Sep 30, 2019


rugged breed

Anyone will have no power over you if you will ignore them. They will lose their power once they felt that you're not affected with what they're doing. Because anyone can only have power over you if you are affected with what they say or do, but if you feel emotionless towards any of them... you will be the one who will end up more powerful. Just ignore them, stick with the plan, I know it's hard but the best way to win and become successful is to focus on your own life and not looking at other people's lives. They were only strong because they can get your attention, they can make you react but if you can completely ignore the things and people outside of you then you will prevail in the end. Just ignore them, treat them like nothing, treat them like an invisible object, never even listen to what they say, just live your life your way and never submit to anyone's rules. Feel like a stone, never feel anything from what they do and you will see that you're more powerful than what you think. 


Let them do what they wanted to do, let them be noisy or try to distract you. It's ok, just keep moving forward all the time and focus on what you are trying to achieve. Focus on your goals and ambitions, focus on your dreams, focus on the right people around you. Never give them any second of power by trying to listen to them. You will only feel worse if you will try to prove yourself or make them respect you. You know who you are, you know what you can do, you don't even need to protect yourself or clarify yourself... just live your life naturally and work hard towards your dreams. Let those people do what they wanted to do, never let yourself be affected with their doings, you have your own life. Focusing on them means not focusing on your own life. Just completely ignore them and live your life the way you wanted to live it. Ignore them and they will look like a fool, they will feel powerless they will get embarrassed. Because looking at them and feeling their power will only make you feel weak, you are not being yourself by doing that. Let them do their thing while you also do your thing.

Always remember that clowns will stop performing once nobody is watching them, don't react if someone is annoying you, don't retaliate with small things that doesn't even deserve your worthy attention. Own your time, take care of your energy and focus, only look at things that will make your life better and easier.


You can do more and experience more if you will stay focused on your own grind and hustle. The reason why you're really having a hard time with your life is because you're not focused, you keep on comparing your life with other people's lives, you are accepting their stupid opinions that are only demotivating you, you don't trust yourself, you're always letting their energy affect your own energy. And that makes you confused, that makes you lost. Stay focused with your own grind and you will live happier and easier. It's really too simple, just start something and believe that it will work, focus on it, work hard on it. If it's not working for now then it means you need to add something, look for it, find a way and never quit, never stop just even for a second. If you're focused on your own life, if you're focused on your own journey then nothing will be able to disturb you anymore, you will enjoy your life more and become the authority of your own life. They will never be able to touch you nor disturb you, you have a bulletproof mindset.

So if you want more power then focus on your own life, stop looking at them, stop listening to what they say or watching what they do, it's a complete waste of time to look on other people's lives, you have your own life so use it to fulfill your destiny. It feels so good to grind and do it your way rather than listening to those people around you coaching you how to do it but they themselves haven't done anything great with their lives. Just keep grinding, keep hustling, the world is yours if you stay committed and believe in your potential.

Ignore them, ignore their inputs, ignore if they are making your life difficult. Don't be afraid to walk alone, don't be afraid to have no company. That is what great people do... they do it their way, they were never afraid, they push themselves to go the extra mile, they never waste time, they just live their lives and give the best they can.

Ignore the people who were always bugging you and disturbing you, it's simply like ignoring a though that is making you feel weak, if you can just do this for one straight year then your life will become much much better. Just give it a try, it's worth give a try, you will love it, your life will become much easier, everything will feel like a breeze. It's easy if you will just discipline yourself to focus on what you want to happen in your life. Ignore those people, ignore the resistance, ignore the difficulty and simply move forward. You will be able to create your own world by doing this, everything that you want will be attracted to you.

So if you don't lie your surrounding then just ignore them, just work hard and focus on your dreams, that's the best way to start loving your life. Because you will hate your life once you don't like what is going on around you, the best way to bring back the love for your life is to take actions, take it step by step, ignore everything around you and simply focus on chasing your dreams. That is the best for of entertainment, because it is wrong to entertain yourself with negativity... you will only get crazy by doing this, entertain yourself with actions and you will become much happier, you will feel more alive. 

Sep 29, 2019


rugged breed

Life will become more and more exciting if you will surprise yourself with massive results, and you can only do it if you will take massive actions. Work now, stop thinking and simply work now. If you're earning $2000 a month do you believe that you can double it? do you believe that you can triple it? somehow your heart is feeling that you can do it right? but you don't fully believe in it and that's why you can't make it happen. Just work hard and focus on what you want, you will not even notice that it's already yours. Just keep moving forward all the time and never stop until you're done. Just keep working hard and that's it, it's very simple right? massive action equals massive results.


You already know how it feels like to become a lazy useless and stupid person, now it's time to turn yourself into something different. Just keep on working because that is what success is all about. You want success but do you really know the meaning of it? do you really know what it takes to become successful? you can wish for it but if you really don't know the deeper meaning of it then still you will not become successful. It's simply movement all the time, it's taking action every second, it's not about resting, it's not about laziness... it's about massive action, you will do whatever it takes to get it, you will become obsessed, you will become relentless and restless, it's the only option you have. And that is why only few become successful, it's because they were so afraid to get tired, they were so afraid to go further, all they do is just wish and then they will complain and make excuses if they were having a hard life.

If you can just be the hardest worker in the world then you will get everything, as simple as that, turn yourself into a machine. Being machine will attract everything, it will give you everything you need, you will become one of a kind, people will look for you because you have something that not all people have.


So don't look for the results yet, don't look for fast rewards. Just keep working hard and later you will get what you want, you will be surprised with how far you've already got. Keep ignoring what is disturbing you, keep ignoring what is making the process difficult and keep moving forward all the time. Stay lock in to your dreams, stay committed, stay focus... keep grinding everyday. Results will come but for the meantime you have to undergo the process, keep pushing, embrace the grind and never let anything stop you. You have a goal, it will show in your focus if you really want it or not. stop always checking for results, stop always checking your status and just do what you are suppose to do. If you really want something then you will find a way, you will do whatever it takes to become successful. You should only have one direction and that is to move forward, keep looking for that space where you can operate.


You can lie but numbers won't, you will attract what you deserve. If you really work hard for something and you focus on getting it... you will get results, sometimes success is not to be chase it is to be attract. Success will come to you if you really put in the time and effort. So don't complain if you're only getting small in your life, it means you're doing small, as simple as that. Success is simply a matter of working hard and believing in yourself, if you keep on failing then it means your effort is not enough, you need to do more and be more, you need to escape from your comfort zone, go all out and be the best that you can be, always give your 100 percent effort or maybe much better than that. Success loves speed so you must be fast, stop being a slow turtle because it will lead you to nowhere, if you need to do something... do it now, stop waiting, just do it and now and give everything you've got. So if you can't get what you want, if you still haven't found it yet... adjust your work level, do more work, focus more, keep pushing until you finally get rewarded. The strong your focus is the bigger the results will be, sacrifice if you need to, isolate yourself if you need to, you need to have an insane focus here if you really want to go to another level.

Once the momentum is there... it will never stop, once you were able to figure out the style that fits for you... you will become unstoppable, it will be a wrap, it's over, you're in full control, you will be able to command our future.


Are you going to give everything you've got and give yourself a bigger chance to win or are you just going to lose like that? you can exert more effort, you can focus, you can be passionate, you can believe more. All you need to do is adjust your mentality a little bit more and go for what you want relentlessly. So don't ever think that you don't have the power to change your life, of course you do, all you need to do is believe in yourself and push yourself to the limits, always go further, always do more and believe stronger. Focus on what you really want to achieve and it will manifest faster than expected, have that bulletproof mindset, never let your mind be affected by anything. Maybe you can never always control the outcome but you can always control the way you work, think and react. Use your mind to your advantage, the real power is yours. You can live the life you want, you can get all the results you want if you will just take massive actions. 

