Dec 10, 2020


Your mind and anything that it believes can manifest anything that it's consumed with. So if your mind is consumed with negativity and fear then you will attract the same energy. But if your mind is consumed with power, greatness and positivity then you will get anything you desire, as simple as that. Even a janitor or a garbage collector can become a millionaire, even the blind can see, even a deaf can hear music, it's just a matter of believing it so hard and not thinking about anything else outside of it. You can be anything you want, attract anything you want if you have the power to believe. And when I say believe, I mean you really believe it with all your heart and soul, you don't care about science or facts, you don't care about what the experts say, you don't care if you're not on the position to get it... you just believe it and you're so happy thinking about it. 


Anything that you believed already happened in real life, somebody already did it. If somebody did it then you can do it too. You're dreaming of a luxury car, somebody already have it. You're dreaming of a mansion, someone already built it. You're dreaming of millions, somebody already earned it. You're dreaming of a good life, a lot of people were already living it. You're dreaming of a healthy body, millions of people already healed themselves. What you are dreaming of already happened, so don't be scared to get it by yourself, you have the power to manifest it into your life. If it already happen in the past then it can happen again now, all you need to do is repeat, all you need to do is believe and work and it will happen, as simple as that. If it happened before with somebody's life then it can happen with your life too, they were no different than you, what they can do you can do better. It's not about being hypocrite or delusional, it's about trusting yourself. And remember, all big dreamers were ridiculed before, nobody trusted them until they become successful.


Stop entering someone's mind, stop convincing them that you are right because you really believe your philosophy in life then you don't need to convince them anymore, this will only create a debate and sometimes you will believe them, you will ride on their negativity especially if they're winning the argument. And even if you don't allow to them to stay in your head... you will still feel bad and negative because of the debate that happened between you and them, you would love to correct them but they don't want to be corrected and this creates a lot of negativity and bad emotions, your belief will be affected. 

Stop also adapting their beliefs, it's also penetrating their head, wanting to know what's inside of their head. What they think is none of your business, the most important thing is what's going on inside of your head, never get interested to their beliefs, never wonder what's running on their mind because it's a waste of time and energy, you will never get anywhere by doing that. You will never get anything if you get interested with someone's mind, especially if that mind is full of negativity and ego. 


Worrying is an information it's a lot of negative images, it will destroy your belief. Talking to a negative person is an information, he will give you a lot of inputs that will ruin your belief. Watching news is an information, it will poison your mind, it will feed you lies that you thought were real, it will change your perception and you will believe in the masses. Don't you know that most people were too negative because of watching too much news? It's entertaining but it feels so heavy watching it, you will not even trust your own perception because news is too powerful, it can manipulate your mind to the fullest. You will forget to trust your own judgement every time you feed your mind information that you don't want. Negativity creates a lot of fear, it will make you weak, you will forget how good you are. 

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