Jun 18, 2020


Are you so sick and tired of your bum life? are you tired losing again and again? Do you feel you deserve more? do you feel that life has something more but you're getting less? well, something bring you here, you are reading this not by accident but because you are destined to know the information below that will transform your life from being a loser to a winner. This is your lucky day because the techniques I am going to tell you will surely change your life, and if it didn't changed your life... then you didn't follow my tips. I was a loser before, nobody likes me, I feel like a victim, I have no strength and confidence, I feel so powerless and useless. But my life suddenly changed when I follow these steps.

1. Make yourself better than yesterday.

The good thing about being a man is you can always improve everyday. You have a brain, a brain that is better than all of the species around the world. Unlike a cockroach that cannot walk back, unlike a gorilla that cannot even talk or process complicated information... you have a mind that can operate on a higher level. Use your mind to your advantage, use your mind to give you a better life. Be better than yesterday. You can decide if you will become better than yesterday or not, it's up to you, it's within your reach. You have what it takes to become better all you need to do is go further. You can do better than yesterday, you can go harder than yesterday. 

2. Be fast.

Success loves speed, if you wan to become a winner then you need to be fast. Think fast, start fast, try again fast, recover fast, sleep fast, be fast but don't rush. If you're fast in starting something, if you will just do it no matter what regardless of how you feel and what type of condition you have... you will go to a different level so fast. It's because you're fast, speed will attract speed, slow will attract slow... as simple as that. You should live in a fast lane, quit doing stupid things that will make you slow. Start disciplining your mind to move right away even if it's too uncomfortable. It's all about killing the thoughts that makes you believe that it's hard, it's about not thinking about the long work that you must do, it's about not thinking if you're already late or still early... stop thinking too much and execute. Transform yourself from being a waiter to a fast starter. Ignite the fire that is sleeping inside of you by being relentless, pretend that you're unstoppable and you will become one. Being unstoppable simply means working and pushing yourself every time you feel the resistance. It's dragging yourself to work hard even if you don't like it. 

3. Stretch your skills and abilities.
4. Lock in.

Forget about what other people are doing, forget about what other people are talking about, forget their achievements or failures and just focus on your own growth. Watch yourself evolve, enjoy yourself because you have to give yourself and your journey a lot of time if you want to evolve big time. Whether you admit it or not... you're only getting bitter when you see someone succeeding and you're not, this is normal. But you must see yourself doing it, you must admit that you're bitter so you're eliminating that attitude little by little. Being bitter is a waste of time and energy, so the solution for this is to just focus on yourself and make yourself a little bit successful everyday. You can improve and make progress a little bit. Every time you work you are progressing even if you haven't get any results yet. Every time you persevere and face discomfort you're going to another level. 

So take it slowly, stay locked in, focus on your goals, focus on becoming a better man. More skills, more knowledge, more disciplined, more tenacious... these can be achieved by you, just give yourself more time, feel everything about. Enjoy every step and sacrifice, feel happy that you're doing the hard things and not the easy things like others. Always remember that if you want a different result then you need to separate yourself from the pack, do what other people can't do... be something extra ordinary by just focusing on your own work and doing your very best every single day. 

5. Know what you really want.

Sometimes you don't know what you want and that's why you don't have a direction, that's why you can't escape the rut you are in, you don't know your destination. Or maybe you want a lot too much, you're wanting everything. You want to copy other people's path because you see that they're succeeding even if you really don't want that path. You must know what you want and you must stick with it. It's ok to want one or two things but never desire everything because it will only bring confusion into your life. You need to be in a one direction only, know the patterns you are creating, know every single action that you are taking and you will see how lost you are. 

6. Be ready for any bad luck.

Losers whine, losers complain, they don't want to take full responsibility of what is happening with their lives. Bad luck will come, it's part of your life but what you don't know is that it's only making you stronger, it's not a bad luck... it's a strength creator. Bad luck will bring out the best in you, it will reveal you who you really are. Are you going to cry like a loser? are you going to blame the world? are you going to look for sympathy? or are you going to fight back? 

7. Don't quit. 

Just don't quit and you're already a winner, just do whatever it takes to win and you will get there in just a matter of time. Keep trying, keep hoping, keep moving, never get stagnant or idle. Just keep moving forward, there is a space waiting for you to operate, there is always a one small action that you can do to make your situation a little bit better so quit quitting and keep trying, this will make you a better person, you have a very big chance of winning if you don't quit. 

8. Be ok getting less.

Feel happy with what you are getting, be ok with getting less, this kind of mindset means abundance, it means you're happy with what you are getting and you're not complaining about it. The result is you attract more, you are getting more little by little. Because if you're not complaining and being an asshole then more good things will come to you. And the truth is... there is no big nor small, there is only happiness. If you can be very happy with what you've got then it is big but if you're always complaining about what you have and being unappreciative about it then it is small. Size is just an illusion, there is no big nor small there is only appreciation. Being grateful, being appreciative is the key to getting more. 

9. Feel invincible

At the end of the day, you will feel something. Why not feel invincible instead of feeling depressed, weak or anxious? You can draw the state from within, all you have to do is move and you will become confident again. Have a mindset that you will face any challenge in front if you... that's how to feel invincible. And really face it, don't shy away from it, don't panic if there is a challenge, don't get overwhelmed because for as long as you're alive and breathing... there is no challenge that cannot be conquered. 

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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...