Sep 28, 2019


rugged breed

Lock in to your dreams, lock in to the vortex, you're not thinking about anything else other than your dream, you're not worried or scared if you can make it or not, you're just lock in with it and you have no intention of quitting every time it gets hard or intimidating. But don't look at your present situation. Never look at your ugly situation nor complain about it, never focus on how difficult it is to get ahead, focus on your dream, focus on the vortex and keep going further with your beliefs. Focus on what you can do at the moment and believe that it will serve as a connection to better things in the future. Just have fun with your life, have fun with the process and always think about the things that you want to get. No matter where you are and what you're going through always believe that there are some better things that are about to happen, you can make a progress, you can make an improvement, all you have to do is keep believing in the power of your dreams, stay inside of your vortex and never lose your faith that your dreams will come true.


It is already given that there will be a lot of difficult situations that you will encounter, there will be a lot of resistance. It's all part of the game, it's all part of the process, something and someone will always disturb you, you need to be really tough and concentrated here because success and growth will only happen to people who were not afraid of an challenge in front of them. There will always be challenges and you have to learn how to deal with it. It's ok, it's alright just keep moving forward and those challenges will disappear, you will be able to solve all of it. Keep hustling, keep going closer towards your dreams, it is not that hard to do, all you have to do is face everything that needs to be faced and do something about it. Don't be afraid to take it one step at a time, don't be afraid to exert a lot of effort and energy. If you stay lock in to the vortex then attraction will happen faster than expected.


Stop wasting your time, stop looking on things that will not even help you to go further. You know what is helping you, you know what will give you some results. Stop fooling yourself and just do something about your situation. Every second is important, it is essential for your growth and success. Because the only reason why you will fail is not because you don't have what it takes to win, it's because you've wasted a lot of seconds that could have been use to make yourself progress a little bit. Every second is an opportunity for a better opportunity. Stop wasting a lot of time if you really want to make it in life. Taking action is the best thing to do so what are you waiting for? stop procrastinating now and just take the first step, don't hesitate to draw the first blood, never think twice if you're going to pull the trigger or not, make a move, every action is the right action.


Some people wants something but the moment they get disturbed by something... they will stop working for what they want. Their focus gets easily broken by a simple subject. It's ok if you get distracted but you must be fast in coming back, you must get back on track fast. Anyone can focus but not everyone is wiling to do it because it's hard, it's boring, sometimes you will never see the results the moment you want to see it, you need to wait for a very long time. But if you believe in the power of delayed gratification then nothing is impossible to you. The one who can embrace boredom  will succeed, the one who wants results fast and can't wait will fail. Stay disciplined, stay lock in and never stop until you reach the top. So never think that something is hard, it becomes hard because you're not lock in, you're not focused. But if you will just take it one step at a time and do whatever it takes to finish it... you will be able to finish it, as simple as that. Don't be afraid to try, don't be afraid to give your all. Because it's only just a matter of time before you get what you want, time is fast, it's really really fast. Yesterday was just a valentines day but today is already Christmas, that's how fast time is, it flies so fast.

It's easy, it's only hard in the beginning, once your mind and body get use to it... it will be easy, you will never even have a hard time trying to force yourself to take actions. It's already ingrained into your system, it feels automatic, you're in an auto pilot mode.

And even if you're not feeling right, even if you're struggling now or in pain... always choose to lock in, remember your dreams, remember what you came for. You are here to succeed, you are here to get what you want... as simple as that. Don't waste your life for nothing, use it to see what is possible for you. Always remember that you will only get something if you're trying to get it. So start now and get it, lock in to the vortex, never look at some other things. Focus on what you want, think about it and do something for it, as simple as that. You will succeed one day if you persevere enough to fight for your dreams, go for what you want... make it happen, realize your dreams and never quit. The right time is now, lock in to the vortex and never get out from it. 

Sep 27, 2019


rugged breed

Sometimes you feel stuck right? sometimes you need to do something and you're running out of time but still you can't move, it feels like there is something wrong with your system, you feel weird, you feel lazy, you feel so heavy. You just wanted to sit and watch TV or use your cellphone but your mind is battling laziness, and this is a crazy feeling, it's even stressful. Once your mind can't decide on what to do... that is a split energy, 50 percent of your body wants to relax and 50 percent of your body wants to do something. It's very stressful, you feel like exploding, you want to start but you can't because you're overwhelmed with the list of steps that you need to do. But this problem is very easy to solve. It's all about making a decision. Decide now if you're going to do it or not. If you decided not to do it then stop thinking about it. But if you decided to  do it then what are you waiting for? start now and never stop. Keep pushing until you finished it, keep doing it and never stop. Be patient and take it inch by inch, don't worry because time is very fast and you will not even realize you're done already. Time will become faster and work will become easier if you will live in the moment.

It's only hard in the beginning, it only feels heavy when you're just starting but once you were able to build that momentum... everything will be a lot easier. Everything will be a breeze, it's like snapping your fingers. Just feel the moment and do what you need to do right away, stop thinking too much, stop thinking that you need to do a perfect work, you don't need to do a perfect work, you just need to work. So start now, what are you waiting for? time is running and you shouldn't be walking, you should run too, you should move fast if you want to accomplish something in your life. Once you started it... never stop, keep grinding and hustling, finish it no matter what, keep working until you're done, that's all you need to do. And when you're done... rest, reward yourself with rest, it's better to rest when you're done rather than resting right away even if you're just 50 percent done.


Because you're always thinking about the outcome, because you're always thinking that you need to finish fast. It's all about enjoying the previous step and the next step. Enjoy every action that you take, have no regrets when you made a mistake. Look for a space to move. Moving will be hard if you will keep on worrying and thinking about perfection or finishing fast. Life should be felt, you should enjoy every moment of it so that every work will become much easier. It's been said a million times that you must choose the work you love so that it will not be a work. But what if you don't like your work at all? is it still possible to have fun with it? of course yes, you can still have a lot of fun even if you don't like your work, it's your attitude towards your work that counts. You can force yourself to appreciate your work. Just love it, feel it and be proud of your work, give your best and strive to become faster, be energetic. Show a positive body language, never use a weak body language because that will even make the work difficult, you should feel excited even if you don't love your work. It's all about making it a habit to appreciate your work, if you can maser this kind of mindset then every work will become easier, you can have fun everyday, nothing will become difficult anymore. Moving will be hard if you're rushing and being afraid to make mistakes, just decide what you are going to do and never stop, have no regrets when you made a mistake, as simple as that.


Don't be afraid to take the first step, if you're wrong you're wrong, if it's ugly it's ugly. Always remember that taking action is much much better than hesitation. You will become stuck in a mud forever if you will not take the first step. Do it, just do it, just pull the trigger and stop looking back. Ignore the things that are making your life difficult, ignore everything that is making your life heavier. Just do it, forget what people say, forget what might happen next and just do it. Doing it will make you feel much much better, doing it will create a momentum that will lead to a better situation. Prioritize the first step over some other things, set your mindset to being a doer instead of being a thinker. Everyone can think, everyone can talk that is why everyone is having a miserable life. But if you want to separate yourself from the pack then be a doer, stop thinking and focus on taking actions.

Slap yourself, bite yourself, get mad at yourself, do any desperate move to force yourself to take the first step. Being soft will not work anymore, being slow, being lazy... these things will only put you on a spot that you will not like. Always pull the trigger if you want to become a winner, always do what is important, practice delaying gratification... sacrifice now and celebrate later.

Once you made it a habit to just move despite of discomfort... you will go to another level, you will become one of the best. Everything will be easier for you, you will become unstoppable and very productive. Again, time is fast but you should be fast too. If you don't want to have any regrets in your life then you must take action now, force things to happen, stop babying yourself... man up and do the right thing. 

