May 4, 2019


Sometimes what is blocking your success is the past and also the present, yeah you heard me right... the present too. They say you must live in the moment, yeah that's true and it is a good advise but there are also some parts of the present that you must forget. You must forget that you are a failure, you must forget that you are in pain, you must forget that you are struggling, you must forget that you have problems, you must forget your bad habits and create a new one. There are some parts of the present that you must ignore to have a better life.

Past, it is given, you must forget the bad things that happened in the past because it will never help you at all, it will only make you problematic, but in present... you must be aware that there are some parts of the present that you need to get rid of too.

Focus on what you wanted to happen, focus on the good things, focus on your expectations. Forget the thoughts that is making your life harder and simple create a momentum and rhythm that will keep you going.

Your mind will become more peaceful if you will just focus on the things that are giving you positive energy. Does thinking about your problems making you stronger? no, it will only make you sick and weak. Does thinking about your failures in the past gonna give you a better life? no it will give you a bitter life.

Be mindful of the things that you are focusing on, sometimes your brain is on an auto pilot and it is focusing on the things that are making your life harder. Life will be easier if you will focus on what you want and simply ignore the things that you don't want.


Your thoughts has a big impact on your reality, you need to change the way your brain operates now to have a brighter and better future. Your life purely depends on how are you making your bran run. If you keep on thinking about the past then you will lose your motivation to start again. If you keep on thinking about your present problems and struggles then you will never be able to become productive and do some better things to propel your life to a better direction. It's too simple... if you want to change your life and you see that nothing good is going on, stop thinking about the things and experiences that is making you struggle even more.

Believe in the strength of your mind, this is not superstition it is science, your mind has the power to control everything in your life. Your mind is the number one creator of your emotions. If you keep on thinking about negative things then you will attract bad experiences but if you will stay positive and hopeful then your life will become happier.

If you want to LEARN MORE how to control and manage your fears and anxiety click this link:

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This is simply about mastering your emotions, controlling your feelings or else it will control you. Stay neutral all the time, never judge ...