Dec 1, 2020


The process should be simple and bold, that's how to become successful. Once you choose a process... execute it as hard as you can, never give up and just keep pushing everyday. Go all the way, use all of your energy and time to make it work, don't stop, don't listen to what other people say, don't compare your progress to others and focus on your own journey... that's how to win in life. Because the reason why you're failing is because you're thinking too much, you're worrying why the process is not yet working for now, you're too frustrated if you worked so hard and yet didn't get anything. You're too needy of the results. The results is the process itself, if you're enjoying it and feeling good about it then it's already a success. You have to make a stand for the process, just because it's not working doesn't mean you have to quit, you have to keep trying and trying until you finally make it work. Because it's not going to be easy, don't be fooled by a lot of people who are making it fast in life, don't get jealous with other people who become successful in a flash, you really don't know what's going on, you don't know the whole narrative behind their stories. 


Make it simple, stick with the basics. If you're planning to lose weight then just run everyday and eat greens, as simple as that. You don't need to hire fitness coach that will shred your wallet and not your fats. You don't need to buy equipment that you will never even use, always remember that if you're doing something and you're really committed to it then it will work, it will give you results. Some people are just looking for excuses before they do something. They need to buy this, they need to have that, they need a plan but once they have what they think they need... they will not even take the process seriously. 

Stop looking for complexity, what you need is already inside of you, what you're looking for is not needed. All you need is time and dedication to do the process and stick with it. 

If you want to become rich then just work hard, save money and work like hell, as simple as that. If you need to gain muscles then lift some weights everyday. You don't need a protein shake, you don't need some steroids, you don't need a jacked up fake coach, all you need is the willpower and determination to make your muscles grow through hard work and commitment. 

If you want to learn then just read, do some research, put in to your heart what you are reading, execute and do the trial and error process, as simple as it sounds, what's so difficult about that? all you need to do is open your computer or book and then just read. 

You will get what you want if you will stop looking for perfection, if you will just use what is available and just do the process. Just start now with whatever you have, start where you are and stop thinking too much if you're doing the right thing or not. Always remember that if your intention is to win and you're working hard then you're already on the right path, there is no need to question yourself anymore. 

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Everything on social media is fake, everything was just a marketing, everything was just trying to impress other people or make views for mo...