May 12, 2019


Are you working hard? really? are you giving your very best every single day? or are you like others who just keeps on complaining about the things that they have? they keep on complaining that they are getting less and being treated unfairly but the reality is they don't even know how it feels like to give their all. Hard work is a simple word but it has a very deep deep meaning. You know in yourself if you really work hard or not, you can lie but you numbers won't, the results won't. Even if you're working hard and you can't get any results yet.... it only means you're hard work is not enough and that you need to work harder, you need to push more until your body and brain gives up. It is what it is, you want it right? you want to be on top right? so stop complaining and just do whatever you can do to get your dreams.

Something will work if you're really working hard, if nothing is working then it means you're faking your hard work, you're fooling yourself. Stop disrespecting hard work, stop telling everyone that you're working hard if the truth is you're really not. The real hard workers in the world will just laugh at you and make you look like a clown.

How many hours are you working everyday? 9? 10? 11? 12? that's not enough, the real hard workers were working for 24 hours a day and that is the truth, they don't care at all, they just push right away the moment they wake up, they don't stop, they don't settle, hard work is their culture, it's in their head every single day, it's their habit and they can't live without it. They feel weird and sick if they're not working hard, they feel that there is something wrong if they're not pushing themselves to the limits.

Look at yourself, are you really pushing yourself to the limits? are you comfortable now? if you're comfortable then it means you're not serious about it, if you're too relaxed then it means you're not competitive, you're taking your life for granted.

This day is a chance to work hard, stop wasting this day doing nonsense things that will make your life even miserable.

Create a record, be part of the history. Be part of the animals, be part of the kings, don't act like a weak slave who will just follow and follow. Change your life by being the hardest working individual in the world, what if you have that title? what do you think will happen? how do you think will you live your life?

Get serious, stop acting like everything is fun, stop treating your goal as a joke. You need to put your heart and soul into it if you want your dreams to come to you. Because the truth is... it will not even show its shadow to you if you're simply exerting a weak and mediocre effort.

If you want to LEARN MORE how to control and manage your fears and anxiety click this link:

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