Dec 27, 2020


Beware of this, sometimes you're the one who's creating the pain in your life. It's your thoughts and perspective towards the situation that creates the pain. You're creating an illusion that something worse is about to happen, you're thinking about the future so much and that's killing you little by little. You are making yourself suffer by feeling anxious and worried. There is nothing to worry about. 


Anticipating something, fear of suffering creates the pain even more. Fear of failure, fear of what people say, fear of what's going to happen next, fear of making wrong decisions, fear of not being in power. Fear is just an illusion but you believe it too much. IF YOU ARE SCARED OF PAIN then you will feel pain even more, it will get worse, fear is the amplifier of pain, your system will become weak if you will let fear dominate your head. You need to stop entertaining bad and negative images into your head if you want to lessen the pain, sometimes it's just small pain but you're making it big by yourself because of thinking too much. So if you don't want it to become more painful then learn to neutralize pain. If you want to neutralize fear all you need to do is be in the moment and embrace all of your emotions, forget about what may happen next and stay in the moment. 

Fear is just an illusion, you created it and the good news is you can also destroy it. Destroy it with calmness, stay still, destroy it with meditation and breathing. Once you focus on your breathing and you shut down all the negative thoughts... fear will go away. It's better to be thinking nothing than to thinking about a lot of things. Never complicate your situation, never make it harder. Your negative thoughts are making it harder so just shut down all the negativity and the best way to do it is by living in the moment and being happy where you are with what you have and how you feel. 


Let's say you're really in pain, you have no other choice but to go further or else you will never win, pain will never go away if you will not force yourself to feel it and go further no matter what. Whatever happens... don't quit, keep going further no matter what. Never let any pain stop you, never let anything make you quit. Life is all about squeezing, life is all about discovering your full potential and what you can do. You can go further as much as you can if you're willing to face discomfort. Take one step now and repeat, that's it, no need to think, no need to worry about anything else, take one step now and see how everything will work. Look for the smallest step that you can do, one positive step that has a potential to make your situation better, look for it and do it. 

Little by little, endure it, do it, embrace it, keep going further. Sometimes all you need to do is survive, sometimes all you need to do is do the smallest thing that you can do. Never give up, you can create a miracle, good things are about to come, everything is ok. 


All pain will subside, there's no pain that you can't endure. Face the pain because once you do it you will grow, you will become stronger mentally and physically. Stay still, the pain will go away in just a matter of time. Your body is made of metal if your mind is tough, your body is made of glass if your mind is weak. There is no pain that you can't endure, all you need to do is be in the moment and feel it. Accept it with all your heart and never wish for a more comfortable feeling. You will only get uncomfortable even more if you're looking for an escape. Suck it up, embrace it like you love it. Pain is nothing, it's just a feeling, it's just an emotion, why will you be afraid of something that is not permanent? pain is just temporary the only way to minimize it is to feel it and focus on your breathing, focus on staying calm and move if you can. Don't be afraid of pain because it can't beat you if you will not make it a big deal, if it has to stay for a longer period of time so be it, don't rush to remove it, let it stay there until it can't bother you anymore. 


The best pain reliever is movement. When you were just a child have you ever wonder why your cold or flu is going away whenever you are playing outside? and it comes back when you go back home. Movement, motion, this is the best cure. That's why exercise is the best cure for a weakling body. You need to stay in motion and make a little progress if you want to have more energy, you need to force yourself to go further as much as you can, that's how to remain powerful, that's how you will be able to eliminate pain. So every time you feel some pain... move, do something, push yourself, be creative and productive. I know it sounds absurd but it is the reality. How many times you've been lazy when feeling some pain and you feel heavier? this time do something different, use pushing forward and not pulling backwards. Face the pain, embrace it as much as you can and put yourself on the best position to succeed. Just move forward now and you will feel much better, life is movement, progress only happens if you're taking action. Force yourself to move now and keep the momentum alive, keep moving until you can't move anymore. 


You feel weak because you believe that you are weak, you feel incapable of doing something because you're not giving yourself a chance. If you can do ten pushups that's not the only number you can do, you can do 20 or even 100. You just need to push yourself so that strength will come out. What you can do is only 20 percent of what you can really do, there is an eighty percent that is hiding, and it doesn't show because your desire to let it out is too weak. You need to have a burning desire, you need to focus like a monk. If you can make yourself believe that you are strong then you are strong, as simple as that. You need to believe that you are powerful and unlimited, that's how to become successful, that's how to make a breakthrough. It all starts in your mentality, what you constantly think will be your reality. So it's better to think of yourself as something who is strong rather than judging yourself as weak. Whatever you think about yourself is true, if you think you're weak then you can never push and achieve greatness. But if you think that you're strong then sky is the limit for you. 


Instead of complaining, making dramas and looking for sympathy you better use your energy for appreciation. Be happy with what you have, be happy where you are and it will be easier for you to feel better or make a progress. The reason why you feel stuck is because you're acting like a victim, you think that the world is unfair to you and that you deserve much better. If you can just appreciate where you are right now then the pressure will go away, no need to look for more, you will never feel the lack again. Feel abundant now, feel in control now, feel that where you are the is the place you want to be. 

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