May 14, 2021


If you want success you need to be very selfish and greedy of your own time. You need to focus on the things that are helping you to grow. The news, toxic friends, useless activities, nonsense entertainment are putting you down, you better step up your game and make the change right now if you want a new life. Success is hard but it's too simple... focus on what you need to do to gain something, focus on the actions that will give you a reward. 


You're not suppose to participate on everything, you are not suppose to know everything. So what if there is a war going on between different nations. So what if there is a turtle that became a human that's so viral on the internet? so what if your neighbor won the lottery and the neighbors are going crazy to at least get some donation or something? so what if your enemy is in jail right now? you are not suppose to know everything. Stop giving some energy to news or subjects that will not even contribute to your progress. You are suppose to focus on your own life and be the best that you can be. Mind your own business only. You have to be very single minded here if you want to make fast progress. You have to know what you really want and need to consume so that your mind will never wander off anywhere. You have to take care of your mind, discipline your mentality and never do anything stupid that will not even make you grow. 


Your only job is to make money, make a lot of repetition, better your resume, increase your experience, gain more followers, do more, increase everything in your life. If your number is increasing then you're on the right path. But if your money is decreasing, if your health is deteriorating, if your rank is going down and everything in your life is falling apart then it's obvious that you're ruining your own life. Step up your game, focus on what makes you grow. Grow your net worth, grow your experience and connections, increase the numbers you are getting. Stop focusing on activities and thoughts that are entertaining but not putting you on the right position to succeed. Mind your own business, forget who is winning, ignore what other people are doing. Ignore everything that is eating your precious time. You're better than that, it's better to fail than to do nothing. It's better to take a small action that looks not making an impact at all than to entertain yourself with stupidity that's not taking you to another level. If you want to succeed... own your time, never let any subject or thought manipulate and poison your mind. 


The only way to put yourself on the best position to succeed is little by little do it. Be happy taking small actions, use your willpower to discipline yourself and ignore all the nonsense that's not taking giving you the life you want. You know what is working, you know what will work. Focus on actions that is making your life much better instead of focusing on things that are not helpful at all. have fun creating your own empire, build a new cycle and habit that will give you a better life. It's ok to be slow, it's ok to have small progress. One day the improvement of your life will become faster, you just need to persevere for now because you're still on the stage of rebuilding. Always remember that every action that has an intention to make you succeed is right. So never hold yourself back from taking one small action. One is better than zero, it's better to do one simple thing for success than to hold yourself back and think that it will never make an impact at all. Of course everything is making an impact, whether a small action helped you or not... it still made an impact because it contributed to strengthening your habit. 


You have to be mindful of everything. You have to know that it's distracting you. People can't focus on their work and goals because they don't know that at lot of things are distracting them. They let their emotions run their day. If they hear a bad news they get emotional, if their neighbor is noisy they get emotional, if a celebrity died they get emotional. That's why they always forget that they have their own business to take care of. They let a random information or event get on their way. Always think about your goal and what you're trying to achieve, always believe that everything you do is right and helping you to grow and go further. Own your mind, never let something own it. Stay strong, focus on the most important thing in your life not these random thoughts that are really entertaining but poisonous and only pulling you down. This is a climb, it's a second by second commitment. Life is not all about having fun, it's also about taking care of your health, wealth and dreams. 


What is trying to steal your time is your enemy. Look around you... everything is trying to waste your time. A sexy post on the internet is trying to steal your time, your dramatic and toxic friend is trying to steal your time. A breakout news is trying to steal your time. Everything is your enemy. Always remember that you need that every second you are wasting to make your life better. Your only alliance is discipline, it's the only thing that's helping you to become a better person and succeed in life. If you're discipline enough to throw away everything that's not pushing you to another level then you're already on your way to the top. Treat everything as your enemy. The you tube channels that are wasting your time, the random news, the noise from your neighbor... even your fake friends that are trying to make you feel bad... they are all of your enemies. You better get rid of them now before it's too late. Create a new habit, create a new identity, create a new self image that is related and vibing with success. 

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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...