Oct 14, 2022


What you visualize, what you've been working on, what you are dreaming of, what you've been chasing has already manifested, the only problem is you're not ready to get it, you don't want it bad enough, you're thinking too much, you're focused on the obstacles instead of taking actions to claim it. You need to change your mind, change your mind and change your reality, it's hard to change a mind that's why you need to train it with experience and entertain only thoughts that will serve you. If something is not making you feel confident or motivated then stop thinking about it. What you want will manifest if you're ready to claim it, if your mind is ready to accept it without any attachment from any obstacles or reasons why you can't have it. 


Anything you are dreaming of, anything you want... you deserve it. Of course you do, it's what you think of yourself that creates your reality. If you think you don't deserve something then you will never get it, you have to think that you're great, think big and never be scared of any challenges. The level of fear you can handle and overcome is the level of success that you will get. Don't be afraid of success, don't be afraid of getting things that seems so difficult to get. You deserve anything you want for as long as you're willing to work hard for it, as simple as that. You deserve millions, billions, success, healthy life, everything. Just stay humble and grind your way to the top, ignore all the nonsense things, just focus on what you're trying to get and take baby steps every now and then. Be a fast starter, if you need to do something just do it without making any excuses. 


You have to keep pushing even if you feel that it's not the right time, you have to find a way, you have to be assertive and aggressive. Never think twice, if there are doubts then ignore it. You have to think that it's already yours, you have to feel comfortable even if it is uncomfortable. Getting something big, getting what you want is really scary and exciting, you have to understand that you will really become scared. That is because change is about to happen, progress is about to occur. You will never feel perfect, there will always be built in excuses but your job is to stop using it. There will always be doubts, there will always be thoughts that will try to stop you. Control your mind, put it on the right place, block these scary thoughts and never 


If you are focused on something and you really want to get it, if you are using all of your powers to get it then the universe will conspire. Trust that you will get it but you have to give your all, you have to show the universe that you want it bad enough. A weak effort will bring weak results, a weak intention will never finish a creation. You have to be intentional, you have to have that burning desire to get it no matter what. Your focus should be always on the next step and not on what is making the process harder. The universe will back you up every time you push and persevere, the universe will lend you its power if you keep on pushing forward and act bravely. Stop being a pussy and do what you need to do. Just keep pushing forward no matter what, forget everything that will stop you from manifesting and just take actions. If you are moving then you are progressing, it's only just a matter of time before you reach the finish line. 


It's ok if you are scared, nervous, anxious, overwhelmed but never let these emotions stop you from taking actions. You've got to keep moving forward all the time. Just don't stop taking actions, get closer and closer from what you want. Take the first step and then follow through, never stop, never rest... just keep pushing forward to get it. Don't believe in the word tomorrow or later or next time. The best opportunity is now, you have to pull the trigger even if you're scared to death. You have to just take your chances and never forget about what's going to happen next. Allow yourself to become happy, allow yourself to win. You will never win if you're not doing anything, execute and just push yourself, use your willpower, use all of your strength to have it. 


Believe in yourself more, do affirmations, you have to think that you can have anything you want and that you deserve it. Don't feel guilty, don't sell yourself short, stop thinking that you need to prove yourself first. Just go and get it, you don't need to look for an approval, you don't need to please people... just go and get it. It's all about bravery, you can never go to the next level if you're always focusing on your fears, you need to set yourself free from anything, detach from everything and you will become unstoppable. Flirt with success all the time, court it, ask for it, work for it and take it seriously. You have to think that anything is possible with your insane belief. If you can believe so big and work so hard then you will become a force, you will become something that is hard to ignore. Believing is free, believing in yourself is the best gift you can give to yourself. It's ok to become delusional for as long as you're giving your all and not taking any day for granted. 


are you for real? are you willing to push yourself to the limits to get it? if not then it will no manifest to your life. The opportunities are there, it's already knocking on your door but you're not ready to claim it, you said you want it but once you felt fear... you're already backing down. It's manifesting already, you just need to follow through and show some bravery. There are openings, there are chances, you just need to take it even if you feel that you're not ready yet. Even if you feel that there is something wrong... you still need to give yourself a chance to win. It is what it is, that's really what's going to happen if you're trying to create something, progress will not happen without stress and fear. You have to keep pushing through and use your willpower to make things happen. One foot forward, keep moving until you finally get there. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...