May 12, 2019


A lot of people still doesn't get it, they think that living life is about having a good future, they think that it's the best way to live a life but that kind of approach is only giving them worries and fears, it's making them paranoid but they are not accepting it. Living in the moment is simple, here are the tips how to do it?

1. Feel the pain. Life is not perfect, there will be days when you will really feel bad for whatever reason. Something is annoying you, something is disturbing you. Sometimes you feel something weird in your body, sometimes you are sick. What most people do when they feel something bad is they feel bad even more, they act like a victim, they act like the world is treating them unfairly. They don't want to feel the pain even if that pain is just small, if you can't endure small pain now then how will you be able to handle stronger pain the future. Learn how to handle small pains gradually so you will not freak out in the future once you experience a scary pain.

2. Don't look for comfort. Looking for comfort means you don't want what is happening now, it means you hate the present moment. Regardless if you feel good or not... don't look for comfort because it's only making you uncomfortable even more. Looking for comfort means you're weak and you can't endure the ugly times. If it's uncomfortable so be it, live with it and never complain. So what if you have an uncomfortable life? it's ok, there is nothing wrong with that.

3. Focus on what you can control.

Just focus on what you can control and you will feel much power. Problems may arise, people may say nasty things to you but there are things that you can control and that is your thoughts, actions and feelings. If you will just stay calm and do your best in any given time then you will be able to feel powerful on amy given occassion. Yourself is what you can control, everything inside of you, go deeper and you willf feel very powerful.

Most people feel weak becausr they focus on outside of themselves and that's why they were always worrying, that's why they can't live in the moment. And if you don't live in the moment you become scared even more.

4. Start now if you need to do something.

Start now. Don't wait for tomorrow just start now. For sure there are some things that you need to do or want to do. If you will not start now you will always think about it. You will always worry and your mind is not at peace, that ia not living in the moment. Just do it and enjoy the process, as simple as that.

Starting now will make you feel better, it will make you wnjoy your day. Start now and simply take it step by step. Make the process simple if you can but always give your best.

5. Don't rush your tasks. Never rush anything because you will become moee stressed. Never rush but don't act slow. It will be done in a while, you will become faster if you're not rushing because you will enjoy what you do. Don't rush it and just enjoy it. Because if you rush your tasks then you will make mistakes and if that happens your mind will become troubled again.

Rushing is for people who wants to escape. Rushing is for people who always make mistakes and have to repeat again. Who are always rushing? The best example is prisoners who were trying to escape, they were rushing, they were worrying and where they end up? Back to prison.

No matter what you're going through... don't rush. Livw in the moment because tough times never last only tough people do.

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