Oct 4, 2022


What you keep thinking will soon become a belief. The thoughts that keeps running inside of your head over and over again will soon become a reality. Your mind can become a very good ally but at the same time it can also be your most dangerous enemy if you put a lot of trashy thoughts on it. Protect your mind, never think thoughts that are harmful and poisonous to your mind. 


you don't know if you're going to become successful but you have to believe it. You don't know if you're going to make it but you still need to shoot your chances, you still need to aim and work hard. Believe in the unknown, give yourself a chance to win by simply believing and pushing yourself to the limits. The unknown is where greatness and evolution is hiding, you have to navigate through the unknown to see what is possible. Unknown is not that dangerous, it is full of excitement, you're scared of it because you want assurance, you want safety but the great ones are the ones who always navigate the unknown territory because they knew that the best things in life can only be grab from the unknown territory. 


If you want to change your reality then change your thoughts, as simple as that. It all starts in your head. Choose what to think, choose what to believe and fully invest on it. Never change the process, never change the thoughts that you choose and keep thinking about it everyday. Soo it will become a reality. Stop all the negative thoughts, stop being jealous, stop being envy, stop thinking about what other people are thinking and just be yourself. Focus on what you're trying to accomplish and that's it. Catch yourself whenever you're doing some random BS that is making you weak, rusty and slow. You need to train yourself to become sharper and disciplined. At the end of the day you are using your time, the world will revolve and you will get older. Why not spend most of your time for greatness? 


To become strong is to stay disciplined and focused. Focus on what you want and stop focusing on what you don't want. DO only the things that makes you better, sharper, smarter and faster. Never do a lot of stupid activities that will never contribute to your development. Always look to optimize your body, brain and habits. Never choose to become lazy or weak. Take matters into your own hands and do whatever it takes to become successful. Choose to become a beast. Whenever you feel lazy and doubtful that's the best time to take matters into your own hands and force fate, that's the best time to give everything you've got. 


You are entitled to overcome anything. You can endure any pressure, embrace any challenge and ignore any distraction that tries to poison your mind. Because the reality is you are stronger than what you think of yourself, you become weaker because you choose to become weak, you're choosing weaker thoughts and that's why you are slow and doubtful. But if you will have a positive self talk then you will be able to overcome anything. You are strong, you just need to learn how to face the pain, you just need to embrace any challenge in your life and stop being negative. Be optimistic so that you can move fast, be positive but stay humble. Some people were so positive to the point where they're not taking actions anymore because they think that everything will be alright, that's a wrong approach. Everything will be alright only if you are taking actions. 


Always think that you're a beast even if you're not, always think that you can do more even if you are a little bit lazy. If you can believe in yourself and just push yourself then you will become a beast. You don't need someone to look up to to believe in yourself. You don't need to find evidences if your idea was real or doable, you need to prove that it can be done by pushing yourself and not quitting when things are hard. If you are delusional you will try everything, you will never become scared of failure, you will think about winning, you will believe in yourself and you will work insanely hard. There are two types of a delusional person, one is someone who works hard and do whatever it takes to take your journey to another level. Become a believer, become a doer, don't just live your life like a weak bum that do nothing. Force fate, take matters into your own hands and never let people dictate your destiny. Create everything in your life and never rely on handouts, freebies or assistance because only weak people do that. 


There will be fears, anxious moment, scary obstacles, unexpected events etc. You will be mentally stifled every once in a while and all you can do is know that you are scared. Understand that you are scared and understand that it fears will go away in just a matter of time. The more you detach yourself from anything that scares you the more you will become courageous. Never give something any importance and it will never bother you anymore. The reason why you are scared, anxious and overwhelmed is because you're thinking about the future too much. These negative feelings are just signs that you need to be braver and bolder. 


You don't need someone to tell you what to do with your life. It's your life, you're so free to to do anything about it. You can decide whatever path you want to go. Nothing can stop you nobody can restrict you, it's you that is holding yourself back. Once you decide... believe in your decision and never let the side comments or suggestions affect your mind, keep pushing forward, live by your decision and make a stand. Trust me, perseverance will find a way. It may be hard in the beginning, you will fail a lot in the beginning but you will be able to figure out what clicks if you don't give up. Every decision is the right decision if the one who made it will make a stand and will never give up. 


If you have a lot of BS in your mind, if you can't control it because you're so easy to manipulate and convince, if you're having trouble in blocking the unwanted thoughts then there is only one approach that is right for you... just pick a goal and go hard to get it. Go hard every single day, never do anything else outside of your goal, really chase it, give your life to it. This kind of approach will make you a single minded person. If you're really serious in getting your goals then you will be able to ignore the negative thoughts and remove all of your bad habits, granted you are really serious with your goals. If you really want it then you will change naturally. Your mind will change, your actions will change. So just go hard every single day and forget if you are winning or losing, forget if you are right or wrong... just go hard and dedicate your life to it, you will be surprised with the things that will be attracted to your life. Bigger opportunities will come, your skills will level up, everything will become a lot easier. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

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