Feb 1, 2018


There is always a star in one family, there is someone who stands out because he is doing well in life. The only question is... are you a star or a black sheep? are you someone who is making the ship heavier? are you the one who's the strength? are you the go to guy? look at yourself, if you're not doing something good then you better shut up, you better do something because you're not doing any help. It's lovely to be the star, you are the talk of the town, every family member respects you, they believe in you and you can back up anything that you're talking about. If you're the start then you can do anything, you can command them, you can make them follow you. If you're just a simple black sheep who all does is ask for help then nobody will give you any attention, the elders will never look at you. You will even feel bad because you will feel that you're not being treated properly. But what can you do? it all happens to every family, the one who is earning a lot, the one who is doing well in life will get the respect. Nobody will give love to a loser.

You have to know your position, are you the star or the outcast? It's better to become a start than to just be an ordinary dude that gets no love. You need to work hard and pound yourself, Earn a lot of money and carry the family. Be the one who can solve things, be the one who can help a family member who is in need. Be the start, be someone who is reliable, responsible and can carry the family until the end.

Never make dramas if your mom and dad is not giving you some love, it only means you are not doing any good, it only means you need to make your life better. Of course they love you but you also need to make them proud, you also need to give them something that they will admire about you. If you're a bum and cannot give anything to your family then you better stay away from your family, they don't need you. If you can't be the start then it's better to just do good, be decent, never do something that will derail the progress and growth of your family. If you have no job and can't bring money on the table then just be responsible. Follow their commands, do what they ask you to do so. Cook the meals, sweep the floor, be someone who can contribute in small ways, you can be a start too by doing that.

But if you want them to respect you and give you some good love... be the star, be successful, be someone who can produce some great things, be someone who can make the family experience better things in life. Know your position now, if you're the black sheep then do something about it.

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You get weaker because you're not in control of your mind. Something is controlling you and you're not aware of it, sometimes you be...