May 26, 2018


Getting rejected, a girl you are courting isn't responding, the company that you pass your resume for a job application didn't reply, you are asking something from someone and he didn't reply... it's all ok. You shouldn't be afraid of zero response because life is just like that. Sometimes you will get reaction, sometimes you will get response but sometimes you will be ignored too.

What matters is you try, what matters is you ask and you expect for an answer. If you didn't get it so be it, let it go, there are better days ahead of you. Some people will give you the attention you needed, don't be too sensitive if you didn't get the response that you are expecting... you're not the president if the United States Of America, you are not suppose to get some special treatment.

If they don't respond to your questions, if they rejected you, if they ignore all of you requests... be a real man to accept it. Not all the time you will be respected, it is what it is, you can never control the response of people... let it go and move on. After all, opportunities never run out, you might get the right answers in the future, you might get it from people who will see your real value.

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