Jun 3, 2020


Let's be realistic here, this is not about being a fake guru that will tell you how to earn millions in just a few months, nobody every did that. The only people who can do that are athletes who signed multi million max contracts, are you an athlete? or business moguls who are on the business game for decades, are you a business mogul? are you doing something for a very long time? you need time you make your money grow, this is the most realistic approach for growing your income, don't rush, don't panic, you have time so use it properly, focus on increasing your income and stop complaining about the economy, corona virus, recession, corrupt government etc. It is what it is, life is hard, life is full of complications especially if you're not focused on what you need to do. 

You don't need to increase your income so fast, you can take it slowly but surely. Because if you're rushing to get rich... you will end up being broke. You have a lot of time but don't waste your time, focus on the amount that you want and get it no matter what, try to get it even if it's hard. Remember, it's only hard because you keep on thinking that it's hard. It will become easier if you will just do it. 


Your hard work is not your real hard work, there is something more you can give, you can dig deeper, you can do more, you can push yourself a little bit more, don't ever think that it's all you can do. Do everything, do whatever it takes to make your income a little bit bigger. It's really up to you. Work longer, sell something, create a small business, there are millions of ways how to earn more, it all depends on what you can see. Working hard is not that hard to do, it's called hard work because your focus should be strong and your intention to make great results is strong, but it doesn't mean that it's too hard. You can work harder by enjoying your work, the more you enjoy it the more great results you will get, as simple as that. Working hard is an option, anyone can do it but not all will do it that's why only few people are becoming successful. 


• Never think that it's hard, it's all in your mind. Think that it's easy and it will be a lot easier than you think.
• Never rush, the more you want to finish it fast... the more it will get harder. Take your time, stop rushing, take no shortcuts. 
• Enjoy every action, you can have fun with every action by feeling the work, be passionate. Feel the struggle, enjoy the repetition, never complain and just do the work with all of your power. 
• Don't look for perfection, just give your best. 
• Use speed, start fast. The reason why you can't enjoy hard work is because you're allowing your body to feel lazy and slow. Be fast, don't rush but use some quickness. Create a story inside of your head that you need to do more so that you will get more. Break your own records, try to become always better than yesterday. 


Don't quit, look for some inspiring stories not demotivating stories. Look for stories that will inspire you, that you can copy and apply in your life too. Don't quit, once you set a target... don't ever quit. Keep working hard, keep pushing yourself, just hit the target no matter what. Use your willpower, have that burning desire to get the amount you've been targeting. If you don't quit then you will get what you want, it's only just a matter of time before you get it so just keep moving forward and do something to make you one step closer from the price you are targeting. Stay sharp keep trying to hit targeted amount and never change your goal, if you're pushing yourself a little bit you will find a way how to get that amount. All the rich people never quit, they keep pushing, they keep trying something, they don't know how to quit, they don't know how to give up, all they know is they have to get their dreams no matter what. 

Fight for what you want, put a lot of pressure on yourself, always think that you have to get it or else you will die. Nothing is impossible if you will believe in yourself. All it takes is hard work and dedication. You can do it if you really want it, you will see solutions instead of excuses if you're really serious about getting it. So start now and try to increase your income little by little, it's only just a matter of time before you get it. 


Having a strong discipline in spending your money will make you value your money even more, you will get addicted to saving money, you will feel progressing seeing your income grow day by day. Because if you really love money then how come you were able to free it right away by spending every time you get your monthly salary? Don't by garbage that you don't need, you only need a few things in your life. If you can transform yourself from being a consumer to saver then it will have a big impact in your life, your financial status will change dramatically. Spending too much and more than what you can earn is for the losers. Why will you spend money if you're already out of your budget? this is a mentally of a broke person, look at those poor people... they were addicted to spending, they only feel good when they buy things that they don't even need. Have the habit of saving money, make it as your addiction and soon you will see that you're already a millionaire. 

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