May 26, 2018


A lot of people who are broke are poor not because they don't have a high salary or a nice job, it's not they are uneducated or something, they are broke because they don't know the real purpose of money. They thought that money is there for just spending, they don't know that it is there to give them a better life, it is for security, it is for financial freedom, it is for peace of mind.

Some people once they earn something they will spend it right away, they don't care about tomorrow anymore. They just want to spend now, they were itching to spend that money and when all money is gone... fear will attack them, they will worry, they will borrow money from other people. If they only keep some portion of their money then they will feel secure, they will not worry about the future, they will not think where they are going to get money for food and basic needs.

Some people spend their money just to look rich, they use it for self image, they don't know that looking rich is not really rich because you feel broke inside, you feel that anytime you will run out of money and you have to rely on hope, hoping that you got lucky and for unknown reason more money will come unexpectedly.

The real purpose of money is to make you feel good in the long run and not to make you feel good just today. Poor people wants to feel good right away so they will spend what they have and not save anything for tomorrow, the result is... they will feel bad in the future because they are worrying about how to get some money for the remaining days until it's monthly salary time again. Rich people are different, they will use their money to feel good in the long run, they will save a lot of it, invest it, use it for business so they will feel good for a very long time because they know that they have a lot of money and they don't have to worry anymore how to get more of it.

Money is use for security, you are more secured if you save a lot because you have something to use if there is an emergency. Unlike poor people, once emergency hits them they don't know where to go to, they will panic, they will use desperate measures just to get money. They will even sell the remaining property they have just to have something for the payment of bills.

Money is there to make your life better and not bitter. It is there to make you have more. You will simply save it, try to make it grow, try to double it and then use it to give your family a real life. You use it to buy a nice house, nice car, build business. And you will only do it if you already have a lot of it. Rich people use their money for bigger things that are expensive that they will use everyday, poor people use their money for things that they will only use for now. Things like mugs, key chains, pillows, expensive ball pen, expensive coffee, vacation etc.

Money is there to teach you a lesson, it is there to make you learn. If you will use it wisely then it will reward you but if you will take it for granted and use it for useless things then you will be punished, you will become poor for the rest of your life. So change your perspective about money... keep it, save it, invest it, use it for business... it is not for spending, it is for making your life better.

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