Sep 26, 2019


rugged breed

If you're always an underdog for the past few years... wake up, It's time to change your belief, it's time to do something amazing in life. Most people think the same way, it's time to think different. If you haven't accomplish something great in your life yet... don't worry, you all have the time in the world to become great. You can show them something that wasn't seen before. It doesn't matter if you're just an under graduate or you don't have any diploma at all, it doesn't matter if you're not a doctor or an engineer, a lawyer, a successful businessman, it doesn't matter if you didn't come from a popular school... you don't need titles to become great, you don't need a name, all you need to do is be the best that you can be, always give your very best and never waste your time for nothing.

Never belittle yourself, never sell yourself short. You have the power to believe, you have what it takes to achieve. All it takes is the will to go further and reach your greatness. You can become great on your own way so stop underestimating yourself and counting yourself out. If they can become great so you too can become great. Those people that you think were great were only just humans like you, they were no different from you, they also breathe, they also die, they were not immortals. You can define your own greatness by setting the bar high and using all your power to get it. Stop comparing yourself to others, stop seeing your success as something small because you see someone's success bigger than you. It's not the right way to live.


Be great in something that you are doing. Just give your best every single day and you're already great, greatness is something to be live and not to be chase. Greatness is a culture, it is a habit, it's something that you do everyday. So if you're feeling great by now and you're giving your best... you're already part of greatness, no need to question yourself or ask permission from other people, no need to compare your work. If you're simply addicted to the process and you believe you're going to succeed with that.... that is greatness already.

Always remember that you don't need to ask permission from other people if you want to become great... just be yourself and push yourself to the limits, just stop exerting a lazy effort and you're already great. Stop comparing your life with other people's lives, always enjoy your life, fall in love with the process and you will attract success. Pick something where you can be good at. It can be anything, it can be a philosophy, an energy or a goal. If you can just focus on one thing and really loving every second of it then you will become good at it. For me, I pick being great at ignoring my weakness and ignoring the things that I don't like. Once I saw something that for me is negative... I will ignore it right away and focus on the things that I really want. I become good at it and I am still trying to take that skill to another level. The result is good, I am more positive now as a person and I am not wasting a lot of time anymore.

I am also good at focusing on my work. Once I started something... I will never stop until it's done, for me it's greatness already, most people can't focus on their work, they were easily get distracted and that's why they can't create a momentum that is headed to greatness.  I also have this belief that if you give your best and work hard everyday... everything is possible in your life. See, it looks like there is no specific skill here, it looks like there is no greatness here but I am thriving from that philosophy and perspective, It's giving me and my family a better life, so it only means it's already a form of greatness.


It can be anything, for as long as you're living with it, for as long as you believe it... you can thrive from it. For as long as you're not letting anyone affect your mindset... you can succeed from that philosophy. Examples of good philosophies are... HARD WORK, DEDICATION, NOT CARING ABOUT WHAT PEOPLE SAY, BELIEVING IN YOURSELF, SELF RELIANCE, DELAYED GRATIFICATION, SAVING MONEY, BUILDING YOUR OWN EMPIRE, DOING IT YOURSELF, STARTING FAST, NOT BEING AFRAID TO MAKE MISTAKES. These are just simple philosophies in life but they can be helpful to you if you will believe in them. Just choose one or two philosophy and live by it, believe it to the fullest and practice it everyday. You can become really great by practicing your own philosophy and applying it to any kind of situation you are in. Being optimistic is already a philosophy, living a simple life and thriving little by little is already a philosophy. You don't need to a lot of things and approval from other people to become great, you can become great by doing it your way and believing in yourself to the point where nobody can break your mindset anymore.

So just be yourself and use everything you have, utilize your time very well, learn to capitalize with every presented opportunity. Don't be afraid to walk alone, don't be afraid to make mistakes and embarrass yourself. Because at the end of the day, people who really loves you will love you no matter what, just stop arguing with people who doesn't believe in you and simply keep moving forward... greatness will be experienced actually it is already happening now. Greatness is too simple, all you need to do is believe in yourself, believe in your philosophy and work hard... as simple as that. 

Sep 25, 2019


rugged breed

The only thing that is stopping you from becoming successful and getting your dreams is your mind. You're worrying too much, your mind is cluttered. You're analyzing too much, you're scared of the future. What if you just work hard and try to become lucky? you will get more if you work hard instead of worrying everyday and being stuck in a same place. Just work hard and that's it, you don't need to think about anything else anymore. If you really give everything you've got then that's the real success, you will feel really happy because you will be able to see what you are really made of. Working hard and giving your very best is the best feeling in the world, it will make you feel powerful, you will see what you are made of.


The universe is watching you, your dream is also looking for you. You need to just keep continuing what you're doing and don't be afraid of any challenges that may come to your life. Just keep pushing and keep believing, what do you want will be yours if you have the courage to pursue it and get it. Luck will favor the people who were working really hard and doing everything for their dreams. So don't worry if you're struggling right now, for as long as you're moving forward... you will be alright, there is nothing else to worry about anymore. Look at those lazy people... they never get anything in life, it's because they were not taking any actions at all. You have to go all in if you really want it, you have to be patient and take your time working for your dreams. It is what it is, it's not going to be easy but if you give everything you have then you will get everything you want. All of your efforts and hard work will be rewarded, there is nothing else to worry about.


Have fun in what you're doing, learn to enjoy hard work and everything will be easy. Everything will be lighter, you will be able to figure out what to do next. Enjoying something will make it easier. This happens to anything, even if you are sick... just enjoy your life and that sickness will soon be gone, you will never notice it. Stop worrying too much because life is suppose to be enjoyed and not something to be worried about. Don't worry about life, don't worry about work, enjoy the process, trust that the universe got your back. Just move forward all the time and forget what may happen next, enjoy being alive, enjoy working and everything you want will be attracted to you faster than expected. What makes the process difficult is because you think too much about what if you fail or what if suddenly you luck doesn't favor you anymore. Listen, if you keep working hard and if you keep believing in yourself then you will never run out of luck, you will get a lot of it. Luck is unlimited if you work so hard and give your very best every now and then.

So forget the past and future, just focus on the now, focus on getting your dreams, focus on what is working and ignore what is stopping you from taking actions. It's all about taking the next step and the next one and the next one. You can do everything you want, you can be anything you want if you will just stop thinking too much and focus on what you want. That's they key.. focus on what you want and simply ignore what you don't want, that's how simple life is.

Always feel no regrets for working hard, don't think that you only wasted a lot of time and energy by working so hard. Being lazy will even make you weaker because you're not pushing yourself, and every time you do lesser than what you are capable of... you're becoming weaker and weaker.

So to make your life simpler, easier and successful... just forget everything and enjoy the hard work. Success will come to you if you do this approach. Dream big, work big and expect nothing in return. Feel no pressure if success is not coming into your life yet. If it's not yet coming it only means that the hard work you put in was not yet enough, you still need to do more, you still need to make more sacrifices. Stop thinking that the world is unfair, the universe knows if you really put in the time and effort, you can never fool the universe... it knows everything you did.

Luck is on your side if you'r doing the right thing. Just keep being patient, just keep moving forward and you will get what you truly deserve. So push yourself and do the best that you can do. Focus on working and let everything take care of itself. Focus on what you can control and not on what you can't control... as simple as that.

Be faster, push more, work on your game, work on developing your skills and be the hardest worker that you can be. Anything is possible if you have a tremendous focus.

