Dec 15, 2020


When it's already yours, you will realize that it's not that beautiful. Or maybe it's really beautiful but sooner or later you will never appreciate it anymore. Just like a new house, a luxury car, a hot chick, a new place, a new job etc. They're only beautiful because you don't have them yet but once you have it all and you've been using it for months, you will realize that it's not making you happy anymore. If having everything makes everyone happy then why the hell were millionaires are also living in misery at one point in their lives? So don't cry too much about what's missing in your life because you only think that it's beautiful because you don't have it yet, once it's yours... the feeling of excitement will never be the same again like how you feel when it's not still on your hands. 

Don't cry because you don't have what you want. Trust me, wait for a few weeks and you don't want it anymore. Feelings always change, wanting something is different than really needing it. Think deeply if you really need it and be honest with yourself. You want it because you're jealous because somebody have it. Wanting is just an emotion, you're just being too emotional and hungry for it that's why you're making a lot of excuses why you need to have it. You always feel you're going to become happy once you have it but the truth is you can still become happy even if it's not in your life. 


You live without it before, you didn't die, you didn't get sick, it only means you can still live without it now. Don't let that thing or person steal your happiness, your happiness doesn't come from it. You can become very happy by just being yourself and appreciating what you have in your life. Stop looking for more if you have no power to get it, if you can get it then get it but if you can't do anything for now then don't whine about it, treat it just like a normal thing, never worship it like a God because it's not. Always remember that your happiness was based on the quality of your thoughts, adjust your thoughts and your emotions will also adjust. Don't ever think that you can't live without what you want, just laugh at it, it's not a big deal, you can breathe feely without it, you can still smile without it, never treat it like a precious thing that you can't afford to lose. Everything is just a display in your life, it's just a small figment in your whole life. 


Be happy if you have nothing because you really have none when you were born and you will also have none when you die. Live your life like there's no pressure at all and be happy whether you have or have nothing. Zero is the default, your life is already enough, everything else more than zero is just a bonus so be appreciative if you're getting less or getting nothing because your life comes from zero and there is nothing wrong if you're still getting zero. It only means that you don't need to be frightened of trying something uncommon or taking a big risk because you really don't have anything in life. You have nothing to lose, you have everything to gain. And so what if the have more and you have less? you can avoid feeling less if you're honestly happy with what you have, you can feel so abundant by having small things. 


Real power and happiness comes from being yourself and not looking at other people's lives. Focus on growing, focus on your life and never feel bad if somebody has more than you. Their journey is different than your journey, you have your own path. Just try to grow each day, watch yourself, evolve and never stop moving forward. If you focus on the hustle, if you give your energy into the process then you will never become sad anymore, the work itself will entertain you. Plus, it will give you results for sure, hard work pays off, don't ever feel worried if you have the ability to work hard because it means you have the ability to succeed. As long as you have the process that you believe and you really enjoy it then there is nothing else to worry about. Comparing your life to other people's live is an insult to yourself, it means you don't want your life, it's a disgrace, that kind of mentality will lead you to failure. You need to love what you have and try to make it richer and bigger everyday. 


Patience is the key and nothing else. You can have anything if you are willing to wait and take it one step at a time. Be patient, be willing to work hard if you want something big. The problem today is most people want something expensive but they are not willing to go the extra mile. They want to get it by complaining and making dramas. Some people wants to have a higher salary by just complaining and making dramas to their bosses that their salary was too low and that the economy is bad so the price of different products were too high. If you want to get something big then your effort should be big too, it's not about wanting it, it's about working for it. If you're not willing to work harder then just shut up and appreciate what you have. 


I know you want something and it's normal to feel that way, you're just a human being and humans always have urges for something that they don't have. But if you can't have it now then stop complaining because the more you complain the more you will not get it. Use your energy to improve your life, improve your skills, work harder to get what you want. Because it's al about where you're placing your energy, are you placing it for complains or are you placing it for hard work and giving yourself a chance to become successful. 


Here are the list of things that most people want but useless:

1. Brand new car even if they already have one.

2. Expensive bags

3. New wife

4. New shoes that you saw on advertisement. 

5. More followers in Instagram

6. Useless toys

7. Displays on your house

8. New food that you saw in facebook

9. Vacation trips

And many many more, you see these things are not that important in your life. You can live without these things. But the problem is you got jealous with people who have it that's why you want to have it too. 

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