May 31, 2018


Overwrite your thoughts that are negative. If you have a lot of negative thoughts then you will have a negative life. Thoughts will control your life, a lot of people were talented and gifted but they let their thoughts control them, they let their thoughts ruined their lives. They thought they have a problem, they thought they were unlucky but the real problem is they cannot control their thoughts.

Thought is a very powerful thing, if you cannot handle it properly then you will have a miserable life. If you can control it and direct it towards your goals and dreams then you will have a very wonderful life, everything will become amazing, you will feel free and loose.

So if you are having a negative thought right now or thoughts that are scary... get rid of it right away, stop thinking about it, you must be aware that it's not a healthy thought, ignore it and produce a more positive one.

There will be a war inside of your head and that will produce bad emotions,  the key here it to stay calm and breathe during that war. Everything will be alright, you will not become crazy, even if your mind is crowded you will not go crazy if you're ok with it, stop resisting it but always keep in mind that you need to choose the positive thought over the negative one.

A lot of people go crazy because they resist, they were in a state of panic, they feel bad whenever positive and negative thoughts were fighting, just think that it's normal and it's ok... nothing bad will happen to you. After all, it't still just thoughts they were not yet a reality.

If you want to overwrite the negative thoughts inside of your head... always be aware that it is negative and learn to replace it with positive thoughts. How will you learn to replace it? by thinking positive thoughts all the time, never feel bad about small things that are negative, accept it and continue to live your life.

You will become a more negative person if you will feel bad about negative thoughts it will become your routine, you will see the negativity in every situation. Sometimes you even think that it is negative even if it is not.

TAKE CARE OF YOUR MIND. Your mind is a sacred place, never ruin it with negativity. Feed it with the right thoughts and you will be rewarded, rewire it with positive thoughts. You must find positivity in every negativity. You can thrive and survive from any negative situation if you have a positive mind. After all, being positive is better than being negative. Being positive will give you a better life.

A lot of people become successful by just being positive, they constantly entertain positive thoughts everyday, they were good in giving positive perspective about any kind of negative situations. That's why they feel so good, that's why it looks like everything is easy for them.

IGNORE WHAT MAKES YOU FEEL BAD. If you don't feel good about it then simply ignore it. If someone annoys you ignore him, if someone disrespects you ignore him, if you think that you're being outclassed ignore it, if you think that you're unlucky today, feel lucky today, just ignore every negative emotion and always take action. It's all about choosing positivity over negativity and that's it, don't be a cry baby, never complain about small things that you can endure. Life will become very easy if you will feed your mind the right thoughts it needed.

STOP WATCHING THE NEWS TOO MUCH. News is very negative, it will scare you, manipulate your mind and make you feel bad, you will believe something that sometimes is not real, news are overrated and over exaggerated, it's just a business for ratings, it will do everything just to get viewers even manipulating stories and covering stories that are not even worth it to hear. News will corrupt your mind, it will turn you into a negative person, it is better to watch a motivational video instead in you tube and feed your mind the right thoughts it needed to become mentally stronger. You can withstand every challenges of life if you will only develop your mind everyday and makes it stronger than before.

Thoughts are habits, the more you entertain thoughts the more you will become like it. A negative person is not born negative but because he keep on thinking about negatives... he become one, the good news is he can still change if he choose to. It takes a lot of discipline to overwrite the thoughts inside of your head, you need to be enduring, you need to be mindful and always be in the moment.

Once you caught yourself thinking about negatives, shift your focus and think about some positive things. Appreciate your life, appreciate that you're still alive... this is the best way to produce positive thoughts and emotions, if you can just appreciate the small things in your life and appreciate that you're still living then you're fine... as simple as that.

IT'S NOT ALL ABOUT BEING 100 PERCENT POSITIVE. You're just a human and part of being a human is being negative but the idea here is at least be 80-90 percent positive, don't let negativity be a larger part in your life, don't let it be greater that than positive. Even monks think about negative thoughts but the can manage to get rid of them very fast. Don't get mad at yourself if you're still thinking about negative thoughts, you're just a human, you're allowed to make mistakes. Always believe that you can control your thoughts, you can only do this if you're aware that your thought is not helping you at all. Most people will just ride on with their thoughts and will never do something about it anymore, over write it by being aware what it does to your life and go for the opposite thought that is more helpful and beneficial.

The key here is to have a mindset that a positive thought is the key to success, always think that if you are thinking positive and you pair it with actions then you will become successful, it is harder to think positive but the outcome is bigger. It is very easy to think negative but it will make your life badder.

BEING IN A DIFFICULT SITUATION IS NOT NEGATIVE. A lot people were so scared to be in a difficult situation, they think that it is bad, they think that it will hurt them, they judge it fast without studying it first and not looking for its benefits. Being in a difficult situation means you're being challenged, it means you will get a blessing if you were able to survive it, there is a prize waiting for you if you never crumble and quit during that situation. Just endure that negative situation because it will never last, it is only temporary, you will feel comfortable after experiencing it. It's only there to make you mentally tougher and physically stronger, don't be afraid of any challenges and difficult situations... they are there to make you a better person.

