Feb 24, 2018


Even if you're just earning 800 dollars a month... you can still feel rich, you can still make your life better. It's all about budgeting. You spend your money the right away and you will put your life in the right place. It's all about budgeting, why will you spend your money for things that you will not even use? You need to make yourself suffer a little bit, sometimes you need to buy cheap and unhealthy foods with lesser price value in order to save more money. Be a little bit hungry, sometimes you need to skip break fast or dinner, it is good because it will somehow burn the fats in your body. The lesson is... if you want to improve financially.... you really need to save a lot of money, saving is better than spending. Everyone is buying the latest cellphones, everyone is partying during saturdays and sundays without knowing how will they be able to pay all the bills for this month. Everyone is having the same life style, they will go out, take a picture of the food they eat and the place they go and post it on social media. If you're like them then probably there is something wrong with you financially. You can do that if you have a lot of extra money but if your purpose is to simply show off then you're on the wrong path, you're going to get broke one day.

Tighten your belt a little bit, be a little bit thrifty, never mind if they call you funny jokes because of not spending too much but the idea here is to expand your financial status, if you will buy stupid things that value depreciates then you better use your money for stocks or golds or anything that value appreciates. It's all about placing your money for the right things. You don't need to impress a lot of friends because the truth is you only have few true friends in your life. Stop impressing people because your true colors will be revealed when you become broke.

If you want to have a rich life style then act rich, think rich. Rich people doesn't spend too much, they only buy stuffs if they have a lot of extra money, they use their money to create more money. Just because you have money doesn't mean you have to spend a lot of it. You should be aware how to multiply your money so your lifestyle will change.

Cut the bull craps in your life, don't spend your time for people who are draining you and pulling you down. Don't spend your money for things that will only make you fat, sick and poorer. It's time to be smart nowadays, if you want your life to change then you better do the right things. Make right decisions, learn how to practice delayed gratification, stop loaning for something that has no value in the future. Stop engaging too much with liabilities like 50" television, stop buying a new car if you already have a new car.

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