May 10, 2021


Choose action over reaction, choose goals over trying to prove that you are right. Focus on building yourself up, focus on making small progress instead of trying to fight everyone that's pulling you down. It's a waste of time trying to explain that you are right, it's a waste of energy. You have to keep moving forward and do what is best. Stop reacting to little things that causes drama. 

Suffering is only in the mind, if you think that you're having a hard time then you are but if you think that everything is easy then it is. Your perspective is everything. Some people don't have a problem but they think they have and that's why they're suffering. Never make a small problem a big deal, just deal with it or ignore it if you can. Condition your mind to appreciate your situation so that everything will be easier for you. Appreciate what you have, be thankful for your life and situation. Even if you're struggling a little bit or really struggling... stop reacting and just do what you can do. Because the more you react to people, situations and problems the more you will have a hard time making progress. Look at your mind, was it crowded with negativity and useless information? was it not helping you because it keeps on thinking about subjects that's only making you slow? take care of your mind, program it by thinking only the things that you want to attract into your life. Do it everyday, think only about the things that are right and makes you happy.  


Place your attention on what you really want, what makes your heart sing, what makes you excited. never focus on things and people that makes you feel bad. Reacting to different things will only destroy your focus, it will push you far way from your goals. Every second is critical if you want to win in life, you need to allocate all of your time for yourself. Focus on your passion, focus on your dream, never give time to a dog barking outside, never give time to your neighbor instigating an argument with you. Focus is everything, where your focus go the energy flow. If you're focused on what really matters in your life then you will never give any attention to any of these distraction anymore. Give attention only to what makes you feel good. 


The tile on your floor is a little bit misaligned, stop reacting and thinking that it needs to get replaced. If it's not hurting anybody or not ugly then don't react, don't waste your time to it. If a waiter served you a cold soup, stop reacting, let it go, stop thinking that you got disrespected. It's ok, just enjoy your meal and move on. Reacting too much to different situations will only suck up your energy and you will not have enough strength to battle the real challenges. If your frenemy is trying to have peace with you but you really don't like him anymore just ignore him, it's a waste of time. Don't feel anything about it, don't feel bad about it, just let it go. Act like nothing happened. Because it's a waste of time and energy giving time to people who you really don't like and is not helping you at all. 


Social media is a trash, it's full of fakeness and deceit. It's nothing, why will you react to post of someone you don't even know? why will you react to the opinions of others? you will never be able to change how they think. Just stay quiet and never try to defend yourself because there's no need to. What's the point of doing that? social media is nothing but a place of opinions, it's not valuable at all. Reacting to nonsense things will make you a nonsense person, you will become uninteresting because you are what you're focusing on. If you're focused on trouble then you will attract trouble into your life, if you're focused on the news then you will attract negativity into your life, as simple as that. Social media is a junk, it's the most negative source that will destroy your brain and make you a negative person. Stop reacting too much, just pretend that you didn't see it. Social media is just a joke, it's not even real. It's just business and entertainment, never take it personally. Never put emotions on it. 


If you are offended with something and you react to it you are stopping your momentum, you are wasting a lot of your time. Your movement towards the right things stop and you're mind was caught into that negative loop. You will keep thinking about it the whole day, that's why it's better to just ignore what you don't like and keep moving forward. So if you want to keep your momentum alive, stop reacting to anything that doesn't really matter, don't give it any emotion, don't feel anything about it because it will affect your day and mess up your mentality. Focus on what makes you feel good like your family, real friends, work and any source of inspiration that triggers your brain to move forward and do what is needed. 


Ignore what you don't like and work right away on your goals or important tasks. Being fast is and focused is the key to progress. Discipline is what you need to develop, be mindful of any given moment and focus on doin what is right. Never judge your work that it is too boring or else you will never do it. Focus on the present and just do whatever you can do. Fall in love with moving forward and your life will change, fall in love with doing it fast and you will see your real potential. Most people can't see their prime because they're too slow. All you need to do is move fast towards what you want and that's it, you don't need to become a Thomas Edison here, you don't need to be a genius here, just take massive actions. Start early and keep going further. 


A person who is chasing a goal or building something will always check for progress. This is normal but it eats a lot of time, it's not healthy and helpful. It's making you frustrated if you're not satisfied with the results. Only check progress every week, don't check it everyday. Set a schedule when are you going to check your progress. Trust me, I've been a progress checker too everyday and it didn't help me on my journey, the moment I get rid of this habit is the moment I start making real progress. focus on what you can control and that is your hard work. You can never control what will be given to you. Stop reacting and feeling bad if you worked really hard and didn't get anything. That's why there is this thing called "adjustment" make minor adjustments so that there will be a different result. 

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