Feb 9, 2022


It doesn't matter if you win or lose, what matters is you're testing yourself how far can you go by following your heart and chasing your dreams. How far can you go by using your willpower and working hard? how far can you go with your idea? how far can you go by having a laser focus mentality and not stopping every time there is an adversity? You have to test yourself, you ow e it to yourself to give yourself a chance to succeed. How big you can be? how smart, how strong, how skilled can you be? You have a lot of potential and it's your duty to discover how big or great you can be. You owe it to yourself to experience greatness, you've been acting like a bum for a very long time aren't you sick and tired of it? Start now and chase your dreams, it doesn't matter how big or difficult it is... just chase it now. Make sacrifices, drop everything that is stopping you from evolving, get rid of those bad habits that are making you slow and unproductive, you have to make a choice, it's either you end up being a loser forever or you force fate and become successful. The choice is always yours, it's not the universe's choice, it's not the people's choice... it's always your choice. No matter how much excuses or reasoning you make... you fail or win because of your own doing so stop blaming something if you're losing... it's your inactivity and laziness that's making you a loser. If you will just choose to keep moving forward all the time then you will be amazed with the amount of accomplishments you were able to take home. 


The key to success is how to get yourself to work without expecting too much, the reason why you can't work really hard is because you're always expecting millions or huge progress, if you can't get your expectations then you will quit so fast. Dream big but lower your expectations, take it one step at a time and be patient, it's ok if you're getting small results, just keep working and never stop. Just keep going, no matter how hard it gets... never quit, enjoy every step of the way, always think that every action you take has an intention to win, always think that you're making a progress every time you work. Don't every feel stuck, being stuck is just a perspective, you're already making an improvement every tie you're doing something. Feel free all the time to execute, make it a habit to just move and forget about what may happen next. Always believe that you're getting closer and closer to success every time you work . Have fun along the way, believe in the process, believe in the power of working hard. 


You can focus, you can work hard, you can be the most hard working person in the world, it's just a matter of always being on a sense of urgency to work. It doesn't matter if you're dumb or untalented, it doesn't matter if you're lacking the skill... if you have the will to chase your goal no matter what and do what most people can't do or aren't willing to do then you will become something special, you will be able to do something great. Have pride in working hard, make it as your talent, make it as your special skill, focus on something and get it or finish it no matter what. No time for wasting time, no time for making excuses, you just knew you have the power to work hard and that makes you something special. Never care if you're struggling badly, never care if it's difficult... just work hard and do whatever it takes to succeed. Whatever way, whatever method, whatever consequences... face it and never back down to any challenge. Just keep on pushing, keep on trying and never stop, go hard, go all the way.  

Don't worry if you have nothing in your life for now, just keep grinding, keep pushing and do whatever it takes to succeed. Go all out, push yourself to the limits and never think that you're stuck just for a second. Feeling stuck is just a perspective, always think that you're getting better each day, never feel stuck just for a second, always push yourself to do more even if you're not getting any results, just keep pushing and pushing and pushing... you will find a way, if there's a will there's a way. Don't worry about anything because you have hustle, you can grind and create an opportunity for yourself, it's just a matter of focusing on what you want and not giving up when things aren't going your way. Believe in yourself more, stay positive all the time and make taking actions as your priority and not thinking or procrastinating. 


Never waste any second, never waste any day, you have to treat your time like the most important thing in the world, never waste it nor use it for nonsense things that will never help you to evolve, you have to stay productive everyday even if you're not making any results, you have to keep on trying, you have to keep on pushing and never give up. Be a tryer and don't be a procrastinator. Focus on doing more, never think about what might went wrong and just take actions, trust me... you will like it. It's better to be doing something and not checking for the results than always waiting for a miracle to happen, take full ownership of your life, put your life into a better purpose, work hard everyday because it will make you better, it will make you tired but once you get use to it and fall in love with the process... you will never get tired, not even for a second, you will become relentless, a machinelike, you will keep pushing until the end. 


Live and die with it, pursue it everyday and never change it, go all the way, it doesn't matter if you win or lose, what matters is you don't give up and you keep fighting until the end, don't change your mind because of the comments of other people, never let any adversity affect your decision, never let any difficulty change your mind, keep moving forward from the beginning to the end. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

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