NEGATIVE THOUGHTS WILL NEVER WIN OVER YOU. It will always be there... worries, fear, insecurities, bad perception about different things... it will always be there but it will never win over you if you keep pushing forward towards your goals, always look at the bigger picture. Yeah it is hard but what else can you do? quit? never quit, if you don't quit then you will become a winner. Those negative thoughts are nothing, they will never even hurt you if you don't allow them.

Just keep moving forward and you will be alright, this philosophy has been working for years and will still work forever. It will never fail you so keep trusting it, never give up during hard times... just keep moving forward and your situation will never change.

THERE IS NO NEGATIVE SITUATION ONLY NEGATIVE THOUGHTS. Your perception about something is what makes it negative, if you will only think that it's ok and it is not there to make your life worse then you will have an easier life. Don't ever think that something is negative, think the good side of it, if it is challenging you then it will give you something in the end. If there is something that happened and you don't really like it... just keep moving forward, that's the most logical thing to do, never complain about it never worry about it, just do something to solve it, if you can ignore it and it will not affect your life then much better. Manipulate thoughts every time you feel bad, always think that it's nothing and better things will come.

Thoughts are very powerful if you can use it the right way. Direct your thoughts the right way so you can attract the things that you want to get in life. It's not that easy but it is possible, it's just a matter of making it a habit, it's just a matter of forcing your brain to produce the thoughts that will give you a much better life.

WHY DOES PEOPLE GO CRAZY? Because they focus too much on the negative, they are not aware of what is going around with their brain, they are not moving anymore. If you're not taking actions then you will go insane... as simple as that. There is a person in our town who looks mentally ill but that person keeps moving forward, he is a garbage collector... he collects bottles, cans and anything that he can sell. The man is doing fine even if he looks mentally ill, he is not hurting anyone, he is not a liability, it only shows that he is not crazy, he looks mentally ill because he is so quiet and not sociable, all he does is collect bottles that he can collect, he does it everyday. If a person is working hard, can you say that he is crazy? he is moving forward, he doesn't let any negativity enters his brain that's why he is doing fine even if he only have less money, he is doing fine even if the society is not embracing his way of life.

A crazy person is someone who is not moving and just keep on worrying, he wants to become happy but he is not working for it. You can overwrite your thoughts it you will take massive actions, your emotions will change if you're moving, you will become a little bit happy, your mood will change. So stop worrying and just focus on taking actions... this will make your life a little bit better. Stop focusing on fear, fear will always be there but you can always ignore it, you can always treat it as your friend, if you want to input some positivity into your brain then look for little progress everyday, always be optimistic and fall in love with the little growth that you are getting.

Be in the moment and you will never go crazy. Whatever you are feeling now... embrace it, don't cry about it, don't complain about it, don't whine about it... just embrace it, feel every detail of it, don't try to change it if you can't... just learn to embrace it and always give your best to have a better situation. 

FOCUS ON SOMETHING ELSE. If your mind is crowded with negative thoughts then focus on something that will divert your attention. For example, you can focus on a small business... try to make it bigger each day and work hard for it. Focus on loving your dog, groom your dog, make it beautiful, give it the biggest love that you can ever give. Focus on cleaning your house, just clean every dirt of it and you will really feel good, you will feel that it's a new start, it will give you positive emotions.

You get what you always look into, if you're always looking for millions then you will get it, if you're always looking for trouble then you will get it, as simple as that. If you want to change your life and overwrite the negative thoughts then never think about it, feed the positive thoughts and get the benefits of doing it.

WHAT IF YOUR NEGATIVE THOUGHTS DON'T GO AWAY? Just sleep, if your mind is not active then it will go away, it maybe there again when you wake up but your mind is calmer that time, if you can't sleep then learn to meditate, it's all about focusing on the breathing, watch your breathing come and go. Just stay calm all the time, never do anything, stay still for a few minutes... that negativity will soon go away. You will still feel bad but you are more aware of what is going on this time. It's impossible that you can't get rid of those negative thoughts, it's all about being patient and trying to stay calm all the time.

Always remember that your thoughts are your reality, whatever you think of will be your life, you are the molder of your life, no one else will create your life other than you. Try to stay positive all the time and never think about doing some stupid things, never take action if you're mad or feeling any negative emotion... the key here is to stop being emotional and always think about what are you thinking, if your thoughts are negative then shift it to positive right away. It's not a easy task but it is doable, always think about the positive benefits that you will get if you will just think positively and calm your mind.


If you're thinking about jealousy and envy then that's you, if you're thinking about failing then that's you too, if you're thinking about becoming successful and always thinking about it everyday then you will become successful, always remember that thoughts are very powerful, use it the right way and you will be rewarded. Be careful of your thoughts because you might become it one day. Any life you want, you can have it if you will think about it everyday and hold on to the those thoughts very strong. Stay committed if you want something to happen and just keep running it inside of your brain.

But the good thing about thoughts is it will not happen so fast, you need to repeat it again and again first. So if you're thinking about negativity and you hate it... don't worry because it will not happen right away, it has to become a habit first, it will not happen so fast. So you still have time to change it, be aware if you're entertaining negative thoughts and change it right away. Always think positive even if your positivity is somehow unrealistic. It is better to be positively unrealistic than to be negatively realistic.

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