Sep 17, 2019


rugged breed

Getting results is all about observing, trying a lot of things, not giving up and basically... it's all about perseverance and patience. You can't be focusing on the situation itself, you need to create a different reality by changing your mindset. Most people were stuck because they keep on thinking the same way, doing the same habits and feeling the same way towards the problem. If you want a different reality then you need to feel different. Feel good about the things that doesn't make you happy. It's all about conditioning your mind, appreciate everything around you and it will be easier to change your situation. Because you've been stuck for a long time in your situation, it's because you're focused on it and you can't take small actions anymore. But if you will just accept what you have and do something different then you will have a different life.

Life is all about patterns, you're living the same way because you're doing the same pattern. But if you will look for something reaction like doing a little bit different then there is a big chance that you might be able to change your life. A perfect example is healing yourself, if you've been taking medicines for years and you feel that nothing is changing in your body... it's time to look for something different, look for something new that might be able to make your body react differently. Medicines' purpose is to make your body react, it's main purpose is to manipulate your cells. So if you think that your body is not reacting anymore from a certain medicine then it's time to try something new. If you can feel differently and be a little motivated by doing something then your life will change. That's why going to a different place such as nature, peaceful place is good. It's because it can make you feel differently, it can give you a peace of mind and that's a good place to start. 

But you don't need to take a different medicine or go to another place to change your life. If you can just change your perspective, habit, mindset then there is a big chance that you will be able to experience something different. Look at your habits, it sucks right? then it's time to change something about it. People are creatures of habits, and if you're so invested with your habits and that habits is not giving you better results then you will become stuck on that miserable life forever. That's why successful people were always evolving, they always look for constant improvement because they knew that it's the only way to sustain their lives or become successful even more. Because you can't be doing the same thing and expect to get a different result. You need to change your mind, change your feelings, change your perspective, change everything that is only making you slow and unprogressive. 


Try everything, use the trial and error method. If you want a bigger money then you can't be working at the office for the rest of your life. You can do that but you will get the same results over and over again, what if years have passed and the company you are working in is only giving you a little raise? what if you can't feel the growth on that company anymore? if you don't want to leave that company then you better do something else. Try selling something, try building a small business, try something uncomfortable. It's hard to sell right? it's hard to talk to people because you will be shy, but if you really want a new life then you will do whatever it takes to change it. If you want growth then you need to face the pressure and discomfort, as simple as that, if there is no friction nor challenging situation then there will be no progress. So if you're having a hard time now... be happy because that's the right path.

Always remember that it's good if something is not working, it means you need to go to a different direction. But be careful because sometimes it takes time before something to work, you need to wait a little bit more time and see if it will really work or not. If it is really not working then go ahead and try something different.


keep moving forward, keep trying something new, believe in the trial and error method. For sure something will click, perseverance works, hard work works, never doubt yourself, you can always do something. Be confident that something will work. Always try something new and never have any kind of regrets when something goes wrong. Try again, look for another process, try a different journey. I know you're so bored with your life, you can only change it if you will allow yourself to fail over and over again until you succeed. You are free to do anything you want, nobody can judge you, and if they judge you... just move forward, keep pressing forward and never stop until you become successful.


This is like a game, just like playing your favorite video game... you keep trying and trying until you level up. Growth can only be achieved through failing numerous times, don't be afraid to fail, failing means you're evolving and growing. If you don't fail then how will you be able to learn? Just try for one more time, have fun failing because at least you're giving your very best, every time you fail... you're getting closer and closer from your dreams. Just try for one more time, try again if you fail, never stop until you succeed. It's normal to fail, keep experiencing it, you will get a lot of reaction from it, you will get a lot of inputs and knowledge.

Reaction is what you need, you can only get it by taking action and never stopping until you finally reach your goals.

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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...