Dec 29, 2020


Don't worry because time will never stop, it keeps running and running, don't look at the clock. Don't look at how much time remaining before you stop, don't rush the dismissal, don't wish for a break, don't wish to go home fast, don't fast forward the time because you're bored and tired now. Time will run no matter what. All you can do to make the time faster is enjoy what's going on may it be hard or easy, enjoy your work even if you don't like it. It's possible to like it, it's just a matter of attitude and perspective adjustment. Time will never stop no matter how hard you try to stop it, it will keep going, it will never stop no matter how hard you pray. It will also never run faster if you want to escape something or skip something, there is no such thing as fast forward. The only thing you can do and the best thing you can do is embrace the moment, live in the present and never try to jump to the future that you wish. 

No matter how bored you are, no matter how happy you are... time will run, don't always look at it, don't check your watch, don't wish for an easy life, embrace life and forget about time. Time is ticking all the time, nobody can stop it, nobody can rush it, it works depends on how you feel. If you don't feel good about it, it will work against you. But if you feel so happy with time, you will have more of it, it will become faster, you will feel abundant, you will have more energy. 


If you really believe in your power, if you really believe that what you want will happen then you will wait. You will never care about the distractions, you will just ignore the people and things that are trying to slow you down or giving you problems, you just believe. You don't care if you need to wait for a long time, you just knew that what you want will happen and it will be given to you. Because the more you become impatient the more you will wait, you will get frustrated, you will become angry and how does this help you? 

When things are not going your way, if you want something to happen but you can't see any hope that it will happen... don't forget that you can wait. Don't forget that it's not the only thing that can make you happy. You can become happy now, you can create thoughts that will make you happy now, your happiness should not be based on the outside things, it should be based on the quality of your thoughts. If you're sad now, you just need to change your thoughts and your emotions will change, as simple as that. It's not easy to do, it takes practice but if you can master this technique then you will never become sad for a very long time, it will be easier for you to shift emotions. You can wait forever, if it doesn't come so be it, but never refrain yourself from giving your best. 

Don't be afraid to wait because sometimes it's the best thing you could do, if there's nothing you can do about it then just move forward and be in the moment, embrace every second and simply work hard. Time will never stop, it's so fast, one year is so fast. Sometimes you will even feel like time is tricking you. 

Never under estimate the power of waiting. All people will quit because they can't wait, they want it now, they have fear of missing out. Most people will change directions, most people will never dare to try again only to have regrets in the end because they were easily tempted by the easy path and still they didn't succeed. Victory belongs to the most persevering. Keep this quote in mind and you will never become a loser in life.  


You have to enjoy time, as simple as that. Meaning you have to enjoy life, make as much as you can win life. Squeeze the juices of it, learn every second, love life and focus on your journey. Even if you're not doing anything, even if you're bored and stuck, that's still part of your life. Struggle is still a part of your life so you have to embrace it and love it. Because this is the best way to enjoy life and make things easier, enjoy everything even if it's hard, irritating, uncomfortable, stressful or painful. It's possible to do it. Don't complain because only victims and losers complain. If you have the power to change or enforce something then act but if you don't have then just shut up and do something that is better than complaining or acting like a cry baby. Real strength is power over time, meaning you still feel confident and in control no matter what time it is, you still feel good during rush hour or idle hours, you're not afraid of time. You're not afraid if the deadline of your project is near, you're not afraid if you need to do a lot of work or endure a lot of dead hours. Real power is knowing how to enjoy yourself no matter what time it is. 


Every activity is boring because you don't want to watch, you don't want to listen and you don't want to feel. You're thinking about some other things, and that mentality creates boredom and frustration, you are being impatient. Learn to appreciate every step, every breathe, every word, every sound, every struggle, every moment and you will have an easy time in your life. Ignore what makes you feel bad and immediately shift your focus into something much much better. Enjoy every step may it be hard or boring, love it even if it's not entertaining at all. 


Pretend that you love everything, fake it till you make it. Mind is everything, once you are aware that it's all about the mind... everything will become a lot easier. Never prioritize your emotions, never let a bad day ruin your day, never let a lazy body destroy your momentum. It's all in the mind, you need to believe that everything is alright even if you're feeling bad. If you can think that something is easy then it will be easier, but if you think that an easy task is hard then it will be hard even if nurseries can do it. It's all in your perspective, what you think will come into reality. 


Whenever you feel stuck just stop thinking and that's it. Feeling stuck is only a state of mind. Stop thinking, breathe, focus on stillness. And when you already feel good... go back to what you're doing. Sometimes the more you push the more you feel stuck. Disconnect from everything, forget the outcome and focus on loving the process, enjoy your life and fall in love to what you do.

Dec 27, 2020


No matter how many days left this year, finish it strong, finish this year like an animal and never get satisfied with what you have. Progress a little bit, make more money, work harder, finish this year with a bang so that next year you will have a very strong momentum. Don't be like others who were partying, dancing and celebrating like they already won in life, those people were clowns, they feel they were entitled of celebration even though they were the same bum a few years ago. No matter how many seconds or minutes left this year... push yourself to the limits and keep moving forward, that's how greatness begins... you don't choose any time to work hard, it's in your blood, it's in your DNA, you don't care if it's Christmas or New year, you just work and improve. 

Coz you've been acting like a bum for a very long time, you're like a stupid clown that's wandering anywhere and doing what feels good, did it helped you? There's no time for resting, there's no time for acting like a millionaire even though you don't have money. It's time to be real now, you need to take your journey seriously, take your life seriously if you really want to make a change. People around you will change if you change, your environment will change if you change. The reason why people are treating you like is because you feel weak and you're acting like weak. But if you will act strong and put a very strong effort on your craft then they will treat you differently, they will feel that you're something and you mean real business. 

So stop acting like a fool because you're better than that, you can make your life better if you want to. It can start now and it should start now. Start something and never stop until it's done, put all of your energy and effort to something that will give you a better life. Finish this year like a beast, focus on what you want, focus on working hard and outwork everyone. That's the formula for greatness... work harder than everyone else and let's see if the universe don't reward you. The universe will submit to your will, you need to show something different, be brave and trust hard work, trust the process and keep moving forward all the time. Success will be attracted to you if you're doing something to attract it. The reason why most people are failing is because they don't know that their actions were stupid. They expect the universe or government or company to give them what they want without the willingness to go the extra mile. You will only get help if you're helping yourself, you will only get higher if you're trying to climb the mountain by yourself. Nobody will hand you freebies, you can never change your life if you keep acting the same way. 

Whatever time you have left this year 2020, it can be 5 seconds or 5 days... choose to become a beast, give everything you've got with all your heart and never mind winning or losing, focus on what you're doing and use all of your power on it. 


If you want to grow, if you want to evolve then you need to choose discomfort now. You need stress to improve, without pain there is no gain. You can't act like a soft cotton candy and expect to become tougher, easy things and easy situation will make you weak. It's just a feeling, feeling uncomfortable is just a feeling, if you could understand that it's just a feeling and it doesn't matter at all then it will be easier for you to become a beast. Because at the end of the day, what you feel doesn't matter, it's what you do with your life, it's what you do with everyday that was given to you. Feel happy if you're feeling uncomfortable because it means you're growing, you're transforming into a better person, you're leveling up and doing the right thing. The more you make yourself uncomfortable the more you will get comfortable later, it's just like investing, you sacrifice now, you practice delayed gratification now and you reap the fruits of your labor later. Always remember that you're not going to sacrifice forever, time will come and success will flow, you will be able to learn the technique and right method how to make things easier, in other words you will learn how to win, it's just a matter of pushing and pushing and pushing, you do what most people can't do so you won't get the same results as them.


Being a beast is a choice, it's not a power given to the chosen few, there is no such thing as the chosen few. Being a beast comes from your decision of becoming one. You choose to dominate, you choose to become strong, you choose to work hard and never give up. Being a beast is depends on you, it doesn't choose you, it's not a gift nor a talent, it's a decision to stop being weak and walk the path of the stronger ones. What you are doing now is the determinant if you're a beast or not, if you're doing easy things that has no benefits then you're just a prey, you will be eaten later by the stronger human beings, you will become a slave, you will have no control of your life and they will be the ones who will control you. So if you're sick and tired of living a weak life, if you don't want to experience the same ugly results over and over again... choose to become  a beast, make it your lifestyle. Accept that you will work harder than anybody else, accept that it's going to get harder. Because the truth is... living a weak and easy life is harder than living a fast pace and hard working life, it's because you will never get satisfied of your life, you will always ask yourself what could you have done if you try giving your best. 

