Oct 31, 2020


 Life is really like this, sometimes you're on top, sometimes you're at the bottom. Appreciate if you're winning now and always stay humble, life is unpredictable you never know what may happen next. 

But if you're going down now and you feel like your life is a garbage, don't worry because things will get better if you get better. You will attract who you are, so if you're really working hard and thinking about positive things then good things will happen to you. So just stay focused on the grind, hustle all day long and dedicate your life to hard work. That is what it's all about, you need to take matters into your own hands, be the best that you can be so you can change your life as fast as it can change. 


Nobody is going up forever, if that's your life then that's not a normal life... you will look problems on your own because you need a balance. Look at the celebrities going crazy, sons of billionaires, people who won the lotter... they were destroying their lives for unknown reason, they're looking for something that they don't know, they're lost. It's because they want to experience some pain but they don't know it. 

Everybody does down, even the most successful company and people experienced a lot of adversity in their lives. It's ok, don't panic, watch yourself go down, enjoy it, it can be a long ride but the direction will change if you force fate and do everything you can to change your life. 


Just because everything is alright doesn't mean your situation will never change, just because you have a lot of money now doesn't mean you need to spend all of it and live like a millionaire that has a cash cow that never dies. If you're not growing you're deteriorating, you're going down, you're downgrading. You can only experience growth through discomfort. So be happy if you're feeling uncomfortable, feel it, face it and never 

Oct 30, 2020


If you're losing confidence in yourself because you've been waiting for a long time to have a big break yet you can't see any signs of winning then my only advise to you is just keep going. If you can't believe in yourself anymore then just focus on taking actions, focus on the activities that at least give you some hope or momentum. Because at the end of the day you will do something, you will spend your time for something, why not spend it on activities that will somehow make you feel a little bit better. What are these activities? activities that has a potential to give you something in return, activities that are the closest thing to success. Watching tv will never make you closer to success, working on something for your goal does. Overthinking does not give you any momentum, starting to take actions does. It's simply about choosing the right actions even if you feel that it's not working. It's better to be doing something right than doing something wrong, you know better so you have to do it. It's much better to be working hard than to feeling lazy all day. You can't complain that the world is unfair and mean if you haven't given everything you've got yet.

Looking for a job gives you a small hope, blaming the economy does not. Walking and jogging makes you feel much better, basking yourself in fear and negativity does not. Doing anything for your dream gives you a momentum and chance, getting jealous with other people doesn't. 


It can be simply cleaning your room or taking a bath or walking outside. Any positive activity can create positive hormones in your body that will make you happier and motivated. Always remember that if it makes you feel good and it's a positive activity then it is the right path. If you can get a little reward from it in the future like money, good health, mental toughness, good life then it's the right path, engage on that activity as much as possible. For as long as you're moving and the action is positive then you are right, the momentum will be made. It can be a simple reading or a simple meditation, always remember that you will feel good once you start doing something and finishing it. 


Forget about perfection, forget if you will be appreciated by people, forget the results, forget the money, forget everything and just do something. Taking actions cures depression. Most people are depressed because they are stuck, they can't take actions why? because they're always expecting something in return for the effort that they will exert. They don't want to make a move unless there is a guarantee that they will get what they want and that makes them depressed even more. You have to move and forget the outcome, forget about being successful, forget about your life getting better and just move, forget the future and focus on the now. 

It's so much fun moving, you have nothing to lose if you move, you have everything to gain. You will become stronger, you will forget all of your problems, you will get entertained, your skills will become better, you will improve as a human being. The main reason why people are so depressed is because they're holding themselves back. 

Whenever you feel bad, whenever you feel depressed... do something, start now, don't just let your day be over without doing something positive. The real challenge here is forcing yourself to move, it's not the difficulty of the challenge... it's forcing yourself to take actions whenever you feel so lazy. 


This is the best quotes ever to move forward and make progress in life. I'm sure you have a lot of bad decisions in the past but if you dwell on them then you will never make a progress anymore, you will get stuck on that thought and you will get depressed even more. No regrets, if you made a mistake, if you hurt someone just say sorry and then move on, resent with your heart and then move on. Forget everything you did in the past. If you failed because of laziness, if you lost your money, if you got sick because of abusing your body... just let it go, don't blame yourself, stop trying to remember the past, strop trying to change the past because you can never do it. Don't wish for things to change, don't wish for a rewind or a retry, just move forward and appreciate what is in front of you, live in the present moment... this is how a new life will start to show up. Fully accept your life, forget all the mistakes you did in the past even the most stupid ones, it's part of your life, without those mistakes you will never learn anything.


Whatever you have, whatever skill you have, what type of house you have, how much money you have, how much strength you have, whatever chances you have... take it. Appreciate your decisions, appreciate what you've accomplish and never compare yourself to anybody, never compare everything you did to anybody. What you have is enough, don't look at somebody else's life because comparison is the thief of joy, never think that what you get is lesser then what you can really get, what you get is what you get it's enough to make you happy, be satisfied of what you have because that's the true happiness. Because everytime you feel regretful of what you got then it means you are disrespecting your life and capacity, you're not trusting yourself, you're belittling yourself. Be proud of what you did and what you have, it's all you got so why look for something more? 

Every decision is the right decision for as long as you're making a stand for it and doing everything to arrange your life in a better way. Don't underestimate everything you have in your life because that is weakness, real strength is appreciating everything you have and trusting that your life will be ok no matter what. 

Oct 29, 2020


What you don't know is that you can finish anything. You can finish an exercise drill, you can finish your college degree, you can finish what you started, you can finish any business... it's all up to you. Don't be just good in starting, you need to have a mindset of a finisher. Have a killer instinct, you know what to do, just move and take it one step at a time. Little by little, inches by inches... go further as much as you can, that's what it's all about... never stopping, always pushing to the next level. 


It really sucks to become just a starter. It really sucks being good in the beginning and very poor in the ending. To become a finisher is simply developing your willpower and focus. If you start something you should finish it even if it's hard, use your willpower and tenacity to succeed. Most people were like politicians, corrupt politicians who always lie to the public and themselves. They were very good in the beginning, they're making promises, out of the world plans that makes the public hopeful but once they're already on the position to do something... they will never act, they will never push the plans, they will quit when they feel lazy, most people are like these corrupt politicians... they were only good in the beginning. 

People will respect you if you're a finisher, it's all about handling the pressure, it's all about pushing further and not giving up. Your value will go higher and higher if your mindset is to work until the end. Look at Michael Jordan, he is a finisher, he is willing to take the blame if he misses the last shot, he believe in himself and that's why he is the highest paid player in the NBA. 


You can start building a house and finish it, you can start making a homemade cake and finish it, you can start a book and publish it, you can start a cult and scam people, you can start a rebellion and dethrone the king, you can start writing a song and make it a platinum, you can start flirting with a girl on a club and take her home, you can start cleaning your nasty room and make it beautiful, you can start anything and finish it. Success is all about starting and finishing, you need to find a way how to win, it's all about moving continuously and never stopping, it's all about using your willpower and tenacity to make something big. Do you think it's possible to just move forward every second? I think it is because I am doing it right now, I am just moving forward and trusting the process knowing that one day I will become big too. It doesn't matter if I fail or succeed, what matters is I finish the process, I just know that success is just a bonus, it's nothing, the real fun is in the process. Whatever your dream is... you can start it now and finish it. Little by little do it, be patient and never try to rush success because the more you do it the more it will become elusive. 


Whatever you are doing now if it's stupid then stop it right away, don't think and just stop it. Procrastination is the only thing that's stopping you and the bad thing is... you are allowing it to stop you, you know that it's not right then why do it? you're only making your life worse by being lazy and irresponsible. Good things will happen to you if you're early, opportunities will be attracted to you if you're fast, you can do a lot of things, you can create a very strong momentum, you can have your timing back, you can accomplish a lot if you're not procrastinating. The moment you wake up... attack your dreams right away, stop thinking too much and just do something positive. Just do it, the best time to start is when you feel lazy and weak, power will come if you will just face what needs to be done. Don't be afraid to get hassled, don't be afraid to feel uncomfortable, it's normal, it's part of the progress. Because the truth of the matter is... you will only make progress if things were uncomfortable, you will only evolve through stress and inconvenience, you will only learn if things are hard. So keep pushing, force yourself to move, imagine that you're going to die if you don't do the right thing, imagine that bad things will happen to you if you keep being lazy. Imagine that you're going to get broke, you will eat leftovers if you don't work hard. Do you like that? Because it's the truth, your life will be out of control if you keep doing the same crap every day, your life will become miserable and hard if you don't work hard now. 


