May 1, 2021


You're the gameplan, you're the core, you're the one who is in charge. The game plan is to improve yourself, discipline yourself and get rid of all the nonsense that's not serving your life. You should become faster not slower, you should become sharper not rustier, you should be come stronger not weaker. The game plan is simply improving yourself, grooming yourself to success and building a mind that is disciplined, committed and will never give up. Upgrade our skills, strengthen your work ethic and never get lazy. Laziness will make you fail, it will destroy your mind, it will make you weak and slow. Whenever you have a chance to work and make yourself better... do it. Focus on your journey only, forget about what other people are doing and simple lock in to your own life and ambition. Remember the gameplan... it's you becoming better and better each day. 


The only way to unlock your full potential is to push yourself again and again. Push whenever you feel lazy, push even if you're not getting any results. You have to trust pushing, trust that everything you do is setting you up for success. You will only get better if you push, nothing can give you what you want if you will not push yourself to the limits. It's too simple, just do it and forget the results. Focusing too much in the results is making you lazy and needy. 

Never belittle yourself, never underestimate yourself, and even if you're joking that you're weak... don't ever do it because your mind will be trained to believe it. Look at those people who were always belittling themselves as a joke.... they never achieve anything. It's better to just keep quiet or say nothing rather than acting like a humble guy who always keep telling everyone that he isn't sure if he can do somethin. 

Believe you can do it. Your potential hasn't been unlocked yet, you have to believe in order to achieve. Believe even if it's impossible, believe even if it's so hard. 


Every once in a while you will feel lazy and unmotivated especially if you can't see improvement in your journey. Always remember that it's the best time to move, if you feel so lazy and you don't want to move... progress is waiting to be unlocked, you will only get it once you move. So just do something, stop acting like you have all the money in the world, stop acting like you have a lot of time. Stay hungry, motivate yourself by seeing the results in your mind. Visualize greatness, visualize success. Force yourself, slap yourself if you need to. The key to make yourself move is to take it slowly, feel everything, don't rush, don't look for the finish line. Just keep moving forward all the time, don't worry about making mistakes, don't worry about the difficult steps, don't worry about time... simply move forward and enjoy every step of the way. 


The best entertainment is the work that you must do in order to get to the next level. The most fun entertainment is stupidity and procrastination but it will give you nothing, it will only make your life miserable in the end. Gossiping about your neighbor, thinking about the past, watching Television, playing too much video games... these are scrubs, it will make you broke, it will make you poor and weak. Don't fall into the trap of clickbaits, you should be the one who is setting up baits, you should be the one who's creating products or contents. You should be the one getting a lot of money. Never let your mind be hypnotized with things and shows that will not even give you some money or growth. Be smart, stay disciplined and committed to the process of having a much better life. 


Don't ever stop until your gas is finally empty, when I say empty it means you totally can't move anymore. If you can still move a little bit then keep trying, sometimes you feel tired because you believe you are tired, sometimes you still have more but you're not moving anymore because you're too focused on wanting to rest. You will only be able to avoid regrets if you will give your all, you will erase the questions in your head if you will give your all, you will never doubt yourself anymore. 

Giving your all means greatness, it will make you feel great, it will remove all the doubts in your head if you can do it or not. Be a finisher, never stop until you're done, go all the way and make sure you are using all of your energy and skills. Never let a day pass by without giving your all. You have to maximize your energy and knowledge, have that winning mindset of pushing and not giving up. Because that's all you need to do... don't give up. Don't give up on the process, don't give up on improving yourself, it's all about you, it's not about the difficulty of your dreams, it's not about other people distracting you, it's not about how harsh the reality is... it's about you. 


The best trick to create a momentum is to stay present. Don't think about the future, don't think about the mistakes you did, don't think about what may went wrong, don't think about the past. Detach from everything and focus on the step that you need to execute. Stay in the moment, stop thinking about the past, stop thinking about what will happen later and just focus on enjoying the moment. May it be hard or a struggle, just focus on it, try to enjoy it, try to have fun with it. Momentum is easy to create if you're moving and not procrastinating, stop wasting time, every time you waste time your momentum go away. 

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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...