Once you decided to become  a beast, once you start working harder and going to the extreme... never let that momentum go, keep it going, keep the fire burning, once day you will see yourself as a different human being, you already arrived the different level, you're not the same bum anymore a year ago, you're speaking different and acting different now, you're serious about your goals and little by little you're getting closer and closer to what you are trying to accomplish, it's just a matter of developing the right habits to become successful. All you need is patience and commitment, endure doing the boring process, endure doing the harder things.


Beware of this, sometimes you're the one who's creating the pain in your life. It's your thoughts and perspective towards the situation that creates the pain. You're creating an illusion that something worse is about to happen, you're thinking about the future so much and that's killing you little by little. You are making yourself suffer by feeling anxious and worried. There is nothing to worry about. 


Anticipating something, fear of suffering creates the pain even more. Fear of failure, fear of what people say, fear of what's going to happen next, fear of making wrong decisions, fear of not being in power. Fear is just an illusion but you believe it too much. IF YOU ARE SCARED OF PAIN then you will feel pain even more, it will get worse, fear is the amplifier of pain, your system will become weak if you will let fear dominate your head. You need to stop entertaining bad and negative images into your head if you want to lessen the pain, sometimes it's just small pain but you're making it big by yourself because of thinking too much. So if you don't want it to become more painful then learn to neutralize pain. If you want to neutralize fear all you need to do is be in the moment and embrace all of your emotions, forget about what may happen next and stay in the moment. 

Fear is just an illusion, you created it and the good news is you can also destroy it. Destroy it with calmness, stay still, destroy it with meditation and breathing. Once you focus on your breathing and you shut down all the negative thoughts... fear will go away. It's better to be thinking nothing than to thinking about a lot of things. Never complicate your situation, never make it harder. Your negative thoughts are making it harder so just shut down all the negativity and the best way to do it is by living in the moment and being happy where you are with what you have and how you feel. 


Let's say you're really in pain, you have no other choice but to go further or else you will never win, pain will never go away if you will not force yourself to feel it and go further no matter what. Whatever happens... don't quit, keep going further no matter what. Never let any pain stop you, never let anything make you quit. Life is all about squeezing, life is all about discovering your full potential and what you can do. You can go further as much as you can if you're willing to face discomfort. Take one step now and repeat, that's it, no need to think, no need to worry about anything else, take one step now and see how everything will work. Look for the smallest step that you can do, one positive step that has a potential to make your situation better, look for it and do it. 

Little by little, endure it, do it, embrace it, keep going further. Sometimes all you need to do is survive, sometimes all you need to do is do the smallest thing that you can do. Never give up, you can create a miracle, good things are about to come, everything is ok. 


All pain will subside, there's no pain that you can't endure. Face the pain because once you do it you will grow, you will become stronger mentally and physically. Stay still, the pain will go away in just a matter of time. Your body is made of metal if your mind is tough, your body is made of glass if your mind is weak. There is no pain that you can't endure, all you need to do is be in the moment and feel it. Accept it with all your heart and never wish for a more comfortable feeling. You will only get uncomfortable even more if you're looking for an escape. Suck it up, embrace it like you love it. Pain is nothing, it's just a feeling, it's just an emotion, why will you be afraid of something that is not permanent? pain is just temporary the only way to minimize it is to feel it and focus on your breathing, focus on staying calm and move if you can. Don't be afraid of pain because it can't beat you if you will not make it a big deal, if it has to stay for a longer period of time so be it, don't rush to remove it, let it stay there until it can't bother you anymore. 


The best pain reliever is movement. When you were just a child have you ever wonder why your cold or flu is going away whenever you are playing outside? and it comes back when you go back home. Movement, motion, this is the best cure. That's why exercise is the best cure for a weakling body. You need to stay in motion and make a little progress if you want to have more energy, you need to force yourself to go further as much as you can, that's how to remain powerful, that's how you will be able to eliminate pain. So every time you feel some pain... move, do something, push yourself, be creative and productive. I know it sounds absurd but it is the reality. How many times you've been lazy when feeling some pain and you feel heavier? this time do something different, use pushing forward and not pulling backwards. Face the pain, embrace it as much as you can and put yourself on the best position to succeed. Just move forward now and you will feel much better, life is movement, progress only happens if you're taking action. Force yourself to move now and keep the momentum alive, keep moving until you can't move anymore. 


You feel weak because you believe that you are weak, you feel incapable of doing something because you're not giving yourself a chance. If you can do ten pushups that's not the only number you can do, you can do 20 or even 100. You just need to push yourself so that strength will come out. What you can do is only 20 percent of what you can really do, there is an eighty percent that is hiding, and it doesn't show because your desire to let it out is too weak. You need to have a burning desire, you need to focus like a monk. If you can make yourself believe that you are strong then you are strong, as simple as that. You need to believe that you are powerful and unlimited, that's how to become successful, that's how to make a breakthrough. It all starts in your mentality, what you constantly think will be your reality. So it's better to think of yourself as something who is strong rather than judging yourself as weak. Whatever you think about yourself is true, if you think you're weak then you can never push and achieve greatness. But if you think that you're strong then sky is the limit for you. 


Instead of complaining, making dramas and looking for sympathy you better use your energy for appreciation. Be happy with what you have, be happy where you are and it will be easier for you to feel better or make a progress. The reason why you feel stuck is because you're acting like a victim, you think that the world is unfair to you and that you deserve much better. If you can just appreciate where you are right now then the pressure will go away, no need to look for more, you will never feel the lack again. Feel abundant now, feel in control now, feel that where you are the is the place you want to be. 


Sometimes you need to do what you don't want to do, you need to swallow your pride and do what feels so low for you. What I mean is accept some jobs that pays low to get some money. Do this if the rate of unemployment is so high and you can't find a job. Accept a janitorial job if it's the only opening. Because if you will not do it then you will go even lower, stop feeding your ego, stop acting like you're special. If you want to get higher then you need to start from the bottom if that's the only place where you can start. Even if you're a king before, even if you're rich before, even if you're an elite before... sometimes you need to go low just to have something that will give you a confidence booster. 

Be a journeyman if you need to. If you're an MVP before but as the time goes by you get older and weaker... accept playing low minutes if that's the only way to sustain your job as a basketball player. Don't act like you deserve something more if you can't find more, you need to go low if you want to get higher. Because on that lower position is an opportunity to redeem yourself or do something special. You can still do something magical on that low position, all you need to do is stay positive and be happy where you are and of course give your very best. 

Wash your boss's feet if you need to, accept that you're a loser for now. Don't worry, you will never stay on that position forever if you have a vision to go up. All you need is to build a momentum that will give you a little confidence and stability. 


It doesn't matter where you are, it doesn't matter if you're too low and people were mocking you. You can make a comeback, you can still get higher if you will enforce your will. Little by little do what is needed to elevate your status a little bit. Use your willpower anywhere you are. Whatever your position is... use your willpower and never give up, keep pushing, keep going further. Do whatever it takes to win, accept any kind of job, leave your extravagant if you need to. Go low to get higher, make practical adjustments, don't be afraid to look cheap, all you need is a momentum and it's easier to get one at the bottom. 


Stay humble because not all the time you're on top. If you're on top stay humble because anytime you can go down. If you're at the bottom stay humble too while working your way on top, always stay humble and focus on working hard. Whatever you need to do... just do it and never complain. Never think that you deserve to be treated special, you're just an ordinary human being, you're not invincible. Because arrogance creates laziness, thinking that you're already the best will make you complacent.

Dec 26, 2020


In order to become creative, you need to get out of your mind, get out of your old self and get lost. Forget who you are, forget where will you end up and always try to push the boundary, forget about limitations, forget the rules. Do it your way and be the best that you can be, as simple as that. 


Whatever you wanted to create, pick something, use something and try. Forget your skills, forget your level and just try. Because trying is free, moving is free, nothing can stop you, you're the only one who's making dramas and illusion that you're not enough. What you need is already inside of you and that is heart and willpower to finish something. Move, don't hesitate, don't ask for permission and just move. Forget the trend, forget the right thing, forget other people's way and do it your way. There's nothing wrong in innovating, you have to improvise as much as you can and produce something now. Because there are thousands of ideas in your head but you're not even using it, you're just letting it be de decayed for no reason at all. Stop spoiling your ideas, use it and try to make it work. 


