Jun 23, 2020


Your motivation is dying sometimes, accept it, it's a fact. Your motivation will never stay forever, that is why you have to keep working on it. Motivation keeps you going but the sad thing is it will run out on the long run, it may run out on the first day if your journey so you must have the proper mindset to get it back. Motivation is not that hard to create, you can motivate yourself even if you're not a motivator, you can feel like a hungry lion even if you're not watching a lot of stupid motivational movies in you tube. Anyway here are the best tips to revive your dying motivation: 

1. Force yourself to do the first step.

Never care if it's a mediocre, weak or ugly step. Never care if you look like a fool doing the first step, never care if you feel really bad, just do the first step. Once you did it... it's game over, you're already in control, you will be able to create a very strong momentum to finish any task. It's hard to do the first step but once you did it you can finish any task. Just let go, stop thinking and just let go, allow yourself to become creative, forget about perfection and focus on the execution. Success is all about moving forward, trust me you will feel much better if you will stop worrying and just start, do the first step and all of your fears will go away. It's just like riding a bike you keep on pedaling and don't stop because you will lose your balance. 

2. Exercise a little bit. 

I know it's hard to exercise because you're not used to it. But if you will give it a chance then you will have a lot of motivation in your tank, you will never lose motivation if you're sweating everyday. Your momentum will never die if you're moving. Just walk or jog or do some weird and funny acrobatics that you saw on you tube, for as long as you're sweating a little bit... you're on the right track. Exercising will give you dopamine, it will make you excited, it will pump your blood, you will be able to enjoy difficult task and have the energy to finish. Sweating will make you feel good, it's a little bit hard but it will be easier if you will take it slowly. You don't need to lift 5 million pounds right away, you don't need to run 1 million kilometers or swim the pacific ocean, just take it one step at a time. There is no rush here, you have a lot of time. Enjoy sweating little by little, don't think about shredding your fat fast, just enjoy this day and enjoy again tomorrow. Trust me your motivation will come back if you're consistent on exercising everyday. 

3. Be present

Never avoid your bad feelings, don't try to numb it drinking energy drinks or eating a lot of foods with high salt and sugar, you're only making yourself worse. Don't go to food or entertainment if you feel like a junk, be present, embrace your emotions. Say this to yourself "alright, I feel like a junk and I know it, I know this will be over anytime soon". Embrace how you feel and start doing something positive. It's either you read a book or you clean a part of your house, you can clean your car, you can start selling something on the internet that will give you some money, look for something to do that will give you something in reward. Any activity like cleaning, meditating, reading a positive book or even praying will help. Admit to yourself that you're in a rut and you need to do something about it, you are stuck and the only way to get away from it is by doing something positive. Watching TV, playing games, eating, drinking and any other activities that will numb the pain for a while is only making your situation terrible, you have to be in the moment. Face the pain, embrace it, feel it and start taking actions. 

4. Don't look for results and just focus on the process.

Looking for results is only giving you frustration, it's slowing you down. Why not just focus on the process and do whatever it takes to take your life to another level? you will feel demotivated every time you see yourself not progressing. There will be no effect if you're defective. You can never make a traction if you're always on procrastination. Focus on the process, don't worry because the outcome will come later, just be patient. If you want to have an endless motivation think about this... THE PROCESS IS THE RESULTS ITSELF. If you can just enjoy the process without asking for anything in return then you will become unstoppable, you will become more creative, you will have more freedom. Because the idea of getting rich so fast or getting successful fast is what stops you, you always feel miserable every time you see yourself not getting what you want. Just focus on the process and begin to attract success. 

5. Forget about how you feel. 

You are pampering yourself too much, you are overindulge with comfort and certainty. You want to feel good and comfortable all the time and that makes you feel unmotivated to do something, once you feel that it is hard... you will quit right away, you will not even try. Forget about how you feel, remember that you are nothing special, you're just an ordinary person, stop thinking that you're a star. And even if you're a star, is that what star do? being lazy and unproductive? Forget about how you feel and focus on doing something good. Slap yourself, force yourself to do what is hard and never quit. Motivation will come, you will feel it during uncomfortable moments, you will feel it when you're having a hard time.