Because you are not suppose to care about everything around you, you can never control everything, win or lose the only thing you have power of is your effort. If you have a weak effort then don't expect anything but if you have a very strong effort then you have the right to dream about big things. Luck will come to you, just keep plodding, keep dreaming and never lose your focus. Never lose your sight for your dream. Always trust that luck will come to your life, you may not be lucky for now but if you keep working hard then one day is going to be your day, you're going to become lucky too. 

Sep 24, 2019


If you want to make progress then always be ready to fail... that's how to get the job done. Feel good after failing, feel nothing if someone rejects you, it only means that you are progressing and learning, it only means that you're becoming closer and closer from what you want. Failing is normal, don't be afraid of it. Once you become scared of failing you will not even try at all. Stop thinking about the future and learn to fail now. Once you fail... ignore it, ignore what are the consequences by failing and move on, live your life again. Go all in, give your best, enjoy the process even if you know that there is a big chance that you might fail. Always think that enjoying your work is a habit, regardless if you succeed or fail... enjoy it so that you will attract better opportunities. Because the people who can enjoy their work the most are the ones who will succeed. Look at the people who hate their work... they were so miserable, they were always complaining, give them a raise and they will still complain how small their raise is. Promote them and they will complain that the job gets harder, they don't know how to become happy anymore because they don't know how to enjoy their job.

Be ready to fail, because it's impossible that you're going to become successful right away especially if you're aiming for something big, especially if you don't know specifically how are you going to get it. Just do it, just start and enjoy the process, learn every lesson you can learn and always keep so that you can do better next time. Just keep moving forward because every time you do it you are making yourself closer and closer from your dreams.


Failing is nothing, most people were so scared of failing and that's why they can't even succeed. There is nothing negative about failing, actually... failing is just an illusion. There is no winner or loser here, if you give your best and try with all your might then you're already a winner. People are the only ones who give a specific definition to what winning or losing is. So stop crying once you fail, it's ok, all you need to do to cover it is to try again, work again. Because even if you win... you will still need to work, your work doesn't end there, you need to work forever to sustain balance in your life. Because you will go crazy if you're not working anymore. Focus on trying one more time, focus on working... that's how to make your life easier and better.

Be ready to fail, the good thing about failing is you can stand up again, you can never be down forever, you can stand up again and go back to work right away.


Success is not about how good you are, it's not about how talented or blessed you are... it's how persevering and tough you are, it's not about being the most favorite to win, it's about creating your own path and enjoying every step of the way. Of course you will fail, there will be challenges, there will be obstacles but if you can push yourself to try again for one more time then things will get better. Never give up because you will never succeed if you do. Winners never quit they just keep moving forward until they become successful, they keep pushing even if they feel so weak, they want to see the finish line, they want to see what they can really do and achieve. Just don't be a quitter and you will become a winner, as simple as that. Most people nowadays were quitters, they don't want to go further and test their limits, all they want to do is feel good and that's why they can't go to the next level.

So work even if you're not ready, just be ready to fail and learn to keep the lessons that you will get from it. Always remember that failing is the key to success, the more you fail the more you speed up the process. Failing is too normal, there is nothing wrong with it. Just keep failing and working... one day is going to be your day.

Because you will never become ready, even if you work hard and prepare for it too much... there will still be doubts and fears, you will still question yourself if it is for you or not.

Because time will never wait for you. You will always be left behind if you're waiting for the right time. Use your time very well and never squander any second of it. Time is the most important ingredient for success, use it very well and you will have a very good life, wast it and your life will be wasted. Just don't be scared to start, you have to be a fast starter and at the same time strong finisher, have that killer instinct, always give your very best and bring your A game even if you're not sure that you're going to win.

Looking for the right time is the main reason why you procrastinate. You should start now, make a big decision now, stop waiting to feel good before you pull the trigger, waiting for the right timing is overrated, what if the right timing is now? what if your instincts were wrong and the best time to do it is now? Don't worry because even if you made a mistake now, you can always correct it later, you can make adjustments and do the necessary changes.

Embrace everything that may happen, win or lose, right or wrong... accept the consequences. No decision is wrong if you will not regret any of it. It only becomes wrong because you're focused on regretting it. Forget your regrets, move on once you made a mistake, try again later or tomorrow... forget perfection because it's just an illusion. Always remember that you can try again, there is always a next time, you can always correct your mistakes, you have nothing to lose here. 

Sep 23, 2019


rugged breed

You want it right? then you should bring it on, bring your A game, if you're dreaming about big things then you should take your work ethic and focus to another level.  Most people can dream big but only few can bring their A game, only few can give their 100 percent, some people were so satisfied of just giving their 50 percent effort or even less. You need to be fast, you need to be furious, you need to do what most people can't do, your focus should be laser like and sharp. Because if you will never give your best then you will have a lot of regrets in the end, as simple as that.

You have to show that you really want it. You have to make them feel that you are for real. Show the universe how bad you want it. Don't just exert a little effort, always give your very best and never settle for less. Push yourself to the limits, don't be scared to go all out, don't be scared to get exhausted. So what if you get tired? You need to keep pushing again and again until you become successful, as simple as that.

Because what you have now is not all you can have. What you can do now is not all you can do. You can always become greater than yourself. You are unlimited if you will just believe in yourself. Because that's all you need to do... be the best in what you do. It's too basic just move fast and work hard, enjoy the pressure, enjoy doing more and expanding a little bit day by day.

Not all people can give their best. You only have one life why not give your all and do whatever it takes to see your full potential? You have it, you can do it, it's all about setting yourself free and believing that you can reach the top. Bring it on, you have a skill so use it, you have a dream so get it. There is no room for holding back, there is no room for being conservative. Stop belittling yourself, stop under estimating yourself and do whatever it takes to win. Always remember that it's getting better and better every time it gets harder.


A mediocre effort is a way of using your energy without any bad intentions, what I mean by having a bad intention is you must have that killer instinct, you must really do it for the sake of being successful and not simply getting something to avoid going home nothing. Bring your A game even if you will fail so bad, even if you will get humiliated and frustrated because you can't get anything... always bring your a game and never stop until you become successful. Forget being weak in the past and be strong now, start fast and go all out. The world is waiting for your talent, success is waiting for your presence, so stop acting like you can't do it, stop belittling yourself and give your very best now.

Stop keeping what you have, you have to show it. Whatever skill, knowledge, hidden strength, possession, asset, resources, energy, philosophy you have.... use it, utilize it, learn to capitalize and never stop until you become successful. You have to believe in yourself if you want to thrive, you have to bring your A game every now and then and be passionate in what you're doing, that is what is all about, that is what going to the next level is all about. Bring it on, keep hammering the door until it opens, keep kicking the wall that is blocking you until it is completely destroyed. Be the revelation that you wanted to be.

You have the right to bring it on, stop acting like a kid and bring it on, man up, even if you're not that experienced... bring it on, even if you're not confident at all... bring it on. Your confidence will never improve if you're always shy and afraid of committing a mistake. Bring it on, show them what you've got, the time is now, there is no time for holding yourself back.


Don't think, put your mind in blank mode and just start. Over thinking will create resistance, it destroys your momentum, it is making your life even difficult, it's slowing the progress down. Just stop thinking and just force yourself to take actions no matter what. Mind is a powerful tool but it can also become an enemy if you let it control you. So the best way to accomplish thing is to stop thinking and just keep moving. Move forward all the time, go for what you want, bring it on! So stop thinking if you want to start, you need to blank your mind, set it to neutral and just let your body move, let the rhythm flow, let success come into your life naturally.

So don't be shy, don't hold yourself back, don't be scared and just bring it on. Be open to failures, embarrassments, humiliations, rejections or any kind of feeling. If you can stay motivated and happy while failing over and over again then you will become successful, the universe will be on your side, it will agree with you because it will see that you really wanted to win. Fate favors the brave, fate gives chances to people who are willing to give everything they've got.