If you want to get ahead in life then be fast, don't be like a turtle don't be like water that just keeps on flowing, when you put water into a container then it becomes stuck, be an ant that keeps on moving forward no matter what. An ant doesn't care if it's hard or easy, an ant doesn't care if you stomp on it, if it can move forward then it will. It only knows how to move, it doesn't stop, it keeps fighting and creating until the end. Be fast everyday, feel ashamed of yourself if you're slowing down and always being cautious. There is no time to feel that you're in danger, the only danger is when you're not taking risks. You have to put yourself on the edge of failing. Outspeed everyone and you will become successful, be the fastest worker, get addicted to speed, get addicted to doing more and always remember that one is better than zero. It's much much better to be doing something than not doing anything. So every time you feel lazy, just do one thing, just produce no matter how lazy you feel. Just do it, even if the outcome is terrible just do it, make it a culture to become a doer and not a procrastinator. Because if you're using all of your time for production then you will become successful. Success is just a habit, it's just forcing yourself to take actions every time you feel lazy and uninspired, get lost to become creative, don't be afraid to fail, don't be afraid to repeat again, don't be afraid to make mistakes. So what if you repeat again? so what if you work again? don't be afraid to exert more effort than others. Don't get jealous of people who are succeeding fast, you have your own journey. And even if you work harder but get lesser results, it's ok because at least you become a better person. 


Never try to judge yourself that you are wrong. Never hold yourself back, never think that you're not good enough. Whenever you have an idea, execute it. Be fast, don't let any difficulty stop you. If you want to go to another level and see a different kind of life then never hold yourself back. Choose a process and do it every time you think about it. Never hesitate, make it a habit to just do it no matter what. Even if you feel bad, even if you have cold, even if you feel weak or sick... just do it. The side effect will be feeling better. You will have more energy if you don't hold yourself back, the key is to enjoy chaos, work even if something is bothering you and your focus will become laserlike again. The reason why you can't focus is because your mind was already distracted but you keep on distracting it, you're not fighting, you're not trying to do what is needed. Always be on a sense of urgency, treat your goal like a serious business, treat it as your only bread and butter, treat it as something that you can't live without. 


Your potential is unlimited, your skills are unlimited, your creativity is unlimited if you will allow yourself to just move and take actions. Creativity means simply doing it and nothing else, you just need to create, it doesn't say that you need to become super artistic or create a masterpiece, it doesn't say that you need to become great, creativity simply means to create and do something with passion. If you're passionate about it and you're giving it some time then you will be able to produce something special. Always think that you can push and do something, you can create something great and make your life epic. It's just a matter of deciding that you're going to become great, it's just a matter of not allowing the things outside of your control stop you. Be unstoppable, think that you're one of a kind, think that you can do anything you want if you work hard and give your very best. What you think of yourself is going to be your reality so don't ever think that you have limits, for as long as you can move... you can do something great, you can stretch your limits, you can bend your reality. 


Feel free, follow your intuition, get lost and make your hands dirty, this is the only way to evolve. Because most of the time you're trying to look cute and perfect, you don't want to get judged, you don't want to make mistakes because you think you're perfect, and that's why you can't evolve. You need to reinvent yourself and not be afraid of pain, critics and failure. It's going to be a dirty ride so brace yourself, don't be surprised if a lot of challenges is making you suffer, don't feel surprised if you find yourself wanting to quit, it is what it is, it's not going to be easy so keep pushing, keep striving. Don't be afraid to look like a crap, don't be afraid to look like rubbish. This life is just a game, why be scared of getting judged? we are all not perfect, all humans have imperfections. If you have this kind of mentality then you will become free, you will no longer be afraid to try. 


Believe in the power of belief and focus. Just because there is no sign that it will happen doesn't mean you need to stop believing. Just because you don't feel good about it doesn't mean you need to quit. You need to believe in the beginning up to the end. Your belief should be endless, it should stay forever. Believe and work hard, if you combine these two then you will become super unstoppable, you will become one of a kind, you will become super extra ordinary, you will be able to get the impossible, you will find a way out of no way. Believe, work hard and work faster, use speed too because speed is the name of the game, if you're a fast worker then the universe will like you. Success hates the slow people, it only loves the fast people. Even hot girls, they don't like slow and handsome guys, they love quick and aggressive guys. So if you will chase a girl... ask her out on a date right away and tell her that you're thirsty of her love. Success will give no room for slow and hesitant, it only favors the bold and decisive ones. 


The manifestation of what you want is so slow because your mind is too eroded, you're too focused on what you don't want. Once you see what you don't want like your enemy, noisy neighbor, traffic, problems etc. You immediately shift your focus into it. You're giving it too much attention and energy and that's why you can't manifest what you really want. 

Think about it all day long, never let your mind wander like a vagabond, never let your mind think about negative things that will only make you feel bad, you should feel good all the time thinking about the things that makes you motivated. 

So stop looking at the things that only makes you feel bad, they are useless. You have to see only the things that gets you excited. It's hard but your life will change dramatically if you follow this step. It's all about the mindset, it's all about controlling your mind and trying to evolve one day at a time. 

Guard your thoughts, be aware if you're not thinking about what you want anymore. Be aware if you're worried, anxious or thinking negatively. If you are worrying then it means you are doubting yourself that you're going to get it. There is no need to doubt, all you need to do is work hard and believe and you will get it. Keep pushing even if it's hard, keep moving even if it's too uncomfortable. 

Is you can persevere and endure all the difficulty then the universe will conspire, it will never hide success to you anymore, it will submit to your will, it will give way. It will never block you anymore.


Always remember that where the focus go the energy flow. Never get interested with information that is outside of your goal. Your mind is easy to distract. It's not hard to become successful, it's hard to focus. You have to set a target and use all of your energy to get it, as simple as it sounds. Focus is the most powerful force in the world. If you're focused on getting something then you will get it faster than anyone else. You have to think that it's already yours, you have to believe and give everything you've got, you have to want it from the bottom of your heart. Sometimes it's really going to get boring but it is what it is, you have to endure the pain, you have to stand out from the crowd if you really want to win in life. It's all about the power of dedication, it's all about sacrificing everything for what you want. The bigger your sacrifice the more you will get it fast. 


Because you're not giving your heart and soul to it. You're not working hard, you're too focused on what other people say and doing. You're too focused on what other people think, you're letting the external things affect you. Belief is not all about believing it right away and your belief will never change. Your belief will be challenged all the time and if you're not ready to protect your mind then you will never succeed. The negative and useless information will try to penetrate your mind and if you let them control your thoughts then it's already game over for you. You have to protect your mind, you have to own it and never let anything poison it, never let someone manipulate it. Never think about the things or people that you don't like. Don't hold remorse, stop hating, stop planning for a revenge, stop trying to impress everyone, stop trying to force them to believe that you are right. Because by doing that you're not focusing on your own journey anymore, you're already focusing on other people's lives. 

It's your own fault why you don't have confidence in yourself, it's because you're always lazy, you're always focusing on other people's journey instead of focusing on your own path. If you will take massive actions and fully commit to the process then you will start to gain some confidence in yourself, you will start to trust your abilities and you will fall in love with hard work even more. So starting today, forget all the laziness and envy with other people, start building a new character now and little by little believe in yourself. 


Just put yourself on a best position to succeed now, and that's it. It's one day at a time, this is not a destination, it's a journey. Greatness is a forever process so if you're doing everything you can now then you're already great. If you're putting yourself on a best position to win then you're already great. Just stay consistent and never give up, always bring your A+ game. It doesn't matter where you come from, it doesn't matter what you have or what can do, what matters is you're pushing yourself to the limits not and trying to get out of your cage, leave your comfort zone and do what hasn't been done before, it's all about fighting and using all of your power... that is what greatness is all about. Don't go to the future, don't go to the past, focus on the now, be in the moment and try to evolve yourself little buy little. Forget about what's going to happen next, there is something you can do better at the moment and you have to do it. 

Forget who you are in the past and start reidentifying yourself now, create a new image, someone who's more serious and willing to do whatever it takes to win in life. Focus on the present and try to use all of your time for taking actions that will take you to the next level. Enjoy the present moment because it is where abundance resides, it is where opportunities can be found. So never feel bad if you have an ugly past, never feel sorry if you have a rough start. It's not how you start, it's how you finish. What matters is you're going all the way with what you have right now. So stop taking your life for granted and do whatever it takes to get what you want. Everything you need is already inside of you, you don't need to look for more, start where you are with what you have and never feel satisfied, you have to stay hungry all the time, grind everyday and never stop until you become finally successful. 

Get better now, do the right thing now and never stop, keep pushing, keep destroying your boundaries and never believe that you have limits, you are unlimited for as long as you keep grinding and trying. Try as many times as you can, never give up and that's it... you will become successful already. 

Dec 23, 2020


The only question you need to ask yourself is... are you making yourself closer from it? are you putting yourself on the best position to succeed? or are you pushing yourself away from it because of making too much bad decisions. Because the truth is you can never get it all in an instant, you can never become successful so fast, it will never come the moment you want it to come, it will happen if it is already suppose to happen. 


