Jun 30, 2020


You're sick, your parents don't love you, you're black, you're poor, you have no talents, God doesn't love you, you're too old, you're too weak, it's not for you, you're not lucky, you're not blessed, you don't have it, you're just a simple person, you're satisfied with what you have... STOP FOOLING YOURSELF. You have the power to control your life, you have the power to become successful if you will just destroy all of your excuses and start believing in the process. You can make excuses all day long to make yourself feel good a little bit but where does that mentality takes you? NOWHERE. That's why you have to force yourself to evolve and it will only happen if you will throw away all of your excuses off the window and start living the life you want to live. 


This is how to create a new mind... find your biggest excuse and destroy it, forget it, don't believe it. See how your life will change so fast by simply not believing in your excuses. Because your favorite excuse is making you slow, it's making you rusty and useless, it's making you weak. It's poisoning your mind yet you still believe it. If you don't love what is going on with your life now then it means you're catering your excuses. If you want to make a change then you need to force yourself to disbelieve your excuses and start believing in possibilities. All people have excuses but what separates successful people from failures is successful people have very few excuses while the failures have millions of excuses that cannot be write on a 100 page notebook because it's too many. 


Your excuses is making you feel that you're entitled to slow down or do nothing, your excuses is giving you the power to become powerless. Your excuses is slowing you down and making you stuck in a mud, it's making you useless and unproductive. The funny thing is... you're loving it because it's too easy, you don't see yourself, you can't admit that you're a bum. Always remember that laziness is the ugliest thing on earth. It is invented by failures, it is invented by dreamers who are not doers. If you want to succeed in life then stop being lazy, stop making excuses and just finish something that you must do. Start it now, forget how you feel and face the pain, feel the pain of taking actions, soon that pain will be never felt anymore because you're starting to love working hard and starting fast. 


1. They don't want to face the pain. It's hard moving right? but it's the only way to make a progress.
2. It's already their habit. To get rid of this very ugly habit, you have to accept that you're an excuse maker. Accept that your excuses is the number one reason why your life is falling apart. 
3. They're always looking for an easy way out, they don't want to work hard, they just wanted to feel good and get something without having to work hard for it. 
4. They believe in luck, they will imagine becoming lucky and getting away with the trouble that they create because of their laziness. 
5. They don't want to take full responsibility of their lives, they will invent a lot of stories why they are failing. 


If you need to excuse yourself from something that is useless. For example, if your frenemy is inviting you to go to a party but you haven't studied your lessons yet... that's the best time to make an excuse. Pretend that you're having an LBM or something, pretend that you're sick and just study at home. Trust me, the more you choose to do the right thing the better your life will be. You don't need to have fun all the time, you don't need to look cool or become part of the cool kids who are doing what they want to do. Just stay disciplined and you will become successful in life. 

You can also make an excuse if someone is borrowing your money and you don't want to lend him because he has a history of not returning the money back. Just pretend that you are broke and you haven't paid your taxes yet, just pretend that you got robbed yesterday by 2 big men wearing masks. Feel creative to excuse yourself from something that is pulling you down. 


1. If you feel a little bit tired or sick. You are getting size because you want to relax, you are getting sick because you don't want to push, just do it, stop making excuses, stop feeding your mind some lies like you're too damn tired, you just worked for 2 hours and you're already tired? No wonder you are having a miserable and ugly life. Push yourself and just do it, regardless of how you feel... do it. 

2. When the job is too difficult

So what if the job is too difficult, that doesn't mean you can't finish it. So what if the challenge is too impossible to handle? remember that the greatest ones knows no easy or difficult, they just accept what is given to them and they will still give their best. Stop making excuses and creating lies that you cannot do it, just try, give your best and the rest will be taken care of by itself. 

3. When you already lost

You are only embarrassing yourself every time you make an excuse for your lost. You already lost, you've been defeated, accept it like a real man and stop making stories such as you are injured or you are thinking about your sick dog that's why you can't perform. Accept the defeat like a real man and stop looking for reasons why you lose, it is what it is, you can't change the outcome anymore. Accept it and learn from it. Remember, you are trying to get rid all of your excuses. Even if you've been cheated, even if your excuses are real... stop telling it to everyone because excuses are for losers, excuses are for the weak. Move on from that defeat and just be better so that you will never lose again next time. 

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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...