May 21, 2019


Don't look around too much and wonder what is the key to success. Don't look for what is missing in your life, there is only one key to success and this has been proven by a lot of successful people in the world... ENJOY FAILING. That's it, simply enjoy failing and never be afraid to fail again and again. One day success is going to get tired of running away from you, one day it's going to submit itself to you. Success is elusive but it can never run away from you forever, one day it's going to get tired and if you keep going... you will be able to catch it.

So don't ever feel bad every time you fail, it only means you're becoming closer and closer from success. Just keep plodding, keep moving forward and one day it will fall on your hands, it will be yours and it can never run away from you anymore.

All the failing does is make you a better person, you really have nothing to lose here if you keep trying. You experience will become bigger, you will become tougher, you will never feel anything anymore every time you fail, you will feel that it's normal and it's not even a big deal anymore.

Just keep failing, if you're not failing now it means you're not progressing. Don't be afraid to fail because it only means you're trying, it means you're brave and you're not like everyone else who were too soft and afraid of failing. Don't be afraid to embarrass yourself, don't be afraid to look like a loser, it's only temporary, your situation will change. Once you get frustrated, never stop and just do what you think will work. In the moments of frustration and despair you will be able to create a momentum that will serve as a bridge from being failure to successful.

You will learn a lot from failing so don't be afraid of it. Keep failing over and over again until you finally grab a piece of success. Once you hold it... never let it go, keep working harder, keep reaching another level.


What people don't know is they can try a million times, never let your mind worry, never let it quit, keep it running. You can try a million times until you become successful. Sometimes you only need to try a thousand times before you become successful. Sometimes it will take shorter than expected so don't ever stop and keep trying over and over again. Your number of tries will never run out, you have unlimited lives like Contra... up down up down B A B A select start. For as long as you're living, keep trying and something will work, you will be able to reach the finish line.

If you want to LEARN MORE how to control and manage your fears and anxiety click this link:

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This is simply about mastering your emotions, controlling your feelings or else it will control you. Stay neutral all the time, never judge ...