Oct 31, 2022


What's making you weak, slow, unproductive and dumb is your cellphone. You're looking at it too much, it's eating a lot of your time, it's not helping you at all. It's better if you are using it for studying or business but you are using it for pleasures and procrastination instead. That's why you're on a downward spiral pattern, that's why you keep on losing. You're too interested with garbage information, you don't want to consume the information that will make you better. You want nasty bitches dancing on Tik tok, you want fake pranks, you want stupidity and nonsense dramas that's why you're always lacking of time for yourself. You need to be better than that and the only way to stop wasting your time is to try keeping your cellphone for one week, store it in a cabinet and lock it. Try this experiment and you will be surprise with how productive you become by simply eliminating one thing in your life. 

If you can't keep it because you're waiting for some important messages then just don't touch the apps or social media applications for one week. You have to be aware if you're putting a lot of your time an energy into your cellphone because it's making you dumb and stupid, it's making you very weak and unproductive. You need to control the use of your cellphone, you need to discipline yourself or else it will ruin your life, you will become weak, you will become a failure, do you want that? Accept that your phone is eating a lot of your time that you could have use for greatness or a little self development. You need to control the time of usage of your cellphone, it's much better if you will stay away from it for at least a week or even a month. 


Push yourself to go hard all the time, never rest, never make excuses, just pure hard work and focus. Do this for one week and you will be surprised that you've already increase your productivity to 10x or even more. Because the number one reason why you're so slow and useless is your cellphone, you're letting a random posts from a stupid bitch eat your time, you're letting the problems of others distract you, you're allowing yourself to get lost with random posts that doesn't level up your mentality. It's time to claim your life and stop being manipulated by a small computer, you need to focus on the grind, focus on getting better.


Never let a small machine control you, never let other people control you and make you a slave of their nonsense actions. Never let social media manipulate your mind, you need to decide for yourself, you need to control your own life. The truth is... all of your decisions and styles was based on social media, you're following the trends, you're following everything they say even if it is not true. Your mind was a slave already because you're not living your life in your own terms, you're letting your cellphone do the decision for you. The moment you wake up the first thing you're holding is your cellphone, before you sleep you're also using your cellphone. Aren't you sick and tired of it? 


It's easy to win nowadays because most people are distracted by what's going on with the world. You're wasting a lot of your time following a person that you don't even know. The one who will thrive in this generation is the one who's not wasting his time. So if you keep on wasting your time on social media consuming a lot of images and information that doesn't make you better then you're going down. Your life is on a downward spiral. So look at yourself, if you're always using your cellphone then it means you are losing, if you can't stop yourself from looking at your cellphone for at least an hour then there is already something wrong with you. 

It's easy to win because most people are procrastinating and using their phone, it's easy to win because most people got soft because of their cellphone, they don't want to suffer anymore, they don't want to try anymore, their phone is making them weak, it's giving them the comfort that they don't need, it's an unhealthy comfort, it's an addiction, cellphone is like a drug that is legal. It's taking away your problems for a very short time but making it worse in the long run. 


fear of getting left behind, fear of missing out, fear of not being updated, fear of losing the trends... this is who you are and that's why you don't have confidence in yourself, your decisions was based on social media. The way you dress, speak and live was purely based on this stupid social media. Never mind what's going on with the world, never care if a celebrity is depressed, it's not your problem. This social media is just promoting the mental health, it's already becoming a drama, it's not an issue... it's becoming a show, people are pretending to have it to excuse themselves from taking an action, some people are using it to get an attention. Just a small sadness is not a depression, life is really like that, sometimes you are sad and sometimes you are happy. People who are depressed are the most unappreciative people in the world. They're not the weakest, they're the most unappreciative people. You can never see depression in africa or the poorest country in the world, it's because they don't have anything, and now that you have a lot suddenly you are depressed? social media is making you depress because it's forcing your to compare yourself to others and that takes away your ability to appreciate your own life. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...