Feb 28, 2018


You wanna see greatness tonight? do you want to see it in your own life and not from the life of others? it's very simple, just work super hard, work for more than 15 hours today, you will see greatness. Exhaust yourself and give nothing but your best, give your very best. Stay focus, and do as much as you can. Make sure you're doing something for your goal. Let's say your goal is to earn millions this year, do something that is related to that goal. Do anything, just push yourself and never stop until you fall asleep. Use all of your strength, do something that you haven't done before.

You can see greatness in yourself if you will only push yourself to the limits, push yourself like you've never push yourself before... that's the only way to see greatness. Greatness is a process it's not a result, once you see yourself doing what great people does then you're already great.

What does great people do? they push themselves to the limits, they do it their way, they bend the rules, they offend science and genetics. They don't care about the established rules, they do something different, they put in some ridiculous numbers, they reshape the history. You too can do that, pick something that you can do and do it to the highest level. Let's say you're working in a corporate world and there is a quota for daily production, beat that quota, double it or even triple it. Make people amazed with the ridiculous numbers that you are producing, that is greatness already. If people will talk about your work then that is greatness already.

Of course it is hard, there is no greatness that is easy. You need to stay super focused and committed, you need to set yourself apart from others, you need to become one of a kind for tonight. And if you want to repeat greatness then repeat the same effort tomorrow, repeat it over and over again until you become a legend.

It's all about outworking everyone and making yourself really tired, you need to push your body and mind to experience a different kind of experience. Greatness can never be achieved in a relaxed situation, you will never see it if your pace is too relaxed.

Everyone can see greatness tonight if they do something they haven't done before, it's all about wanting to become number one, wanting to become the number one producer. The question is... how bad do you want it?

Make yourself great, make yourself experience hell, put yourself on pressure and never stop until you can't move anymore. Set a goal and exceed it, never get satisfied, always stay hungry and always be on the move.

Anyone can see greatness bit not everyone will dare to see it for themselves, it is because they were so afraid to push themselves, they want to relax, they love rest more than they love greatness.Guess what? greatness can only be witnessed by people who dare to become great.

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