Feb 20, 2022


Don't be afraid to struggle because it's teaching you something, it's making you a better person, it's making you tougher and smarter. A skilled sailor is not scared of any storm, a skilled sailor become skilled because of scary weather and big waves. If you want to become great then don't be afraid to struggle, don't be afraid to face the challenges of life. It's ok, just keep going and never stop. Just keep going no matter what, the pace maybe sloe, you may feel uncomfortable all the time but you will get use to it. Greatness requires a lot of work and determination, if you want to have a better life then just don't stop pushing, force fate and never give up, as simple as that. It's all about moving forward even if you're not making any result, the result will come later you just need to be patient, you just need to believe more and work harder. Your time will come, you will reap the fruits of your labor. It's ok if you are slow, it's ok if you're last on the race... just don't stop. You have to keep going no matter what, you have to keep pushing and pushing until you finally win. Don't ever waste time complaining and acting like a victim, don't make dramas and just do something. 


You have to get use to it, life is really just like that, it's full of ups and downs and twists and turns, you have to keep moving forward no matter what, you have to try and try again until you succeed. Don't ever think that you are stuck, there is a way, you will make a break through if you don't give up. Focus on yourself, focus on your own journey and try to take it one step at a time. Focus on just doing it, never worry about the future, never worry about what's going to happen next... just power through and look for something you can do. You are getting better every time you move, you're making your situation better, always stay positive and never lose your motivation to win, motivate yourself with beautiful affirmations that will give you good feelings, and even if you can't motivate yourself... just don't stop, your feelings will change in a moment. It's just an emotion, you feel bad, you feel struggling because you want to see the results right away, you wanted to feel comfortable, you wanted to win, but life doesn't work like that, sometimes you really have to face those frightening obstacles before you become successful, obstacle is the way, don't try to stay way from it... face it like you mean real business. 

Struggling, failing, feeling overwhelmed, feeling too uncomfortable... these are normal things, it happens everyday, it happens even to the most successful person in the world. It's not even a new thing, why will you become scared of it? Treat it like nothing, condition your mind to become relentless, always do something that will place you on a better position to succeed, stay positive and committed. It's ok if you are slow, it's ok if you're not making a big impact but don't ever stop, don't ever waste your time for nothing. All you have to do is don't give up and you will win in life, it doesn't matter when are you going to get it, it may take years and years to finally get it but just don't stop pushing, don't stop grinding because it's the only way to get on top.


If you are feeling pressured everyday, if you feel overwhelmed and feel like throwing up... be happy, it's because you're almost there, you are getting better as a person, embrace the pressure and always think that you have nothing to lose, you have everything to gain. Pressure creates diamonds, pressure will make you stronger and wiser, get use to it, don't resist it, don't shy away from it, feel every moment, welcome everything that may happen and simply give your very best. Always remember that it's just a feeling, it can never kill you, it's just a test to your character, it's just checking you if you really deserve what you want. Take small baby steps, follow through every second, show the universe how bad do you want it, show them that you are willing to do whatever it takes just to win in life. If you really want to see greatness then you need to be willing to sacrifice everything. Develop a habit of just doing it, keep grinding and pushing even if you feel lazy and scared, if you can have this kind of mentality then you will be able to thrive and solve the complex situations of life. It's not about how skilled or talented you are it's about the willingness to push even if you feel so bad. 


No matter how bad or ugly your situation is... it will never change if you're constantly making dramas, it will only change if you move and do something. This game of life is too simple, the winners always move, they never stop, they hustle 24 hours a day, they keep going even if they can't find a reason to still do it. They made a commitment to change their lives and get better, they never care about anything else other than winning and thriving in life. Take actions now, time is fast so you need to become faster, don't ever waste a single second doing something that is not connected with your goals. Stop wasting your energy for something that will not make you better. You have to be smart in using your time, you have to be selfish with your time and use it only for yourself.  Go all in, do whatever it takes to win in life, just don't stop and you will win. Success is guaranteed if you don't give up so just enjoy the process and never slack off, never take days off, be aggressive all the time, always have a sense of urgency. Feel disgusted and ashamed of yourself if you're not moving, that's how your mindset should be. There is no other way, there is no shortcuts in life, you really have to grind like hell and take massive actions. 

Stop making excuses, stop acting like a weak person, you're better than that, you can force fate by being the hardest worker in the world, all you have to do is focus and show up, all you have to do is give your very best and that's it. 

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