To become a real finisher you must sacrifice happiness, you must sacrifice entertainment and anything that wastes your time, you must value your time and never waste it for nothing. Discipline is the key and nothing else. Whenever you are doing an important task and you got bored because you've been doing it for a long time... don't stop, just keep going, face the pain, face the loneliness or boredom, embrace it because if you switch task then your momentum will stop, you will become lazy even more. You must have the hunger to finish, you must stay active, keep moving forward until you're done. Don't stop when you're tired, stop when you're already successful as Kobe Black Mamba Bryant one said. You must have that assassin mentality, you must go for the kill. Don't be afraid of what might go wrong, don't be afraid to lose... just go all out and use all of your power, finish it. 


It's ok if you have a rough and ugly start, it's ok if you're slow, just stick until the end. Some great personalities were slow starters, they're struggling in the beginning but will make a strong comeback in the end, they just knew that they're going to win no matter what, it's in their minds that they're going to become successful if they don't give up. That's they key... never surrender, keep fighting until you win. 

Oct 28, 2020


Whatever you are doing, whatever business you are in, whatever journey you choose... don't worry if you're going down or failing, don't worry if you can't make a progress, if it's still running then you're already successful. It means if you're not quitting and still pushing forward... you're already successful. Because what's happening now is just a challenge, it's just a test. How are winners made of? they are made of a mind that never quit. So if you don't have any plan of quitting then you're already a winner. 

Have you ever seen a business that keeps running even if it's not getting any revenue anymore? have you seen someone who's still trying even if he looks like already been defeated? Don't ever think that they are crazy, they are just living the culture of a winner, they are just doing what successful people do... and that is to not quit even if the going is really tough. 

You don't need to study a lot of things or techniques to become successful, you don't need to be super educated, all you need to do is study what you will work on and never quit. Never quit, that is what it's all about. To make the process simple... just move forward no matter what. Even if you got rejected a million times, even if they force to close your business, even if nobody believes in you anymore... keep moving forward, if your journey is still alive and running then it's already successful. 

Only few people can try a million times and if you're one of them then you're already a legendary. Most people will quit after trying a few times, they will make excuses, they will look for a scapegoat, they will pretend that they give everything but the world is unfair. But the truth of the matter is they didn't go all out, if they really go all out then probably they would have been successful by now, but they are not, it only means they only exerted a small amount of effort. Exert a full maximum effort and you will become a winner, as simple as that. 


When you're already dead, that's the only time you're allowed to stop. But if you have still some breathe in your tank... never quit. Stopping will only break your heart, it will never do anything good to you. So keep moving forward and do whatever it takes to take your journey to another level... that is what it's all about. Stopping will never be your option, it's the last thing you can do, stopping is for quitters, it's for people who has no ambition. Always remember that you're already a winner every time you move forward. Keep in mind that stopping is only make your life miserable so why do that? You always need to be on a sense of urgency, your goal should be a 24 hours chase everyday. 

You can keep going forever, it's just a matter of deciding to do it. You will become a monster if you do this, yeah it's hard but it's really worth it. You will never become a phoenix unless you burn so keep burning yourself, put yourself on pressure, always be on a sense of urgency and never give up... that is what it's all about. Remind yourself that if your goal, business or journey is still running then you're already successful, if you're still doing something for your vision then you're on the right path... you're still winning even if you can't see any evidences that you are winning. 


Never underestimate the power of a small action because it can make a difference, it can become a bridge towards greatness and victory. So if you have something in mind... do it, execute it as fast as you can. Never hesitate, don't be afraid to fail... just do it, start fast and finish fast. Don't worry about not making it right, always remember that every action is the right action. Even if you make a mistake, you still learned something. There is always something you can do, never count yourself out, you can do something now, it's just a matter of unleashing yourself allowing yourself to move even if it's uncomfortable. So start fast and never let your mind think, what is it to worry about? nothing can harm you, nothing can stop you if you will just do it. 

Little by little, do something positive. Little by little try to make an improvement. It's not about how fast you are, it's about how consistent you are. You will never even notice that you're already big if you're too busy taking actions. Be happy with every execution that you made, be appreciative that you can move because time will come and you will not be able to move anymore, so be opportunistic now and move every time you can... never stop, devour every single second. 


If you don't give up, if you keep on fighting for your dreams then you're already successful. It's because you will make results as the time goes on, you will improve, you will become a better person, your mental toughness will go to a different level, in other words... you will become a master. So stop giving up whenever things are hard... keep moving forward all the time because that is what it's all about, it's not about winning... it's about moving forward. Because at the end of the day... you still need to work even if you're already that successful, you still need to do something because you will go crazy. 

Just continue, even if there is no more reason to continue... just continue, you will find the right path if you have this kind of mindset, keep moving forward, if they can't stop you then that's their problem. Focus on yourself, focus on taking actions every now and then, focus on taking massive actions. You have the power to move as much as you can, it's all in the mind, you can become relentless if you choose to. 

Oct 27, 2020


What if you're faster than that? what if you're not thinking? what if you're all about moving forward? what do you think will be the outcome of your life? The reason why you feel so weak is because you're so slow, you're thinking too much. You're over thinking, overreacting, over planning, how did these activities helped you? nothing. Just use speed, trust speed, you need to become faster so that you can do more. Be faster so that you will never think negatively again. Speed is the name of the game, success loves speed. If someone ask you if you can do it just say yes and try it, stop thinking about the problems that may occur, stop worrying about what will happen next. Be fast in making a decision, be fast in taking actions. 

Because the truth is you're faster than that but you choose to feel slow, you choose to slow down and act like a weakling rabbit, you're better than that, there is enough strength inside of you. Use all of your strength to become fast, because the reality is you're only using 20 percent of your strength, you can push for more, you can do more but you choose to become weak instead. 

Time is fast, it's a competitive world now, slow people never grow, the weak are being eaten by the strong. So move fast, force yourself to move, do what is best for your life, do what you think will work. It's just a matter of allowing yourself to move and do what is necessary, you can always move forward, it's a choice, it's time to make yourself faster because that's what you need to do. 


Stop thinking that's it, thinking about the future makes you slow, the future will come and you can never stop it so why worry about it. Thinking about failing, thinking about your mistakes... it's better to stop thinking and just do something. Stop thinking about making it perfect, just do it, wishing for perfection makes you stuck in a mud, you need to move forward now because there is something you can do but you're not doing it for whatever reason. The more you procrastinate the more you will become afraid, so just do it and embrace everything that may happen. If you win you win, if you lose you lose, what's the difference? the only difference is how did you do your job, did you give your all? or did you slow down and relax? 

Just use speed and your life will have a lot of improvement. Don't check for results, it will come if it will come, just do the process, fall in love with speed. Be fast but still make sure you are giving your best and not producing a sloppy work, quality should be prioritize too. Practice speed and practice quality... this will make you unstoppable. 

Practice speed if you don't know what to do. Apply for a job fast, move on fast if you got rejected by a girl, finish your assignment fast, study fast, finish all work fast, forget your past fast, forgive your enemy fast. The world is fast, resistance will become lesser if you have a frantic pace. Because the reason why you're so slow and weak is because you always hold yourself back, you're not trying to free yourself. 

Never practice being slow because it will lead to nowhere, you will become very weak by doing that, you will never achieve anything, the leftovers will be serve to you, practice being early, practice being fast and always do more, take super massive actions... that's how to become successful. 

Clear your mind, let go of the attachment, let go of what holds you back and just do the work. Focus on taking it one step at a time, focus on slow movement and just keep pushing forward no matter what. No matter what you think, no matter what is going on around you... keep pushing, that is what it's all about. 

