Oct 28, 2020


Whatever you are doing, whatever business you are in, whatever journey you choose... don't worry if you're going down or failing, don't worry if you can't make a progress, if it's still running then you're already successful. It means if you're not quitting and still pushing forward... you're already successful. Because what's happening now is just a challenge, it's just a test. How are winners made of? they are made of a mind that never quit. So if you don't have any plan of quitting then you're already a winner. 

Have you ever seen a business that keeps running even if it's not getting any revenue anymore? have you seen someone who's still trying even if he looks like already been defeated? Don't ever think that they are crazy, they are just living the culture of a winner, they are just doing what successful people do... and that is to not quit even if the going is really tough. 

You don't need to study a lot of things or techniques to become successful, you don't need to be super educated, all you need to do is study what you will work on and never quit. Never quit, that is what it's all about. To make the process simple... just move forward no matter what. Even if you got rejected a million times, even if they force to close your business, even if nobody believes in you anymore... keep moving forward, if your journey is still alive and running then it's already successful. 

Only few people can try a million times and if you're one of them then you're already a legendary. Most people will quit after trying a few times, they will make excuses, they will look for a scapegoat, they will pretend that they give everything but the world is unfair. But the truth of the matter is they didn't go all out, if they really go all out then probably they would have been successful by now, but they are not, it only means they only exerted a small amount of effort. Exert a full maximum effort and you will become a winner, as simple as that. 


When you're already dead, that's the only time you're allowed to stop. But if you have still some breathe in your tank... never quit. Stopping will only break your heart, it will never do anything good to you. So keep moving forward and do whatever it takes to take your journey to another level... that is what it's all about. Stopping will never be your option, it's the last thing you can do, stopping is for quitters, it's for people who has no ambition. Always remember that you're already a winner every time you move forward. Keep in mind that stopping is only make your life miserable so why do that? You always need to be on a sense of urgency, your goal should be a 24 hours chase everyday. 

You can keep going forever, it's just a matter of deciding to do it. You will become a monster if you do this, yeah it's hard but it's really worth it. You will never become a phoenix unless you burn so keep burning yourself, put yourself on pressure, always be on a sense of urgency and never give up... that is what it's all about. Remind yourself that if your goal, business or journey is still running then you're already successful, if you're still doing something for your vision then you're on the right path... you're still winning even if you can't see any evidences that you are winning. 


Never underestimate the power of a small action because it can make a difference, it can become a bridge towards greatness and victory. So if you have something in mind... do it, execute it as fast as you can. Never hesitate, don't be afraid to fail... just do it, start fast and finish fast. Don't worry about not making it right, always remember that every action is the right action. Even if you make a mistake, you still learned something. There is always something you can do, never count yourself out, you can do something now, it's just a matter of unleashing yourself allowing yourself to move even if it's uncomfortable. So start fast and never let your mind think, what is it to worry about? nothing can harm you, nothing can stop you if you will just do it. 

Little by little, do something positive. Little by little try to make an improvement. It's not about how fast you are, it's about how consistent you are. You will never even notice that you're already big if you're too busy taking actions. Be happy with every execution that you made, be appreciative that you can move because time will come and you will not be able to move anymore, so be opportunistic now and move every time you can... never stop, devour every single second. 


If you don't give up, if you keep on fighting for your dreams then you're already successful. It's because you will make results as the time goes on, you will improve, you will become a better person, your mental toughness will go to a different level, in other words... you will become a master. So stop giving up whenever things are hard... keep moving forward all the time because that is what it's all about, it's not about winning... it's about moving forward. Because at the end of the day... you still need to work even if you're already that successful, you still need to do something because you will go crazy. 

Just continue, even if there is no more reason to continue... just continue, you will find the right path if you have this kind of mindset, keep moving forward, if they can't stop you then that's their problem. Focus on yourself, focus on taking actions every now and then, focus on taking massive actions. You have the power to move as much as you can, it's all in the mind, you can become relentless if you choose to. 

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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...