Feb 16, 2018


You're buying a lot of crap that is only making your life harder. You buy a lot of displays, a lot of cute little things that you need but in the future you will find out that you just wasted money. Don't ever get fooled by cute little things, souvenirs, in demand gadgets, popular stuffs etc. It's just there, you will not even use it, it's on your desk or cabinet or in your living room but it's not even contributing to your growth. You only need less stuffs, you only need a house, a couple of clothes, food, car. Sometimes you can even survive without a car if you're not a spoiled brat person.

If you want to get ahead in life... don't buy a lot of stuffs, practice minimalism. Don't try to impress people, be in a circle that will support you and accept you, be in the circle of the same interest. Look at your house you have a lot of displays, garbage, stuffs that you only use once.

So if you will buy some stuffs... make sure you will use it everyday, make sure it is really a necessity because if not.. you're just wasting your money and energy, you're only setting yourself up for failure. Getting rich is very simple, all you need to do is spend your money wisely an practice delayed gratification. Appreciate the growth of your money, count your money everyday and never stop trying to add something to your financial growth.

A lot of people were so easily attracted with the buy one take one promo, they thought that they were saving money but the truth is they are still spending, they are still decreasing the count of their money. They do it because they were easily tempted by the beauty of what is being displayed, that's why they make decisions so fast. They are not thinking about the future, they're always looking for the short term pleasure that will only last for a few hours.

It's not hard to save money, all you have to do is stop spending it, make saving as your addiction and you will be surprised a how much can you save in a year.

Always look for the long term, don't get fooled by things that you will not love forever.

Focus on the growth if you want to become successful, saving small money is a growth already. You don't need to complicate things, achieving financial freedom is very easy if you have the discipline and if you're willing to practice delayed gratification, master it and you will see that saving money is not that hard. All you need to do is surround yourself with the right people, never focus on feeling good about spending. Always feel bad if you're about to spend your money for useless things. Never think that money is just there, the reality is sometimes reality will hit you and it will give you financial troubles. Not all the time you can earn money easily so be careful in spending.

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