Forget about winning, forget about what people might say against you, forget if you look like a crap and just do the work... this is how to become faster, focus on what you want and forget everything that is making you slow. 


Most people are afraid to try, most people are afraid to work faster because they don't want their efforts to get wasted, they want to conserve their energy, they don't want to make mistakes and try again. They don't know that they become stuck forever by practicing this kind of mentality. Going harder means you are progressing, it means you're competitive and you're on a different level. So allow yourself to go hard, give your strongest effort. There is nothing to lose here, you have everything to gain. 

If you made a mistake now, if you failed now... stop crying like a little kid and try again. Be fast in using all of your number of tries, try as much as you can, keep breaking the boundary. Just love working, love producing and never feel bad if your efforts were not rewarded because the true reward is the work itself, everything else is just a bonus. Make it a habit to go faster and harder, this kind of mentality will make you achieve more, do more and you will get more. 


The way you use your time will determine if you're going to become successful or not. If you're just using your time dwelling with things that you don't like then you will get more of it. But if you will focus on using your time for your own improvement then you're in control, you're on the right path. The problem with you is you don't know that you're wasting your time for nothing, you think you have a lot of time and that's why you're not forcing yourself to do what is really important. You believe in the word tomorrow so much, don't you know that the word "tomorrow" is so overrated? you think you can do everything tomorrow, you think you can change tomorrow, you think that tomorrow is going to be your lucky day. You almost have forgot that life is happening now and all you have to focus is living in the moment because it's all you've got. Tomorrow is not real, it's just an illusion, it will never happen. You can never change tomorrow, you will not feel better tomorrow, your life will never improve tomorrow. If you want to be in control... focus on the now. 


You're so pressured to become successful, you can't breathe anymore, you don't know what to do, you're panicking and freaking out. You always feel that every mistake is pushing you away from success, you're so conservative, you don't want to take risks because you feel that one mistake will labelled you as a failure. And that's why you can't make a progress, you let your feelings take over, you let your emotions come on top. Always keep moving forward, force yourself because if you're too soft on yourself and pampering your laziness then you will never be able to experience success. Success is a hard thing, remind yourself about this, if success was easy then everybody would have been a billionaire right now. 


Never let your mind create emotions that are not suppose to be felt. You are more stressed, pressured and lost because you let your mind create noise, you are entertaining thoughts that are not suppose to be entertained. Tame your mind, learn to control it. Once you control your mind everything will be alright. Mind is the enemy, it's making you weak, it's making you sick because of the thoughts that you put inside of your head. 

Don't get me wrong, mind can be tamed but you can never control it all the time, mind will always be unpredictable, it will entertain a lot of negative thoughts all the time. The only way to control your mind is to never control it, don't resist negative thoughts but be aware that it is running inside of your head, once you are away that you're engaging with a lot of negativity... force your mind to think only about the things that you really want, don't think about the things that you don't want. 


The truth is... you're hunting success but you're not making it scared, success is running away from you without fear. If you can hunt it like a prey then it will become tired of running, it will be yours anytime soon. Suffocate it, corner it, feel like you're the dominant, feel like you're in control. You can do this by working really really hard and having that laser sharp focus. Success will get tired of running away from you, so you should be the one who must put tremendous pressure on success, don't let it breathe. Make it tired until it can't run away from you anymore. 

Because most of the time success is the one who's hunting you, it's not making itself close from you but it's hunting you by making you scared of failing, it's putting a lot of pressure on your shoulders because you're not working hard enough and you don't trust yourself. 

Bully success, work hard and always think that you're going to win. Gather small wins every now and then, become a winner in life, never think about failing. Never think that your life revolves on success alone, don't be too needy of it, treat success like a normal thing. Don't be too proud of you become successful, don't feel too happy, just put a smile on your face and feel like it's just another day in your life. Never treat success as something special because you're only making yourself weak every time you do it, you will never be able to give your very best because you're too worried about failing and wasting your effort. 


It's true, why will you feel so bad every time you fail? success is nothing, we've seen it time and time again from different people, it's too normal and common so why give it too much importance. Success is not the measure of your character, there is way too much outside of it. You will get success so fast if you will treat it as nothing, treat it as a common thing, don't feel too bad if you can't get it. Always give your very best but don't ever feel bad if you can't become successful, it's nothing, you're still the same person. And don't ever forget that you can try again tomorrow, you may not become successful now but you can always try tomorrow and tomorrow might be your lucky day. 

Your life is not all about success. You can just live, do the basics, be a good person and that's it, what's so bad about that? if you're doing the right thing for yourself or family then what's so wrong about that? You only feel bad about yourself because you're comparing your life with other people's lives. So what if they have big houses and you're just renting in apartment? so what if they are big and you are small? so what if you're not making it in life? there is nothing wrong about being yourself. 

So if you want to take away the pressure in your life... don't strive to become successful fast, strive to become the best version of yourself, be happy with what you have, be happy with what you can do and that's it. You don't need to pressure yourself, you don't need to feel depressed whenever you can't make a progress, giving your best is enough the rest is out of your control. If you become successful you become successful, if not then so what? it's not the end of the world, you can still do something better tomorrow, there is always another chance to redeem yourself. 


Never let other people instill you their own definition of success. You can define your own success, you can earn 100 or 20 dollars today and still feel successful, You can simply complete a short training sessions today and feel successful, you can buy a cellphone with your own hard work and money and feel successful. It's not what about they taught you, it's about how you feel about yourself. There are some people who have millions but still feel like a failure, they still feel that there is something missing in their lives. Success can be felt easily by appreciating what you have in life, don't ever try to compare what you have with other people, simply appreciate what you have and never ever look for what is missing in your life. 

Success will become harder if you will let other people give their own meaning to your success. Don't let them influence your mind, forget what they say, if you really feel successful being the 4th place in your class so be it, feel proud of it and just strive to become better next time if you still have a chance. Don't let other people belittle you, just ignore them, never let them have a place in your head. If you really feel good about your small achievement then you're already successful. 

Oct 26, 2020


It's a culture, it's forever, it's your daily life. Just because you worked hard yesterday doesn't mean you can afford to rest now, it will never work that way, your life will go down if you do that. The hustle continues, if you're really a hustler then you will hustle just for the sake of hustling, you will never care about the results, you will just work hard because it makes you feel alive and strong... that's the real mentality of a hustler. Because a real hustler never stop, he keeps on moving forward even if there is no more space to operate, he will find a way no matter what, he will do whatever it takes to get what he want. 


You have to keep on working for your dream, don't worry about getting it, worry about the process, worry about yourself. Are you really working hard? are you giving your very best? if not then you're in big trouble. If it's yours it's yours, but how can you know if it's yours or not? by trying and using all of your willpower to make it. No need to worry, if it's yours it's yours, as simple as that, if it's not then it's not, what's the bid deal? you can try again next time, you can try again tomorrow... how lucky you are. Don't worry about anything else because you will get what is reserved for you, you will reap the fruits of your labor. 

What makes you stuck is you're so afraid to lose, you want to win but you're focused on not losing, you're to worried about the future, what will come will come, you don't have to worry too much, stop controlling everything. Focus only on what you can really control and that is your thoughts and actions. 

So continue the hustle, if you have an opportunity to hustle then hustle, it's already your identity, you're a hustler now so you have to stop thinking about what can't be done and always think that anything is possible if you work hard. 


Just try this for at least a month and if it didn't give you anything then stop doing it. Make sacrifice as your breakfast, do everything you can to achieve your goals, use your willpower and tenacity, use everything you have. Forget about everything else and simply focus on your goals, make it as your timeline. I know it sounds ridiculous and impossible but who knows? maybe you can't reach your goals yet in one month but it will change your habits, it will give you a very powerful momentum. 

Without pain and sacrifice you are nothing, there is no gain without pain so just focus on working hard and depriving yourself of instant pleasures that only wastes your precious time. Never worry nor feel bad if you're not getting anything for now, trust me... you will get big in the future if you focused on the process and living the culture that you set for your life. 

Sacrifice is the best breakfast you can ever have because after it is the reward. All you have to do is do the work and then everything else will work out. 

