Oct 20, 2020


You're so afraid of starting, you're so afraid of failing and that's why you remain on the same position for years. You are acting like a lost kid in the Jurassic Park, stop pretending to be stupid, you're better than that. All you have to do is start and that's it. Just start, allow yourself to feel free because you are free to do anything you desire. You don't need to know everything, just start and you will know the next right step when you're there. Most people wants to know everything before they start, what's the point of all of these if you will already know everything? that's why it is called journey, that's why there is a process, you can never know everything, there is no such thing as perfection. You have to be ok looking like a fool or a goof, you have to forget your identity so that it will be easier for you to start. 


Slap your face into reality, remind yourself that you are nothing, you are immortal, you are nothing special. If you are special then tell me are you a multi-millionaire? did you write a book that sell millions are you a MVP like Michael the goat Jordan? do you have many chicks like Tiger Woods? can you reject anyone like Donald Trump? are you an inspiration to black people like Barrack Obama? if none of these people are in your same caliber then you should stop pampering yourself and treating yourself like a king, you are nothing so you better start now because you have nothing to lose. You have no name, you're not even a social media whore that has a lot of followers. You're nothing, who are you to feel lazy? who are you to feel entitled of something? Slap your face if you can't move, stop trying to look perfect. It's better to mess up trying something than to stay perfect doing nothing. 


The era of being a coward is not working anymore, the time where people are thriving because of acting like a victim is not working anymore, you can't expect to just look for a sympathy and still succeed, you're only fooling yourself. Stop acting like a chicken and be brave. Do something you wanted to do even if success is not guaranteed at all. Fear will disappear if you start taking actions so you have to pull the trigger no matter how scared you are. Fear cannot leave your body because you're not facing it, you're letting it take over your body and mind, you're letting it control you. If you don't want to become controlled by fear then feel it, understand it and you will see that it can never harm you. All it can do is make you feel negative and uncomfortable, it can't kill you, it can't take away your money, it can't even touch you a bit. All the fear does is manipulate your mind. 

And the one million dollar question is... why choose to become a chicken if you can become an eagle? why choose to become lazy if you can work hard and face all the challenges of life? Being brave is a choice, it's not something you feel naturally. You can choose to become brave now and do something that scares you. Washing the dishes scares you, starting your own business scares you, jogging outside scares you, if you can do these things then you're already brave, it's about facing urgency, it's about facing what needs to be done. 

Never shy away from discomfort because there is a lot of growth there. Discomfort will make you a better human being, it will give you strength and experience. 


If you're really having a hard time starting then it means you're entertaining some nonsense, you're doing something that is fun but stopping you from taking the right actions. If you can stop that nonsense now then your body will look for some other things to do, and there is a bigger chance that you might do the right thing. If you stop something you will start some other thing, stop the nonsense now, just stop it and you will see yourself already doing the things that you hate to do but important for your growth and success. If you can master this skill, this simple skill then you're already on a different level, stopping nonsense will make you a better person. The key here is to be mindful of what you're doing and accept that what you're doing is only making your life uglier and disoriented. It's a very simple thing to do... stop the nonsense and let your body do the right thing. So if you don't know where to start, look at what you're doing and ask yourself "is this taking me to another level or not?". Answer yourself honestly, don't pretend that you're doing good if the reality is you're not. 


You don't need to become fully equipped with knowledge and experience. You don't need to become sure of success, you will know the right steps when you're there, just start and figure things out. Life is colorful because of the unknown, you don't know what's going to happen next, you don't know what the future holds, the best thing to do is simply embrace everything and keep moving forward all the time without any hesitation or doubts. If you lose you lose, if you fail you fail, so what? you can try again tomorrow or next time, you have nothing to lose here, you can try as much as you want, nothing can stop you. You just need to know what you want and then start, as simple as that. Start now and do something, don't hesitate because the more you waste time the more you can't see opportunities to succeed. Being a perfectionist will lead you to nowhere, you will never take actions because you want everything to look good, and it will never happen. You have to accept that hard work is the only key to manifest your dreams, you can't be progressing if you will refuse hard work. Stop thinking about anything else and just work hard... as simple as that. DO everything in your power to achieve the dreams and live you are chasing for a very long time. It's not about doing it like a masterpiece, it' about doing something everyday to give you a momentum and become closer from your dreams. 

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