Sep 18, 2019


Chase greatness but never feel pressured if you can't get it, chase greatness by simply enjoying the process and not dwelling on the things that makes you feel bad. Just chase greatness and stop letting people know it, because there will be more resistance if you talk about your dreams, people will disagree with you, people will criticize you and mock you. Most people were good in minding other people's lives so it's better to just keep quiet and just do your thing everyday. Because you don't need to talk about your own greatness if you're really serious about it, you will just do it. And people will be shocked with what you're doing, they will wonder how did you do it, they will feel that there is some magical thing that happened in your life.


It's a way of life, it's everyday living, you just do it. You just work hard and give your best. You don't need to compare yourself with other people, you're just being yourself. You know what greatness means, you define it for yourself, you give it your own meaning, you don't compare your own greatness with the greatness of other people. For you, simply giving your best is enough, there is no pressure on your side. If you succeed you succeed, if you fail you fail, you don't focus on what you can't control, you're just focused on giving your full maximum effort. You have confidence in your abilities, you have that burning desire, you feel unstoppable and you will never stop until you become successful, you're chasing something everyday and you don't feel bad if you can't win today, you just bought in with the process. You're committed, you're dedicated, you don't waste this day for nothing, greatness is your lifestyle, it's embedded in you. You know what to do and you don't mind if you're lost a little bit, you just knew that you will be able to figure out later.


Find a way how to move, force your body, use your mind, drag yourself if you need to. Greatness is simply moving forward all the time and looking for possibilities. Just don't overthink and do something, it's easy if you will learn and make it a habit to start fast. Stop thinking, stop worrying, stop thinking about the future and simply chase greatness. Greatness will be bestowed upon you if you're focused on taking actions and stop thinking about the results. Results will come if it will come, but you need to focus on taking actions first and build a  momentum so that you will have an easier time dealing with the process in front of you. Once you build a momentum everything else will be much easier. So stop letting your mind control you, control your mind and just do what you're suppose to do. There's no excuses allowed if you want to live a great life, you should stop pampering yourself and stop procrastinating if you want to live the way of greatness. And to be hones, you don't even need to find a way how to move, you just need to move, take action now and you will make a progress... as simple as that. Because the more you procrastinate the more your mind will become blackened and poisoned, it will not operate the right way, you setting yourself up to failure.


Don't be fooled by the false gurus roaming around the internet that you can become lazy and still become a millionaire or successful. They were fake, look at them... still broke and lost. Your body was built for moving, that's why you're feeling sick if you're lazy and always day dreaming, you have to move now and you have to move fast. Just start something and enjoy the process... that's how to chase greatness, that's how to get ahead in life. Life will become much much easier if you will move now and stop overthinking. Just do it, look for something you can do and just do it. Be consistent, be fast, be a strong finisher and you're already great... too simple isn't it? because thinking too much and worrying about the future will make you stuck in a mud forever, why not move now and see what is possible for your life? there are millions of possibilities, you can win if you will allow yourself.


Focus on the action and ignore everything. Taking action itself is success already. Forget if you're making money or not, forget if you're getting recognition or not, forget if you're making a progress or not, forget the critics, forget the naysayers. Just keep moving forward and success will manifest on the right time. Remember that enjoying the process is success already, everything outside of the process is just a bonus. Just keep moving forward and you will find happiness, you will have a purpose, you will feel good, you will have no regrets. Just give your best and do whatever it takes for greatness, be willing to go the extra mile, be willing to leave your comfort zone. Ignoring everything will give you a laser like focus, you can accomplish anything faster than expected, you will feel much better, you will become organized, your mind will not be manipulated by different information that are of no use.

Falling in love with the process will make you attract success. Just keep taking actions even if you feel that it's just a waste of time, it's not a waste of time because you're doing the right thing, and even if you didn't get anything from it... at least your mental toughness has evolved, at least you were able to build the right habits to become successful.

Chase greatness, just like a lino chasing the meat. Forget if you're hungry, forget if you're in pain, never stop and always believe that you're going to get it no matter what.

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