Because at the end of the day, everything that you work for will not be wasted, your hard work will never end up for nothing, your hard work will pay off no matter what. So keep doing the same thing, don't worry about being slow, sooner or later you can figure out how to make your process work. 


Struggling to make weight, struggling to make money, struggling to make a living. You're not making an progress, it looks like you're not making any progress but you still keep pushing forward, you don't quit, you don't lose hope... that kind of mentality is already the path to success. Every time your life goes hard but you still have a positive outlook in life... you're already progressing. So struggle more, it means you're trying and taking your journey seriously, it means you mean business and not playing around. So be happy if you're having a hard time because it means you're growing, you're stretching yourself, you're setting your life up for success. Progress is in the mind, if you feel like you're progressing then you really are but if you feel stuck then you are right too. 

Most people can't become successful because they can't take the pain, they can't hustle for so long, they feel bad if they can't make a progress, they want to become big time so fast. They don't know that they can never predict when is the time they will become successful, all they can do is keep trying as much as they can until success falls into their hands. 


Rewire your brain for hard work, teach it to focus on taking actions so that you can make your body like a machine. You can overwrite the contents of your mind. It's simply thinking about what you want and doing something that is connected to the process of getting it, as simple as that, you don't need to think about anything else anymore... rewire your brain and you will become successful, you will see opportunities and openings, your life will evolve in just a matter of weeks.

Look at your brain, what's inside of it? was it crowded with worries, fears and negativity? was it crowded with thoughts that's not helping you at all? Because the content of your brain is the outcome of your reality, that's what it is all about. So stop blaming the people around you, stop looking for a scapegoat because it will never help you to evolve. Blame yourself why you are not making it in life, you're not focused, you're too worried about things that doesn't even help you at all, you're not making yourself better instead you are being bitter. 

So fill your mind with the most wonderful thoughts that you can ever have, use your willpower to ignore your reality, ignore the negativity, ignore the things that makes you hate. Focus on appreciating what you have and just try to make it grow as big as possible. 

Mindset is everything, if your mindset is to simply move forward no matter what then you can win in life, you will get everything you desired for. 

Oct 25, 2020


In life sometimes you will lose your grip, you will fall down, your vision will become blurry in other words you will get lost. That's part of life, it's not going to be easy, there will be a lot of challenges, there will be a lot of distraction and if you're not strong enough you will never be able to get your life right again.


It's hard to control your mind because there are lot of useless information inside of it. Your subconscious mind is crowded with negativity such as gossips, hatred, jealousy, news, fake news, scary beliefs etc. You can't control your mind because you're letting it control you, you're not using your willpower to entertain only the thoughts that will serve you. Fear is in the mind, weakness is in the mind, they way you think manifest your reality. If you can just control your mind then you will be able to control your reality. 

Your mind is the most powerful thing you can ever have, if you can control your thoughts and think the right way then your body will follow, as simple as that. Brace yourself because it's going to become a battle between you and your mind, you have to be mindful of the thoughts that you are thinking, you have to stay focused and committed to what you really want. Because your mind will always try to destroy your focus, your mind will always try to take over. But if you can control your mind instead of it controlling you then magical things will happen into your life. 


Embrace chaos, this is how to get the momentum back. Embrace the negative emotion, embrace the ugly feelings, embrace that you're almost going crazy, embrace the stress and simply move forward. Do something, exert a mediocre effort first, just do something so that you will feel much better. Forget about how you feel and just do something. Because you already got the momentum once you're taking actions, you're already on the right track once you're doing something positive in your life. Stay disciplined, stay committed, always move forward no matter what, always push yourself every time you feel lazy and heavy. Always remember that you're not a bastard, you're something, you can do something great if you will just allow yourself to take actions and do what is best for your life. Take massive massive actions and never feel bad if you're so tired yet you can't see any results. Always remember that victory belongs to the most persevering, all you have to do is embrace the pressure and just do the right thing. It will be easier to become successful if you're just focus on doing the right thing. 

Force yourself to take actions, do what is needed, use your willpower and tenacity to create a life that you want. Once you get the ball rolling... never stop, keep going further, keep pushing for more. 


If it's not the right time to do what you are suppose to do then just don't do anything. Stay still, stay committed and stay focused on your goal. For example, if you're waiting for the bus and you're getting bored, you want to open your social media account so bad because you want to get a little bit of entertainment... don't open it, you know that your mind will become saturated with dramas and negativity again if you do that. Just wait for the bus, stay still, stay disciplined, live in the moment and never let your mind be poisoned with useless information again. 

Another example is you already finished your assignments before 11pm, you're not yet sleepy and suddenly you friend calls you to ask you to come over to his house because there is a party... don't do it, just stay at home, I know you feel that you need to reward yourself because you already finished your assignment and there is nothing else to do... just don't go to the party because it will mess up your mentality, it will stop your momentum. Just wait for your eyes to get heavy and just sleep. Because trying to get your momentum back is simply about developing your focus, it's strengthening your willpower. 

One more good example is you're brother is still using the personal computer because it's his schedule and you can only use it after 2 hours... don't ever think about playing a video game, I know you have a free time but if you do something that is outside of the main thing then it will be harder for you to focus on the main thing. Playing a video game for 2 hours will force you to extend it, you will say to yourself just 30 more minutes and then later you will find out that you already played for 5 hours. Creating a momentum is simply trying to discipline yourself and stopping the activities that will not help you at all, it's stopping the thoughts that are not even related to what you really want in life. 


Create a gameplan, create a mindset and follow it all the time. Stay disciplined, stay committed, stay strong. Once you told yourself that you're going to work hard then follow it, make it a habit to work hard. Once you command your mind that you will never think about subjects that will make you feel bad... follow it. Once you told yourself that you're not going to procrastinate anymore... never stop, always be on a move, go hard all the time and push yourself to the limits. Mindset is everything, a strong mindset that cannot be broken will make you achieve your goals faster than expected. So make your mind powerful than ever, make it sharp, make it very focused on what you really want. Always remember that it's not your skills, surrounding or support system that will make you succeed.. it's your mind. 

Oct 24, 2020


You have to earn money, as simple as that. At the end of the day, it's the most important thing that you have to do. You can act like a hero as much as you want, you can pretend to be a saint but if you're not earning money then you're in big trouble. Because you need to pay bills, you need to buy food, if you have no money then what are you going to do? Money makes the world go round, as bad as it sounds but everyone wants money, and it's ok if you want it too but just make sure it doesn't turn you into a bad person.

You can have fun all day long, you can talk about your dreams, you can do anything you want, you can act like a clown, you can pretend to be a billionaire, you can be so proud of yourself but at the end of the day you still need to earn money. All the talking will never save you, all the arrogance and egoistic acts will only put you on a worse situation. 


It's ok if you make it as your number one goal, there is nothing wrong with that. It's much better to be working for something rather than working for nothing. Chasing money will give you a direction, it will give you a purpose. It will make you move, that's the best thing about money... it will make you work hard, it will make you push yourself to the limits and go to the extreme. Don't feel like a bad person if you're chasing money so hard because it's what you need to supply your basic needs, you need it to survive. 

Get addicted to making money and you will have a lot of it, as simple as that, what consumes you creates you, what you constantly think about will become your reality. It's better to be addicted to making money rather than being addicted to doing drugs or any stupid decisions, money is a very good form of entertainment, it gives you a better direction, it turns you into a better human being. 


It's not about the process, it really isn't, it's about your willpower, it's about how hot the fire burning inside of you. Any process will work if you will push hard to make it work, if you will go the extra mile and do what most people can't do. Most people were just good in the beginning, they were excited and pumped up when things are going their way but when everything is falling apart... they will show signs of being scared and rattled, their true characters were being revealed. 

So don't worry about the process, don't worry about how long you have to work, don't worry about the difficulty, worry about your character, worry about the culture that you have in your life. Do you have what it takes to win? 

SO don't be afraid if your skills were not that good, don't worry if you don't have the resources to succeed. If your willpower is enough and you have no intention of quitting... you can have any amount you desire. 


