Sep 6, 2021


Social media is just pure business that's why most people there are fake and not showing their true colors. Most people there have their own agenda. They want something from you, they want your reactions, they want your time, they want you to be their source of traffic. So if you find something offensive, just let it go, it will never help you. Reacting to a post that doesn't fit your belief will only drain your energy, Move forward and live your life, enjoy your life and focus on your own journey. Their journey is different from yours so don't ever react to something that you don't like. It's their right to post whatever they want to, it's their privilege so stop trying to control everything and focus on your own life. 

Even if your political belief, religion, personal philosophy, life was offended... just let it go, they don't mean it. And even if they mean it, you're not the only one who got offended so stop being soft, leave that snowflake attitude and move on. 


If you're always reacting to small things, if you always feel offended then you already considered yourself a victim. A victim never move, a victim will always stay as a victim, a victim will never make any progress or changes. So if you find yourself constantly reacting to something then stop it. Always look at your goal, focus on the things that really matters not the neighbor's dog that shit on your backyard. You have to be mindful, know what kind of thinking you should have, know what ideas and happenings that really needs your attention. You don't need to give attention to small things that will never help you at all, the small problems are for small men. If you want to become big then focus on bigger problems like building a business, becoming a better person, earning more, buying a house or simply being healthy. Focus on the harder things that have bigger rewards, never focus on small and cheap problems that will only attract bigger problems. If you focus on cheaper problems then your life will become cheap, as simple as that. Think big, elevate your thinking, be matured enough to select the challenges that will help you to live a better life. 


If your neighbor's business is too noisy and annoying you and your patience is running out then talk to him if you can, if you have the power to stop him then stop him, as simple as that. Because every time you postpone what you need to do the problem becomes bigger, your neighbor becomes more powerful than you. If you think you have the ability to stop him then stop him. But if you think your neighbor is more powerful than you then just keep quiet. You know if someone is more powerful than you, you can feel it, you can see it. You have to choose your battles, if you can't do something about it then stop complaining just live your life, don't take it personally because it's just business, your neighbor is just trying to earn money in a very noisy and annoying way. Every time you complain and do nothing, it's only making you crazy, you're putting yourself on a victim mode every time you do that. 

Let your neighbor do what he needs to do, mind your own life. Focus on what you can control the most and that is your thoughts. You will feel more powerful if you will focus on your mind and make it stronger each day by ignoring the bullshits that were not really important in your life. Just think that every disturbance, every annoying things are making you stronger if you will not react on them. It's not that you don't care, you just knew what are the things that are worthy of your time and attention. 


Don't take it personally again, your boss is more powerful than you, if you really suck then accept that you suck and move on. If you can't accept your mistakes then you will never improve, never let your ego stop you from growing. Even if those are hurtful words... swallow it and don't act like you're entitled of some respect. Remember, you are lower than him, don't take it personally, learn how to play the game so you won't always feel bad. And even if he is the one who's wrong... what are you going to do about it? just move on, don't take it personally because it will only damage your brain, your emotion has nothing to do with the business, you have to have a thick skin if you want to survive. Because feeling bad all the time will only backfire at you, it will make you unproductive, it will stop you from growing, being bitter is a silent killer, it will never help you to prosper. 


Emotional people always defeat themselves, it's because they allow their emotions to take over. They can't think right, they can't make decisions right because they letting their feelings take over. They let rage, anger, sadness, victim mindset, self pity, jealousy, regret control their behaviors, and most of the time the behavior is not helpful, it is destructive. So if you want to win in life, never let your emotions control you. Be mindful, be technical, always choose what will put you on a better position. Be patient, calculate your actions, think about the consequences. If you're always making a decision based on your anger, fear or hatred then most likely that decision was wrong. But if you're making a decision based on calmness and proper thinking then most of your decisions will be right. Stop being too emotional, it's for losers, it's for people who's making a lot of dramas. Life is all about surviving and winning, you can never win if you will always be angry and judgemental. Stop judging the situation for what it is, always think of abundance, always think that good things will come after enduring that bitter pill to swallow. Just do what you need to do in order to put yourself on a better position and forget about your feelings, forget about how you feel, forget if you are hurt, always keep moving forward because that's the right thing to do, learn how to play this game of life, learn how to not take everything personally. Of course you will still be mad if someone disrespects you but if you can focus your attention to the things that matters the most in your life then you will feel much better. 

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