Feb 7, 2022


It's funny because a lot of hype coming from the media about someone who's been labeled as "the chosen one" is poisoning a lot of people's mind. This kid is the next big thing, that fighter is the prodigy, he or she will become the next GOAT, that man will dominate, that girl is the most talented ever, that kid will become the greatest one day. These hypes continuously try to poison people's minds and it's not a good thing. There is no such thing as the prodigy, there is no such thing as the chosen one. No one was so gifted that he was so guaranteed of success one day. Success is to be earned, you need to work hard for it, there's no such thing as the blessed one, success can be achieved by anyone who will work hard for it. 


No matter how good you are you will never escape failure, everybody fails, if you're failing then you should be happy because it means you're trying. Keep in mind that you will only become successful if you keep failing over and over again. The real winner is the one who keeps losing but keeps on trying, life is simply standing up and trying again for one more time, don't be afraid to fail over and over again, don't be afraid to get frustrated and worried about what's going to happen if you didn't win. Life is simply overcoming fears and forcing yourself to take actions whenever you don't want to. Don't be afraid to mess up, don't be afraid to have a dirty journey, just keep on trying for one more time and never believe in your doubts and fears. 

Even the great ones failed, even Albert Einstein or Elon Musk failed a lot of times, who are you to become scared of failing? it's a normal thing, if you didn't fail it means you didn't even try.


If you're looking for a way how to become successful my biggest advice is to never be scared of failing, keep trying over and over again until you finally catch success. There's no shame in trying so hard, you don't need to feel bad if you're working like a mad dog but only getting less, that mentality was so weak, you need to keep pushing all the time and put yourself on the best position to succeed. It's a step by step process, it's good decision after one good decision, you have to take control of your actions and never be coward to try again after failing a lot of times. 

Keep trying, just don't be scared to fail and that's it. Make sure you are giving everything you've got every single day, make sure you're taking risks and not taking any day for granted. 


You can win in life, you can go to the top if you will learn to enjoy what is hard. Train, practice, study, hone your skills, prepare, anything that you do should be all about growth and improvement and nothing else. Build something, make it bigger everyday and never give up until you win, as simple as that. You can be the most untalented in the world but you can still improve and become at the top level if you will just work on yourself and stop believing what other people say. You can still be the most disrespected underdog but if you will push yourself to the limits, stay disciplined and work harder then you will thrive in the end. 

People who wants and easy life or guaranteed success will never make it. If you want to take your life to another level then learn to enjoy what is hard, don't be afraid of hard work, don't be afraid of grinding like hell. Enjoy what it is hard, get use to it and never complain. Because at the end of the day it's not really hard, your perception makes it hard, your being soft makes it hard. What if you just do it without complaining? what if you just push forward and give everything you've got? force yourself to work hard and never stop for a second. It is to easy if you will try, it is too easy if you will not think too much, stop looking for shortcuts, stop looking for an easy way out. Grind like hell to see heaven.


In order to become successful you need to take massive actions, in order to take massive actions you should feel free, in order to feel free you should release all the resistance. But how can you release all the resistance if you always feel heavy? it's too simple... just take actions now, move even if you feel bad, move even if you're scared... that resistance will go away anytime soon, focus on what you can control, focus on what you can do and never be afraid of failing. If there is something you can do at the moment... do it, stop being a coward chicken, stop running away from what is necessary and just do it. Don't worry about what's going to happen next, don't worry about time, don't worry about the difficulty. Never rush, never compare what you have to what other people have, never be scared of getting exhausted, never think about the amount of work you need to finish and just focus on the moment. 


Action should be your inspiration alone, your goal should be your inspiration, no need to look for a fake prodigy to make you tick, be your own prodigy that grinds like hell and pushing himself all the way to the top. Create your own energy, create your own belief, feel unstoppable the way you want to, never stop, never quit, never get satisfied... always look for something to achieve, try to get better each and everyday and always push yourself to the limits. 

No need for something to see or something to happen before you become fully inspire to take actions. Make it a responsibility to motivate yourself and push yourself to take actions. You're the one who's in control of your body and mind... not the circumstances around you. 

At the end of the day you can also do what the can do, you can also become something special if you will just put in the effort, you can go to the highest level if you will work hard for it and sweat for it. No excuses... just give everything you've got and that's it. You are born to become a winner but it's up to you if you will do it or not. 


If you believe in yourself and you're chasing some impossible dream... people will laugh at you, they will call you a delusional, they will mock you and will try everything to bring you down. It's ok if they call you crazy, just keep on moving forward and never stop chasing your dreams. Even if you believe in yourself that you're really good... some people will just laugh at you, its because you haven't proven anything yet that's why you need to work extra hard and become the best that you can be, as simple as that. Let them laugh at you but don't ever stop, make yourself your own version of prodigy, not a prodigy by hype but a prodigy of hard work and dedication. 

If you believe in something, keep believing it, they can call you anything they want, they can try to stop you but the only person who can stop you is yourself and nobody else. 