For as long as there is a space that you can move... move. For as long as there is a chance that you can take... take it. You will win if you keep trying again and again, you will only fail if you quit, as simple as that. Keep trusting the process and never give up, ignore everything that doesn't serve you, ignore everything that is making your life harder. Just push and push and push... you will only fail if you quit. You have what it takes to become a winner in life, all you need to do is bring it on and never feel any regrets for every mistake that you commit. 

Sep 21, 2019


rugged breed

If your reality sucks right now then you need to do something about it. You need to take actions that will change your life. If you keep on doing the same thing over and over again then you will get the same results. New action, new habits, new way of thinking is the only way to create a different result in your life. You need to feel much better, you need to have a new state of mind. Focus on something different rather than focusing on the old patter of thinking. Creating a new reality is not that hard, it's only uncomfortable in the beginning. It's easy if you focus. If you want to become rich then focus on making money, stop thinking about how hard it is, stop thinking about how are you going to do it just focus on making money after money and that's it. It's all about how focus you are about something, if you can think about it 24 hours a day and work for it then your reality will change. Stop talking to people who has a lot of problems about money, don't think about subject that dwells on losing a lot of money. Focus on gaining money and that's it.

Same as improving your health, if you want your health to improve then stop doing something that will damage your health. Don't smoke, don't eat too much unhealthy foods, don't drink and don't talk about your sickness, focus on wellness and focus on getting better each day. Dream about having a healthy body, exercise, it will be easier if you focus on getting stronger. You must do something, you must trust the process and fully commit on it. Commitment and dedication is the key here, if you're committed then you will get everything you want in life. So look at the reality that you want to have and focus all of your energy, time, work and thinking to it. Never focus on something else, you need to stay lock in and serious about it. Most people's mind were too cluttered, they want something but they were thinking about something else and that's why they can't change their lives. If you want to have more money then think about having more money, as simple as that. Stop thinking about problems, stop thinking about how hard it is to get it... just get it and expect that you will get it, you must be a single minded here, you must do whatever it takes to change your reality.


Disciplining yourself is too hard. It's uncomfortable but that's what great people does... they face the hardship, they face the stress and friction and thrive of it. It's all about knowing what you really want and dying to get it. You have to do whatever it takes, use all of your power and knowledge to create a new reality. When you're uncomfortable it means you're on the right path, it means you're progressing, it means you're evolving, so keep feeling uncomfortable and just take it one step at a time. Feel the pain, feel the moment, don't worry because the more you get uncomfortable the more you will get comfortable in the future. Always remember that feelings has nothing to do with success, there is no time to get emotional here, there is no time to care about how you feel because that is slowing the process down. Discomfort is all part of the game, it's normal, get use to it and you will go to another level.


Stop blaming other people for how you feel or how your life is doing right now. You create your own reality, you entertain the thoughts that are meaningless, you made useless decisions, you focus on activities that will make you evolve a little bit. Time is fast, time is flying, you can create a new realty now by forgetting all the habits, past, people, things that made you a bitter bum. You have what it takes to create a new world, all you need to have is a little courage and tenacity to keep moving forward. Your situation is not permanent, there is always something you can do about it. Just be fast in executing, be fast in creating... that is what it's all about. So stop blaming other people if you're not happy right now, you create your own reality, your life was made by your decisions and habits. So if you want to create a new reality then you need to focus on the inside and not on the outside.


Don't worry about how are you going to do it, the real question is are you going to really do it? are you willing to go the extra mile? are you willing to push yourself to the limits and do whatever it takes just to get it. Willpower has a way of finding a way, trust your willpower, look at the directions of your dreams and never look back. You have your own life now, do whatever it takes to become more successful and successful one day at a time. It's all about collecting those small successes, it's all about improving your life once inch at a time and never backing down to any kind of problem, you have what it takes to become successful, you have what it takes to succeed. So ask yourself honestly and never change your answer, are you really willing to change your life? are you really going to do what most people can't do? once you made an answer there is no more changing of it, you can't change routes once you feel that your present path is so difficult.


It can start today, it can start tomorrow but the best day of changing your life is now. You have to change it now. SO NEVER COUNT YOUR LIFE OUT YET, your life can become amazing only if you choose to. So create your own reality now. Take it one step at a time, take it little by little. Be patient and go towards the direction of your dreams. Forget about the things that are making your life difficult. Forget the resistance, focus your energy on the life that you want to live. Always remember that you have the power to create your reality and never let your present reality consume you. 

Sep 20, 2019


Your attitude should be changed if you want to get  different outcome in your life. Maybe your attitude is the only thing that is stopping you from becoming successful. Change your attitude, forget that you're lazy in the past, forget that you're scared in the past, what matters is what's happening now. Life is all about now and nothing else. If you think that you can't make it then you're not going to make it, if you think that you don't have the skills then you will never have the skills. Forget your attitude, forget that you are weak, forget that you don't have the skills. You should know what are you doing, yup should know if you're doing the right thing or not.

Change will only happen if you're unpredictable, you can only succeed if you keep on progressing no matter what. And if you always think that you're lazy and weak and can never accomplish anything then you will never accomplish anything, as simple as that. You need to stay unpredictable, you need to evolve and never stick with your old habits. Life and success is unpredictable so you should become unpredictable too. Forget your attitude, forget every bad thing that you did in the past and always focus on what is possible, focus on greatness, focus on becoming the best version of yourself. Push yourself to go further and focus on what you are trying to accomplish.

Your attitude will determine your altitude. So if you have a very ugly attitude right now, you have to admit that it and accept it, admit your mistakes, admit your flaws and instantly forget everything in the past. Just do what you need to do, just do what is good, you can only live your life to the fullest by allowing yourself to be good, allow yourself to pull the trigger and take massive actions. It's ok to have a hard time changing your beliefs and attitude, it's ok to doubt yourself but always make sure that you are going further and aiming for what you want and need in life. Your attitude is everything, if you can forget your ugly attitude right now and replace it with a better one then you will prevail.


Look at your life now, do you like it? If you don't like it then don't try to change it, change your attitude. Change your behavior, change the way you think. It's not going to be easy but it's all worth it, you need to allow yourself to move fast and make decisions fast. Live your life the way you wanted to live it and forget about everything else. If you're so sick and tired of your life then you better change your attitude right now, If you're a quitter before then be a fighter now, if you're a loser before then try to become a winner now. If you're passive before then be aggressive now. It's very simple, all you have to do is fight, all you have to do is use your willpower to win. Make the process simple, forget all the thoughts that are not serving you, remove all the bad habits that are not serving you at all. Just do the basics, don't try to complicate the process of changing yourself. You can do it if you will always push yourself to the limits and go for what you want.

Just don't stop changing yourself, it's possible to have a new life, all you need to do is believe in yourself and do whatever it takes to win. It's hard to change because you're always predictable, you're always doing the same things that are not serving you at all. If you want a new life, a happier life then completely get rid of old habits that are only putting you on a bad position. 

Sep 19, 2019


rugged breed

I know you're so sick and tired of your life, I know you feel that maybe you can thrive a little bit and be a star of your own world. What if you stop thinking about resisting thoughts and simply free your mind from negativity? Just believe yourself a little bit, give yourself a chance to get what you want. Think big, there is a magic in thinking big. It's ok if you think big, just make sure you will be the hardest worker in the world. You can have the right to think big if you are really willing to pay the price. Most people were wishing for a better life but they can't even make small sacrifices. Believe that you can do it and make yourself closer from it. Take it step by step, move inch by inch and never stop until you have it. Never let yourself be jailed with thinking too much and not doing anything, never think about your dream and simply thinking about it everyday, you need to move, you need to be something else, stop wasting time and do something that will make you a little bit closer from your dreams.