Little by little go further and do something. Train your mind, train your body to fall in love with the small steps every now and then. You should feel disgusted every time you waste time. Push yourself, train yourself to be a fast doer and not a thinker. Stop being a worrier, this is life, bad things will really happen and you don't have control over the future, but what you can control is what you think now. Do what is best, push yourself little by little and never give up until you finally have what you want. Do something now and do something again tomorrow, just repeat the process again and again and you will never even notice that you're already too close to what you want. It's better to be moving than anticipating, you will feel much better if you're doing something to get what you want. 


Sometimes all you can do is be patient and work every single day, you have no other choice. Because you can't force the universe to give it to you right now, you don't have the power to do that. You can't get success the moment you want it, you have to wait and work for it. It's not an easy thing, it's not a prostitute that you can call whenever you want to, you have to court it like, you have to treat it like an elite girl... something that is hard to get. 


Wherever you are right now... don't stay there, go further, push further. If you want it then go further. You need to be evolving all the time, keep moving forward, keep getting better, keep looking for some space to operate. Shut down your brain and quit thinking about the future, focus on the now because it's the only thing that matters the most. There is no excuses for not improving today, there is always something you can do and you have to do it now, stop being lazy, stand up and go further. Never get satisfied of where you are, you have the power to make your life a little bit better than yesterday. It's all about the mindset, it's all about giving yourself a little chance to succeed. It's better to be doing something than doing nothing at all. 


Time is nothing at all, it's an illusion. The reason why you can't get what you want fast is because you're always looking at the clock. You think that your time is running out, you think that it's already too late to start, you think that it's too early. What you don't know is that there is nor right timing here. Time will pass, what will happen will happen. The only thing you can do is focus on what you can control at the moment, what's the best thing that you can do at the moment? there is something you can do that will make your situation a little bit better, focus on the best things, focus on the right things and don't be afraid to take actions even if you're already late. 


Never let your mind be occupied with useless information like news, violence, gossips, worries and any other subjects that wouldn't even help you at all. You have to protect your mind from negativity and stay focused on the grind. Because something will always try to control your mind and you need to be aware of it. Negative subjects are so entertaining but it has no use, it's only putting you down. Your mind is yours only, never let something use it and manipulate it because you will go down, you will lose control of your life. Just live your life your way and always believe in yourself no matter what. Sometimes you will feel wrong but for as long as you're working hard and you're serious in what you do... at one point in your life you will become right, no need to doubt yourself anymore. 


Even if you have what you want, you will still never get satisfied. That's what people are, we never get satisfied. So don't ever think that it's the only thing that will make you happy because it's not. You will always look for more once you get what you want so don't ever feel so bad or feel the lack of something because your struggle will never end once you have it.  


Admit that it's going to get hard, admit that it's not going to be easy. It is what it is, it's going to be a dirty journey. There will be a lot of challenges and you have to deal with all of it. You can't escape it, there's not going back. Don't expect for an easy path because by doing so will only make you feel bad, don't expect a smooth sailing because problems will always arise later, you have to be ready for everything, make yourself always available, always show up and never back down to any challenge. 


If you really want to become successful then you need to guard yourself carefully, look at yourself, are you doing the right thing? are you taking steps that will make you improve? are you disciplined enough to become productive? it's all about enjoying the small steps that are right and has the potential to make you big. Time will pass as I've always said, it doesn't matter if you're having fun or not, it doesn't matter if what you're doing is entertaining or not, what matters is you're doing the right thing. Practice delayed gratification all the time, it's not all about having fun, life is not all about happiness. You have to test yourself too how far can you go, for me that is the best way how to live your life. 


If you can't make a progress then just be happy where you are, sometimes all you need is the ability to appreciate what you have and you will make a progress sooner or later. You feel stuck because you keep on hating what you have, what you don't know is millions of people are dying to be on your place. Be happy with what you have and you will have more. Learning how to appreciate is very powerful, it multiplies your blessings, it will make you feel better, the pressure will go away. 


If you feel weak it means you're not moving, you're not doing something. The truth is... taking actions will give you more power, thinking all the time will only make you weak. Being needy and always worrying why your dream hasn't manifested yet is only making you slow and sick. If you want to have more energy... choose action over inaction. Because your dreams will never come true if you're just overthinking and always looking for results. Change now, be a doer and not just a watcher, never waste your time doing nothing, you're better than that, always better than that. If you find yourself stuck then move, do something that will give you small results and then repeat again and again, as simple as that. 

Dec 20, 2020


Just focus on being happy today and that's it. There are millions of reasons to be happy, and if you can't find one then it means you're sick in the head, there is a problem with you. Be mindful of what you're thinking and doing, always remember that anything that you decided to do can make you happy or miserable. If you're doing something that is related to negative then you will become unhappy but if you're doing something that has a value then it will be easier for you to become happy. 


The truth is... you there is nothing wrong having nothing, there is nothing wrong if you have zero money or zero property, there is nothing wrong if you have zero love or zero appreciation from others. If you can just appreciate that you're still alive then you're ultra rich. Most people couldn't even appreciate that they were breathing. There is nothing to be ashamed of if you have nothing. Just don't try to fit in and be someone's dog, just work hard and stay on your lane, don't try to impress people, don't try to look cool all the time. Get left behind if you need to, walk alone if you need to. The number one reason why people can't become happy is because they base their happiness on outside world, they don't know how to become happy traveling their own journey. The need other people to validate their happiness, they need some other things or some other people to fuel charge their happiness. And if they can't find something... they become depressed and problematic. 

And the truth is... you have something, even if you're just a beggar you still have something, you just need to look for it, you just need to see it. The reason why you always feel empty is because you're always looking for what is not in your life, you're focused on the lack. And it's a bad mentality because you will become poor even more by doing that. 


If you want to have more energy then try to look for an inspiration all the time. The more inspired you are the more work you will be able to do, as simple as that. It's easy to become negative but it has zero benefits for your journey plus it's taking away a lot of your energy, you are draining yourself by being negative even if you're not doing anything. Look at those negative people, they always complain that their work is hard that's why they can't become productive, they complain even if the work is easy. They always feel that it's hard and that's why they push themselves to become productive just for a day.  

Think about your son, think about your hot wife, feel blessed that there are some people that really loves you. Feel happy that you have friends, think about your family, never focus on things that don't matter at all. 

It's easy to become inspired, appreciate what you have, appreciate the smallest things that you have and focus on it. Use it to make your life better, use it to make you grow, stop focusing on some other things that will not even help you to become prosperous and better. If you're focused on what you have then you will have more. But if you're focused on what other people have then you will get less. 


Happiness starts with your thoughts, so if you're good on imagining things that are positive and happy then you can trick yourself to happiness, you can become very happy everyday. It all starts in your head. Happiness was based on the quality of your thoughts. So even if you have everything but your thoughts were garbage like then it will be very difficult for you to become happy. 

If you have a tough and positive mind then you're good, there is nothing else to worry about. It will be so very easy to become happy, as simple as that. Always remember that a healthy brain will produce a healthy life. So stop infusing your brain with negativity and subjects that creates worries and fears, take care of your mind and make sure that it is only filled with positive ideas and images. 

Be disciplined enough to filter the negative thoughts, never let it enter your brain. It takes time so be patient, the key here is to always be aware of what you're doing and thinking. If you're doing something negative then stop it, if you're thinking about negative then stop it right away. Stop thinking about the people that makes you feel bad, just think of them as a trash that you don't need to process. Stop feeling mad about them, stop giving them a small portion of your energy, always be aware that the only things that you need to think about are what you want. Focus on what you want, think about them, do something to get them. 

Your mind is everything, it is your reality, it is your happiness so starting today you better fill your mind with positive thoughts only, take care of it, evolve your consciousness and never let your mind destruct your life, let it lead your life to a better path. 


Think about money even if you don't have it, think about holding it, stacks of cash, remember the smell of brand new money, make it real in your imagination. Think about the car that you want, imagine driving it, imagine using it to get hot chicks, what's the color of the car? what's the brand? Imagine having a good life, a life that you imagine, put as much details as you can. Believe in the power of visualization, believe in the magic of catering positive thoughts. Believe it even if you don't have it, work for it and it will be yours one day. What's growing on your mind will grow into reality. That's why sad people turns into depressed people, it's because they're taking care of their sadness everyday. They love dramas, they love looking like an emo and that's why it's slowly becoming their reality. 

Always be aware of the thoughts running in your brain because the more you repeat it the faster it's likely to happen. Affirmation, law of attraction, repetition of thoughts... these are real, it's not some kind of a hoax or something. Repeat becoming rich a million times and money will come to your life without even expecting it. 

