Oct 8, 2022


Your belief and strength will be tested, for whatever reason you're doing well yesterday but today you're so full of doubts. There is a sudden change of mindset and perspective, your confidence is going down, fear starts to crippled in, you are becoming more cautious of your actions, you're starting to overthink and analyze, you're starting to feel anxious and scared about the future. You are starting to doubt yourself and always thinking if you're doing well, you are starting to question your capabilities, you are now getting slower and stiffer, you're palms are sweating and you're always getting mentally stifled every now and then. But that's ok, it's normal, you are just a human being, you are suppose to feel that way. Every time you are making a small progress, every time you are about to enter a new level... you will always doubt yourself, you will wonder if you can really do it or not, you will start to question your beliefs and abilities to succeed, you will start to stop trusting your gut instincts and start listening to negative thoughts inside of your head. You're just a human, it's impossible that you will never be scared, fear is part of out lives, people who thrives are the ones who can still move despite of fear. 


Even champions felt it, even the greatest ones have doubts in themselves but the only difference between then and the ordinary people is they know that they are scared, they know that they are feeling weird and they have an answer to that feeling, they know how to relax during the scary situations because they believe that their fears will soon go away. Stop thinking that you don't deserve something great, stop feeling overwhelmed and just push forward. No matter what happens, no matter how you feel... you have to keep going and never stop, stop holding yourself back and just do whatever it takes to succeed. Pressure creates diamonds. If you're not feeling the pressure it means growth is not possible, if you have high expectations to yourself then it means you're serious and you're really working your ass off. If you're not expecting great then it means you didn't do anything special in your preparation, or maybe you didn't prepare at all. It's part of being a human, fear is normal, it's part of the game, you can never win without being scared but you have to focus on what you can do, focus on what you can control so that your fear will be extinguished. 


Hold on tight, hang in there. Any scary moments, any frightful feelings will soon be over. Just don't quit and you will win, the game plan is too simple... keep pushing forward and never quit, don't overthink, don't worry about any other people or things... just keep pushing forward. No matter what happens... do something positive and that doubts and fears will go away, you can over power these negative emotions through taking actions. But you have to move fast, you have to stop allowing negative thoughts and unwanted images in your head take over, you have to do it even if you're not ready, start even if you feel weak, just show up even if you have a lot of excuses. Destroy these excuses with your actions, never let them make you weak, every time you find yourself trying to make an excuse... just start taking actions and do whatever it takes to win. 


Always think that if it's hard then it's getting better, always think that you are getting more energy every time you push, always think that the adversity will soon goa way if you persevere. Always think that there is a blessing after a very hard situation. Just keep pushing, moving forward and trying is the key. Allow yourself to get hurt, allow yourself to fail, allow yourself to do the impossible, embrace every difficult situation. Just push and good things will happen, never take any opportunity for granted. Always think that the universe is helping you, always think that everything that is happening is making you better and stronger. What matters is you don't give up, if your belief is still intact then you can still win any kind of situation. Always think differently, stop thinking like others, they judge the situation when it is hard, they give up to soon and that's why they can't win. 


Just push if you don't have confidence in yourself. Take the shots, create your own opportunities and just believe that you can work hard. Just believe that all of your actions will create a path that will lead to success. It's ok if you don't have any confidence for now, that confidence can be build, you will become more and more confident as you keep pushing and keep finding a way. Yes it's hard but it will become easier in just a matter of time. It doesn't matter if you feel good or not, just always think about your goal, always think about getting it and the only way to get it is through actions and nothing else. So whether you feel good or not... you need to move and stop acting like you're entitled of a special treatment, you're not excuse to not work hard, you need to grind your way to the top and stop delaying your actions every now and then. 


It only means you're reaching for something, you have a direction and you're trying to evolve. It only means you're about to grow, so keep pushing even if you're doubting yourself, good things will happen if you move despite of your fears. Despite of these scary mental images, just do what you need to do and never give up, never stop, just keep pushing until you finally feel comfortable with your fears. It's simply about not thinking, stop thinking and just do it. Stop thinking about failure or success, just do it, the most important thing here is you take actions. You've got to keep going no matter what, your willpower will find a way, you have to do what you think will work and stop looking for any approval, stop looking for evidences that it will work, just try it and never be scared to fail. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

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