Feb 24, 2018


There is a big reason why you hate your life so much, it's not that you can't get what you want, it's not that you can't live the life you want... it's because you're not doing something to make your dreams come true, you are not pursuing, you are just wishing. You are not taking risks, you are playing safe by watching TV and watching other people make their dreams come true. If you're not pushing and trying every possibility then you will hate your life, it's because you're not seeing yourself growing.

You don't need to go to parties, drink a lot, take an extravagant vacation, buy a lot of stuffs to become happy. You only need to pursue what you want and be one with it, make it your life, never let go of it, work until you have it. This kind of approach will give you direction, it will give you something to aim for. Shoot for the stars and never be afraid if you miss them. Fall in love with trying, always test yourself if you can make it or not. If you're willing to live everything on the line then that's the only time you will become happy, that's the time when you will know yourself.

If you want to love more your life... have more time for yourself, have more time for your dream. Make sure you're chasing something, chase dreams not people.

If you're so bored in your life then chase the impossible, do the extreme, give your very best and never stop. Be in a cycle of madness that creates greatness, you can enjoy your life even more if you will push yourself to the limits and discover your hidden potential.

Life is precious if you will do the right thing, sometimes you are doing things that you think are fun but will only give you pain in the end.

You want a perfect and lazy life, you want to become successful fast, you want the money and recognition fast. You don't know that life is a climb, life is something that you need to live, stop looking at the final destination because it's not the answer. The only answer to your happiness is enjoying the process, never rush, never take short cuts.

Your life is only one, you should experience the things that you want to experience, don't purse something that you really don't like. You need to be real, know what you really want and go for it no matter what. You will become happier if you will use all of your energy.

It's hard and you have to accept it, if you will face the hardness of life then you will become happier. People who are lazy and are not doing something to improve their lives are sad. Yeah their lives were easier when you look at it but deep inside they were still sad, they were depressed because they feel powerless. You can only experience your real power if you will push yourself to the max and dedicate your life into something.

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