May 24, 2021


Dreaming is like hoping, it's a form of weakness, it's like wishing to win without taking matters into your own hands and that's why the results were mediocre, most of the time you lose. You're losing when you're dreaming, you keep thinking about your dream, you wish it's already in your hands but you haven't take any single step yet. Just like in dreaming about your crush, you can't haver here if you will just dream about kissing her, you need to do something, you need to work on yourself, work on your confidence, draw the first blood, think of something that will make her blush and execute immediately. Whether it's about sending her a poem or a flower or anything. 


Do something to make it yours. Stop acting like you're entitled of something you're not working for. Your dream will never come true if all you do is eat cheetos the whole day and watch some dramas about life. Your life is made to become great, don't waste it for nothing. If you're not pushing yourself then you will never go further, as simple as that. Never underestimate the power of small and fast actions, just do something now and it will give you something later. It's like a snowball effect, the more you do something for your dream the bigger the results will be. Just trust the process, trust the power of moving. Dreaming is for the weak, doing something is for the strong. Start now while you still have some time, make this day your day. 


This is what your mindset should be if you want something big. Just do it, just work hard and that's it. Do something that you think will work and focus on it. Never care if it's hard, never care if nobody hasn't do it yet, be the first one to do it, put your name in history by doing the impossible. You will only know if it's really impossible if you give everything you've got and died. If you're still alive and can still do something about it... keep trying. Never care if it takes a million steps, never care if you have to wait for a million years, just chase your dream and never dream about it... work for it. So what it's hard? does it mean you're not going to do something about it anymore? does it mean you will just stop and take everything for granted? you have to execute. 


You have to make up your mind if you really want it or not, ask yourself do you really want it or not? if your answer is yes then what the hell are you waiting for? execute now and do whatever it takes to get it. Stop hesitating, stop acting like a spoiled diva retard who can't take the pain for a second. It's really going to be difficult but it's worth it, the chase is worth it, you will see what you are made of if you push yourself to the limits. You have to know what you can get before your time is over. It's fun to know what potential do you have, that's how to see greatness... destroy all of your boundaries and forget your limitations. Close your mind and focus on working, stay locked in all the time. Fix your mind to your goal. 


If you want to have something big but you're not a doer then you will fail, 100 percent you will fail, you will never make it. You have to choose between doer and watcher. Are you watching other people succeed? are you having fun guarding other people's lives? are you disturbed by what other people are doing? are you always waiting for the right time but doesn't execute all the time? Anybody can become a doer but not all people are willing to become one because most people choose to feel good and have an easier path, and that's why they're having a harder life. If you're always choosing comfort and doing nothing then you will have a more difficult life later, your life will suck, you will be left behind. 


Never aim to finish right away, never aim to have a perfect result, the mindset should be all about starting fast and finishing strong. Just start even if you feel not right, just start even if you don't know what to do. Start and detach yourself from expectations. Stop thinking and just do it. You will feel much better if you will start. If you want to start without resistance you need to be in the moment, stop thinking about the future, stop worrying what will happen next and just start. It's too simple if you will not entertain a lot of thoughts that makes the process more difficult. Resistance becomes stronger if you're worried about the next sequence. Stay still, stay calm and just do the first step. 


Open yourself to losing, get lost in your journey. Keep going even if you're losing over and over again. Don't stop, don't get frustrated if you're on a downward spiral, your fate will change if you will work hard. Don't mind working hard and not getting any results, don't feel bad if you're no getting what you deserve. It is what it is, sometimes you really have to work harder than others. Don't compare your journey with other people, always think that you have enough, always think that you will get something. Never make results as your motivation, use action as your motivation. Feel happy that you were able to take actions, feel satisfied that you have a chance to change your life now. Focus on doing something that will put you on a better position and don't be afraid to get lost in your journey, you will able to find a way back if you keep moving forward. Keep pushing forward even if you have a confused mind, keep trying even if you can't see some chances of winning. 

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