 If you will just believe in yourself a little bit more then you will win a little bit more. You will go further, you need to try believing in yourself, try it and see it for yourself, you will have a magical life by doing it. Believing destroys resistance, believing will make you feel good it will give you hope and freedom, it will give you confidence. Believing is a blessing, it will make you dream about big things and accomplish the greatest things in life. And it is true that if you can believe it then you can get it, as simple as that. Once you believe in something never change your belief anymore, live by it, make it your life, embed it into your system, keep believing everyday, keep pushing everyday... that's how to become a winner in life.

And if your situation is something that is really bad, you still need to believe. You have no choice but to believe if you really want to become a winner in life. Believing is so easy, all you have to do is stop thinking about the resisting thoughts that are contradicting the belief. If there is a though that is creating fear... ignore it right away and replace it with a belief that is empowering you. If it is hard to do it then just stop thinking, put your mind on a neutral state so that you will be able to think better later. Be mindful, be aware if you're thinking about negativity because it's the number one killer of progress and success.


It's because they were so focused on what might went wrong, they were so focused on the future, they were always thinking about the obstacles of life. Believing will become much easier if you will just focus on taking actions and giving your best. You will have more stronger beliefs in your system if you will just do something and give your best every single day. Use your knowledge, use every skill that you have to put yourself on a better position to succeed. If you can't believe then just focus on taking actions, focus on taking it one step at a time, you will start to believe in yourself if you have the ability to just do something for your dream. Taking actions were limitless, you can work hard as much as you can, you can move closer and closer from your dreams, all it takes is the willingness to take risks and give your best every single day.


It's alright if it's not easy, but what you must not do is take away the fact that it is really possible. Yeah it's hard but it's so possible right? Yeah it is hard but there is always something you can do to move a little bit towards your dreams, there is always something you can do. So stop thinking and just move forward all the time, never under estimate the power of taking small actions, you can go further by consistently moving inch by inch towards your dreams. Ignore that it's difficult and just press forward, forget that it's impossible. Just do it, just move forward towards your dreams, forget about failing, forget about the other things that might hinder the progress and simply move forward, it's ok if something is stopping you, it is normal, there will always be a resistance but never stop yourself from taking actions, focus on getting it and you will get it, as simple as that.


Just focus on getting it and that's it, you will get it no matter what. Just do something for it, move forward all the time, make it a habit to feel unstoppable. Because there is always a next step. Even if you feel stuck at the moment... you can still make your situation a little bit better by doing something.

Willpower and perseverance can create miracles. What is the point of your life if you will not believe in yourself, you have to do what you have to do in order to get what you want. Whatever small action that you can execute... execute it now, stop waiting, stop letting this day pass by without making a little impact in your life. Just get it no matter what, you have the time, you have the knowledge, you have the power, you have everything, all it takes is dreaming big and working hard everyday. Believe in your dreams and your dreams will believe in you, believe in yourself and you will be able to achieve things that looks impossible.

Work on it, snatch it, get it, force it, eat it, bite it. Just do something, don't just sit on your sofa like a lemon, if there is something you can do... do it with all your might, do it with all your power. 

Sep 18, 2019


Chase greatness but never feel pressured if you can't get it, chase greatness by simply enjoying the process and not dwelling on the things that makes you feel bad. Just chase greatness and stop letting people know it, because there will be more resistance if you talk about your dreams, people will disagree with you, people will criticize you and mock you. Most people were good in minding other people's lives so it's better to just keep quiet and just do your thing everyday. Because you don't need to talk about your own greatness if you're really serious about it, you will just do it. And people will be shocked with what you're doing, they will wonder how did you do it, they will feel that there is some magical thing that happened in your life.


It's a way of life, it's everyday living, you just do it. You just work hard and give your best. You don't need to compare yourself with other people, you're just being yourself. You know what greatness means, you define it for yourself, you give it your own meaning, you don't compare your own greatness with the greatness of other people. For you, simply giving your best is enough, there is no pressure on your side. If you succeed you succeed, if you fail you fail, you don't focus on what you can't control, you're just focused on giving your full maximum effort. You have confidence in your abilities, you have that burning desire, you feel unstoppable and you will never stop until you become successful, you're chasing something everyday and you don't feel bad if you can't win today, you just bought in with the process. You're committed, you're dedicated, you don't waste this day for nothing, greatness is your lifestyle, it's embedded in you. You know what to do and you don't mind if you're lost a little bit, you just knew that you will be able to figure out later.


Find a way how to move, force your body, use your mind, drag yourself if you need to. Greatness is simply moving forward all the time and looking for possibilities. Just don't overthink and do something, it's easy if you will learn and make it a habit to start fast. Stop thinking, stop worrying, stop thinking about the future and simply chase greatness. Greatness will be bestowed upon you if you're focused on taking actions and stop thinking about the results. Results will come if it will come, but you need to focus on taking actions first and build a  momentum so that you will have an easier time dealing with the process in front of you. Once you build a momentum everything else will be much easier. So stop letting your mind control you, control your mind and just do what you're suppose to do. There's no excuses allowed if you want to live a great life, you should stop pampering yourself and stop procrastinating if you want to live the way of greatness. And to be hones, you don't even need to find a way how to move, you just need to move, take action now and you will make a progress... as simple as that. Because the more you procrastinate the more your mind will become blackened and poisoned, it will not operate the right way, you setting yourself up to failure.


Don't be fooled by the false gurus roaming around the internet that you can become lazy and still become a millionaire or successful. They were fake, look at them... still broke and lost. Your body was built for moving, that's why you're feeling sick if you're lazy and always day dreaming, you have to move now and you have to move fast. Just start something and enjoy the process... that's how to chase greatness, that's how to get ahead in life. Life will become much much easier if you will move now and stop overthinking. Just do it, look for something you can do and just do it. Be consistent, be fast, be a strong finisher and you're already great... too simple isn't it? because thinking too much and worrying about the future will make you stuck in a mud forever, why not move now and see what is possible for your life? there are millions of possibilities, you can win if you will allow yourself.


Focus on the action and ignore everything. Taking action itself is success already. Forget if you're making money or not, forget if you're getting recognition or not, forget if you're making a progress or not, forget the critics, forget the naysayers. Just keep moving forward and success will manifest on the right time. Remember that enjoying the process is success already, everything outside of the process is just a bonus. Just keep moving forward and you will find happiness, you will have a purpose, you will feel good, you will have no regrets. Just give your best and do whatever it takes for greatness, be willing to go the extra mile, be willing to leave your comfort zone. Ignoring everything will give you a laser like focus, you can accomplish anything faster than expected, you will feel much better, you will become organized, your mind will not be manipulated by different information that are of no use.

Falling in love with the process will make you attract success. Just keep taking actions even if you feel that it's just a waste of time, it's not a waste of time because you're doing the right thing, and even if you didn't get anything from it... at least your mental toughness has evolved, at least you were able to build the right habits to become successful.

Chase greatness, just like a lino chasing the meat. Forget if you're hungry, forget if you're in pain, never stop and always believe that you're going to get it no matter what.

Sep 17, 2019


rugged breed

Getting results is all about observing, trying a lot of things, not giving up and basically... it's all about perseverance and patience. You can't be focusing on the situation itself, you need to create a different reality by changing your mindset. Most people were stuck because they keep on thinking the same way, doing the same habits and feeling the same way towards the problem. If you want a different reality then you need to feel different. Feel good about the things that doesn't make you happy. It's all about conditioning your mind, appreciate everything around you and it will be easier to change your situation. Because you've been stuck for a long time in your situation, it's because you're focused on it and you can't take small actions anymore. But if you will just accept what you have and do something different then you will have a different life.