Dec 18, 2020

Life is just like that, why be surprised?

Don't pretend that it's not suppose to happen. Why get shocked of something that already happened before? Maybe it hasn't happened to yet but it already happened to somebody else. It's all part of life, everything that happening now is normal, it happened before and it's likely to happen again and again. So if you're witnessing something that is scary or uncomfortable just deal with it, don't give too much emotion for it because it's all part of life. It's part of the script, it's part of the game. May it be good or bad, anything is possible in life so don't be surprised of anything, it is what it is, what happened happens all the time, so stop being on a victim mode and choose strength otherwise. 


If you win big time never tell yourself that it's just a fluke, never stay too humble, don't be too arrogant but don't pretend that you just got lucky. You deserve to win, if you work hard for it then it's really for you. And when you lose, don't be surprised, even if you really prepare for it and still lost... it happens, upset happens, sometimes no matter how hard you work the victory will still not be given to you. Even if they cheated on you, even if they didn't treat you right... don't complain, life is just like that. Because every time you bark and complain you're only putting yourself on a victim mode, you're only making yourself  weaker, that's not the mentality of a winner. The mindset of a winner is to come back stronger and better


Everybody wants to become fast, everyone wants it now, everyone wants to be the number one. But all this does is failure. Rushing and being needy of something big will only lead to a path of failure. The truth is... and this is the bitter truth that most people can't endure, you have to wait. Really really have to wait. Wait while working, you can't tell success that he should come into your life because you're working for 24 hours a day, that doesn't work that way. It will come on the right time, it will come if it will come. You will never be able to force things because you have so much willpower, sometimes all you can do is be patient and enjoy the process. Being slow is not a bad thing, it means being in the moment. For as long as you're moving forward, nothing can stop you, you will be alright. Because that is what life is all about. It's not about being fast, it's about movement and a  little progress every second. Don't let yourself get stuck by always looking what is not in your life, feel happy with what you have and try to make it big as it can be. 


There's no need to become a superman here, all you need is focus and consistency, the will to persevere and the winner's mindset. Try to outwork everyone if you can but if you can't then be happy with your own pace, just make sure to stay focused on the grind. Lock in to your vision and do whatever it takes to become successful. You don't need to become ultra fast or dominant, you don't need to display flashy results or impressive feats. Just be yourself and keep moving forward like an ant. What does an ant do? it keeps looking for a food even if there is no guarantee that he will find one, and he always find one because of his sheer perseverance and determination alone. Never stop and never get frustrated, do whatever you can to win and get what you want. It doesn't matter if you're the fastest because one thing is for sure... you can finish by being slow. 


Believe in the power of little by little. Forget about time, forget that it will take months or years to make some progress that is evident. All you have to do is commit to moving forward toward your goal and that's it. Be clear of what you want and always be mindful of your actions, every second is critical, every action should be related to your goal if you really want to win in life. It's ok if you are slow, for as long as you're consistent and focused then you will be fine. 


You don't need to have a super talent to win in life, you don't need to have insane skills. All you have to do is be serious, get dedicated, put a lot of effort, prioritize your goal more than anything else and you will become faster, you will become more productive, you will be able to master your craft and command your destiny. You will be able to master the tiniest details that will make you faster, you will create your own timing and rhythm, you will see something that most people can't see because you're so locked in and serious. 


It's very simple... don't give up, keep moving forward all the time and never give up, that's it... as simple as that. Have that killer mindset, build that doer mentality. Just do it, forget the results, forget what might happen next and just do it. No regrets if you fail, never feel bad if you come up short... just do it, keep doing it until you finally made it. It's like, you don't care about how you feel, you don't care if you look like a clown or not, you just do it no matter what, you do it even if it's hard, you do it even if there's something bothering your mind. You don't care at all, all you are is the business you're dealing with. 


Whether you move fast or slow, all you have is now. Whether you make progress fast or slow... all you have is now. It doesn't matter what's going on, all you have is now. Appreciate the now and do somethin about it, never waste a lot of time. It's ok to waste a few seconds but never waste a lot of time because the reason why you're getting slower is because you're wasting a lot of time. 


Stop complaining if it is hard, I know it is hard but someone is working harder than you. Someone is trying to make his way on top. SO if you are ever complaining that life is hard or the process is hard, just think about the other people who were on a difficult situation than you but keep on persevering. 


Remember, you are trying to build a culture here not the result. You are trying to build a habit here so stop thinking about the rewards, it will come if it will come, it's not in your hands, you can only control your actions and not the outcome. Any game plan you come up with, do it. Have no conscience in doing it, do it for the sake of just giving yourself a little chance to win. Because if you will not do it then what else will you do? 


It can be a ninja way, a monk way, a scammer way, a persevering way, a criminal way, a kind way, a never give up way, a chaotic way. You have to trust your chosen way because it's the only thing that will make you brave, it's the only thing that will make you move even if things were really difficult. Choose your path, choose a process, choose a philosophy and live and die with it. 


If you're giving yourself to much freedom then you will never accomplish anything. You have to be strict on yourself, use your time wisely and look where is your time going to. Is it going to just watching stupid videos? or is it going to building your own empire. Are you using most of your time building the life you want? or are you using your time for entertainment that is only pulling you down? make the right call because nobody's going to do it for you. 


You wasted time, forget about it. You bought the wrong product, forget it. You didn't do the right thing, never mind. You're late, still do the best thing for you. You hurt someone, say sorry and move on. You feel you hurt someone but you can't say sorry, forget it, the wound will heal in time. You keep making mistakes, you keep wasting time... forget it and move forward. You keep failing, just move forward. Never feel guilty, don't regret if you want to make fast progress. It is what it is, what happened already happened, don't ever feel bad if you're on the wrong path. 


Just do it, overthinking will kill you, it will make your muscles slow and body weaker. It will entertain fears, you will worry a lot if you think a lot. Know what you want and follow the game plan, as simple as that. Adapt the monk mentality, you don't think at all, you just do what you need to do without any form of attachment. You just enjoy it, you just breathe and enjoy the moment. Enjoy the process and forget what the future may hold, that's how to become a finisher.


Create a small momentum that will give you confidence if you're lost. May it be just starting and doing the easiest step... do it. Trust me, every action is the right action, doing something will make you feel 100 times better than just thinking what you will do. 

Dec 15, 2020


When it's already yours, you will realize that it's not that beautiful. Or maybe it's really beautiful but sooner or later you will never appreciate it anymore. Just like a new house, a luxury car, a hot chick, a new place, a new job etc. They're only beautiful because you don't have them yet but once you have it all and you've been using it for months, you will realize that it's not making you happy anymore. If having everything makes everyone happy then why the hell were millionaires are also living in misery at one point in their lives? So don't cry too much about what's missing in your life because you only think that it's beautiful because you don't have it yet, once it's yours... the feeling of excitement will never be the same again like how you feel when it's not still on your hands. 

Don't cry because you don't have what you want. Trust me, wait for a few weeks and you don't want it anymore. Feelings always change, wanting something is different than really needing it. Think deeply if you really need it and be honest with yourself. You want it because you're jealous because somebody have it. Wanting is just an emotion, you're just being too emotional and hungry for it that's why you're making a lot of excuses why you need to have it. You always feel you're going to become happy once you have it but the truth is you can still become happy even if it's not in your life. 


You live without it before, you didn't die, you didn't get sick, it only means you can still live without it now. Don't let that thing or person steal your happiness, your happiness doesn't come from it. You can become very happy by just being yourself and appreciating what you have in your life. Stop looking for more if you have no power to get it, if you can get it then get it but if you can't do anything for now then don't whine about it, treat it just like a normal thing, never worship it like a God because it's not. Always remember that your happiness was based on the quality of your thoughts, adjust your thoughts and your emotions will also adjust. Don't ever think that you can't live without what you want, just laugh at it, it's not a big deal, you can breathe feely without it, you can still smile without it, never treat it like a precious thing that you can't afford to lose. Everything is just a display in your life, it's just a small figment in your whole life. 


Be happy if you have nothing because you really have none when you were born and you will also have none when you die. Live your life like there's no pressure at all and be happy whether you have or have nothing. Zero is the default, your life is already enough, everything else more than zero is just a bonus so be appreciative if you're getting less or getting nothing because your life comes from zero and there is nothing wrong if you're still getting zero. It only means that you don't need to be frightened of trying something uncommon or taking a big risk because you really don't have anything in life. You have nothing to lose, you have everything to gain. And so what if the have more and you have less? you can avoid feeling less if you're honestly happy with what you have, you can feel so abundant by having small things. 


