Oct 22, 2017


Don't ever feel guilty if someone is not making it in life, don't worry about other people's lives because it's their own life, they are the ones responsible for the outcome of their lives. You can't control everything, you can't make everyone happy, you're not a super hero or something, you're just a human who can do what you can do, you can never create a miracle and make life super beautiful for everyone.

Don't feel guilty if your parents hasn't experience a very good vacation yet, don't feel guilty if you can't give it to them. Because they can do it if they want to, it's their choice, even if you want to give them something.. it's still their choice if they will appreciate it, sometimes you are even giving them or offering them something but they can't appreciate it, it's their fault if they can't be happy with their lives, it's their fault if they don't do something about their lives. It's not about being bad or selfish, it's the reality, you're a good person and you know that, it's just happens that you can't make everyone happy even if you want to. Let them live their lives, you know in yourself that you want them to become happy, and even if you do everything to make them happy... it's still their choice if they will choose happiness or not. At the end of the day, even if you don't give them something that they haven't experience yet, it's still their choice if they want to become happy. They are in command of their emotions so never feel guilty if you can't give them a perfect life.

If your friend is suffering from from different kinds of problems... such as financial and emotional problems, don't worry about him, give him help that you can give but don't every worry a lot because he is the only one who can solve his problems. You are only creating your own problem if you worry too much, give him the assistance that you can provide and let things happen naturally. After all, it is his fault if he is having a lot of problems, he created his life, he can't blame anyone because he is the one responsible for his actions and emotions. He feel something bad because he is dwelling on his problems too much, he can't move on and change his bum life because he 's not taking actions. If you already give him all the help that you can give then stop worrying about him anymore. Again, this is not being selfish, this is the reality. You cannot control all the emotions, decisions and actions of people. If they are  full of dramas and shits so let them be. All you can do is live your life better than yesterday and do everything you can to live your life to the fullest. You already did your part so stop worrying a lot anymore.


You're not a savior, you're not a Messiah or something, you're just an ordinary human who creates a lot of mistakes. You are not perfect and you cannot control everything. You cannot control how they feel or how they think, all you can do is give them help when they ask for it. For the meantime, just be yourself and do what is best for your life. Focus on your life and become great so you can help a lot of people. Don't ever feel bad if you can't give them what they want. You can only do some things, not everything.

They were already grown up and it's their duty to make themselves happy and successful. It's not your fault if they cannot evolve and learn things on their own. Just be a normal person who is worry free and is not thinking about the problems of other people. You have your own problem and you have to solve it first before trying to help some other people.

You are only hurting yourself if you are thinking about the suffering of other people. You have your own suffering and if you're thinking about them then you're only doubling your suffering. There are better thoughts that you should entertain and not how other people think or feel.

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