Believe in the power of focus. Focus will make you faster in achieving your goals. If you will focus on one thing then you will be amazed with how fast you were able to get it. If you want money then focus on money, if you want a sexy girlfriend then go to tinder and flirt with girls all day long, if you want a job then go to jobstreet and pass one million applications, if you want to become a basketball player then practice shooting the ball 24 hours a day. It's all about dedicating your life and going to the extreme, always remember that were the focus go the results will flow. It's hard to focus but if you can master it then you will have a better life, an organized life, something that has a direction. 


Let's face it, let's accept the truth, let's stop pretending to be pure and holy, without money you will have fewer options, you will feel weak. I am not saying that you can  only feel powerful if you have a lot of money. Some people can still feel powerful without it, they still have a good control of their lives without doing something bad, but there are only few of them and you need to train your mind hard to be like those few people who still feel secured and powerful by having less. But let's get back to the point, if you have no money then you will feel so weak and powerless, you will get jealous with other people, you will have self pity. It is what it is, that's why if you want to have more leverage and option... learn to have more money. If you want to feel secure and powerful, if you want to be in control... be the top earner in your circle because people will respect you more if you have a lot of money, they will become scared of you. 

It's true that you don't need to force people to respect you, but what if you need them to respect you because they have been disrespectful to you for so many years? you need to become a millionaire so that these clowns will get intimidated at you. Money is power, not all the time but most of the time. But don't get me wrong, you still need to be humble because some people will not get intimidated at you even if you have a lot of dollars, it's because they really don't know how much money you've got or maybe they were just built that way... to act like a savage and use violence to also get some respect. 


You can never earn money fast, that's the truth about life. You need to work hard, you can't earn money fast but you can feel that it's easy to earn money, how? by forgetting that you need it and simple do the best thing for your life. Be passionate, be the hardest worker in the world, enjoy your work and save a lot of money, simplify your lifestyle, avoid trying to impress people and simply do the basics. Hard work plus rest, play a little bit and then save as much as you can. You don't need to become a genius here, it's easy to become a millionaire in just 5 years, all it takes is focus and surrounding yourself with the right people plus doing what is best for your health and financial status. Stick with the basics that gives results, as simple as that. 

Oct 22, 2020


At the end of the day, you will love something, you will get obsessed with something because that's part of being a human. Each one of us is obsessed with our passion. Some are passionate with cars, money, korean dramas, fashion, study, mma, sports etc. But there is one thing you must really love to become really happy... and that is MOVING FORWARD. It's the process that will give you happiness and not the results itself. Any dream is attractive, things are attractive but once you get your dream... you will look for another dream or another challenge, your greediness will never end and that's ok for as long as you're not hurting anybody. 


There is no other way how to make a better life, it's simply about moving forward and doing a lot of positive things, it's so easy. Yet why people can't make a change or forge some progress with their lives? it's because they're not moving forward, they're too focused on moving backwards. You don't need to know the right things, you don't need to research for the best things that you can do in order to make your life better, you already knew it, you're just pretending that you don't because you're too lazy, you love procrastinating too much. It's too simple, the harder you work the luckier you will get, it's all about moving forward and nothing else. Always think about your dream and do something to get it, it doesn't matter if your process is perfect or not, you just need to do something. Because even if you make mistakes at least you will know what to do next. Mistakes will give you clues, it is your guide so don't be afraid to commit a lot of it. Just get addicted doing the process and for sure you will come up with something great. 

The main reason why you're having a hard time moving forward is because you don't want to be in the moment. You're so trapped with the idea of getting fast results, you want shortcuts. 


If you're good in disciplining yourself to focus on one task at a time then you will achieve a lot of greater things in life. It's going to get hard and uncomfortable but once your body and mind get used to it... you're already on a different level, you will become super extraordinary, your value will go higher and higher. Discipline is the key to freedom, discipline kills laziness and regrets, discipline will show you how good you can be. It will improve you, it will make you super useful and strong. With enough discipline you can go very far. So discipline your mind, discipline your body, just do what can make your life better and never waste your time again. Starting today, discipline yourself. Forget the past, forget your mistakes, discipline yourself now and just do whatever it takes to win in life. 

Discipline is stronger that motivation, if you're discipline you will do it even if you don't like it. If you will rely purely on motivation then you will never be able to force yourself to move whenever you need to move. Discipline will give you a sense of urgency, it will make your mentally tougher because you are fighting the part of you that is saying you don't have to do it and just have fun. A disciplined person will discover his full potential. 


With enough belief you will become more motivated, with strong belief you will take more actions. So keep believing, keep doing the process, trust the process and never stop... that is what it's all about. If you believe in something you will do whatever it takes to get it, you will never think about anything else, you will never worry about what's going to happen next. 

No matter how ugly your situation is, no matter how poor the results you are getting... still believe, that is what dreaming is all about, that is how to chase your dreams. Believe and go all out, work as hard as you can, focus as sharp as you can and never stop. Believing and dreaming is all about testing your mind and body, it will test you how far you can go. You must be willing to do whatever it take, use your power, use all of your resources to chase what needs to be chased. 

Because every time you think about the results you are only getting slower. Every time you get jealous with other people making it you are only wasting a lot of time. You can never control the outcome of everything, if it's not for you then it's not for you but you still have to give your very best. Because that's the only way to see if it's for you or not. And even if it's not for you don't worry because another door will open, there is a better reward journey waiting for you. 


You should feel ashamed of yourself if you didn't even try, you should feel like a coward if you're not moving forward or doing something. Are you a coward or not? if not then what the hell are you waiting for? just try, there is no harm in trying, don't you want to see what you can really do? are you not excited to test yourself? Just try, do something, don't be afraid to fail because it will not even kill you. Trust me, it feel so much better if you try, you will have no regrets, you will have a peace of mind, you will not think what could have been. Trying is the best gift you can give to yourself, so never deprive yourself of trying, you need to try as much as you can and never feel bad if you didn't get the outcome you expected, just try again every time you fail. 

Have fun trying, feel creative, feel the joy because you are free. Trying means you are free to do anything, nothing can stop you. It is a privilege so you better make the most of it. 

Oct 21, 2020


Maybe you are wondering how other people can do such things that looks hard, risky or not practical. You are wondering why there are some people who can collect expensive shoes, waste a lot of money, act like it's their last day, do stupid decisions, gamble everything they have and still get away with it. Some people are taking really big risks and it looks like their decisions were stupid but they still thrive in the end. It's not luck, it's not fate... there are levels to these. That's their level, they've been doing it for a very long time, it's in their psyche, it's their mindset, it's what they believe. You can also go to that level, you can reach any level if you will live that way, study what makes you successful and advantage, study what gives you results and you can also play with reality, you can manipulate your life. 


There are sequences, there are combinations. there is a pattern. Once you find out the mix of things that works for you... you already cracked the code, you can become successful every now and then. It's not being perfect, it's finding the right ingredients that makes you successful. Some people look lazy but are succeeding, some people looks like not serious but are succeeding, it's because they find out what works for them, they are just being themselves, they enjoy what works for them and they are just living their lives. 

Some people will work hard, really really hard but they can't make any progress, why? they don't have the right chemistry, they're not mixing the right things, they keep doing the same thing over and over again without studying why is this happening or why is that not working. There is a right recipe to your success, and that recipe may work for you only and not for others. Some people keep pushing but they can't make a breakthrough because they don't have the right chemistry. They're not mixing the right things or maybe their mixes are not enough. Just like a juice that has no sugar, just like a soap without water, the right ingredients maybe there but it is not enough there is something missing. And it's your duty to find out what is missing. 

Because if you're already working for your dreams, if your intention is right then you're already on the right path, it's just a matter of finding the right combinations.  

Because the best thing to study is how you live your life, watch your life, watch your thoughts and behaviors, watch how you react and you will see a lot of errors in your life and you need to correct them to put yourself on the best position to succeed. 


Everything will become easier. It will become automatic, people will be stunned how are you doing it, you will make the hard things look easy, people will even ask you what is your secret. Hard work will become easy work, everything will fall on the right place, you will look like a master, you will make success look easy. Stay positive, something will work for you, you need to try a lot of things, you need to experiment like a scientist. There is a process, there is a technique, there is a style that will work for you no matter how weird it look or sound. Find what that process is, find the timing and the rhythm... it will give you success. 