Real power and happiness comes from being yourself and not looking at other people's lives. Focus on growing, focus on your life and never feel bad if somebody has more than you. Their journey is different than your journey, you have your own path. Just try to grow each day, watch yourself, evolve and never stop moving forward. If you focus on the hustle, if you give your energy into the process then you will never become sad anymore, the work itself will entertain you. Plus, it will give you results for sure, hard work pays off, don't ever feel worried if you have the ability to work hard because it means you have the ability to succeed. As long as you have the process that you believe and you really enjoy it then there is nothing else to worry about. Comparing your life to other people's live is an insult to yourself, it means you don't want your life, it's a disgrace, that kind of mentality will lead you to failure. You need to love what you have and try to make it richer and bigger everyday. 


Patience is the key and nothing else. You can have anything if you are willing to wait and take it one step at a time. Be patient, be willing to work hard if you want something big. The problem today is most people want something expensive but they are not willing to go the extra mile. They want to get it by complaining and making dramas. Some people wants to have a higher salary by just complaining and making dramas to their bosses that their salary was too low and that the economy is bad so the price of different products were too high. If you want to get something big then your effort should be big too, it's not about wanting it, it's about working for it. If you're not willing to work harder then just shut up and appreciate what you have. 


I know you want something and it's normal to feel that way, you're just a human being and humans always have urges for something that they don't have. But if you can't have it now then stop complaining because the more you complain the more you will not get it. Use your energy to improve your life, improve your skills, work harder to get what you want. Because it's al about where you're placing your energy, are you placing it for complains or are you placing it for hard work and giving yourself a chance to become successful. 


Here are the list of things that most people want but useless:

1. Brand new car even if they already have one.

2. Expensive bags

3. New wife

4. New shoes that you saw on advertisement. 

5. More followers in Instagram

6. Useless toys

7. Displays on your house

8. New food that you saw in facebook

9. Vacation trips

And many many more, you see these things are not that important in your life. You can live without these things. But the problem is you got jealous with people who have it that's why you want to have it too. 

Dec 12, 2020


An instagram model showing her body on the internet with 69 billion followers. A hot you tube star pretending to be good in singing or giving away money with 20 million subscribers, a cute guitarist covering music by different artist, an activist spreading lies and making dramas, a dancer showing off her skills trying to become popular. Now the question is... why would you waste a lot of your time for these people, they're just ordinary bum on the web. They can't give you a good life, they're only eating your precious time, it's not being bitter but the point here is you too can create junk contents and earn money. Why them, why not you? and even if you didn't get big like them at least you didn't give away your time for them. Be selfish with your time because that's limited. 

Those guys that you idolize and watch everyday, they were no better than you. The only difference is they have a thick skin and guts to show off useless materials that people are patronizing. You too can do that, why not you? why not use your time for yourself? I know you're wishing to become popular too, I know you want some money too then this is the FORMULA... Use your time wisely and never give it to people who will not even give you a single cent, use your time to create money, create your own content, create your own business. Because this is the best way to become successful... be mindful of what you say, do and think. Is it helping you to move forward and make progress? or is it pulling you down to hell? Be the judge, you're not a kid anymore, you know what is best for your life. You know if something is useful or not. Just because it is fun, easy and entertaining doesn't mean you are allowed to waste you time on it. 

Not all fun is useful, not all entertaining will really make you happy. Sometimes, oh not sometimes I mean all the time it's just deceiving you. Be selfish with your time, don't waste it for nothing, don't give it to bums who will never even contribute to your growth. Stop idolizing people that are pretending to be kind, good, skilled but the reality is they're just taking away your time and energy. 

Dec 11, 2020


You're always thinking about what to do, you're always talking about your dreams, you're always spending your energy worrying about the right process, you're trying to make your journey perfect and that's why you can't make a small progress. You want to become an entrepreneur, you want to become successful but you're always looking for an easy path. Just shut up and hustle, keep going, you don't need a perfect path, you don't need a flawless journey, just grind and keep moving forward. Because all the thinking does is put you on misery, it's not helping at all, it's making you worse. It's building fears, it's shutting down your system and ability to work, you're getting frozen by that kind of mentality. But if you will just hustle and do something then you will be able to create a momentum that puts you on the right position to succeed. 


Whatever you can put to your goal... put it. May it be money, process, technique, work, time, promotion or anything that propels you forward... don't hesitate to put it. The more effort you put in, the more chances of becoming successful. You're getting closer and closer to your goal every time you give anything to it. Small effort or big effort doesn't matter, what matters is you are serious and consistent, what matters is you're not stopping and you're doing whatever it takes to succeed. So shut up and don't use your mouth, use your hands and feet to accomplish something. Never under estimate the small efforts, small works when too many will accomplish something big. All you have to do is look for something you can do and just do it, as simple as that. But why are there too many people over thinking? it's because they want fast results, they want to get money or success after working for a few hours or days. That will never happen, you need to be patient, you need to wait while working hard, you need to fall in line. 

Your time will come, trust me on that, just keep pushing and keep working harder everyday, the universe will conspire, you will get anything you want. 


Decide that you're going to do it and do it, don't think. The speed of your decision plays a major role for your success. If you can start fast and do a lot of things then you will become successful, as simple as that. Being slow will make you fail, you need to be fast, once you see something that will work... work on it. Stop being on a slow pace because that kind of mentality will make your life worse. Remember, you are here to hustle, you are here to work as hard as you can. It's much better to be moving than not doing anything at all. Don't be afraid to make mistakes because it's only making you better, it's giving you the clue, it's propelling you to the right direction. 


You can toy your opponent if you have nothing to lose, you can take risks if you have nothing to lose, you can get more, you will never feel anything if you're defeated, you will accept it with all your heart and try again next time. 


Detachment from expectations of other people, detachment from your identity, detachment from the outcome, detachment from the future. If you can detach yourself from these things then your anxiety will go away in just 2.9 seconds, as fast as that. Being detach to anything is power, it will help you to make decisions fast, you will become faster and stronger because there is no pressure on your shoulders, you're not trying to prove yourself, you're not thinking about frightening obstacles and most of all... you're not judging yourself. You're simply having fun and giving your very best, you're playing with life in a controlled way. 

Because when you're so attached from something, it will make you lose your creativity and freedom, you will feel like a jailed person, there is too much pressure because you feel that it's the only thing that will make you happy, you feel that it's your only chance and you're in trouble if you mess up with that opportunity. It's like your fighting for your breathe, the amount of stress is higher. You're so worried and anxious of something that you can't even control but if you're detached from anything then that's the only time you will feel loose and free, you will experience absolute freedom and you will no longer be afraid of failing or making mistakes. 


Enjoy the ride, it's a journey remember, it's not a destination. Because even if you become successful your journey is not yet over, you will still look for something you can do, you will get bored in life if nothing challenges you. You will look for something that makes you struggle, because that is life... it's not all about comfort and completion, it's about continuation and facing challenges. So have fun, in anything that you do don't forget to have fun, find the joy in every process. 

Dec 10, 2020


Your mind and anything that it believes can manifest anything that it's consumed with. So if your mind is consumed with negativity and fear then you will attract the same energy. But if your mind is consumed with power, greatness and positivity then you will get anything you desire, as simple as that. Even a janitor or a garbage collector can become a millionaire, even the blind can see, even a deaf can hear music, it's just a matter of believing it so hard and not thinking about anything else outside of it. You can be anything you want, attract anything you want if you have the power to believe. And when I say believe, I mean you really believe it with all your heart and soul, you don't care about science or facts, you don't care about what the experts say, you don't care if you're not on the position to get it... you just believe it and you're so happy thinking about it. 


Anything that you believed already happened in real life, somebody already did it. If somebody did it then you can do it too. You're dreaming of a luxury car, somebody already have it. You're dreaming of a mansion, someone already built it. You're dreaming of millions, somebody already earned it. You're dreaming of a good life, a lot of people were already living it. You're dreaming of a healthy body, millions of people already healed themselves. What you are dreaming of already happened, so don't be scared to get it by yourself, you have the power to manifest it into your life. If it already happen in the past then it can happen again now, all you need to do is repeat, all you need to do is believe and work and it will happen, as simple as that. If it happened before with somebody's life then it can happen with your life too, they were no different than you, what they can do you can do better. It's not about being hypocrite or delusional, it's about trusting yourself. And remember, all big dreamers were ridiculed before, nobody trusted them until they become successful.


Stop entering someone's mind, stop convincing them that you are right because you really believe your philosophy in life then you don't need to convince them anymore, this will only create a debate and sometimes you will believe them, you will ride on their negativity especially if they're winning the argument. And even if you don't allow to them to stay in your head... you will still feel bad and negative because of the debate that happened between you and them, you would love to correct them but they don't want to be corrected and this creates a lot of negativity and bad emotions, your belief will be affected. 

