too late. Many people got depressed of this platform, just open it during sundays and never open it on the other days, never care if your fans misses you, never care about the fake news it brings. You don't need to broadcast your life social media, you don't need to open every profile of your friends, it's just a waste of time, social media is making you stupid so you have to get rid of it right away. 


Stop knowing what's going on in NBA or UFC, just because it's sports doesn't mean it's not wasting your time, it's wasting a lot of your time and you have to be aware of it. Just because they're athletes doesn't mean you need to support and know everything that's going on with their lives. If it's easting your time too much then get rid of it, it's not helping you to evolve, focus on your life only and try to put yourself on the best position as possible. 


These gossips and negativity will only poison and manipulate your mind, it will make you weak and unproductive. Yeah, it's much fun being a negative person, it's easier to hate than to love but all it does is make you worse. Being negative will never help you to improve, it will degrade your level, it will never help you to fly, it will make you stuck on the same place forever because being negative will stop you from taking actions. 


News is the fakest thing on earth, TV programs will do everything to control your mind just for the ratings. All the news does is make you negative and scared, it's not contributing to your growth, you're absorbing useless information, you're being controlled. You have to own your mind and never let it be occupied with negativity. News is just a form of entertainment that's trying to scared you so that they can control your mind. 


You have to understand that fear is not real, the negative expectations and images inside of your head hasn't happen yet. And if it happens so what? It's better to become brave than to become scared, you have the power to choose what's good for you. You can fake it till you make it, you can pretend that you're brave until you become really one. 


If you want to create a new reality then stop looking at the past, stop remembering the things that hurt you, stop remember your high school days, stop remembering the bad things that happened to you. It will only make you feel bad and regretful, you will always imaging a different scenario, you will always try to change the past but you can never do it. There is no power in the past, the only thing you can control is the present moment. What is done is done, there is nothing you can do about it anymore... let it go. 


You're so full of laziness, you're too allergic to hard work and that's why you can't make something work. At the end of the day all the laziness does is make you fat, unproductive, worried, dumb, outdated, slow, unaware, late, stupid and broke. Why will you choose it over hard work if it will only make your life miserable. At the end of the day you can choose to become the hardest worker in the world... why not do it? Stop being soft and just start something, go further as much as you can and never stop. 


It's too simple... laziness, the more you delay things the more you will feel weak, you have to live in the moment and just do what you need to do, it doesn't matter how slow you are... just don't stop and keep pushing forward no matter what. Stop acting like a lazy clown and do something, when you need to finish a task... start it right away and never stop until it's done. 


Promote yourself from being a bum to a well disciplined man that just focus on the things that will give you a better life. Promote yourself from being lazy to a hard worker. Promote yourself from being a past thinker to a mindful thinker. Promote yourself from being a worrier to a doer. You can change now, it's just a matter of feeling the pain bit by bit because change was really painful, it is stressful, that's why it's hard to change. Your life will become boring, you will experience lesser entertainment, you will force yourself to become less interested with other people's lives, you will focus on your own life only and watch every action that you're doing, you will also watch your thoughts and infiltrate all the negativity inside of your head, you will be aware all the time of what you're doing and thinking. You will become very disciplined and strict with yourself, you will follow your game plan and execute it no matter what. 

Feb 9, 2022


It doesn't matter if you win or lose, what matters is you're testing yourself how far can you go by following your heart and chasing your dreams. How far can you go by using your willpower and working hard? how far can you go with your idea? how far can you go by having a laser focus mentality and not stopping every time there is an adversity? You have to test yourself, you ow e it to yourself to give yourself a chance to succeed. How big you can be? how smart, how strong, how skilled can you be? You have a lot of potential and it's your duty to discover how big or great you can be. You owe it to yourself to experience greatness, you've been acting like a bum for a very long time aren't you sick and tired of it? Start now and chase your dreams, it doesn't matter how big or difficult it is... just chase it now. Make sacrifices, drop everything that is stopping you from evolving, get rid of those bad habits that are making you slow and unproductive, you have to make a choice, it's either you end up being a loser forever or you force fate and become successful. The choice is always yours, it's not the universe's choice, it's not the people's choice... it's always your choice. No matter how much excuses or reasoning you make... you fail or win because of your own doing so stop blaming something if you're losing... it's your inactivity and laziness that's making you a loser. If you will just choose to keep moving forward all the time then you will be amazed with the amount of accomplishments you were able to take home. 


The key to success is how to get yourself to work without expecting too much, the reason why you can't work really hard is because you're always expecting millions or huge progress, if you can't get your expectations then you will quit so fast. Dream big but lower your expectations, take it one step at a time and be patient, it's ok if you're getting small results, just keep working and never stop. Just keep going, no matter how hard it gets... never quit, enjoy every step of the way, always think that every action you take has an intention to win, always think that you're making a progress every time you work. Don't every feel stuck, being stuck is just a perspective, you're already making an improvement every tie you're doing something. Feel free all the time to execute, make it a habit to just move and forget about what may happen next. Always believe that you're getting closer and closer to success every time you work . Have fun along the way, believe in the process, believe in the power of working hard. 


You can focus, you can work hard, you can be the most hard working person in the world, it's just a matter of always being on a sense of urgency to work. It doesn't matter if you're dumb or untalented, it doesn't matter if you're lacking the skill... if you have the will to chase your goal no matter what and do what most people can't do or aren't willing to do then you will become something special, you will be able to do something great. Have pride in working hard, make it as your talent, make it as your special skill, focus on something and get it or finish it no matter what. No time for wasting time, no time for making excuses, you just knew you have the power to work hard and that makes you something special. Never care if you're struggling badly, never care if it's difficult... just work hard and do whatever it takes to succeed. Whatever way, whatever method, whatever consequences... face it and never back down to any challenge. Just keep on pushing, keep on trying and never stop, go hard, go all the way.  

Don't worry if you have nothing in your life for now, just keep grinding, keep pushing and do whatever it takes to succeed. Go all out, push yourself to the limits and never think that you're stuck just for a second. Feeling stuck is just a perspective, always think that you're getting better each day, never feel stuck just for a second, always push yourself to do more even if you're not getting any results, just keep pushing and pushing and pushing... you will find a way, if there's a will there's a way. Don't worry about anything because you have hustle, you can grind and create an opportunity for yourself, it's just a matter of focusing on what you want and not giving up when things aren't going your way. Believe in yourself more, stay positive all the time and make taking actions as your priority and not thinking or procrastinating. 


Never waste any second, never waste any day, you have to treat your time like the most important thing in the world, never waste it nor use it for nonsense things that will never help you to evolve, you have to stay productive everyday even if you're not making any results, you have to keep on trying, you have to keep on pushing and never give up. Be a tryer and don't be a procrastinator. Focus on doing more, never think about what might went wrong and just take actions, trust me... you will like it. It's better to be doing something and not checking for the results than always waiting for a miracle to happen, take full ownership of your life, put your life into a better purpose, work hard everyday because it will make you better, it will make you tired but once you get use to it and fall in love with the process... you will never get tired, not even for a second, you will become relentless, a machinelike, you will keep pushing until the end. 


Live and die with it, pursue it everyday and never change it, go all the way, it doesn't matter if you win or lose, what matters is you don't give up and you keep fighting until the end, don't change your mind because of the comments of other people, never let any adversity affect your decision, never let any difficulty change your mind, keep moving forward from the beginning to the end. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com


Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...