Feb 21, 2018


There is nothing left to lose, you will never lose anything if you take actions, all you have to do is think that you will never lose if you take actions. You already lose everything, you're already in pain so why not take that pain to another level and become successful? Moving is easy if you can fore yourself to move, move despite of feeling heavy and uncomfortable. Winners are very good in moving despite of feeling the pain. They can move even if they are sick, they can move even if they have a hangover, they never make excuses because they know that every time they do it... bad things will happen.

You have nothing to lose, if there is what is it? you were born with nothing on your hands, you're here in this world to experience happiness, to experience something great. You will only experience those things if you're willing to work hard and give your very best.

What's so difficult about moving? you will just move your hands and feet, you will just use your brain a little bit. What makes it difficult is you want to finish fast, you want to have a perfect outcome, you are not willing to take the process and enjoy it while it's going on. If you can learn how to enjoy any kind of process then every movement will be very easy.

The more you take actions, the more you will get something. You will learn, you will get a momentum, you will have a clue on what's going on with your life. Life is easy if you're moving, you don't have anything to lose, you have everything to gain so why stop yourself from moving? Always think that you will get a lot of benefits if you will move.

You're always thinking that you have a lot to lose that's why you're not moving, you're always thinking that you might wasted your effort and get nothing, you're always thinking that you might get tired, you're always thinking that you might lose a lot of time doing it and not getting it.

There is nothing left to lose, you're empty handed when you were born so all you can do is gain something, you can only gain if you are willing to face the pain. Beat procrastination, face the pain, do something magical, force yourself to move... that is what it's all about. If you are  not willing to force yourself to move and take the necessary actions then you will never win in life, you will remain as the same person as yesterday, your life will never change.

Face the pressure and try to give it a different perspective, give it another meaning, think about it as something that will make you grow, because the truth is pressure creates diamonds, great people were built through pressure and fire and not through flashes and magics.

Just do it, don't think again and just do it. Don't try to be special, be the truth. Don't try to be perfect just be a man with the identity of moving fast and making decisions fast.

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