Dec 27, 2020


No matter how many days left this year, finish it strong, finish this year like an animal and never get satisfied with what you have. Progress a little bit, make more money, work harder, finish this year with a bang so that next year you will have a very strong momentum. Don't be like others who were partying, dancing and celebrating like they already won in life, those people were clowns, they feel they were entitled of celebration even though they were the same bum a few years ago. No matter how many seconds or minutes left this year... push yourself to the limits and keep moving forward, that's how greatness begins... you don't choose any time to work hard, it's in your blood, it's in your DNA, you don't care if it's Christmas or New year, you just work and improve. 

Coz you've been acting like a bum for a very long time, you're like a stupid clown that's wandering anywhere and doing what feels good, did it helped you? There's no time for resting, there's no time for acting like a millionaire even though you don't have money. It's time to be real now, you need to take your journey seriously, take your life seriously if you really want to make a change. People around you will change if you change, your environment will change if you change. The reason why people are treating you like is because you feel weak and you're acting like weak. But if you will act strong and put a very strong effort on your craft then they will treat you differently, they will feel that you're something and you mean real business. 

So stop acting like a fool because you're better than that, you can make your life better if you want to. It can start now and it should start now. Start something and never stop until it's done, put all of your energy and effort to something that will give you a better life. Finish this year like a beast, focus on what you want, focus on working hard and outwork everyone. That's the formula for greatness... work harder than everyone else and let's see if the universe don't reward you. The universe will submit to your will, you need to show something different, be brave and trust hard work, trust the process and keep moving forward all the time. Success will be attracted to you if you're doing something to attract it. The reason why most people are failing is because they don't know that their actions were stupid. They expect the universe or government or company to give them what they want without the willingness to go the extra mile. You will only get help if you're helping yourself, you will only get higher if you're trying to climb the mountain by yourself. Nobody will hand you freebies, you can never change your life if you keep acting the same way. 

Whatever time you have left this year 2020, it can be 5 seconds or 5 days... choose to become a beast, give everything you've got with all your heart and never mind winning or losing, focus on what you're doing and use all of your power on it. 


If you want to grow, if you want to evolve then you need to choose discomfort now. You need stress to improve, without pain there is no gain. You can't act like a soft cotton candy and expect to become tougher, easy things and easy situation will make you weak. It's just a feeling, feeling uncomfortable is just a feeling, if you could understand that it's just a feeling and it doesn't matter at all then it will be easier for you to become a beast. Because at the end of the day, what you feel doesn't matter, it's what you do with your life, it's what you do with everyday that was given to you. Feel happy if you're feeling uncomfortable because it means you're growing, you're transforming into a better person, you're leveling up and doing the right thing. The more you make yourself uncomfortable the more you will get comfortable later, it's just like investing, you sacrifice now, you practice delayed gratification now and you reap the fruits of your labor later. Always remember that you're not going to sacrifice forever, time will come and success will flow, you will be able to learn the technique and right method how to make things easier, in other words you will learn how to win, it's just a matter of pushing and pushing and pushing, you do what most people can't do so you won't get the same results as them.


Being a beast is a choice, it's not a power given to the chosen few, there is no such thing as the chosen few. Being a beast comes from your decision of becoming one. You choose to dominate, you choose to become strong, you choose to work hard and never give up. Being a beast is depends on you, it doesn't choose you, it's not a gift nor a talent, it's a decision to stop being weak and walk the path of the stronger ones. What you are doing now is the determinant if you're a beast or not, if you're doing easy things that has no benefits then you're just a prey, you will be eaten later by the stronger human beings, you will become a slave, you will have no control of your life and they will be the ones who will control you. So if you're sick and tired of living a weak life, if you don't want to experience the same ugly results over and over again... choose to become  a beast, make it your lifestyle. Accept that you will work harder than anybody else, accept that it's going to get harder. Because the truth is... living a weak and easy life is harder than living a fast pace and hard working life, it's because you will never get satisfied of your life, you will always ask yourself what could you have done if you try giving your best. 

Once you decided to become  a beast, once you start working harder and going to the extreme... never let that momentum go, keep it going, keep the fire burning, once day you will see yourself as a different human being, you already arrived the different level, you're not the same bum anymore a year ago, you're speaking different and acting different now, you're serious about your goals and little by little you're getting closer and closer to what you are trying to accomplish, it's just a matter of developing the right habits to become successful. All you need is patience and commitment, endure doing the boring process, endure doing the harder things.

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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...