Feb 1, 2022


They say being too positive and optimistic is bad, they say that you're losing touch with reality. This statement is a complete scrub, you're only losing in touch with reality if you're not working and just hoping. Be optimistic all the time, see the positives and ignore the negatives, believe in yourself, believe in the work that you put in. It's simple about moving forward and detaching yourself from the past, it's simply about giving your best and not giving up, it's simply about being focused and enjoying working hard, life will get easier and easier if you are optimistic. If you don't have a positive mindset then you will never dare to work hard, you will never go to the extreme. You will stay being a mediocre and slow, you will never allow yourself to do what you haven't done before. 


If you're not moving forward then you're moving backwards, as simple as that. There's no such thing as maintaining, it's either you're going up or you're going down, which direction you want to go. If you are lazy you are moving backwards, if you're not taking your life seriously you're moving backwards. That's why the rich gets richer and poor becomes poorer, it's a self explanatory thing... the rich is taking care of themselves very well while the poor is not doing anything right at all. It's too easy to move forward, just take the next step and carry on, learn to follow through, never stop until you win... as simple as that. If you can just prioritize moving forward then you can do something special in your life, just don't be lazy and waste time and that's it... you're going to win. Be patient and never lose your motivation, always trust the process. 

You are free to move, you just need to exercise this freedom, stop being a coward and just move, do everything to win, do everything to make your life better. Practice moving even if you don't want to and you will experience real freedom. Move forward right away whenever you have a chance, stop blocking your own way, stop acting like you can't do something, do something now and push yourself to the limits. 

Hard work is the key, moving forward and not thinking about negative situations, why worry if you can relax and feel in control? why be scared if you can choose a thought process that will help you to become more motivated and courageous? it's all in the mind, what you keep on thinking will manifest into your life, as simple as that. 


If you're trying to become a successful you tuber just add something to your channel everyday. If you're trying to cut your weight just add something to the process everyday, it's either you push up everyday or you run 10-20 minutes or simply walk, it's ok if you have a slow progress, it's also ok if you're not progressing at all, what matters is you're doing for your goal, you add something even if it's not making an impact. Add something to your brain, add something to your skill, add something to your piggy bank, growing simply means adding something, add something positive. Your life will become super amazing if you master this habit. The good thing about being a human is you can do anything with your life, you are free, you can grow everyday, you can change the direction of your life, it's up to you. 

Just working hard and being consistent will make you a winner, you just need to wait and stop rushing the process. Enjoy every step of the way. Doing something means your on the right mindset, you're on the right track, stop being negative, stop being lazy because it will put you on misery. 


Filling your mind with negative words, images and thoughts is fun, it's entertaining but it will destroy your mind in the end, it will give you bad emotions, it will give you a wrong direction. Look at those failures, their minds were filled with negative thoughts, they're always complaining and hating, they're always looking for an excuse, they're always looking for something to blame. Nothing is good to them anymore, nothing is beautiful to them, their hearts were filled with hate and regrets. Always choose positive and your life will change. 

Those negative images that you always think is the root of your fear and anxiety, it's better to not think at all than worry and entertain negativity. You better be aware if you're thinking negatively or not, you better be mindful all the time and stay present. If you're in the present moment then you will feel much better, always think that nothing can hurt you, it's you that's hurting yourself, it's you that's making your life more difficult. Stay in the present moment, relax and give your very best all the time. Focus on what you can control, focus on what you can do. You're in control of your life, you just nee to exert an effort and stop being lazy. Inaction will create a negative mind, you need to stay busy and execute all of your ideas to avoid worrying and getting overwhelmed, execute it one by one, never stop, never think about the works you need to do, just take it one step at a time. 


Sometimes people will tell you to be realistic, people will tell you to be practical but that kind of mindset will never take you to another level. The real definition of a delusional person is someone who is wishing for something big but not doing anything at all, he is all about talk and dreams, he is not working hard. You are not delusional if you're doing whatever it takes to succeed, you're not delusional if you're giving your all. There's nothing wrong with a strong belief if you back it up with strong actions. Dream big as much as you want and don't forget to pair it with insane hard work and dedication. Let them say what they want, let them call you crazy but at the end of the day they will still kiss your ass once you finally succeeded, so move forward and ignore them, let them judge you and never feel affected by their words. You know who you are, stick to your beliefs. 

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