So never give up if you keep on failing, always remember that you will only make something work if you work hard on it. Time will come and you will be able to figure out what style fits you. 

KNOW THE RIGHT DETAILS (Track some records)

Be meticulous, watch your life, watch what you are doing, track the right habits that gives you results. What time are you getting clients? what did you practice to perform at the highest level? what did you drink? what are your rituals? what process is making you feel good that gives you the best results? what did you think? how did you feel before getting that small success? 

The smallest details can become a game changer so don't ever underestimate any small step because it can attract opportunities or make some big progress. A small tweak, a one simple try, a one small change can give you a strong momentum towards victory. So if you want to make a change then change your personality a little bit, create some new habits, build a new philosophy or culture that can make a dramatic change to your life. It's all about not being afraid to try, you really have to give yourself a chance to succeed and you can only do it by not being afraid to try some new things. 

Every thought, every food you eat, every small action, every small decision, every way you spend your time is critical. So be aware of what you're doing, list the steps that give you a little bit of progress and repeat them, also list the decisions that failed you and never repeat them again. 


There is a painter, I already forgot what his name is but this painter is drinking while painting and he is making impressive results. That combination works for him, I am not saying that you should drink too before working, my point here is... your habits may not be perfect but it can still work for you. Because the rule of thumb here is... if it works then it is right. Some people who are even doing some bad things are thriving. Again, I'm not saying that you have to do it because it may backfire at you in the end. 

The point here is, you can become really creative, you can use a lot of things or resources or techniques, the possibilities are endless. Some things may work for you even if you least expected it. 

You can procrastinate for an hour then work hard the next 10 hours, or maybe you can work for 2 hours procrastinate for 10 minutes then work hard again the next 5 hours. There is a combination that will make you very productive, you don't need to stay perfect all the time, you just need to choose the right timing and sequences that will motivate you to work harder. 

Some people are even drinking sodas before they work out and it works for them. They will drink a can of soda and will go hard for 30 minutes. They will exercise like hell, they will burn that sugar. I am not saying that it is good for you, my point here is you don't need to look perfect and clean, you just need to find what may give you an extra motivation that will make you very productive. Because at the end of the day, the bad things that you are doing may have an effect on you in the end. Some people get away with it and some people don't, it's up to you to test something or not. Because at the end of the day, success and making results is what really matters, you don't need a perfect process... you only need to make a progress. 

Oct 20, 2020


Just keep trying, that confidence will come anytime soon. It's ok if you don't have confidence in yourself for as long as you're willing to move and try. Because the truth of the matter is... everyone is not confident in the beginning, people just become confident because they give themselves a chance to become confident. 

Every entertainer, every big time basketball player, every speaker, every successful people was not confident in the beginning. They become confident because they keep taking actions and they take risks. Some great performers were even sweating on their first performance, they were anxious to death, they were not themselves they were trying hard but look where they are now... so confident and feeling invincible. 


Just enjoy failing because it means you're growing. Don't be afraid to fail and try again, just keep trying and trying, success will show up in just a matter of time. You will find your rhythm, you will establish your own pace and discover your own style. Failing is normal, be a tryer, it's better to be trying than not. Losers didn't even dare to try, critics are so afraid of failing, they don't chase their own dreams. Still feel confident no matter how many losses you have, still move forward and never stop until you can't try anymore. Because the more you try the more you will get hungrier, you will be able to do the impossible, success will be attracted to you naturally. Have the courage to fail, that's all you need. Because success is not guaranteed, failure is but if you give your heart and soul to your dream then at least you have a chance of winning. 

Everyone fails, every great person failed in the past. Who are you to be scared of failing? it's just another chapter of your life, it will never make you a bad man. If you keep on failing it means you are brave, you can swallow that bitter pill, you can feel proud of yourself even if you don't have results. You are proud because you knew you give everything you've got and you never cower like a clown. 


Show up even if you're scared, show up even if you feel like you're not going to win. If you don't have confidence in yourself then just at least try to become calm, don't rush things, be in the moment. Being present will give you confidence little by little. There's no harm in trying, so what if they laugh at you, so what if you're losing again and again, it's your life, it's your privilege to try, that's the best thing about being alive and human... you can try as much as you want, you're the only one who can stop yourself. Just keep trying, use it as your advantage... you can try a million times while everyone already quit on their second or third failure. 

You're not a star, you are nothing, nobody will notice you if you fail so just try, don't ever take your opportunities and life for granted, try as much as you can even if you don't want it because you already failed a lot of times. Always remember that the millions of failures you experienced will be erased by one sweet victory. 


Don't put too much pressure on yourself, don't blame yourself, don't hate yourself if you can't do the right thing. Don't curse yourself id you don't feel confident, it's alright, there is nothing wrong with you. Just have fun, things will become easier if you're having fun. Give your best but don't treat it seriously, don't think that your life depends on it, free yourself from the outcome. Because it is really like a game, life is like a game, success is a game, you have nothing to lose if you're enjoying it instead of feeling bad about it because you're not getting what you want. Because if you're in a child like state of mind then you will become more creative and enduring, your stamina will become stronger and your energy will become unlimited, it will be like all fun and games to you. 


Confidence come and go. Just because you are confident now doesn't mean you will feel confident forever. And just because you don't have confidence now doesn't mean you will become scared forever. Emotions are like visitors they come and go, they never stay in your body forever. So don't feel worried if you're not confident at all, you can become confident later. Just remember to stay present, stay still and never rush things, you can pause, you can take it slowly... confidence will come if you work for it. So do it despite of feeling not confident, that confidence will show up if you focus on what you're doing and give your very best. Confidence is overrated, you don't need it to win, all you need is willpower and determination. All you need is your body and a mindset to just keep trying no matter what.  


Giving up is not an option, quitters are losers, for as long as you're trying you will never be considered as defeated. It's easy to give up and go home, it's harder to continue but it's really possible to never quit. There is something you can do, you have a lot of time, nothing can stop you. All it takes is one step forward and another and another. You can take it slowly but don't ever stop. If you can make yourself like a machine that never stop then success will be guaranteed to you. And the reality is... you will have regrets in life if you give up, the opportunity that you let go will always be on your mind, it will haunt you in your dreams, it will never make you sleep. 


Confidence is not what you need, mindset is. If you have the right mindset of just trying and never giving up then success will be yours, your hands will be raised. Confidence will not be felt everyday so why bother to force yourself to feel it? there will be many days that you don't feel like winning, there will be many days when you feel overwhelmed and scared. But the mindset, the strong mindset... it will never change. You can fix your mindset into winning and it can be permanent forever, no matter what happens your fixed mindset will never be shaken and changed. 


You're so afraid of starting, you're so afraid of failing and that's why you remain on the same position for years. You are acting like a lost kid in the Jurassic Park, stop pretending to be stupid, you're better than that. All you have to do is start and that's it. Just start, allow yourself to feel free because you are free to do anything you desire. You don't need to know everything, just start and you will know the next right step when you're there. Most people wants to know everything before they start, what's the point of all of these if you will already know everything? that's why it is called journey, that's why there is a process, you can never know everything, there is no such thing as perfection. You have to be ok looking like a fool or a goof, you have to forget your identity so that it will be easier for you to start. 


Slap your face into reality, remind yourself that you are nothing, you are immortal, you are nothing special. If you are special then tell me are you a multi-millionaire? did you write a book that sell millions are you a MVP like Michael the goat Jordan? do you have many chicks like Tiger Woods? can you reject anyone like Donald Trump? are you an inspiration to black people like Barrack Obama? if none of these people are in your same caliber then you should stop pampering yourself and treating yourself like a king, you are nothing so you better start now because you have nothing to lose. You have no name, you're not even a social media whore that has a lot of followers. You're nothing, who are you to feel lazy? who are you to feel entitled of something? Slap your face if you can't move, stop trying to look perfect. It's better to mess up trying something than to stay perfect doing nothing. 