Life is all about patterns, you're living the same way because you're doing the same pattern. But if you will look for something reaction like doing a little bit different then there is a big chance that you might be able to change your life. A perfect example is healing yourself, if you've been taking medicines for years and you feel that nothing is changing in your body... it's time to look for something different, look for something new that might be able to make your body react differently. Medicines' purpose is to make your body react, it's main purpose is to manipulate your cells. So if you think that your body is not reacting anymore from a certain medicine then it's time to try something new. If you can feel differently and be a little motivated by doing something then your life will change. That's why going to a different place such as nature, peaceful place is good. It's because it can make you feel differently, it can give you a peace of mind and that's a good place to start. 

But you don't need to take a different medicine or go to another place to change your life. If you can just change your perspective, habit, mindset then there is a big chance that you will be able to experience something different. Look at your habits, it sucks right? then it's time to change something about it. People are creatures of habits, and if you're so invested with your habits and that habits is not giving you better results then you will become stuck on that miserable life forever. That's why successful people were always evolving, they always look for constant improvement because they knew that it's the only way to sustain their lives or become successful even more. Because you can't be doing the same thing and expect to get a different result. You need to change your mind, change your feelings, change your perspective, change everything that is only making you slow and unprogressive. 


Try everything, use the trial and error method. If you want a bigger money then you can't be working at the office for the rest of your life. You can do that but you will get the same results over and over again, what if years have passed and the company you are working in is only giving you a little raise? what if you can't feel the growth on that company anymore? if you don't want to leave that company then you better do something else. Try selling something, try building a small business, try something uncomfortable. It's hard to sell right? it's hard to talk to people because you will be shy, but if you really want a new life then you will do whatever it takes to change it. If you want growth then you need to face the pressure and discomfort, as simple as that, if there is no friction nor challenging situation then there will be no progress. So if you're having a hard time now... be happy because that's the right path.

Always remember that it's good if something is not working, it means you need to go to a different direction. But be careful because sometimes it takes time before something to work, you need to wait a little bit more time and see if it will really work or not. If it is really not working then go ahead and try something different.


keep moving forward, keep trying something new, believe in the trial and error method. For sure something will click, perseverance works, hard work works, never doubt yourself, you can always do something. Be confident that something will work. Always try something new and never have any kind of regrets when something goes wrong. Try again, look for another process, try a different journey. I know you're so bored with your life, you can only change it if you will allow yourself to fail over and over again until you succeed. You are free to do anything you want, nobody can judge you, and if they judge you... just move forward, keep pressing forward and never stop until you become successful.


This is like a game, just like playing your favorite video game... you keep trying and trying until you level up. Growth can only be achieved through failing numerous times, don't be afraid to fail, failing means you're evolving and growing. If you don't fail then how will you be able to learn? Just try for one more time, have fun failing because at least you're giving your very best, every time you fail... you're getting closer and closer from your dreams. Just try for one more time, try again if you fail, never stop until you succeed. It's normal to fail, keep experiencing it, you will get a lot of reaction from it, you will get a lot of inputs and knowledge.

Reaction is what you need, you can only get it by taking action and never stopping until you finally reach your goals.

Sep 16, 2019


rugged breed

Motivation is something that most people don't know, some people know it but they are not forcing themselves to feel motivated everyday. Motivation is something you feel whenever you wanted to give up already. Motivation doesn't happen before taking actions, it happens in the middle of the journey. Look at some people who watched a lot of motivational videos and attend a lot of seminars by fake gurus... they still can't move, they just feel good for a while and then they feel lazy again. It's because they will not even start after watching a motivational video in you tube or after wasting some time attending a seminar that only gets their money.

Motivation is simply moving forward, it's simply starting, once you start... you're already motivated. Stop letting your mind worry for a bit, stop overthinking and just do what you need to do. Discipline yourself to simply start fast, and once you start... the momentum will start to kick in and it's your duty to keep it running. Motivation doesn't mean you need to feel good, it means you need to move forward while feeling bad. And so what if you feel bad? if you're really giving your best and your intention is strong then you will become successful in just a matter of time. It's all about finishing, it's all about not giving up, always remember that you don't need to become the best to become successful, you just need to have an unparalleled willpower and you will get everything you want in life.


Only little, yeah, you heard me right... only little. You don't need a lot of it. Once you made up your mind that you're not going to quit then that's it. Keep moving forward and never quit. Just don't quit and you will win. It's so simple right, you just need to outlast everyone and you will become the happiest and proudest man in the world. Look at Vince Carter, he is playing for almost 20 years I guess, he doesn't have any championship or MVP but most people still look up to him. It's because he can outlast everyone, he is durable and tenacious. He wants to keep playing and that is why success keeps on coming to him. He doesn't care, he will just play. You don't need a lot of motivation, all you need to do is remember what you want, remember the goal that you set months or years ago. Because at the end of the day you still need to work hard regardless if you're motivated or not.


Always remember that you will never feel good unless you take actions. You feel weak, you don't have enough energy because it's already your habit to feel lazy and slow. But if you will force yourself to move fast and just do it no matter what then you will somehow be able to change how you feel from feeling weak to feeling a little bit alive. All it takes is doing the first move, that's it. Once you pulled the trigger... everything else will fall apart, you will figure out what to do next, you will have a clue, you will little by little move closer from what you want. Success doesn't care about your feelings, so what if you feel bad? you're not excuse. Remember, you're the one who needs success, success doesn't need you. Who are you to complain? who are you to make dramas about having a bad day or having a little flu? Man up, show up, if you want to become a winner then you need to push past pain and stop making dramas about how tired you are. You have to make a choice, resting and pampering yourself or winning?


There is a step that you need to do to get ahead. You need to become fast on executing the next step. What is the next step? do it. Do it fast, do it without even thinking at all. All it takes is execution, just execute, just do it and stop thinking about the next other steps. Focus on the step in front of you and give your very best to finish it. Even if that step doesn't feel good or right... just do it, and after doing it focus on the next one and the next one. Never stop until you're done, because you really need to finish it. If you will not do it then what will you do? if you will not take actions then you will go insane, your mind will always wander, it will be poisoned, it will think about a lot of regrets in the past. It's all about enjoying the little steps, enjoy the small steps... that's it. If you can have fun even if you feel that it's difficult then you will have an easier day.


Just do something that is related to the task that you need to do. If you need to exercise then just wear your shoes or simply warm up, or simply walk. You don't need to take a bath, you don't need to look or smell good, you just need to move and the rest will be uncovered by itself. If you need to cook then just open the stove, if you need to clean your comfort room then just open the faucet. All you need is do the first step, the next steps will take care of itself. Once you did the first step and you keep moving forward, you will feel good even if you feel lazy, you will become motivated a little bit, a momentum will be established.

The reality is you don't eve need anything to get started, you don't even need motivation at all. Just set your mind to just do it and never mind if you succeed or not, focus on the process not on the results, focus on moving forward and be relentless until you finished it. Remember that success is all about pushing through whether you feel good or not, never care about your feelings and just power through no matter what. Laziness is a habit, you become lazy because you keep on pampering yourself but if you will say to yourself that you need to do it or else you're going to die then you will do it. It's all about conditioning your mind to start fast and simply take the first step regardless of what the situation is. It will be easier to become successful if you're a fast starter. Just start now and discipline yourself to never do anything else until you're done. 

Sep 15, 2019


It's not how big the challenge is, it's not your lack of skill, it's not your inability to understand or do what great people does... it's your inability to conquer your fears. Fear is the only obstacle, fear is manipulating and poisoning your mind. Fear is stopping you from taking the first step. If you can only conquer your fears then you will take the first step, you will forget what you don't have and focus on what you have... as simple as that. Fear is holding the steering wheel and it's your duty to steal it and be the driver of your own fate. So if you're planning to buy a big house... you get intimidated right? you're thinking about how difficult it is to get it, you're starting to think negatively, a lot of things were playing inside of your head, you will entertain a lot of What IFs, what if it didn't work? what if I can't pay it? what if something terribly bad happens? Those what ifs where immobilizing you, it's stopping you from taking actions.

