Feb 1, 2018


The universe has always your back, don't ever think that what happening to you right now is really bad. It is not, there is something good that will happen to you next, you just need to stay positive and work hard. Don't ever judge your situation, it may not look as fine as it seems but there is a reason behind it, all you have to do is keep moving and never do anything stupid in life, just remain positive and do whatever it takes to make your life a little bit better. Because the truth is... everything happens for a reason, it happens to your life because it serves as sign that something good is about to happen. The key to have a very good life is to always stay positive and active, never let worries destroy you nor stop you, always keep moving forward and do what you think is good for your life, never do something that has no benefits. The universe always has your back, it will conspire, it will give you everything you want, you may not get it now but eventually you will get it in the end. It has a delay effect but if you stay focus on your goal then you will succeed in just a matter of time. So keep the faith and never quit.. that is what it's all about, quitting is for losers, it is for whines and excuse makers. If it comes to a pint where it really hurts bad and you're almost going crazy... it means you're very near, it means you need to keep going because you're only a few steps away from winning.

The universe will never fail you, help will come you don't need to ask for it, right and enough assistance will come, the opportunities will come, all you need to do is focus on your goal and never let it escape. You will always find a way no matter what, there is a right way to get things and you will be bale to discover it as you push your self  to the top. There is no reason to be scared anymore, no reason to worry. You're a few steps away from success, your problems will be solved if you stay positive and never try to destroy yourself.

Just live and that's it, know what you want and never stop until you get it, the formula is very simple... never stop, keep pushing and keep grinding. Always be aware if you're not grinding anymore, the moment you see yourself not moving... move and do what is needed, achieve the impossible.

You will feel good in just a matter of time, if you're in pain now, if you're in hell now... keep moving, there is no other way around. You have to do what you have to do or else you will never arrive in your destination.

Proofs that the universe has your back:

1. You're still alive.
2. There is hope, you still feel that you can make it.
3. There are some signs that good things are coming, even if you don't believe it.
4. You are still pushing, if you're not moving anymore then it means the universe doesn't support you anymore, if you're still moving then that's it. It's always in your hands, you still have the final decision if you will move or not.

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