The era of being a coward is not working anymore, the time where people are thriving because of acting like a victim is not working anymore, you can't expect to just look for a sympathy and still succeed, you're only fooling yourself. Stop acting like a chicken and be brave. Do something you wanted to do even if success is not guaranteed at all. Fear will disappear if you start taking actions so you have to pull the trigger no matter how scared you are. Fear cannot leave your body because you're not facing it, you're letting it take over your body and mind, you're letting it control you. If you don't want to become controlled by fear then feel it, understand it and you will see that it can never harm you. All it can do is make you feel negative and uncomfortable, it can't kill you, it can't take away your money, it can't even touch you a bit. All the fear does is manipulate your mind. 

And the one million dollar question is... why choose to become a chicken if you can become an eagle? why choose to become lazy if you can work hard and face all the challenges of life? Being brave is a choice, it's not something you feel naturally. You can choose to become brave now and do something that scares you. Washing the dishes scares you, starting your own business scares you, jogging outside scares you, if you can do these things then you're already brave, it's about facing urgency, it's about facing what needs to be done. 

Never shy away from discomfort because there is a lot of growth there. Discomfort will make you a better human being, it will give you strength and experience. 


If you're really having a hard time starting then it means you're entertaining some nonsense, you're doing something that is fun but stopping you from taking the right actions. If you can stop that nonsense now then your body will look for some other things to do, and there is a bigger chance that you might do the right thing. If you stop something you will start some other thing, stop the nonsense now, just stop it and you will see yourself already doing the things that you hate to do but important for your growth and success. If you can master this skill, this simple skill then you're already on a different level, stopping nonsense will make you a better person. The key here is to be mindful of what you're doing and accept that what you're doing is only making your life uglier and disoriented. It's a very simple thing to do... stop the nonsense and let your body do the right thing. So if you don't know where to start, look at what you're doing and ask yourself "is this taking me to another level or not?". Answer yourself honestly, don't pretend that you're doing good if the reality is you're not. 


You don't need to become fully equipped with knowledge and experience. You don't need to become sure of success, you will know the right steps when you're there, just start and figure things out. Life is colorful because of the unknown, you don't know what's going to happen next, you don't know what the future holds, the best thing to do is simply embrace everything and keep moving forward all the time without any hesitation or doubts. If you lose you lose, if you fail you fail, so what? you can try again tomorrow or next time, you have nothing to lose here, you can try as much as you want, nothing can stop you. You just need to know what you want and then start, as simple as that. Start now and do something, don't hesitate because the more you waste time the more you can't see opportunities to succeed. Being a perfectionist will lead you to nowhere, you will never take actions because you want everything to look good, and it will never happen. You have to accept that hard work is the only key to manifest your dreams, you can't be progressing if you will refuse hard work. Stop thinking about anything else and just work hard... as simple as that. DO everything in your power to achieve the dreams and live you are chasing for a very long time. It's not about doing it like a masterpiece, it' about doing something everyday to give you a momentum and become closer from your dreams. 

Oct 19, 2020


You will only feel weak if you don't like your situation, you will only feel worse if you're always looking for comfort.

Every time you're stressed in your work you will always look for an escape. You would want to light a cigarette or take a coffee brake or even worse... drink some alcohol. The reason why poor people become even broke is because they're always looking for comfort, they're seeking for entertainment and fast pleasures all the time. The blue collar workers will always drink after getting their salary, the poor kids will always ask for some money from their parents to buy something, the depressed father will spend most of his money drinking or gambling. It's a funny thing why poor people always tell themselves that they are happier than rich people yet they are always lookin for fake happiness, they're always looking for something that will numb their pain. 

The key to power, success, longevity, long term happiness is to stop looking for a cure. If you're in pain keep feeling it, embrace it, don't be scare of it, don't feel like a victim... embrace it. If you're struggling struggle even more, don't look for help, don't look for shortcuts, solve it by yourself, endure it and soon the help will come naturally, situation will become better. If you're not needy and not making dramas then you will have power. 

Always accept your situation and just try to make it better, just try to improve everyday. Take it slowly, be in the moment and never look for shortcuts. The key to power is to feel the pain, if you can embrace any discomfort then you are invincible, look at those weak people... a little discomfort is making them fold, it's making them crazy, they wanted to get rid of it right away. If you want to feel comfortable your whole life then accept that life is not perfect at all, this perspective will take away some of your stress, it will remove some of your negative judgements about your surrounding, it will make you appreciate life even more. 


Power can be felt if you love yourself, believe in yourself and push yourself to the limits. Test your abilities, discover your full potential, see what you can achieve by facing discomfort and pain. Because these things will test you, it will challenge your willpower. And if you don't believe in yourself enough then you will never ever see your real power. Powerful people never look outside instead they look inside, they focus on what they have and not trying to beg for what they don't have. You are powerful, you just need to use your power. The reason why you always feel weak is because you're not even trying, you're exerting lesser effort than what you can really do. You're always giving less, doing less, being impatient all the time. If you want to feel powerful you need to work more, give more than what you can get. Even a construction boy can become powerful if he will work super hard, his boss will love him, more works will come after him, he will even get promoted. Use your power, use all of your energy, don't be afraid to get depleted because you will always get your energy back, your mind and body will recover fast. 

The reason why people feel weak is because they settle, they just accept what was given to them, they don't even dare to try to push themselves, they're not taking risks, they're not looking to get uncomfortable. You will only get a different result if you will make yourself uncomfortable by trying things that you haven't tried before or pushing yourself to the exhaustion. Growth will never happen in a comfortable place or peaceful mind, you will really get stressed a little bit. 


It's hard to do the right thing, it's hard to do what is needed because you're not calm. You're always rushing to finish it, you're not even trying to enjoy it. Be in the moment, you have a lot of time, you don't need to become the fastest, you don't need to become the greatest right away, all you need to do is stay calm. Stillness is the key, you will become stronger if you are still even if there is chaos going on around you. You will become more focused if you are calm and collected, so stay calm all the time and never panic. What is the point in panicking? what is the use of being scared? it's ok to become scared but you need to feel it, stop being too emotional about it, stop being too defensive. Just stay calm, focus on your breathing while starting something that makes you feel lazy, feel it, if you're afraid of starting it then just feel it, move your hands and feel slowly, think slowly, you don't need to become great right away, enjoy being slow, stay committed to taking actions. 

Just breathe and stay in the moment, don't think about losing, don't think about how you feel, just stay present and do your very best. 


You can build a house by yourself, you can finish a thesis by yourself, you can earn by yourself, you can even employ yourself. There is nothing you can't do. So if you don't like the people around you because they are somehow not treating you right or bullying you... leave them, don't be afraid to walk alone. Having the courage to do it by yourself is the real power. It's not about being a loner, it's not about being a weirdo or very hard to work with... it's about giving glory to yourself by treating yourself right because people can't give it to you. Again, this is uncomfortable but just like what I've said before... the key to power is embracing the pain and taking matters into your own hands, it's trusting yourself and simply pushing forward however you can. Never underestimate yourself, you can become powerful as you can be if you will start to believe in yourself. Never feel bad if you failed or got rejected, never get discouraged if things aren't going your way, just believe in the power of moving forward, believe that taking actions towards your goal will save you. 


You make yourself weak by thinking that you're weak, you make yourself weak by complaining instead of moving. You make yourself useless by worrying about the future instead of focusing on the present, you make yourself weak by being guilty about the past instead of trying to make your life better and embracing the opportunities that will might come. You're the only one who's stopping yourself living a better life by thinking about the wrong thoughts and committing to stupid actions. Just stop worrying and just do the right thing. 

Oct 18, 2020


Every great thing starts small, every powerful force starts with a small power, nothing starts great right away. If you're chasing something, if you're building something... start with whatever power you have. Because everything is weak in the beginning, nothing is powerful or great in instant, you have to work for it, you have to sweat, bleed and cry if you want to achieve something great in your life. Start small, don't be afraid to feel weak and overwhelmed, once you decide where you are going... you will end up being there in just a matter of time. It's not what you have, it's your ability to move even if you don't have anything, fight in life, give your best no matter what, don't worry about your weakness, don't focus on what's lacking in your life and simply focus on what you can or will do. 