Stop also adapting their beliefs, it's also penetrating their head, wanting to know what's inside of their head. What they think is none of your business, the most important thing is what's going on inside of your head, never get interested to their beliefs, never wonder what's running on their mind because it's a waste of time and energy, you will never get anywhere by doing that. You will never get anything if you get interested with someone's mind, especially if that mind is full of negativity and ego. 


Worrying is an information it's a lot of negative images, it will destroy your belief. Talking to a negative person is an information, he will give you a lot of inputs that will ruin your belief. Watching news is an information, it will poison your mind, it will feed you lies that you thought were real, it will change your perception and you will believe in the masses. Don't you know that most people were too negative because of watching too much news? It's entertaining but it feels so heavy watching it, you will not even trust your own perception because news is too powerful, it can manipulate your mind to the fullest. You will forget to trust your own judgement every time you feed your mind information that you don't want. Negativity creates a lot of fear, it will make you weak, you will forget how good you are. 

Dec 9, 2020


Even if the whole world is against you even if it looks like too impossible... Still believe in yourself. That's all you can do, that's all you need to do. If you fully believe in yourself then you will be able to find solutions on how to win and get what you want. Just keep believing, keep pushing, keep strengthening your mind, if you will not believe in yourself then you're already defeated. There is nothing wrong in doing it. It's better to believe in yourself even if you don't have the data or history to back it up, it's ok, believing will create miracles, believing will give you power.  


If you have a philosophy that was so strong then nothing can touch you. You are good, you will be able to survive any challenges of life. Remind yourself that you can do something in any kind of situation, there is something you can do to improve your life and make it better. If your philosophy is strong and you keep moving forward then nothing can touch you, you will become a fighter, you will no longer be afraid of any challenges in life. 


Constantly remind yourself that you are the boss of your mind. Never let your mind control you and ruin your life. Because what's running inside of your head will become your reality. Your thoughts is your reality so never let fear dominate your mind. Deliberately choose what will occupy your mind and it should be positive thoughts only. Control your mind and you will control your life. 


Keep pushing, keep trying to conquer that impossible dream, keep doing something to make yourself closer from it. Something will click, something will work, you will be able to create a momentum, a very strong momentum that will make the process faster and easier. It's only hard in the beginning. But for sure you will win if you persevere, so stop complaining, stop acting like a victim, stop thinking that it's hard and just keep chasing your dream, do everything you can, use all of your power and tenacity to make your dreams come true. It's just a matter of working hard and wanting it so bad, you can get it if you really want it. 

Keep trying because the law of averages is real, the more you try the bigger is the chances of winning. Don't count the number of failures, count the number of tries and be happy with it, be happy that you are trying and creating, feel proud of yourself because you're doing whatever it takes to win unlike other people who just watch their lives pass by without even trying, all the have is regrets in the end. The feeling of regret is the worse feeling in the world because it will haunt you forever, if you don't want to have any regrets in life then you need to believe in yourself and keep trying no matter what. 


Nobody will help you but yourself, you're the only one responsible for your failure or success. So be strong and stop acting like a weak snail, be fast, be bold and always stay aggressive chasing what you want. Whenever you have an idea... do it now. Don't look for help, don't wait, don't ask for permission... just do it. Allow yourself to shine and become victorious. So love yourself and believe in yourself because it's you that can help you and nobody else. 

Dec 7, 2020


In anything that you are trying to pursue... always choose plan over emotion. Never let emotions dictate the outcome of your journey. All plans will work if executed properly, emotion is just a feeling that will make you decide the wrong way. If you have a plan your chances of winning is very high but if you're just going with your emotions then you're not in control, your emotions are in control and every time you feel that way... you're certainly to make a lot of mistakes which is very bad if you're trying to win. 

Just like in stock market, if you don't have a plan then you will lose a lot of money. You will get frustrated every time the prices of your stocks go down, you will sell on the wrong time. Sometimes if there is a hyped stock and most people are talking about it, you will also buy it even if there is no study behind it. This decision is wrong again, after a few days you will see that you've made a wrong decision, and it's because you decide based on how you feel, you didn't look at the technical side of it. 

Another scenario is a stock that is going up, the owner can't decide when to sell the rising stock, he is so happy that it's rising everyday then one day it falls down unexpectedly, his profit disappear in just a blink of an eye. It's because he didn't set a plan, he was so in love with his emotions of seeing his money getting bigger not knowing that one day it may go back to normal or even zero. But if he has a plan, he will sell it to the price that he choose, there is a profit unlike letting his emotions decide... the decision can't be done because he thinks that it will never go down. 

Another example is a fighter fighting heavily angry against the opponent that he hates so much. He is not using his gameplan, he is throwing stray kicks and punches, he is letting his emotions control his body, he is not even doing what he practice. In the end he got KO'ed. His eyes were rolling, his vision got blurry, it's because he let stupidity play in, he know what to do but he didn't do it because he wants revenge, he let his emotions take over. And if you're letting emotions control you... you will never be able to think right, your actions will be pointless, all of your energy will be wasted. And speaking of energy... your energy will easily get depleted if you're moving emotional, you will run out of air quickly. But if you are calm and collected then you will have more energy to do the work, it's because you are using your subconscious mind, everything is like automatic, you don't need to think anymore, you will never worry. 


It may not be working for now but eventually it will in the end. All plans will work if you will persevere and believe it. The reason why it's not working is because you're not fully committed to it, you're not trusting it anymore every time you face a frightening obstacle. But if you believe it with all your heart then for sure it's going to work. Keep executing the game plan, repeat it as much as you can and forget about anything else. Never do anything outside of your game plan. Because if you will follow your game plan then you will be able to do more, you will have more confidence, you will never get lost, you have a fall back every time something goes wrong. 


You get emotional when someone is sick and needs help, the funny thing is you just saw it in the new, you don't even know that person. Why be so emotional? can you help that person? is there something you gonna do about it? if none then just shut up because you're just destroying your mind and peace. I'm not saying that stop caring for other people, the point here is you will do nothing about it. If you will not take actions then just shut up because you're not helping at all. 

You got emotional when someone disrespect you or didn't treat your right. It's normal to get mad but wanting to have a revenge or do some stupid thing will only make your life worse. Look at those people who fire shots just because of traffic, they end up being in jail now. It's because they don't even think, they just let emotion destroy their peace, they have a good life before but in just a blink of an eye they were living in hell because of being too emotional. But if they have a simple plan like ignoring every people misbehaving and just focus on their one lives or simply moving forward no matter what then they will forget all of their problems and make more progress, they will forget all the people that didn't treat them right. 

Choosing plan over emotion is the best way to live life, you will stay out of trouble, you will never make a lot of mistakes. Everyday you should have a plan on how are you going to run your day, there should be deadlines, there should be quotas, there should be timelines, there should be strict implementations. Never let your emotion dictate the outcome of your life because the result will not be very good. Execute the plan, one step at a time and you're already headed to your desired destination. 


Investing too much on your emotions, when you feel lazy you will not move anymore and make excuses, you will prioritize your feelings, and that's why you always feel weak, that's why you can't make any move. But if you will prioritize your game plan, you will move even if you feel heavy, you will ignore how you feel and just push forward. Sticking with your game plan will give you more energy, especially if you believe that it will give you rewards in the future. Trust your game plan no matter what, keep doing it, never doubt t, never let your emotions control you. 

If you want to have a better life, create a small plan towards your goal and follow it every single day. It doesn't need to be well detailed or well ironed, just do it everyday. 


If you are chasing a goal you need to work, and not just work... you need to work really hard. But what if you don't know what to do because the goal is so big and you can only make small results everyday? what if you couldn't even make a result? The answer to this question is believe in your work, yes that's all you've got to do... believe in your work. Always think that everything you do is making you closer and closer from your goal, always believe that every action is the right action. Have faith in your own process and timing, make sure that every second was used to achieve your goal and you will get it. 


Always think about what you want and that's it, always do something for what you want. If your target is to have one million dollars then do any kind of work to reach it, it doesn't matter if it's a low paying job, it doesn't matter if you're just a street sweeper, if you really want it then the universe will make a way for you. Just make sure that everything you do is for your goal, always think that you are working for your goal even if it's too far and difficult. Believing in yourself will make you find away, you will automatically do things that you're not doing before just to achieve your goal. 

Intense focus means you keep working even if you're not feeling good, you still believe even if there are lot of obstacles, you don't believe that it's impossible, you only believe that it's possible. Work even if you're in pain, move forward even if it's too difficult and soon you will find that everything is becoming a let easier and you're not having any trouble anymore. Push forward no matter what, it's all about creating the momentum to succeed. 