You see, it's not really the challenge that is creating the obstacle, it's the fear. Fear of losing, fear of failing, fear of tragedy etc. etc. You're so scared right before the show even begin. You're counting yourself out, you under estimate yourself, you're always focused on what you can't do, you're always looking at what is lacking in your life. That is the main reason why you can't become successful, you're letting your fears take over, you don't want to play with the challenges, you don't want to somehow find a way how to win. But if you will just go further and give your full maximum effort then somehow you will prevail, you will find a way how to win. Don't pressure yourself too much, remember that this is just a game and all you have to do is enjoy it, have fun while the journey is going on and always give your very best every single day.

Never look at the challenge in front of you, don't get intimidated by it. Just only be aware if you're scaring yourself or not. Because the truth is... you're the one who scare yourself, you're the one who created illusions that are stopping you from taking actions. It's ok to become scared but you still need to take actions, you need to overpower it with massive massive actions, if you will just move forward all the time then you will be erase your fears, you will be able to forget it and just try to win. The only obstacle is fear and nothing else, if you can't get rid of it then learn how to enjoy it, learn how to be in the moment and feel it second by second. Never let fear dictate your fate, just go with it, never let it control your mind.

Once you find a way how to control your fear then lesser resistance will be felt, you will feel free, you will begin to realize that it's alright and that there is nothing wrong in feeling it. You're still alive, you're still in the game, you can still do something to win and become successful. Fear is never real, there is no sufficient evidence that your fears were real, you just keep thinking about it that's why all of the things connected with it manifest little by little until it becomes a reality. The good thing about fear is you can over write it, focus on the more powerful thoughts that are making you feel better. Focus on the ideas and information that will keep you motivated all the time.


Everything you have is not yours, it will not be yours forever, once you're already dead... it's all over. This is just a game, you must enjoy your life while you're still alive. There is nothing to lose here, you have everything to gain. So play the right way, use your courage, use your strength. You can win if you will go all in, stop waiting for the right time to start because the perfect time to start is when you feel not ready. Never let your negative emotions fool you. You're always in control here. Don't act like you have a lot to lose because you start having nothing and you will end up having nothing. So keep giving your best and experience what you can experience. Life is just a game, play it the right way or else you will be the one who will be played by it.

You don't need to conquer your fear, you just need to feel it, feel it and it will be gone. Fear becomes stronger and stronger every time you resist it but if you will train your mind to adapt to any kind of situation then your fear will go away. So whatever you need to do... just do it, just start now. Your fear will become your slave if you keep taking actions all the time. Let your willpower be your guide, let it become your source of strength. All you need to do is keep pushing and moving forward all the time and that's it. Set your mind, fix your mind to taking actions and never stop until you win.

So just do it, stop thinking about anything else and just do it. Get it, catch it, write it, burn it, win it, own it, start it, make it yours. Whatever you can do... do it now so that your fear will become weak. Your fear becomes weaker and weaker every time you take actions. So do whatever it takes to win in life, the choice is yours, the power is yours, you just have to do it.

And even if you fail, at leas you try, at least you know how it feels to give your very best. At least you know how it feels to go all out and be one with your dream. Be proud of yourself because most people were not willing to go the extra mile, most of them were too scared to create their own path, most of them doesn't believe in themselves that's why they can never succeed. Be different, think different, be the master of your own fate, be the creator own your own destiny. Always remember that you don't need anything else, you just need to learn how to deal with your fears, it's the only obstacle along the way, it's easy to defeat it... just feel it and never resist. 

Sep 14, 2019


rugged breed

Have you find yourself asking "Am I ready for this?", "Am I ready for that?" are you always asking yourself if you're ready for a big decision? well, there is no definite basis if you're ready or not. The only question is are you willing to start? can you aggressively push yourself to just do it and forget about everything else? Because sometimes you're already ready but you're fooling yourself that you're not because you're letting fears and doubts take over. But if you will just start then you will know if you're ready or not. And even if you're not ready, don't worry because you will become ready once you draw the first blood. Try pulling the trigger because you're holding yourself back, you will become ready once you start because your mind and body will adapt to any given situation, you will force to upgrade or learn some new skills that will enable you to survive and stay on the game.

And even if you fail... at least you try and test yourself. Most people will not even dare to take the risk. If you really wanted to win then you must be willing to go all in. It doesn't matter if you feel ready or not, you need to start or else the opportunity will leave. And even if there is no opportunity, you have to create one if you want to succeed and become a real winner in life. Success is not about finding an opportunity and getting lucky, it's about creating one. It's about putting yourself on the best position to succeed. So you better be moving because it's much much better if you're doing something rather than just waiting for luck to happen. Just do it now, just start and never wait for something to happen before you start.


That is the main question, once you start are you still willing to go further even if you don't know the way? are you still willing to get lost even if you're already lost? Challenges will hit you and stun you and if you're not ready to face the pain and different consequences then you will quit easily. Don't worry if you're lost because you can always find the right way, your perseverance will guide you. Just don't panic and use your awareness... you will find the way in just a few moments. It's scary because you're looking at the future, it's scary because you're entertaining a lot of negative thoughts. But if you will embrace every situation no matter how difficult it is... you will thrive in the end. All you have to do is pull the trigger and that's it, you will become ready when you start. And even if you're really ready because you prepare your mind and skills, that readiness is still useless if you will not start and do the first step.

Fear, being scared, being cautious... this normal, you will really feel negative emotions, but always remember that it's all part of the game, it's all part of life, it's part of the process. There is no way you can never doubt yourself or feel lazy or make excuses but you have to see yourself, you have to know that you're not being you by letting laziness and fear take over.

But if you will just start then that negative emotion will become weak, it will become powerless. You will start to regain control, you will be the one who will take the steering will.


Shut up and just go, stop thinking too much. You don't nee to think at all here, all you need to do is take actions ever now and then. Allow yourself to become the authority of your own journey, just do what you think is right and will make you successful. Stop thinking too much, no regrets for every decision or mistake that you made. Just do it even if it feels so uncomfortable, do it, do it one by one, do it step by step. Just go and do it your way.

So if you need to wear your shoes just to start jogging then just wear it, it doesn't matter if you already have a made up mind or not, just wear it and start, just jog all over the place, jog anywhere. You will see that discomfort will slowly go away once you jog and moving forward.

If you need to study something then just open your notes and read something, or open the internet browser and look for the subject that you need to learn. It doesn't matter if you get it right fast, it's ok if you're slow, what matters is you're already starting and you're willing to go further and give your best until the end. Just go and forget what might happen next. You can't become successful because you're a slave of your mind, but if you will just show up and allow yourself to be free then you will be able to create a strong momentum that will lead to success. You don't have to worry anymore if you go, you don't have to become scared anymore once you start, once you start... have no time to think about going back, have a mindset of having no regrets.


If there is an idea, if there is a goal that you want to pursue, if you want to chase your dream... go for it, just start now and make things happen. Start now and make a momentum. Set your ideas free, let it fly, don't just put it inside a cage of doubts and letting it get rotten. You have to move now and do what you want to do before it's too late. Success will come to those people who are moving fast and taking the necessary steps to improve their situation a little bit. It's all about being free, and you can only achieve that state if you will stop overthinking and simply execute the first step. Start now, time is fast, you will never even notice that you're already successful. It doesn't matter if you feel ready or not, what matters is you start. 


Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...