Just like in building a house, don't worry if you have small money, don't get overwhelmed with the amount of work you need to do to get more money, just start with what you have. Brick by brick build it, don't be afraid of what might happen tomorrow just start building it and you will be able to finish it. It doesn't matter how hard, it doesn't matter how long it takes... you can finish the house if you really want it. The money will come, the help will come, the right people will come, you can finish anything if you have a vision, just don't stop moving forward and never let go of your vision. That house will be done in just a matter of time, whatever you can do now do it and never hesitate, your small power can go a long way, it will become powerful as the time goes by. 

Look at those informal settlers, they were shy in the beginning, they were quiet because they don't have power yet but wait after a few years and they can't be touched anymore, their numbers were bigger, they already claimed the area and they will fight for their place even if it's not theirs. They feel powerful because they already memorized their territory, they already knew what to do. The lesson is if you want to stop something you must not wait to stop it, stop it before it become powerful and bigger, stop it while it's still weak because time will come and it can't be stopped anymore. Everything will grow, everyone can have confidence granted that they are progressing and surviving, so if you want to stop something that is bad... stop it while the horn is not yet big. 

Just like you, you feel powerless now, you feel uncapable of doing big things. What you don't know is all you have to do is start, wait for a few months and years and you will become powerful, you will know what to do, you will have a strong foundation. So don't get scared with the challenges ahead of you, just face it, whatever power you have right now...use it, keep using it, keep moving forward and you will become powerful in the future. Always remember that nobody starts great already, you have just need to start to become great. Being weak doesn't mean you can't thrive or become strong. It's ok if you have nothing for now, it's ok if victory can't be seen because you will see it in the future if you don't give up. 


Always remember that you can face and overcome any kind of challenges, all you have to do is keep moving forward and never give up, keep trying, keep navigating, keep doing something. If you can move forward everyday and not making complaints about your situation then you will become unstoppable. Always remember that all of your efforts will be rewarded, all of your sacrifices have an equivalent prize so don't worry about anything else, just focus on taking actions and that's it. What makes people fail is they always count themselves out before they even try, they don't know how to believe, if you believe in something and your belief is unshakable or unchangeable then you will become unstoppable, nothing will stop you, nothing can refrain you from taking actions. Don't be afraid to fail because failing will only make you stronger and smarter, it will take you to another level. At the end of the day you will only fail if you didn't try, you will only fail if you take your life for granted and pretend to be blind not seeing the opportunities surrounding you. 


Once you start taking actions... sustain it, do it again tomorrow, do it forever, never stop moving, that is what it's all about. It's not about being great it's about wanting to become great and doing whatever it takes to become great. Some people will start but they don't know how to follow through, they will stop once they feel a little bit successful, they will become satisfied and lazy. Or maybe they will quit once the going gets hard. Time is fast, you may struggle for now but it will never happen forever, you will see the light at the end of the tunnel one day, you will become victorious too. So don't get bored, stay patient and hopeful, stay on the grind, keep moving forward until you finally win. 

Repetition is the key, believe in the compound effect, everything you do is right, everything you do is necessary to create something big. You may not see the effect for now but you will in the future. So sustain all of your efforts, work harder if you can, work slowly if you need to but don't ever stop, stay consistent and committed, hustle everyday, do something to make you closer from your dream. 


If you can't face your fears, if you can't take actions now then you're killing yourself, you're not living at all. Life is simply about facing your fears and embracing whatever negative emotions you have. So what if you're scared? just move. So what if your actions are not perfect at all? just move. You are not here to waste your life, you are not here to just let your life be commanded by other people. If you really want to become your own boss then start with your small power, appreciate what you can do and do more. Your power will grow if you're trying to grow, if you're willing to face everything and learn. Accept that it is hard, accept that you will become scared and still move forward no matter what. Don't waste your time and life doing stupid things that will not even contribute to your growth. Use your life to give yourself a better life, achieve the impossible, chase bigger goals. 

If you want to become powerful, face all of your fears, deal what needs to be dealt with, move forward even if you will get beaten, give yourself a chance to succeed. Start now, start fast and finish strong. 

Oct 17, 2020


Recession is hard, most people are going crazy, most people are panicking worrying and doing stupid things. Most people are out of their heads because they haven't experienced it before. They're crumbling, they're freaking out, they were stunned like an inexperienced new employed rookie. Recession is part of our lives, it can happen at any given moment, it happened before so it's normal if it is happening again now, don't panic because you're not going to die, you will only struggle a little bit but everything is manageable if you have the proper mindset, you can survive any problems, all you have to do is weather the storm and strengthen your mind. Time will come and everything will become ok again, just don't do something stupid with your life and you will be alright, as simple as that. 


This is the stage where all you need is your life, a little bit of food and water and some motivation... that's it. You don't need a luxury car now, you don't need a fancy clothes and shoes, all you need is your life. If you can just appreciate that you are alive then anything will become possible, why? because you will feel so blessed that everything that comes outside of your life is just an extra blessing, you feel blessed already with your life, that you are still alive so whenever there are some extra food or money or opportunity you feel extra blessed. Live one day at a time, don't look for a quick fix, don't wish for a good and comfortable life, deal with your life right now. 

Stop trying to look cure, stop acting like you're entitled of the help from the government, if your life was really good before and it's falling apart now so be it, accept it, don't worry because you can always make a comeback, you can thrive again if you will just stop acting like a spoiled little kid, wake up and do the right thing. Embrace the difficulty of life, embrace the pain and you will never have a hard time again, once you accept that it is hard and your life is different now... good things will start to come, you will start to become thankful in life again and that will give you a boost of confidence to take full responsibility of your life.

The best thing about life is you can survive any problem, nothing can kill you, every problem only makes you stronger, it is molding your mental game, it is giving you the power to endure any kind of pain.  


This is the solution to your problem, this will make your life better, your situation will change in an instant if you follow this, you know what it is? it's simply doubling your effort. Yes, as simple as it sounds... double your effort, if you can work hard as twice as you can then you will also get double results. Hard work never failed anyone, hard work pays off, just trust it and you will be saved. Because the number one reason why you're struggling in recession is because you're too lazy, the situation is already hard and you're only making it harder, who do you think you are? a king? Work like a slave, be humble, always remember that you don't have any choice but to work hard. Always make it to a point to work hard, never get lazy even if you don't feel like working, always be on a move, be a man on a mission. So stop looking for secrets or shortcuts, it's hard work alone that will put your life on the right direction, hard work will give you a better life, it will show you the way. 

So if you're not getting any money or opportunity it means your effort is weak, it means you have to do more. Always see to it that you're pushing yourself and doing whatever it takes to win in life, don't ever act like you're a boss if you're a boss before, remember that it is hard times now, you have to destroy your ego and just do everything to survive. 


Never stop looking for money, never stop working, never stop believing in yourself... that's it, you will survive recession if you follow these advises. Most people are struggling because they were always stopping, a little problem is making them freeze, they can't even move their feet once they hear something negative on TV. Stop watching news because it's only poisoning and deteriorating your brain, stop feeding your mind with negativity. Just focus on working, focus on searching and you will find something. Don't be afraid to work, be afraid if you're not working because you're going down every time you procrastinate. Time is gold, actually it's more than just a gold... it is everything. time is your biggest and most precious resources. You can become relentless, it's a choice, most people choose to become lazy and hopeless and that's why their lives were miserable and unhappy. You can always change your emotions through actions, you will feel happier if you're moving and doing somethin positive, you will have more energy if you're not wasting your time. If you need money then focus on getting money, take any job available, swallow your pride and never compare your life in the past with the present moment, it will only stop you from moving. If you need to clean the streets then do it just to get money, whatever job is available... do it, it will give you a momentum to find a better job next time, all you need to do is take what is there and make it grow as the days go by. 


Life supports people who are supporting their lives, life will become better again and all you have to do is wait while giving your best. Work every single day, pain is just temporary, everything will go back to normal again and you have to prepare yourself when that time comes. Don't be like other people who dwell n negativity too much, stop complaining and making excuses, if some people are doing well in life then you can do well too. It's just a matter of perspective, it's all about doing the right things during the hard times. 


Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...