Because if you really want it then you will endure the pain, you will push yourself to the limits and see what is possible, you will do whatever it takes to win, you will go all out, you will fight for your place. Always think that you are here to win and you're not going anywhere, you are here to bag the prize no matter how long it takes. 

Be aware of what is running through your mind, be aware if you're doing something that is outside of your dreams, focus all of your power to your dreams, work with intention, believe that you're going to make it no matter what. Because you will really make it, if you believe hard enough and you focus on your desires then it will manifest as fast as it can. 


Don't complain ever because it's only making your journey harder. You can't be looking at what is missing in your life all the time because it will destroy your motivation. Only losers complain, winners never complain because they can win anytime, anywhere, they just knew that the victory relies on their hands and they are the ones responsible for the outcome of their lives. 

Stop looking for what is missing in your life. So what if you don't have the education? so what if you don't have the skills or support. You still have hustle, you can hustle all day lone and make yourself a winner. Your willpower will find a way. Because if you really want it then you will never focus on how difficult it is, you will focus on what you can do. 

Because there is really no missing in your life, you have what it takes, you already have what you need and that is your heart. If you're heart is longing for it and you have a burning desire then you will be able to do the impossible and conquer the highest mountains, nothing can stop you, you will be able to adapt and improvise. 

Focus on your strength, focus on what you can do and you will be in control. The reason why you can't make a progress is because you're always doubting yourself, you're too focused on your weaknesses. 


Time is just an illusion, you can't manifest because you're always worried at the time. You're always thinking how much time you have left, you're always thinking about how long will it take. Forget the time and just enjoy the process. Take it one day at a time, keep pushing, move inch by inch and make yourself closer and closer from it. Time is a big hindrance to your victory, always be aware of it will make you feel like grasping on air so badly, it will put too much pressure on your side, you will always be cramming and panicking, you will feel out of control. Never care if there is only little time left, just keep moving forward, trust me... the universe will give you an extension, if it's meant to happen now then it will happen now no matter how small the time is. 

Never care if you're already late, never care if you're too early... don't look at the clock and focus on your mission. Have that purest intention to succeed, believe, strengthen your faith by working hard and doing whatever it takes to become a winner. Because at the end of the day it's not how much time you spent, it's how you use your time, did you use it wisely? or did you waste a lot of it? 


Some people just work, they don't believe in themselves, they don't believe in what they can do. They just work just to survive, there is no attached intention with it, all they do is move without direction, they simply waste their lives for nothing, and it is sad because they let their lives pass by without even trying. 

So if you will work, make sure there is a attached intention with it. Make sure you are doing it for a bigger purpose, that is how to stay motivated and have more energy.  You should work for your dream, work because there is an intention of progress in your life by doing it. Don't work just because of having a food on your table, work because you are trying to achieve your dreams. Because you only have one life why work for others and not for yourself?

Work for the long term goal and not for the sake of surviving this day, because in the end... you will suffer a lot. You have to have a vision, something that will make your life very comfortable in the future, so suffer now and work hard and live your life like a champion tomorrow. 


Because at the end of the day it's all about having fun, are you having fun with your own journey? do you really love what you're doing, that's what matters the most. Fall in love with the process and success will come faster and easier. 

Dec 6, 2020


You know why you are failing? you know why you keep getting the same junk over and over again? it's because the severity of your seriousness is very low, you're not treating yourself like a real deal, you're contended with what's given to you and you're not asking for more, you're not working for more, you're not pushing hard, you're not taking matters into your own hands. 

You're clowning around, you're joking around, you're ok being treated like a rag, you're ok getting less even if deep inside you wanted more. This kind of mentality is a disgust to yourself, you're not claiming what is rightfully yours, you're not scratching the surface and not even trying to reach at least half of your full potential. 

So if you're not serious, if you're not taking the process seriously, if you're not taking your brand or business seriously then it will never work, it's doomed to fail right from the start so just stop wasting your energy because you will never succeed. It's a must to give your all, it's a must to focus like laser, it's a must to destroy your boundaries and forget your limitations if you want to get more. Getting big is all in the mindset and attitude, if you're thinking big and doing big then for sure you're going to win, as simple as it sounds. 

There should be no room for playing around, there should be no room for wasting a lot of time and energy, you should let the world see that you're the real deal and you mean serious business. 

There should be a bad intention to win for very action that you take, they must feel your energy, they must feel that you're not here to just show up and take whatever is available, you should make them feel that you're willing to go to the extreme and do whatever it takes just to get what you want. 

You are here to push, you are here to conquer, you are here to get more, you are here to work the hardest and give everything you've got. You're not just an ordinary scumbag trying to get more by giving less, you are here to show them that you're on a different level and willing to go the extra mile for bigger rewards, you are here to show something they haven't seen before. 

So if you're not getting any results it means your work ethic is a trash, it means you really don't want it and you're just like an ordinary Joe trying to get lucky in life by exerting a little effort. You have to try something that you haven't tried before, you have to keep stretching your abilities and always stay on the edge of your skill. 


You're an expert, you know what you're doing, you know how to play this game, you're the king of your own domain, you can handle any pressure, you can face any challenge and solve and complicated problem. You are always early, you're always on time, you always show up and you never shy away from huge amount of pressure. You're a professional, you're like an assassin that gets paid well, you have a killer mentality, you're a finisher, once you start something... your aim is to finish it and not leave something hanging in the air. 


If you don't believe that you're talented then you will always come up short. You have to believe that you are even if you're not. Because everyone was born with a talent, the only problem is most people can't find their talents while some doesn't believe that they are talented enough to compete and pursue what they want. 

Look at yourself, you're already achieving something even if you haven't fully believe in yourself yet, what more if you believe yourself to the fullest? what more if you don't care about what people say and just force your way on top? what if you believe that you will never fail? what if deep inside your heart you know you can become great? what do you think will be the outcome of your life? for sure you will become unstoppable, for sure nothing can stand on your way. 


All you need to do is believe and try, keep working. Never feel defeated when you fall down, stand up right away whenever you fail, never let yourself down for a very long time, never stay at the bottom because you have the ability to climb. Dream, learn to dream and execute all of your ideas, don't just dream and wish that it will be given to you, Aladin's genie already died a few decades ago, nobody will grant your wishes anymore, you have to work for it and die for it because you're the only one who can give it to yourself. Believing is free so why not try it. 

Believe that you are talented, believe that you are gifted and your body will follow. Your physiology will change, your mindset and body language will never look the same anymore, you will walk with confidence, you can talk to anyone, you can accept any challenge, you can survive anything and in the end... you will become a winner. You can play with this life with the newly found confidence that you have. Always check yourself if you're doubting, and if you are then immediately slap yourself and tell yourself "why the hell am I afraid?" then start believing in yourself again, believe even if you're down, believe even if the odds were not in your favor, believe even if you're holding the ugliest cards, believe even if you're struggling, believe even if there's no reason to believe. Because it's better to believe than to doubt, it feels so much better if you have some confidence in yourself. Because at the end of the day, no matter how good you are... you will never become successful if you don't believe in yourself. Just believe because you have nothing to lose. 


Hard work beats talent if the talent fails to work hard, this is true. The more you work the more you will become talented, you have more belief in yourself if you're outworking everyone. So keep moving, start  now, start where you are and always work hard, never stop, never get complacent, remember that hard work is your business, it's your bread and butter so you must take care if it and make it a habit. Never let it die, never let it stop just for a second, keep it running and make yourself elite. It's all about developing the work ethic, it's about being committed. Whatever you can do to make yourself a little bit better... do it. Whatever step that can somehow improve your mind, body and situation a little bit... do it. Even if it has no guarantee that it will payoff... still do it, it's better to be giving yourself a chance to succeed rather than just blaming the world and being bitter because you're not succeed. It's better to be jailed with the process rather than enjoying being bitter and negative. 


This is the truth that most people don't believe. Most people believe that there are some special human beings that were born as great already without having to work. They were so jealous of those people, that's why they don't want to work hard, they make it as an excuse, they don't want to work because they believe that it's useless because they were not born great so what's the use of making themselves tired. 

Great people were not talented in the beginning. They just work hard everyday until they become great. You are the one who will make yourself talented, you must work for it, look for something you can do, look for a step that will take you to another level, it's a commitment. It's not a result, it's not luck, it's not opportunity or waiting for the big break or change... it's a process. 

Keep in mind that you are the creator of your life, you're the owner of your destiny. Your life will just follow you wherever you take it. Whatever you do is either pulling you down or pushing you up, so be mindful with any activity that you're doing because it's affecting your life. May it be a small or short activity, if it's useless then it's making your life worse. 


Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...