May 26, 2021


They say trust your intuition because it's always right but not all the time. Most of the time your intuition is always wrong. Nobody can predict what will happen in the future. That's why it's better to trust your philosophy rather than trust your intuition. Trust your favorite quote that is connected into a certain situation. For example if you are about to give up because your situation is really difficult, of course your intuition will tell you to just rest and look for an exit. But that's not the right move, if you will use your philosophy or quote like "victory belongs to the most persevering" then you will have a bigger chance of winning. Your intuition is always telling you to play safe and travel the easier path that's why most people were soft nowadays and always quitting. 


Your intuition is always telling you to not go, to not do it. It's serving as an excuse, you're using it to not do things you are suppose to do. Your intuition is feeding your laziness, it's fueling your desire to sleep on your couch the whole day. You don't want to go to your job interview because it's raining, your intuition is telling you to just sleep. You don't want to take risks because you're scared to fail, your intuition is telling you to play safe and never evolve. You don't want to work hard because it's stressful, your intuition is fooling you that it's better to chill and never expand. You don't want to take matters into your own hands, your intuition is telling you that you might offend someone. Your intuition is lying to you all the time, it's stopping you to become stronger. Your main intuition is to avoid discomfort and pain but the reality is you will only grow through stressful times and pressure. You can't avoid the difficulty and resistance if you wanted to grow. It is what it is, you have to face it without any shadow of hate. 


Your intuition is always telling you to have fun and that's why you can't make progress because you're always following it. It's telling you to play, it's telling you to drink and party, it's telling you to cheat, it's telling you to eat a lot of junk foods and that's why you have a junk life right now, you're a trash, your system is corrupt because of your intuition. Life and success is not always having fun, it's about sacrifices and making the right choices to become the person that you're dreaming of. Your intuition is always telling you to take it easy, to stop pushing yourself because you're not guaranteed of success. There is no growth in having fun, you can never evolve by always looking for an entertainment and safe path. Success and progress can be found during the most uncomfortable times of your life. So feel happy if you're struggling because it means you're growing into a stronger human being. Entertainment is overrated, it looks like it's making you happy but in the long run it's only setting your life up for misery, it's a trap, it's not helping you at all. Look at those people who were always having fun... they were broke and unhappy in reality, it looks like they're happy but the truth is they're lost and feeling down. It's because they're not doing the right thing. 


What doesn't kill you will only make you strong. Choose taking actions over hesitation. Just do it, never think twice. Just like in passing a project that's already late and you're thinking if your professor will still accept it... just pass it even if you're already one week or one year late, never care, it's better to try than to wonder what would happen. Always give yourself a chance to win, and you can only do it by trying and not thinking about getting rejected or failing. You will only have a chance if you will expose yourself to failure. Keep pushing, believe that action is the key and not holding back. You will only get the right answer if you will try. How you feel is overrated, you always feel lazy that's why you don't want to move. That's why you are using your instincts as an excuse to not move. 

How many times you're hesitating to do something but after doing it you love what you see? how many times you feel so lazy but when you manage to force yourself to do it you feel better afterwards? you will only feel good if you will do it, not doing it will make you feel weak. Having regrets is the most painful feeling in the world. 


Feeling low and unmotivated is not an intuition. You need to take actions now the moment you feel low and unmotivated, take matters into your own hands. Force fate, don't be scared to fail, don't be scared to get hurt. What can't kill you will only make you strong, always remind yourself that you are getting better and stronger every time you take actions. Stop taking care of your laziness, stop pampering yourself if you want to go to another level. Stop thinking too much because it's making you entertain negative thoughts. Just take actions even if you're not sure. As a human, it's normal to look for comfort, your brain's default is to look for comfort and security but where does it take you? nowhere right? you have to move now and pull the trigger if you want to experience different things. Laziness is next to ugliness, people who were so lazy have no love for themselves, they're letting their lives go down without doing something about it. Just work hard and your life will change, as simple as that. There's no need to become super great, just give your all and you will experience something great. 

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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...