Look at those people who are always watching motivational films, they can't feel motivated, they were just fooling themselves. It's because they were too consumed with those films, they can't live without those films, they feel comfortable with those materials that they already forgotten to take action. The real motivation comes from pain and not from comfort. Keep in mind that motivation will never come out and be felt by you if you're always feeling lazy and comfortable, it will only come out if you're already on an uncomfortable place.  

6. Associate yourself with hard working people. 

Fly with the eagles, associate yourself with people who are working hard and have vision. Never associate yourself with people who were so lazy and doesn't have any vision in life. Be with doers not with dreamers, be with grinders not with talkers. Be real, work hard and go hard all the time. Real hard workers will motivate you, iron sharpens iron, fire makes the fire bigger, you have to throw yourself to a wolf pack and be one with them not to be eaten by them. Because if you will join a lazy vagabond then you will become like him too, you will have no direction too. It's time to live the right life, delete the wrong people in your life and add the right people that will help you to thrive. 

7. Think about the person that needs you to become successful. 

It can be your son, it can be your mama that needs some money for her make up, it can be your wife that is so proud of you, it can be anyone that is hoping for you to win. Think about that person, are you going to let that person down? are you going to make him/her feel bad because you didn't give your best? that person is counting on you, that person needs you so stop acting like a lazy bum that needs to get whipped first before moving, you don't need a spanking, you don't need to experience tragedy first before moving Move now because someone is waiting for your victory, something is looking up to you. You better do something right because that victory is not only for you, it's for people who trusts you and love you the most. So wake up now and do something, stop waiting time because you could have been a superstar a long time ago but you choose to waste time instead. Every second is critical for your success, everyday counts. 

8. Do the boring things.

It is what it is, no matter how bad it sounds... it is the reality. Boring things or activities are the only way to bring you back on track. Activities that you hate to do such as working, studying, hustling, getting better, learning a new skill etc. These are the activities that will put you back on the right track. The boring things are the things that has benefits. Is playing a video game all day gonna make you a better person? it is if you will make it as your career, but if you're just doing it for fun to forget your problems then you're only setting yourself up for a badder life. Do the boring things because it will make you feel good about yourself, it will make you feel motivated. Studying will give you confidence, exercising will give you confidence, doing the work you hate will give you a momentum. There is no time for acting like a king nowadays, you're not rich, you're not blessed, who are you to act like the world owes you something? who are you to act like you're entitled to do what you want anytime you want? you are nothing so embrace boredom and recreate a new life. Having a lot of fun will never give you a good life, it's a trap, forget having fun and do what is boring. You can have a lot of fun later when you're already thriving, there is a time for fun and there is a time for grinding. This is grind season, stop doing anything that will never give you something in return. 

9. Start even if it's already too late.

I save the best tip for last, this is the best tip that I can give you... START EVEN IF YOU'RE ALREADY LATE. Exercise even if it's already 3am, start a project even if you have no sleep, say sorry to your wife even if she's about to divorce you, start the intermittent fasting even if you're already 300 lbs heavier, apply for a job even if you're already 79 years old, go to your class even if you're already 2 hours late, show at your work even if it's almost dismissal, it's better late than never. And the truth is... it's never late, you're just making an excuse, you just don't want to do it. Because if you really want to do it then time will never matter anymore. Because if you will think that you can just do it tomorrow then you're only fooling yourself, you're not going to do it tomorrow, you will feel unmotivated again, you will never take actions again. It's better to do it now even if you look like a fool, do it even if it's uncomfortable. Trust me, this is the fastest way to get the motivational juices pumping in your body. Do it during the most uncomfortable times. 

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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...