When you want to take over, when you want to make a change in your life, when you want something to happen but it doesn't feel right... that's the time you need to move, that's the time you need to do something. Because there will never be a perfect time for everything, you will always feel bad, you will always feel not in the mood. Feeling terrible is a sign that you need to execute right away, if you wanted to succeed then you need to control your thoughts and emotions, stop acting like a punk and just take actions. Just do it, it's not that hard, just do it and never care about the outcome. 

Stop looking for good feelings before you start, stop trying to wait to become confident to take actions, you don't need to feel good, you can do it if you really want it, you can do it if you're really decided. 


It's not about becoming super talented or great, it's not about the final result. The goal here is to become super disciplined and single minded. If you want to become great then you need to focus on the process, greatness will come naturally if you learned how to manage your time and do the most important things only. Become always unavailable, become very hard to contact person because you're too busy on chasing greatness. Stop partying, stop wasting time, stop drinking, stop thinking about things that doesn't matter, stop worrying too much, stop using your energy for nonsense things that will not help you to evolve. Stay disciplined for one year, work on yourself only and you will be able to double your success. 

It's too easy to become great, all it takes is time, be patient and use all of your time to get better. Choose a goal and relentlessly pursue it, never care if you fail, keep trying over and over again, keep pushing until you finally win. Block all the things, subjects, entertainment, people that are stopping you from evolving. Get rid of the thoughts that are not serving you and not making you feel better, you have to focus on what you can control, focus on the things that really matters, never care about what other people are doing and simply focus on what you're doing, it will make you 100x better. 

Discipline is freedom, discipline will make you a better person, it will give you too much control. If you will just list all the things that you don't need to do and strike them all out in your life then you will become one of the greats too, if you don't know what to do to become successful just define the activities that wastes a lot of your time and never do them anymore. You will be directed to the right activities automatically because you're making a room for the right things. 


Because it's entertaining them, they believe in this idea about "the prodigy" that's not even real, it's so funny because most people believe it so fast without even thinking if it's really true. Anybody can become great, if a person chooses to focus on his craft then he will become great, as simple as that, it's all about going to the next level. Force yourself to go to the next level through hard work and perseverance alone, never stop, never take any second for granted, you have to go all in and do whatever it takes to succeed... as simple as that. Don't believe in hype, don't believe in the choses ones, don't believe in prodigy, you can become great too if you will close your mind to everything and start focusing on your instincts, every action is the right action for as long as your intention is to become better. People's mind can be easily manipulated, they believe in what they saw or hear and will not even dare to investigate if it's real or not, they will not try to see it for themselves. 


It's not about perfection, it's about execution, stop trying to look cute or perfect, stop trying to look like you don't have any flaws. Focus on working hard, focus on giving your all and that's it. The reason why you can't feel confident and successful is because you're to slow, you're trying too hard to look perfect and clean and that's why you can't even move. But if you will allow yourself to look dirty and imperfect then you will feel free, you can do a lot of things. Stop trying to feel special because you're not, you're just an ordinary human being who's not sure of what you're going to do.  You're not a chosen one, you're not destined for greatness, you have to work for it and see what is possible in your life. Most people think they need to become perfect in order to start or achieve something, if you're thinking too much then you will never get anywhere, you will always end upon the same place. You have to stop acting like it's a necessity to become perfect, allow yourself to make mistakes, let people judge you, do what you need to do and do it now, start fast and keep following through even if you're making a lot of mistakes. Do it over and over again. 


If you have an indomitable spirit, if you use your willpower all the time to win then that's it, just push yourself to the limits, you will win if you're always hungry and moving. Some people always claim that they are smart or gifted but they couldn't even start, they can't even execute. They're just good in talking but very poor in starting. If you will use your willpower then you can force your body to take actions even if it's tired or looking for excuses not to take actions. Use your willpower, use the power of your mind, always remember that it's simply about moving forward and nothing else, always remember that the only way to win is to take actions and stop acting like a bum. Willpower is everything, you can feel and become unstoppable if you knew you can use your willpower anytime you want, you can power through, you can make a breakthrough, you can become something else, you can become anything you want. Sometimes you need to force success to come into your life no matter how hard it is. 


They said they're good because they're making hypes and winning at the moment but wait when adversity tests them... they crumble like a helpless dog that doesn't know what to do. They're just arrogant for now because they're winning and luck was still on their side but wait for a few months or years and you will see how fake they are. Self proclaim prodigies were all fakes and couldn't withstand a storm, when reality check kicks in... they're always in a panic mode. An untalented man that is working so hard is much much better than a man who proclaims that he is a prodigy. If you can outwork every one and discipline yourself then you're already a prodigy. The lesson is never create a hype if you can't live up to that hype, never announce something if you're not for real. Stop making a noise if you can't prove something because you're only looking like a clown by doing that. 

#prodigy #success #motivation #mindset #greatness

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

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