Sep 6, 2021


You've been so weak for the last few decades, you're so slow, you're so lazy, you're so negative. Have you ever wonder how it feels to become relentless? I mean become a real hard worker, a real hustler, a real grinder... maybe it feels really good becoming a true relentless individual. 


Stop complaining if it is hard, stop celebrating if it is easy, just focus on the process and keep moving forward. There will be times when you will feel that it is really unfair but it is what it is, this is life, you've got to deal with a lot of bullshits if you want to win. Focus on the process, do the work, whatever the work is... do it now, stop waiting for luck, stop waiting for Thanksgiving day, pull the trigger or else you will never win, if you don't want to become a loser forever then you need to take matters into your own hands, you have to force fate, force the issue and use your willpower to create your own opportunity. Be relentless, keep pushing forward, there is always a small space where you can move and make a tiny progress. A small progress is still a progress, be happy with it and repeat it a million times. If you can just take massive actions and really go hard then you will know how it feels to be relentless, you will discover a lot from yourself, you will know what you can achieve, the questions in your head will end, you will finally know how good you are. 


Be quick, once you feel lazy... move, that's how to beat laziness, you have to counter it right away. It's all about moving, success and greatness is not about talent. It's about having the ability to move whenever you feel so slow and heavy. It's discipline, it's being early, it's being focused and having the willingness to go further as much as you can. Start fast and finish strong because your mind goes bank and negative every time you procrastinate and delay your tasks, you need to start now even if you feel uncomfortable, stop pampering your emotions and just go all the way, be fast and just start the first step. Never let your mind control you, control it, use your willpower to make your mind your ally not your enemy. Your mind is very powerful, it can make you anything and give you anything if you will direct it the right way. Taking positive actions, being fast will make your mind positive and healthy. 


Sometimes all you've got to do is jump in. show up and just work as hard as you can. Think about your goals and work as hard as you can to get there. Stop making excuses, stop entertaining resistance, just do it. Always think that whatever you do is helping, always think that you are right, never judge yourself, never think that you are wrong. Have confidence in yourself, bet on yourself to win. Never exert a weak effort, be relentless as you can be. Create a new self image of being a hard worker, never entertain laziness just for a second, always be a man on a move. Whatever you can do to make your situation better... do it. It's simply about execution, forget the results for now because you have to establish your work ethic first. Decide what you want to be, decide how are you going to dominate this day and live by your decision. Never change the way you want to behave just because something doesn't feel right or something is hard. Just go all in, give your best and never think about what could went wrong. 


Being lazy, not being able to move is the weakest feeling in the world. You feel useless, you feel hopeless, you feel like a cold bum. Being relentless will make you tired but not stressed because you're gaining confidence all the time, you will feel progressing and you will feel good about yourself because you're taking actions and you're seeing small results all the time. Unlike being lazy, this emotion sucks, it makes you depressed, it's poisoning your mind, you easily become irritated, your body becomes weak and slow and your brain becomes rusty and full of shits. You can choose only one, are you going to choose being lazy or being relentless? the choice is up to you. Being a hardworker is tired but it promises a lot of good things, being lazy is easier but the truth is it's harder because your future is in jeopardy by having this kind of attitude. The truth to the matter is... you will have more energy if you're doing a lot of right things, look at those successful people... they live longer, they have more energy. It's because they have a lot of things to do and their bodies were forced to create more energy. If you have a lot of big goals and a lot of things to do and you're taking actions... your body will become stronger, your endurance will go to another level. Look at those lazy and failures... they're weak all the time, they were slow all the time, they were late all the time. It's because their bodies knew that they only need to use little energy for their daily lives, their bodies were so conditioned to become weak because they don't need to exert a lot of effort. How will you have more energy if all you need to do is press the remote control of the Television? You don't need a lot of strength and effort to open your favorite Chips. But if you're busy and hustling... you will have more energy, you will have an unlimited energy. 


Success loves hardworking people, being relentless will make you attract success faster. Opportunities will open up, your boss will like you, your face is going to become faster. Success loves speed, so if you're not making any progress now then it means you're slow, it means you're thinking too much and wasting a lot of your precious time. You better move now, practice being relentless. Just do it, just start it and never think for a second. Know what you need to do, know what you want and stop thinking how are you going to do it, just do it. 

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