Feb 28, 2018


If you want to level up, if you want to reach success faster than expected... always look for the next failure, failing again and again is the fastest way to move to the next level. Without failing then you are nothing. Successful people failed a lot of times, some can't even count it. Failing is fun because you will learn a lot from it. Don't get too emotional, failing is nothing, it's just another day. Some people can't get over from failure because they think that it's their world, they think that they look weak and stupid. Failing will make you stronger, it will mold you into a different person, the more you fail, the more you will no longer be afraid of it.

The next failure will open up the next level of success, if you are not afraid to fail again then you are giving yourself a chance of becoming a big winner. So what if you fail, are you going to die? are you going to get broke? definitely not. Fail as much as you can so you will become more confident. You will learn that failing is part of the process and all it can do is make you stronger.

Be a proud failure, if someone asked you why did you fail... ask him honestly, never think that he's just insulting you. Talk about what really happened. Be proud of it, don't be ashamed of it. Every great person experience a lot of failure. If you haven't experience a lot of failure then it means you're not on the path of greatness.

Look for the next failure, fail fast, move forward fast. Don't be afraid of it, if you're winning now... look for another failure, look for another risk, that is what greatness is all about. If you're not failing then you're not winning, as simple as that.

Fail again and again, never get tired of it. It's part of the process, no matter how good you are, no matter how smart you are... you will never escape failure. You will experience it no matter how careful you are, there will always be mistakes, there will always be bad decisions. The most important thing is you learn and you become a better person. Failing means trying, it's not a sign of weakness, it means you are strong because you're willing to dare and become great.

Failing will give you pain but that pain will give you power and wisdom, you will no longer be the same weak person again after failing, you're a completely different animal, you are smarter and much tougher, you are no longer afraid of humiliation, critics, you even love to fail again because you now know the real meaning of it.

Failing is free, you don't need to pay for it. It means experience is free, you can have a lot of experience as much as you want. Fail now, don't hesitate, don't think, just keep failing until you become a winner.

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